O r O Xl.-No. 112. tartial Bail, CONCORD, m a; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1895. WHonE-NO. 1,253 DOUBLED IN FIVE YEARS. ' THE NEW ORGAK. COKCOED, N. 0. Ij.M.Odell, President, The State Has Twice as Many Cotton Factories as in 1890 Secretary Hes ter Writes to Governor Carr. ir Raleigh, N. C, Sept, 3. The State Agricultural Department to- vS "J X "r day i89ued a SDeci&llv vliiArilp .nl- r u Dpltrane, , ' vaamer. .. - - f-rr--"- n coltrane, Assistant Cashier - King lists of .all manufactnr Capital, Surplus, DIRECTORS: i r OnELL. D. F. Cannon i. w Elam King w K. Odell, W. n. Ijillt, D. B.COLTRANE. ine enterprises in North Carolina. $50,000 That portion of it which is of great $16,000 est interest is in regard to cotton mills. This shows that eleven mills are now in course of construction, J, W. Cannon, that the stock in eight more has HAMMOND & CO. Stock and Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, IT. Y. Siocks,Bond8 and Grain bought and sold, or carried on Margin . P, s. Send for explanatory circu lar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) dwly UNIVERSITY OF Central Methodist Church to Ilavn n. Pipe Organ Mr. Benson Will Doubt less' Be Their Organist. - Tuesday night the board of stew FROSTS IN THE NORTHWEST The Cotton Cron Mas Imnrovoil in North Carolina Daring the Week. Washington, D. C, Sepl. 3. The Weather Bureau, in its report of :U Cudu Mm, ards for Central Methodist crop conditions for the week ended EpiscoDl church. Southv held a September 3, ays meeting at the parsonage to confer and advise in regard to the purchas ing of the proposed pipe organ for that church. The week has been generally favorable for maturing: and securing crops and for plowing and seeding. Late corn has experienced a gen eral improvement in MT. PLEASANT, N. C. REV. J. D. SHIREY, D. D.PRES ADADEMIC, COMMMRCIAL ; AND COLLEGIATE COURSES. been subscribed and that 149 are now in operation, spinning or weav ing. Besides these, there are twelve SpeCUiatlOn, siting rmlls, one ntt mill, one wr 7 towel mill, four baer mills and one manufactory of sash cord and cord ing. There are thirteen woolen mills in operation. The total of all is 192 ; Alamance county leads, haying 22 cotton mills ; Gaston has 21, Ran dolph 15 and Mecklenburg 13 There are mills in 41 of the 96 counties. There are reported 19, 000 looms alid 756,000 spindles. Henry G Hester, secretary of the New Orleansi Cotton Exchange, has 3ent Governor Carr the following telegram: "I congratulate you and the peo ple of North Carolina on her re markable progress in cotton manu facture. She is now' practically equal to South Carolina, the largest cotton consumer in the South. By the actual census of mills North Carolina has consumed of this year's Comprises the University, the crop 227,000 bales, an increase of College, the Law and Medical 155,000 over last year. She has new Schools, and the spindles which may be brought into CT TAA A A T?lJ play in 1895-'96 which, with fair O J 1V1 Y JCj JL trade conditions, should increase her total to at least 250,000. In 1890, Total necessary expenses the rjrinciDal session of 38 weeks. $85.00 to It was decided to get it, and the corn State and is maturing rapidly. 137.000. following committee of three was I Cotton picking is now quite gen- Next session begins Sept aDDO nted and emDOwefed with an, eraiovtr tne souinern portions 01 3. J otfO. HOT cotalogue and thority to purchrae and have bnilt, 8 cotton resion and will comment special information, address. the same . Rev. K ti Parker, Mrs. Complaints of rust and shedding lm. Secretary of. Fa ottlt w J Montgomery and Mr. h D I continue from Georgia and Alabama Duval. v but'condition of the crop in Arkan- It is very probable that Mr. R P saa is less favorable than previously Benson will be secured as organist, reported, otton has improved in is or in uaronna ana late cotton nas . m i i. Attention ! Company O; uccu luipruveu m xxhb uy, reueui Ymi ai-p nr,Wpd flrr,0i. of rnnr rains, uliich, however liave been un Secretary of- Faculty. Mount Amoena SEMI NARY A Flourishing School for Young' Ladies. In armory ,n f all dress uniform Friday Twmeme cotton is 8ufferin from cicmug, tuc uiu iuoU) Ob u u uiuun. i QTOUght. sharp, for annual, inspection by the , Much tobacco has been cut and Inspector General of the North housed under favorable weather Carolina State Guard. W; S. Bingham, Capt. CAROLINA Ilig-li Handed Usurpation. The Burlington News says a few things that makes it appear that he, too, is in the middle of the road : "The Commissioners passed the anti-bicycle law Monday night in the face of the protest of 200 citi- Inn a TKa rf a ma a aira A nrlf jtob tUUOl X Ub n 0B. CITVt M -Ilk). Hall. Heritage. Pickett and Tate. conditions during the week. In Maryland and Virginia, tobacco has suffered much from drought. Frosts were general on Saturday and Sunday from Montana to Michi gn. To tne Citizens of Concord. On and after the 20th day of this . m . v month ot August, l win open out a first-class meat market and TEN TEACHERS. Orcamental Branches Rereins Carefui Attention, REV. C. L. T. FISHER, A. 11 Pbincipai., MOUNT PL ASANT, N. C II Q BT II HOLIl College of Agriculture and Mechanic arts; The next session of this Col lege will begin September 5th. will be glad to serve the public with Examinations at count y seats their needs in the fresh meat line, first Saturday in August. No: Erwin, Montgomery and Ross. M Pla09 of badness will be in the Young Jnen desiring a tech- fnu mn bo ;a 51- i'c 'Wil Mcwincn store room, nrst uoor vuuvauu . The least we can 8ay,is,. it is the , J t f, Jiw lnw o.nat will wull tn nn auOTe maroie yaru on neat uepviti-j v- - most high-handed usurpation of au J tncnty eyer visiiea on .a counirj. i aQ jm town. These citizens will be heard from again." Respectfully, J. F Dayvault. For the Fathers to Consider. "T TT x-. X-N. T" I -www,.--- uUn UU L North Carolina consumed 114,000 It is rumored that a paper will be for teachers. Tuition $60 ; 35 Btate Da praccauT -rMl i h m r i . mow nnrrnn wionnrornvaa I " . . w . . Tuesday night requesting them to It May Do as Much for Ton. Mr. Fred Miller, of 1 rving, 111. wiites that he had a Severe Kidney trouble for many years, with severe teachers, 471 students. Ad dress President Winston, Chapel Hill, N foK Cata logue and handbook on "UNI VERSITY EDUCATION.n doubled her cotton manufactures kommiSS1 affected. He tried within the past five years." ply for catalogue to A. Q. HOLLADAY, Pres., FUR WITUHE COFFINS &C. prohibit the - rolling of wheelbar rows, hand carts and baby carriages on the Bidewalks, If there is any truth in the above, and if the commissioners take any k MANUFACTDREES OF 0UT1JVG CLOTHS,: PLAIDS, SHhETlNG AJVB SALT J u venile's Lawn Party The , lawn fete by the Juvenile Missionary Society of Forest Hill Methodist church for homo missions action thereon, This Standard Bugs was a success. Although there was I gests that some one appear before not more than half the usual atten the honorable body and znlake some dance upon occasions of this kind effort to rid the street of the. ca under the auspices of the gentler rousing crowds that conrrreate on ones, about 860 were realized. The the Bide walks on Saturday nights little ones w ere made merry trhile ancl ...that every 'wench "caught on the older ones enjoyed their merri 1 said street after 90.o!clock, or some ment. Ice cream bar ties are doubtfi sHoulated time, without im escort less done -with for the season, owiner be arated. As it iil. i8 bisdi-and to the coming oyster crop. las tim(i roljii oi, :t1kuV. I have now, in stock at my 100ms opposite the court house a splen did line of well-made Furniture such as tlnlchtt of thelMaccmbeei. "the. Hoon in Eclipir 0 DEALERS W General a itierchanaise Count BUYERS OF ry Priauce ofaTlICind - AND Four.Foot .wood. -always Wonted -best prices for same. We invite an in spection of all the goods We Manufacture, ffbmv'Iimcoln, '.N.eb., as xouows: nignt ne moon(ws lcfe, ai ''After-trying other medicines for good, imany people wtchediithit what eenKsd to be a very obstinate natural nhenbmehbn, Beterai wfiitchj AAf.vVi in nnr fwn 'diildren we tried I M v? V i V : 'i - r.l or - ftilC f-r TT, v. " w V 7 parties nayini? Deen maue up invo m mrtari New Discovery and at lil , WlWDUUVi nv uw .-v Ai'J 2.-''"-L ''"ti 1 LitU. n tirelr left them. We will not be ; wDft w? mu Wuj?f WifKniife it hereafter, as our exper flaw that things; trere '.not jrawnff ience protes that it cures where all alright acubrdfffg to hii way of of heif Remedies fail '-fge F. Uhmking, whereupen iie xaHcd -t BteTcns, Slate Gomr.-tVM ol celt&n hYsiciah's boos. land iialed give this eat medicine a trial, as it the doctor ;; "What Is the trouble ia mmrftAtflfld ana imi uuturo wH many so. called Kidney cuies but wlthoutany good result. About a year ago he began use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. ijiOvbiiu ijuiuvcio c wt wwwj w.wv.r - . . . ed to cure of ail Kidney and Liver iDeCl bieaUS, laOlCS, trotiblea and olten gives almost m 6t - J ' stan t relief, Ohe trial will prove Wash Stands Safes. bottle.- At Fetzer'e Drug Store. : Ihliairc 2rr defy corapwtiti6h In regard to quality iandi tprice. ' You will be surprised when you bear my prices Come and see. If not in stock can T supply , you in a few days. I have .a dim line pj . . . ... zGOFFINS- at prices that will surprise you. I keep a tuft IlinV oh hand for im miwdiate Bufc&lyv;-1 boy ASflMff'S 1 ...GREAT . J X - - vr ' ' rt- ,. - - - ;goo Wdith bf Uoods SittBt and shall be sold quick. 5, 1 ?4 go. free at FtWer,BfDrug tore. Begu lar size 50c. and $100. Balltflnr Scbool Hons ti't On Sept, 16 at 1 o'cldclr, at the school house site of Dlst. No. 10, white, we will let to the lowes re sponsible bidder ;the contractfor. building a,8cbool nonseou'taiaite Plans and sfiecifications will be made known on above date, or in the meantime by calling on the under signed. Chas. A. Sherwood, D. T, LlTXKER, W. N. BXRNHABDT, Committee. September 2, 1895. with the moon?' to Wihilow'a iSoothag Byruptai nuiUoiiS.oCMth,e wnie ieeunng,r wnn, pery ecj, succ, It soojthei i the; child, t cCoftenWtth? gums, allaVrali pan, tsuria wimif colic, and vthfe' &at inedf fof Diarrp Iwill rjare thepporl little aufferer immediatelt. Sold bYl world.: Twcntt fite xsehts wboStK Be sure andpriinilows 8oothing Syrnp," and take 410 other una ciwiaw sistang of, Dry gooas 11 wdoi Janeskerfifeys, NbtionBlandHdts. COUNTRY MERCHANTS;! tni8 is your time and; op portuniVy. " . ri Retail goods of every dqt , scription :.Diy . Goods, . HMHneryi:Ribbons, Silks, Satins Laces, Carpet, etc., tCj .; , a To the QUt ol town public, DraciicuDie -Tor an w . v here who wish to avail thwm4i selves of thia 7br3portunity ihair;tfiw blub tb'ethr and re to purchases fotttrem. S: WITtTB:OW8E Y. Assignee of H."BarclHr; A3 ' Charlotte, N. C. 1 be LUMBEB and run my planing machane, and aU ( frerson Who wish any thing : in this lifle, will do well to call . and see me. ; . 1 - Very Respectfully, T. Pounds. CohcWd. K.'G. July 13. 1895. . s 1 FEMALE ACADEMY. The gfth Annual Session Jxtgis September 5th 1895. 5 Rgistct for last year shows more than 500 persons un4erJnstractioq. during the year. . Spe cial features: he development of Health, Ghar acter. and Intellect. Bnidings thoroughly remod elled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Post Graduate Departments, besides first -clasj schools i la Mvsic. -Art Languaees, Commercial ana lnausinsu stuaies. . .. . ; Ji, K.-:LEWELU Rrindpal, Salem.-'N daw aw. . " ' ' '' ' HIGH SCHOOL Opens September 2. Offers full, thor otiek'Dfebfrratfon' for cduefjre ; prkctlcaL Fot Inlonnatlon or announcement, aa Bres 'HOliliAUD THOMPSON; , tt&s a22tw . ;. Coscord, N. C.