i ;1M OailV StaMar BY JAMES P. COOK. OFrrCE IN CASTOR BUILDING The Standard is published every day (Sunday excepted) ind delivers ed by camera. RATE3 OF SUBSCRIPTION One year................... U 00 Six months.. "2 00 Three months .......... ... . ,1 00 One month..... ...I.. 35 Single copy.... ...... . . 05 ADVERTISING BATES. Ttrns for regular advertisements made Known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD. Concord.' N. O. m ncement of the Christian era, the number of blades, of course being 1895. . Blades., ..iiisextedjye.at.a time at the lapse of qvery five years. Syeaborg, near Helsingf ors, on the Gulf of Finland, has just celebrated the fortieth anniversary of its sue cessfal resistance to the bombard ment of the British, fleet during the Crimean war. CONCORD, SJPr. 5, 1895. Til; SOUTH AND THE NEGBO. The following card appears in Tuesday's New York Sun: ' M U Payne, who was appointed Secretary of the Interior by Jeffer son Davis, but who never served, died in Iowa Monday. He left $20,- 000 to the Southern Methodist church. A novel is about to be issued with the original title, "The Leg Pul lers." It ought to hare a good run, aud probably will be bound in calf m It is estimated that 104 persons in this country haye perished by mob violence since March 1st, last. Health is the soul that animates To the "Editor of the Son : Sir- j J5" f ;f When v is the north recognized the The San Francisco Star speakea of Justice Walter j Clark, of the.Sa preme court of North Carolina, as haying "acquired a national reputa tion outside his -profession by his articles on a postal telegraph," ana remarked further that "North Caro lina lawyers and jurists have always borne a high reputation for ability and integrity." -negro iu wa that the Atlanta Ex position directors have done ? At the regular meeting of the di rectors last week, bv a unanimous vote, an invitation was extended to the n-egrd liberator and leader, Booker T Washington, of Tuskeegee, Alabama, to deliver a formal address at the opening of the exposition Sept. 10. Atlantan. AtliiH'.a, Ga., August 30. This is only one evidence of the consiuu.Uion the negro has re ceiied from the exposition manr One of the great buildings has beeh set apart for the negro exhibits and Uii'v. race has shown considers able pvide and enterprise in 'prepare to make there; a showiDg of its progress and achieve ments Hundreds of negroes have been en-ployed oa the buildings and grounds of the exposition and haye received the same wages as white men w ho did similar work. Jn any northern city negroes would have had no chance for such employment. They k.ve better chances of success and far more opportunities for profitable employment in the south than they can find in the north Xegroes who have lived in both sec lions realize the difference, At Jauta Journal. chuse.tts jfgivejQ an increase 55 i v- 204 potation o wtiftQ u tyfc 53,200, waJn the,iciU(S, apd tjbe whole 270,000 was in towns within ten miles of Boston. I ; There is a fortune of $100,000 wa ting for Parker Valentine, form erly of Indiana, but he is afraid to come out and. get it, b cause he, kills ed a man porae ytars aeo in Minne sola, and he is afraid to take the cnancea of a trial for murder. Every politician who goes to Europe is interviewed three times en the safety of American institutions once as he starts, once in foreign capital and once a3 I e lands again on home soil. It's his way of say ing; You cau't loe me. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps says that "watering place life is teaching our wives to be happy without their bus bands" Does this mean that the New Woman has taken the place of the old man iD the, old woman's af fections ? If it does, we are pre pared to enlist in another crusade. Cleveland has not asked for a third nomination and the Demo cratic party has never imngined itself offering it to him And that's how much there is m third term talk. UOSI'S A&D DO's FOB THE BABY. Do keep your baby clean. Do give him pure air at all times. Do let him have a few spoonfuls of water several times a day. Do not let everyone kiss him. Do not let anyone jostle and shake and tickle him. . Do not keep him so warm that he cannot sleep. Babies, as a rule, are . buodled up too, much. Do not neglect him, and then, "when he cries for some needed at v tenticn, say that he is a "cross, bad tempered little nuisance." A healthy baW seldom cries when his wants aie pioperly filled, and a sickly one certain !y .has a perfect right to make life a burden to those. who allowed it to become so. - ' : Now; follow this prescription, . EdiLoi Clark, ol the Landmark and you'll raise your child in fine shape. , Some men are too close-fisted even to pay compliments. Perhaps the mo3t wonderful specU men of cutler's, crait in the world is the knife to be seen in the show., rooms of Joseph Rodgers & Son's, Sheffield, England. This extra- Electricians say that there is no safer place during a thunder storm than a trolley car. This is undoubt edly true. : The, wires and car poles make the best kind of lightning rods. Although the country is pretty well run over with electrie cars now, we haye yet to hear of a case wheret any passenger has been injured by lightning, Bernhardt is out against knicker bockers for cyclists of her sex, and she bases her objections wholly on moral grounds. She says that she has seen too much in America and in England of the result of giving indiscriminate liberty to girls who wish, to see French madiens subject to similar influences. :0y When Baby was sick, we gare her Castoria. JHien she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Whan she had Children, she gave them Castoria. NOT A SICK DAY For Oyer Thirty Years! KESULT of usnra AVER'S PILLS What is without doubt the small? est clock in the world was lately on exhibition in the shop window of a Goettinjer jewejen , The dial meas ures less than onethird of an inch in diameter, and the weight which furnishes the motive' power is sus pended from a human hair. , 'Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty years have kept me in good health, ever having had a sick day in all that time. Before I was twenty I suffered almost continually as a result of con ' stlpation from dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive Useasef . "When I became convinced It is said that the State's stock in the North Carolina Railway has in creased in yaluerfrom $3,000,000 to $3,450,003, and -in private. stock from $1,00.0,0Q0 to $1,150,000 J since the fix tension of the lease. Death has put an end to the Williams-Settle contest. The death of Capt, Williams, of Oxford, brings a surprise to the people; he was i not thought to have serious ailment up to a few days ago. - It is claimed that the shipment of horse meat from this coun try, is j in j uring the meat busine&s abroad , and therefore Secretary Morton has ordered that meat for shipment be inspected, and, that horsemeat shall be so marked as to show what it is without biting. Boston claims to be the "hub," and we expect she is. According to a late census the State of Massac m w- Ml is ' m that nine-tenths of my troubles were caused by constipation, I began the use of Ayerfa Pills, with the most satisfac tory results, never having a single attack that did not readily yield to this temedy. My wife, who had been an Invalid for years, also began to use Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. With my cliildren I had no ticed that nearly all their ailments were preceded by constipation, and I soon had the pleasure 6f knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, if taken in season, avert all danger of sickness." H. Wkttstkin, Byron, 111. avi rati PILL Highest Honors at World's Fair, ftser's Sarsaparilla Strengthens the Systea. ADVERTISE r tF RIGHT HERE1 MORRISON H. CALDWEL THE RACKET STORE 1 1 TT Just Think of It--We Save You Money on Nearly Every Purchase You Make We liave just closed out an importers samples of lace our tains They are onehalf lengths. We have made three prices, 20, 30 and 40 cents. The wholesale prices ranged from $6.00; per pair down. Tnis is an excellent chance to supply your short windows, sash, curtains, &c. Two and one-half yard wide bleached sheeting only. 20 cts per yard. . .-. .... Good feather ticking 12icts. 57 inch bleached table linen at 40 cts. . 0 Glazed Holland window shades mounted an self-acting spring top rollers only 17 i cts. Extra wide chenille por tiers, $3.25 per pair. Chenille tle covers 68 and 98 ctsr' ; .; Bleached ducking, 10 cts. Standard machine thread fully guaranteed o, k.,: 3cts per spool. .. Side combs 5cts. Shoe blacking lot. Needles lc; pins lc. Genuine French ing 4c. Twenty cent fast seamless hose ttfo body and three thread heel anil tpa, only: 10c. , Sewing machine oil 5c. Self; pronouncing family Bipie with . King James and revised versions of Old . and Mew Testaments arranged in parallel columns at $2.98. Ladies shirt waist sets, 25c. blacks black thread Bargains in Every Department and See for Yourself Gome . -H'J ' - -ft - j it THE RACKET D. J. BOSTIAN.PROP'R ; ATTORNEY AT LA W, coNCona - k: Office in Moriis uuim p Court House. site