,r,uT OF LOCAL NE WS: A dtlana PutinS3upe By fr, -rir 0 T. U- roe' tlD ln. Reformed VFday at 4 -o'clock p. m. i II, Lilly is out again after -il days of confinement.; He is prticticing- . ; jfjoaeeeitm The Standard, No amount or inquiry urm it's 80- the bubstapce of it. lbs court house site for Mecklen burg is Jet as uncertan as e 8o1d tion of tbe financial question. Master Jay Sims is quite sick with ever 3lr. J B Caldwell is attend-" business for him iDg 10 lu r . You ought to be divorced" is tbe subject of something Mr. Bell, of tbe furniture store, will have in tomorrow's issue. ' An improved $35 Domestic Sew. infr Machine,five drawers,will be sold for $20 ca8n' Uau 011 or aaaares j y Walker, Concord, N. 0. 1 w Mrs. Dr. L A Bikle, after spend ing her summer yacation with her daughter, Mrs. G W Means, has re turned to her home in King's Mouu- tain. Not a person in the city is more generally missed than is Maury, Richmond at Swink's store. He is quite sick at bis home on North .Mail street. G E Fincher, who has been in the MonToe jiil for six months, charged with staling $4,000 from an aged man of Union county, was liberated .Wednesday on $500 bail, Mr. J. D, Heath, who hf s been associated ith Dry, Wadsworth & Co., of Albemarle,, as cotton buyer haslgone to Charlotte, having accept ed a position with Heath & Co., cot .ion buyers. Mr. M F Nesbit, of Coddle Creek, and Mr. T D Miller, of Statesville, spent today (Thursday) ; in the city on business. Cabarrus lost a good citizen when Mr, Miller wentto Statesville. Your attention i8 called to the I THE KU3H OF HUMANITY, ! adn.m,8trator'8 notice, bv Mr. M V . .. - - " ' CBUI.jU. ij ' Twpw nuu Airnvvm,. seen y Jafm.8 Willeforu baa moved to 1a mL- u Mr. Al hson's house, oa West CorU fl.i. , bin street. , . Mrs. P B Fetzer is visiting friends in Charlotte. Mrs, E H McConnell is visiting at Dayidson College. Mr. Geo. W. Means came home Wednesday evening. Capt. Jonas Cook, of Mt. Pleas ant, spent the day here, "Tony," 'the Italian fruit ven der of Charlotte, spent the morning ippard'Bros, roller mill will be ready to begin wor about ie mid die of nexY week. North Carolina College and Mont Amoena Seminary, at Meunt Pleas- ant, opened prosperously on Wednes day, There would be more progress in settling things if a good rain would fall than by any other piocess we know of. Mr. John Stire wait, near the Row an-Cabarrus line, died Tuesday from he effect cf a stroke of paralysis six weeks ago. Rev. R H Parker will go to Mt, Pleasant to assist Rev. Giles in a series of meetings at the M. E. ch nrch, Rev. Giles pastor. Morrison, Lentz & Company " have an immense lot of linen bosom here. Miss Daisy King, of King wood, Mecklenburg county is visiting in the city. - S Miss Constance Cline left yes terday for Mont Amceaa at Mt, Pleasant. ..: ..j Miss Lila Jones, of Carey, is visiting Mrs.1 H M Barrow, on North Main street. LOWE & SOW. There is no way whereby we can expect to secure your trade this Fall unless we make our prices attractive. This we are going to do. We were so fortunate as to fill our house with all the lattest stuff in DRY GOODS AND SHOE E R Mr- Z P Smith, of Raleieh. is shirts, besides everything in the way in the city. He will lecture to the of dry goods, notions and shoes. See Odd Fellows tonight. their new advertisement. :'rZ Monroe correspondence : "Mr. H has returned from V,vil Mt ! Hi. j iuuruu, ui buis couniv, out re- iu vuttxiuiwc, ., i. ceatly of Baltimore, is here for a Mr. ouiver Basseil returned to ;s?ltaDle Ior tail, and winter few days making preparations for Gaffney, S. O., last- niht f tr wear before the price ad openmg up a drug store m Concord spendiBg a week.in;the citj,. V: vanced. and e are BoiM to tuwarus tae last oi cne montn. - : .: J ' v i ur, v J Satterheld returned tol nrtofATV,fl0 i-u flf:TQ I cri'vA rn v nnnrnm fit's rnfi fintiTP. A basket picnic has been arranged the city last night after an for and will take place at Cochran's of several months in the Norjtb,v : benefit of the purchase. Our school house, near the coal chute, on Mr. J P Aldridire, of Newberrvl 8T3ecial sale of waiMlua.' "CAb Ui tuc a. U, father :ox Mrs. W T liahr, ! i i rvi rs features ot amusement will be the ot thig piace; yetting in tie 'city1 0 U IVI IVI ball game between Grant Creek and , ; " n , , vCUvj; INo. 47s team. J r 7 r 'ZT'ri dress - the city last nigh frOmiSttiUe; r. i?i mi n i i I - - -. . . ' ; t ioappeuie r xnen ao not rry 10 me returned this ; mornjng, acpomM N rv force tool down; but use the most panied by his wife an A Jittlt UI J VJ' Li w scienunc means tor restoring tone to daughter, v ; ... 'I 'on last Saturday at 5 cents per the stomach. How Why, by tak ; a.j Wheeler and ugh iyard was a good card for us. I mg AyerSarsapanlla, and in a aur M- mmtl ,3ttv ftfla''lH. r prisingly short time, your appetite ak'todaVfro 11 was a biS loss f or us but will come again, and come to stay. c0Unty. They, ire 'gnestt briMr. then our trade got the benefit Qa Wednesday at Norwood, and Mrs. N F Yprke. . , ;, of it and thafc is all we care Stanly county. Miss Frankie Lentz ,: .MM, "Ricnard Eames, Jr., of - ,. t - . was married to a Mr. Ingram, of Glen' ; Brook Mine, ' Montgomery ior- Tia not oten that you Rockingham, Richmond county, county, and Miss Sallie' Stuff at rne marriage was a quiet one. xne nf Sal hnrv: ckm down todav -to L , - , r "vT"',"- 5 cents as vou did from us. onue ia a sister tu uur luwHiuau, Ben a few;daytwitb' ftfteir.;ltfUr, , Mr. A E Lentz. - Mm' Morrison -OaikifilL vv . l Handsome new COMING WOMAN If the fashion plates are to be believed, will wear black, and there nevec wap such a demand for BLACK DRESS GOODS to the exclusion of all col ored fabrics. Nothing adds more to the beauty and dignity of a woman' appearance than a .fine black gown, which is alike economical and ultra fash ionable. We ha ve just gotten in our black and navy blues bought when the prices were low can sell you 75 cent Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 inches wide Can sell you a $l goods 50 inches wide for 75c, Our stock of Black Creapones are thet latest production. We ask all Ladies to see our dresa goods betore buying else where. Do you want to see the prettiest line of LADIE'S SHOES'H ever shown in. Concord ' Then come an d see .us and be convinced. Our No. 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty. Cur No. 71 Needle Square Toe prettiest seoe on the mar. ket. ' Our No, 69 Pointed Razor Toe the most stylish yt. Our No, 70 Round Toe a grand seller, all at low figures. UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS .Our city trade "Leader pure Linen B ossom extra heavy muslin double front and bacfc, patent continu ous facings on back and sleeyes, custom cut and , at the low price of 50c.: Morrion, Lentz & Co Fall Goods LA W N S AND The small child of Mr. William KD88ell, who lives on St Charles street at Foi est Hill is critically ill Mrs. Parker, an aged lady who iiyes with Mr. Russell, and. who Las been iUlte SICK, IS improving. Mrs' Martin Pronafc . of No. 5 r I - it Da m ninth fv Tab. Sheriff John A. Sims showed us a township, wrestled with a shaking r$fc$r$j ' specimen of rare wood brought with chill Wednesday. The family was rifiMk'tliali" iifi'.lik' LAvk'idnto him from his recent trip to. Texas, very much alarmed, thinking it a Rouble for many yea fleha3 about a dozen pieces, and congestive chill, h auch was not plains' in$is,!ba ifill have them trimmed and finish- the case, however. Mrs. Propst is bladder wm d up for walking sticks. very flashy and was cold for several 1 mMr ' ffo; I' woxtb from 12 to 20 cents Mr. W A Smith went out to the lyjBago; endless .rx . :-. . I A rlnoa Avar's Pliftrrir Pont rTti 1 Tf4V U A f,A V4!WA, . ' aeea gold mine today (Thursday) - j jSr. S" 5 cents We where a l(L.tmn mil bein taken in time has prevented many a lectrw cents apavpd nnme -nporilft who 2bt iceu. worn in tnai section in . 7 . 1 ;f i" VTmnViiiTn . -x geld mining intorestB re daily lnr 1. Tb prom " i& ttae goods will appreciate j... . mi keemnor this lncomnarable medicine! ".-.-v . v .'-u'r'Vr '- I . - icaiu aau me output is sun very . r - our Statement. jrnce wo. ior iare . coatagW. whereitcanbe readily reached: , " . allhoursof the da,, and night i - -' " Jf:, ' 1 But noW i DIMITIES Mr, D Cbrum Correll is in the it leaves us with a ty from Spartanburg. He says Mr. D B Overcash, of Cabarrus it ia 'goaeleSU say tnaFmnchf nice clean new store toshow vuanne "ladv baseball nlavers were uul7 iao u---"JMheinff dontlo lmproTfeinexCoaojnon - 4t.: Jn cmalTnf the billed for a jrame at that ' Dlace 'ves- of Catawba county, were married o the .kiiSt loil& the -- . .? terdav.hnt ffln to nnk in an an- Wednesday and will arrivejpn the -,. 1rots7iTemet handsomest stutt .to J be seen prance" Some were " badly ' dia- Statesville train toay and dine at itbngilioaS rightJbere.lS ymieu. 1 i pgr street, to exteau.jixvxu waero .oif. - Street-Charlotte Obsemr. liUMM The Lenoir Topii.in y?... Patter- roUelU prppe, drinViv " " TirM v l son items savs soinethine about a ttj:Jt6'Oiaifi0i(A;M loott. 4tn o ice water. Whxle fooling son items, says soinetniuK oou mi'' iVt he faucet the train: moVed off. former resweni oi wra . .,. -i- -w Hewascanied to the coal chnte and M Brower gave ns a fine ttnW.mu 'rtown, from where he "drilled"-to. Harper Chapel Bunaay mormn&. yw &rz wu. ine walk. was delightful ""V? 6yv- on A i :. -? I T niii nirnnif from Wfllfth Wfl hODfi LOWE SON. aays he, and-the scenery along Lenoir.circun, irom wnicu we . Tij the railroad by moonlight is grand: to see grand results. Ta ai The fact that Eccles & Brvan. of Master Russell , Hatchett, the One pool vtable, Wu hd -cues ; tone cWlctte, are to retire from the pro- bright little, boy, of Mr. MrsJagae, o&i;, - Tenn., and gfandson'of Mrs Esther 11' Jfor f n;v,Qnn of this citv, is lying at the at this pffiice ; ; - .:S4ti nnint of dcafb at his far away home. A message was prietorabip of: the ' Central ' Hotei, ' falls 8 opon many people- m a way f nular to death. The Stanpakd QW reasons for! balievinff tbat tbev WlU Uve for a long-time in the samo ' Ee 4ru Vote there and be where 5 : any friends can easily see them etc, , Bought Before the Advance in Price. Beautiful, dark Crepons as changable and as Prettyj as silk only 12 cents, worth ' 15 cents. NEW FALL SHADES in Henriettas 40 inches wide only 25 cents per yard. ALL WOOL SERGE 86 inches wide, 2? cents worth 35 cents. PRETTY FALL STILES ' ; - V''- " ' V" U ' in Percales only 10 cents. ALL WOOL (fine Merino) Prehcn Flannel for Ladies Dressing Saeqmes only 60 cents per yard,5 See our Croyenette abso lutely. RAIN PROOF . 56 inches '.wide. !m.- r.Vmmm of No. 9, was rinff tne saa intei-imarfieu uu zxuuoik w iu.o Emma Careioc'r, of Union county.; v r Cannons Fetsor

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