1. No. 117. wtf i Ail . li. . CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1895. n. a President Cashier. t n Coltrane, Assistant Cashier Capita? Surplus. $50,000 $16,000 DIRECTORS ; .JJ rv ra . ---- y. iu. ' vr tv King, r Odell, W. H; LILLY, Spoliation, HAMMOND & CO. "Stock and Bond Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Prefers Wpubticans to Democrats. A special to the Baltimore Sun from Baleigh says : Senator Marion Butler, in a letter to a friend here today, said : Have our friends rest easy with reference to any 'i rumored co-operation or fusion with any party. Nothing will be done m any 4irection:ithout a full consultation with our friends. All things being equal, I believe that we should stand by those who stood by us during the last-campaign in preference to thoee J. W. Cannon, wno f ougat I am surprised to see our friends get so easily excited oyer rumors published in Democratic papers. If our people ha to corn rect all such rumors by publishing cards they would not have time to dp anything else." The rumor to which Senator Butler alludes was that he was participating: in a plan for .the fusion of his party, the Popu lists and the Democrats. 1 The average man knows no moie now than before the Senator spoke. He's one man that can change in twinkling of an Whole NO. l.grM) . COM 1 Ntf EVENTS " I Cast Their Khadons Btlore Them, Bat Unlike Others, this Kicker Is Bridled. THE RESERVE IS 197,710,000. FIRE INSURANCE. The Decline Caused By Withdrawal of $1,200,000 By New York. for. Ex-port. Havinqr ' transferred mv T?f Buraiic -Dusiness to Messrs. H T Washington, Sept. 9. The mena them to anv who ua treasury gold reserye at the close of ?ne1fu0f Reinsurance, and bespeak business tod,y stood at $97,710,000. This decline was caused by $1,200,- J. W- Bubkhleaix, 000 in soil being withdrawn in wa KowflB j ' New York tor emort. lance business of ilr.J.W. BniH In ordinary businesa the Treasnrv "l,?.'5encie? for several gained $400,000 in the exchange of paniep, and resnect-fullv cnif notes for gold at tha various sub liberal shareof businetss in ibatline. Treasuries, of which $250,000 was August 26. . i gained at Chicago, At the Treasury it is understood that the syndicate will make a deposit tomorro w, which will again make the gold reserve in tact. Since Tuly 13th, the beginning Gellegj May be expected at any time within our gates. Accident One at the New Factory The first accid new factory MT. PLEASANT, K. C. of the gold export movement, about REV. J. D. SHIREY, D. D., PRES $21,700000 gold has been sent to fADADEMIO, COMMUKlI AL Europe from this country. It is stated that within that time the and COLLEGIATE COUKlES. a took place this (Tuesday) morning eye. Why," he j when Will Harris, a colored brick ident to occur at he Belmont-Morgan syndicate has paid. Total necessary expenses building in the city into the Treasury in excess of bond; session of 38 weeks, . $86. 00 to (Tne(v mnminir requirements about $11,000,000 in $137,000. ' gold, Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought and floats the name Caucasianhis allies laver fel1 through the scaffold and sold, or carried on Margin. p s. Send for explanatory circus uar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) dwly are an ti. Caucasian. right badly skinned and bruised himself. No 1 bones" were broken but the boy was knocked almost Lovely cord. Much has artisiic way in was decorated with cedar and cotton $137,000. Next session begins Sent- 3. 1895. For cotalomiH nuR' special information, address UNIVERSITY OF II I CHI A Prominent Citizen III. The Standard regrets to an nounce the seiioua illness of Mr. I Frank Patterson, of China Groie. He has never fully recovered from ,.. tne grip a year ago ana it is me ei- fect of this that has impaired his sam smair niTorced;iangiiter ite-1 beautifully worked by Misses Mattie general health and is making in- Marries. Poteet and Minnie Riley. And then roads on his yitality. iiichmojsd,. va oept. y jure. nt ia but just to say thai twirler Joe Decorations Making: a Re been said about the the'President as above, or I -I . o ' which the rostrum im oeceetiby of Faculty unconcious when he struck the eround. havine fallen a dUtance' of at Coohrane'8 6cho!8 nouse Satnr w ' , I J xV 1 1 1 about 12 feet- He was not seriouslv ine worK navln& .Deen QOne Dv " i . .1,1 : u c3 : the stage was a motto designed, and Mount Amoena SEMI NARY Flourishing School for Youti Ladies. Marries. PntPPh fln Minnie R,1ptt And th.rs TJUIN 'LEACfiEHS. lUCHMOKD, Vrt Oept. y Mrs. ;r ;Q ur of f fua I vuieii?,m jsratooes Itecnive Comprises the University, the Lolla SmallJackson, divorced- wife h?.flUA. u - u Oaretm Attention , Vv0v,, - .r'Tv- U3eiui men or me unma urove sec- wi "flT.B" .o-wf v. .uv.. mne 1Q ;ne game of that date. tion and has done much for that I lenn., and daughter of Kev. Kam atruck oat 8ixteen mPn. Only fom saction. He was the prime moyer omwi, me eauor, jawjer, leciurer hitg were made on him during the and preacher was married to Mr. ame. Joe 18 makino- a record. or. , , . o ----- c. Schools, and the SUMMER SCHOOL for teachers. Tuitipu 160.; 35 L. T. FISHER. Principal, MOUNT PL ASaNT. k C A, 3 in the cotton mills built there. to Mr. Stewart H Ford, of this city, here this evening. The ceremony was Chapel Hill, N C, for Cata logue and handbook on "UNI VERSITY EDUCATION."'- Tonen on tbe Boarding- House. On Monday, a lady . who rnns a teachers, 471 students. Ad- Pnvaie ooaruiug uuuac ocu,, Kev. JJr. Martely Uarmic heal, only dress President Winston J colored boy to the aaruettor several fcw0 friends of the groom being pounds ot beef. W mile on nis way present. Mr. and 'Mrs, Ford leaye to said market the boy stopped to in the morning for a few days at panhandle a pair of old shoes and qj Point, where they first met just when reaching tne marKet u was i two weeka a0 closed. The boy did not secure the beef but carried parts of one or more Revenue for tne state. under each arm. When the land Tuesday of next week the stock lady saw what the bo'y had, she holders of the North Carolina rail fainted, roaa will meet in Gieensboro to put . mm W I 1 H I mm m . a M I 11 Mr. Brown Can Economue, "" v ...-, If Mr. Geo. W Brown wanted tc, ance with the terms of the recent uttip- Hftrft'R lease. Bncklen's Arnica Salve, . Thfl Rpflt Salrft'in tkft wnrld for performed in St. I'aul'a church by tj, Salt Rheum, Fever Sors, Tetterd Ohappe FURWITU COFFINS &C ' Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per Bed StOcidS, TftblcS- KrtT" TTr Bala of P "R T?fl7a!'iJ 1 )m O I . , : ' Store. I have now in stock at my rooms opposite the court house a splen did line of well-made Furuitur such as MANUFAGTUBERS OF ?LY GINGHAMS, OUTiJVG CLOTHS, PLAIDS, SHLET1NG ASSIGiEE'S a novel way to fix his sign : BKOW'SHO p AND SALT BAGb: Do You Want Either ? The following articles are 0- DEALERS IN General This is the first fruits of the recent lease. Had the lease not been made, this procedure would probably never had been taken. ; Mai velons Results. From a letter written by Bev. J Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mich.,, we are permitted to make this exr tract: "I have no hesitation in GREAT n - $50 Merchandise. offered for sale prijately and reasonably : One pool table, balls and cues ; one bagatelle table,f6ne cook stove, one grated two parlor j3toves and a dining recdmmeuding Dr. King's New Dis- table. For further particulars call covery, as the results were Almost atthiaoflBice. s2tf marvelous inr tbe case oi - my . wite. i- ' '' - ::'"mt While I was pastor of "the Baptist rour uis success. Rhurch at Kivaa Junction she ,waa .000 Worth' of Goods must and shail be sold qnick. $20,000 Wholesale Goods, co isting ' of 1 Dry goods All wool Jeaneskerseys, Notions and Hats. Country BUYERS OF Produce COUNTRY MERCHANTS, v Haying mo uodudu , orougus uqwuwuu s- uoumuum bui this IS v VOTir time and. Op thanmaKe gooa au wie uauDm& ceeaing u& wipne- xerrioieparox- rknrtnTiitv ClOluieu lux i y tiiii a ui cuugmugvwuuiu iksk uuuis remedies halle reached a phenome. with little interruption arid it e'eeni nal sale : 'Dr. King's New Discovery eA as if ghe could not survive them; for consumption, coughs and colds, a. friend recommended Dr. Kings each bottle guaranteed Electric New Discover; it Vas quick in its nf oil irin1 Bitters, the great remedy forXiver. vi. cix XV1X1V4 RtWeh- and Kidneys. Sucfcien's Arnica' Salve, the best in the world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do just what is claimed for them and; the dealer whose name is attached here with will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at Fetter's drag. store; AND ' v our-Foot wood always wonted best .prices for same. We invite an in Section of all the goods We Manufacture, 1 Pure Bred Fowls.'' I have for sale several Cockerels, of each: Cornish maian uame ana Barred Plymouth Rock, bHIw. j-j? rork arid high! r satisfactory in" re--suite." i Trial ibbttles free t Pet zer's drug store. ? Regular size , 50c and 81.00. - ' 1 1 $3o,ooo Retail goods of every de scription: Diy Goods, Millinery, Ribbons, Silks, , .'Satins,' :t . taces,!. Carpet, etc.. etc. . To the out of town public, I suereest that it may not be To the Citixens of Concord. ' I n.nAfinnKla oil f Mi0?? ,0 here who wish to avail them'. 1,?;" selves 'of this opportunity, vriu fA ao.tmHfc t,r,win tixnt they club together and their needs nr thefesti riiieat Vitrei send some one here to make .My placef business wilr bes in8 the purchases for them. ' McNmdh' "torrodm. firat t'door : ; I -Respectfully, etc., above marble yard on West Depot: S. WITTKOWSKY. Streets iiC ri v'-xfu'pectfQlly;;l'1' Assignee of H. Baruch, aiOm. . J . F; DAlrvAtjLT, ' ' - .Charlotte, N. C. Wash Stands Safes, Xlhairs, &c. defy competition : in regard to quality and price. You will be surprised when you bear my prices Come and see. ; If ?not i n stock can supply you in a few days. I have a nice line of 1 at prices that will surprise you. I keep a full line on band for im mediate supply. I buy ; ' LUMBER -- - and run my planing machane, and all persons who wish any thing in this line, will do well to call and see me. Very Respectfully, J. T. Pdtnids. i - Concord, N. C. July 13. 1895. HIGH SCHOOL mon out a Opens September 2. Offers full, thor ough preparation for college ; practical, thorough training-for business or lifts For information or announcement, ad dress. HOLLAND THOMPSON. , ? tt&s a22tw. Coxcord, N C. Salerm. FEMALE ACADEMY. ' The 94th Annual Session begnis September 5th 1895.; .Register for last year shows more than 500 persons under instruction during the year. Spe cial features: the development of Health, Char acter and Intellect. Buildings thoroughly remod elled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Post Graduate Departments, besides first-class schools in Music,- Art,'- Languages, Commercial anu iuunsinai aiuuies. : - J. H. CLEl'ELL, RrindpallSalem,:N.: daw 2w.