O o kill National Bank. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1895. Whose NO. 1.261 o- Coxcord, N. 0. President Cashier. jjI.Ope f!r T.TRANE, I D. Coltrane, Assistant Cashier $50,000 $16,000 now the Little Boy Was Killed. I The Standard had just a mere announcement of the death of little Richard Wilson. We gather, these particulars from the Raleigh News and Observer : . 4 .. ; Richard Wilson, the seven-year-old son of T J Wilson, Jr. f tobacco manufacturer of Winston, was run over and killed by a street car on Fourth street this afternoon. The little fellow was returning from din ner to school, and in attempting to Capital. Surplus, Dl HECTORS ; , J, M. VJ J' t w n, vTrt-r I CrOS8 the track when thn rar vao O ff VAfl JJX i - close to him, fell, and the car passed over his body nearly severing it. Both arms were cut off. Life was extinct in a few minutes. No blame is attached to the motorman on ac count of the terrible accident. u - ct v Kino, m" B Odeu,, W. H. Lilly, 1). B. OOLTBANB. Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. Stock ed Bond irokars, " 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Bridge Dangerous and Water stag J nant. SHOT IN THE HEAD. ! i in .,,m ' One Brother Aectrt fatally Shoots Another While Bunting1 This Morn- ing The Wound Hot Serious. I John Pence, aged 16 years, and nis little brother Cicero, aged 11 years, were hunting for game in the the Buffalo creek bottoms near the depot this (Thursday ) morning with a gun. The boys got separated, a heage row between them. Their dogs flusheda large bird, and John, who had the gun and not sfieing his brother, fired at it, when a stray shot struck little Cicero in the right temple, lodging under the skin. The blood spurted and the little Tel low yelled. He was carried to his home at Cannonyillc. After the flow of blood ceased, the boy calmed down, and is now running about with his playmatesas if nothing had happened. Not a few have noticed the danger there is in haying no side arm to the bridge that crosses the Big Cold nai a sice Time Water stream on the Mt. Pleasant D.-D, Johnscn refurned road. On the right-hand side going Wednesday aoming from his old east the arm is pari ially down, and home at Connelly Springs, and re- on the other side the lumber is rot ports having had a nice time. ten and can't last long. It stems, Among the many things he did P.S. Send for explanatory circut. t00 , that the water which stands in while there, he told -a Stand akd lar on speculation, also weekly mar- great poos cn elther side of the I man this : "I . walked . out": into" the Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought and sold, or tarried on Margin. ket letter. (Free) dwly UNIVERSITY OF n nnni inin bHnULIIUH bridge in the road is stagnant. The orchard and looked at about 4UU water should be drained off and the trees, eyery one of which had 40 road bed raised bushels of apples on them, and I . ate one from each tree, I went on Loan Street a Pretty One- I Only a limited number of our until 1 reached , the peach trees, citizens seldom see Loan street. bnt which were also loaded, where I ate the street force has put in a few days 8eTeral bushels ot peaches. On my of hard work on it, it is now one of retnrn t0 tDe hoose 1 Passed thronSh the many pretty streets of the town. tne vineyard andate a bushel and s The force has also graded a portion half of grapesy after which Itegan of Church street in turnpike style to feel as if I had taken on , too and built a sidewalk from Cannon mchj but when 1 8ot to the-. older QPUnn T avenue to Chief of Police Boger's UUUIU" Maoo u "iau a OUnUUljLfla t 'm ft,. h gallon or two of cider, and then re- A I.iye Letter. , The following letter has just come into sur possession. 'We .'give it yer- batim et literatim : 'Law Office of D. L. RUS3ELL. "Wilmington, N. C, V August 14th, 1895. J "Dear Sir t"T it "iou are one or tne mends m FIRE INSURANC Havin? transferred my vFire In- surancfl business to Messrs. H I Woodhouse and B E Harris, I corns mena them to anv who mav Iia in i need of fire insurance, md bespeak lor tnem a liberal v-atronsge. ItespectfulJy, . ) J. W Bubkhead. We have assumed the Fir ? Insur ance business of Mr. J. W. Burknead. oomprisin? the agencies ior several various parts of the State to whom I first-class and well establishe com have conclud, d to write with regard fS' share ousinesiln A. I mm m m 10 me xiepuoncau ? nomination-tor Woodhouse &. Harris. ti Mil Carolina College, MT. PLEASANT, C, REV. J. D. SHIREY, D. D , Pres ADADEMIC, COMMM1U.I AL AND A f J-X A frnvprnnr T fhinV nnmitiofi'nn AUgUSli b. would be very acceptable to the Populist Party. It would insure successful fusion in 1896, "I have many reasons for wanting to be Governor, not the lea3t of which is the fact that Democratic rouuans wcuia rat ner nave any other man in the State. They know that, with" Kusell for Governor, Democratic influences will not Dre- -Loiai necessary AM)(inse3 vail in thp PTAnn tivp nffinp -NTpifW session of 38 weeks, 8f.00 to abuse nor flattery nor the power of r 7 , , . their newspaper press nor the blan- " uiuh aepi- dishment of what they call "society" - , . ... , - ojjcuiai luiormaiion, aaaress woum ayau mem. fhfi'Pr0fli,1anf oa "I would like to hear from you hm. Secretary of Faculty imd have your views about things in COLLEGIATE COURSES. general. Yours truly, Comprises the University, the College, the-Lawand Medical Schools, and the SUMMER for teachers. Tuition $60 ; -35 teachers, 471 students. Ad dress President Winston, Chapel Hill, N C. for Cata logue and handbook on "UNI VERSITY EDUCATION." appearance of that, portion of the city. The force is now finishing up Valley street at CannonvilIe. Sam Jones Nhnkes Hands. r. Among, the many passengers who passed northward this (Thursday) moring, was the Rev. Sam Jones, of tired to my room, I won t tell you how I felt the next day." The Docs tor unquestionably had a gcod time, but got a little excited when relating his experience. Southern Conductor Offers Indigni ties. Wednesday, Conductor Stuart, of MANUFACTURERS OP fW GINGHAMS, ttmv CLOTHS, PLAIDS, SHEETING Georgia, who was on nis way to tte g0uthbound through freight, Winston, where he opens a series of Ljulnpea four nicely-dressed , tramps meetings Friday. Whn this great from his train near the depot. -They evangelist alighted from the train were getting free transportation to he gave the few who were about tne thfc Atlanta'Expositiou. tlUt&Cb UU1W It UCWIJ UftUUDUBBC nuu I 77. , - I 'God bless you." He looked quite Va , has opened . a. Nothing store in natural, snowing no signs oi uver tne Keed: store room. work or declining health. Mr. Miller Gots aPatent. 0 SiT BAGS, who invented a hitching attachment some time ago, has received a patent O I nn if: ATd "hftH criven MeSSTS. JjOHS v" -"3 o- . " and Workman the contract for mak in.a hnndred set, , The attachment it w i - , (rftttA rsl is very simple, and does way with i hi i.i : ii l ii f hud uuiobi wu mm time prevents him from moving. DEALERS IN Merchandise. Salisbury world. Count BUYERS OF rY Produce of all Kind -AND - Dest DriCPS' f nr invite an in- r10!1of all the goods tacture. BPecti k The Holland Farm Sold. The James R Holland farm down On Xne JSLir OJIUO iuau . iu uaoiuu counfy has been sold for $8,000. Mr. H G Springs,- of Charlotte, is the "purchaser. ' This farm, with all its improve ments' . stock etc., is worth $20,000. But thus ends a sad story. ? t V mm m ' Bncklen's Arnica Saive. The BestSalve in the world for TTl O.ll Cuts Bruisesr-boresr uicers, oait Rhenm, Tever J3oresrTetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B FfcizerVUr ug liillli . 4 f p-ii v; i Four Bie Successes. Having the needed merit to more than make pood all the advertising cloimed for them, the following four remedies halle reached a phenome nal sale i Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. each bottle : guaranteed Electric Bitters the great remedy lor Liver; Stomach and. Kidneys. Buckleu' 8 Arnica Salve, the best in the world, and Dr. King's New .Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is attached here with will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at Fetzer's drug store. For Bale. , , Several hundred bushels winter turf oats at 40 cents at eranery or 45 cents Wi.h sack and delivered at China Groye. J. M. Harrison", Mill Bridge, N. C, Sept. 9th,4 '95; Mi G I E E'S GREAT -S ALM- .000 Worth of Goods must arid shail be sold quick. $56 $20,000 Wholesale Goods, con-f sisting of , 1 Dry goods All wool Jeaneskerseys, Notions and Hats; ; , COUNTRY MERCHANTS, ... . - . n . this is vour; time ana odn portnnity. .1 4. IS JUST A3 COO D FOR ADULTS WARRAfiTED. PRICE SOcts; -mr n.lx nA' Of T mil. Mn ' . T- - - Gentlemen l-We old : lae60O bottler of 1 -hUrCliaSeS for them. GROVE'S TASTELESS rCSHJU TONlCand -'Vt" j. iV-, v. bought threeT gross $lreaJy this year in allQiir pxr oeriencd of 14 years, fn theldnxg tmsiatesU, hay4 nerer sold an article .that gave bucii nrrensi eatur cUon aa your Tonic. , Yours truly 7 - n For sale by all druggists; , t $3o iOOO Retail goods of every de scription: Diy Goods, Millinery, Ribbons, Silks, Satins, Laces, Carpet", etc., etc. To the out of town public, I suggest that it may not be 'piactipable for : all?, to c come here. who wish, to avail them s selves of this . oppor tuni ty , Jhat they club together and send some one here to make Mount Amoena S E M I N A R Y A Flourishing School for Young Ladies. TEN TEACHERS, Ornamental Branches Reef jvo Carefui Attention, KEV. C. L. T. FISHEK, A. U Fbikcipal, ' . " MOUNT PL AS ANT, N. C FUDNITUR COFFINS &C. I have now in stock at my rooms opposite the court house a splen did' line of wellmade Furniture such as Bed steads, Tables, Wash Stands Safes, Chairs, &c. I defy competition in ' regard to x quality and- price. You wH be surprised when you bear my prices Come and see. . If .not in stock cau supply you in a few days.- I have a nice line of zCOFFINSz at prices that will surprise you. I keep a full Iline on hand for im mediate supply. I buy , ., ..LUMBER . and run my planing machane, and all persons who wish any thing in this line, will do well to call and see ida Very Respectfully,. J. T. Pounds. Concord. N. O. July 13, 1895. Concord HIGH SCHOOL Opens September . Offers full, thor ough preparation for college; practical, thorough training for business or life. For information . or announcement, ad dress. HOLLAND THOMPSON. tt&s a22tw CoNccrd, N. C. y Kesr)ectfiilly, etc., S: WITTKC WSKY. Assignee of H. BaruchV' lH C ' - Charlotte, N. C, FEMALE ACADEMY. The ?895 ttf Annual Session beeins September 5th. ejster for last year shows more than 500 persons under instnfetion during the year. Spe Qial features: the. development of Health, Char acter and Intellect. Buildings thoroughly remod elled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Fost - Graduate Departments, besides- first-class schools in Music, Art, Languages, Commercial and Industrial Studies. J. H. CLE"ELL, RrincipalSatem, N. daw aw. t Store.

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