No. 128. il But Cokcord, . ' rr President ,M.ELL; Cashier. rZxsi Assistant Cashier $50,000 $16,000 Capital. DIRECTORS ; wrr D. F. Cannon .V-rxra J. D.B.COLTRANE COKC01U), N. C, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1895. ABOUT 250 CBILDKEN, 1 Whose NO. 1290. FULL OF CHICKS.- The Graded School Has That Wnmbcr for the tlpeuiiiff Day-Weather Too Intensly Hot. Out of about 409 white childien scheduled for the graded school of this city two hundred and fi'ty re ported at Jthe school building today, the opening, to enter upon another session and it is thought when the weather moderates that nearly as many more will report. This is very encouraging for the first day. W. Cannon, Today and tomorrow was and will be W. H. Lilly, .-. Motmfoi fn0(!0;fn;nM ru 'li-lJ w vaiui4j iUg line ' BullUlH 0, and by Wednesday work will begin in earnest. At present eTervthinn- '... y , o indicates that this will be the most profitable term- at the graded school ' we have ever had. Ar A Package. Msippotl as Produce ; rives an Live JLtock? Col. M hi Taggart, of Whitley county, Ky.,- was here Saturday TOOK A TUMBLE. FIRE INSURANCE. A Wagon Wheel Bnn Off and a Bnggy Turned Over Saturday JViglit Xo One Ilnrt. ' ' Having: transferred . my Fire Inn suranca business to Messrs. U I Woodhouse and B E Harris. I coins A wagon load of vouner folks left mena them to any who msy be in having jost returned from town Saturday eyeing bemnd? for ?laigd8ebespeftk Yille Fla. Said he : Cold Water Bantist chnrob. to at- VoaneriUMv. "The most wonderful thing . I tend the Demorest Medal contest. J. W- Buhzhead, have ever seen I witnej?ed the day While descending the high hill at We have assumed the Fire Insui before I left Jacksonville in the Mr. II A Brewn's a hind wheel toance business of Mr. J. W. Burkheafl, office of the Southern Express Com. the wagon ran off and wcia pany. The day previous to the one a heap in tke dust. Before panies, and respectfully solicit a referred to, a crate of eggs shipped the merry croid had goHen another M 8nw WoX!f & r Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. gtocfeu-ad Bond Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, JEW YORK CITY, N. Y. A Hand Hart. Saturday afternoon jnst before the Cannon mill shut down, Mr. Pleas Thompson, who worfca in the lapper room, accidentally got his hand caught m the machinery, when three fingers vere so badly mashed , Bonds and Gram bought and that amputation was necessary. The Id, or tamta on margin. hand was terribly lacerated and the p,S.-Send for explanatory circuv pain intense Drs, Lilly and Mont Isronspecuiauuu, mou gomery ares'ett tne wound. fKreei dwlv f . irom some point m JNorth Carolina, start, a Jady and gentleman came up August 26, wug receivea oy ine company at its oenma tne oroKeu down wagon, and office. -The eggs were packed in in trying to pass the blockaded cotton seed and had been shipped street, got too near the edge of the seven dajs previous to their arrival ditch and over turned the baggy, at Jacksonville. and then there were two heaps. No "The next morning when Mike one wa3 hurt, however. Collars and Daniels,' a clerk in the express cuffs and pretty white dresses were company's oflBce, went to work, he damaged considerably by , the dust. was. surprised to hear the chirp of All this happened on the way to a young chickens in the room. Making temperance meeting which makes it an investigation he found that the a very singular coincidence. tf FUR il l Til COFFINS &C-... I have now in stock at my rooms opposite the court hous a splen did line of well-made Furniture such as bt letter. chirps came from the crate of eggs T MRftd StAarts; ThlpC. received the eyening before. Open- x v mg the crate the discovery was made Gone up into the Air, The syndicate W&Sll StRlluS Sffi that quite a number of the eegs had I which wm the snpport or the Gold ' i hatched, while many more weie be- KeserTe axon Entity. tIlciiri), 06U. ing pipped by the young; chicks in- defy competition, in regard to quality and price. You Irs mi imin ; (LITAKER'S CORNER) Ihyedpened my MEA.T MAR KEIm the Litaker baseme-nt, for .aerly occupied by Swmk & Day- mi. When you want nice, fresh .seats, beef, pork, mutton, etc.. call ur Bfcna in your oraers to S. L. K.L U TTZ. P.S.I am in the market when w cattle and hos are for sale. 11 nkkm MANUFACTURERS OP Go., ftV GIXGUAMS, . h TT rrm mWG CLOTHS. PLAIDS, SKJlETIJYG SALT BAGii. .WD 0 DEALERS IN General The Flight of Folly. The Bashful One They say that there aie bacilli on a woman's lips. wonder what they are like? She (encouragingly) Why don't you try to find ou t? Syracuse Post. f . Doctor I would. adyis you, dear madam, to take frequent batns, plenty of fresh air, and dress in cool gowns. Husband (an- hour later What did the doctor sa? V Wife He said I ought to go to a wateting place, and afterward to the ? - mountains, and to get some new light gowns at once. FJiegende Blaetter. Poet (to farmer) See what beoutiful prospect is untojaeu m yonder billowy fields; and, hark! the yoice of the plowman! Farmer "Sep, he's been a cussin of that mule since daylight; and it's one o' them German mules that used to pull a beer wagon, and he can't understand a vord o' it! Atlanta Constitution. The language of a deaf mute is a thing that goes without saying. Texas Siftings. A preacher recently asked a uni versity don what he thought of his sermon. "I heard in it what I hope never to hear again." -"What was that V' ' "The clock strike twice." Tit Bits. ' - What makes you think Bob will side, and that the whole crate of Ders ot tne bond syndicate were, to eggs was in process of transf orma- day notified of its dissolution. Each tion into a crate of chickens, Peet ! received a cUeck, the amount of his peet ! peet ! came from dozens of Profit The entire profit was about egs, as the unaUuraliy hatched 81X Per cnt ine syndicate of Bel youngsters cried tor liberation from mont Morgan & Co. was under, con their shell prisons tract tokeep the gold reserve m the "Daniels took the chickens al- Treasury above the 100,000,000 ready hatched from the crate, and marK 1111 ujtooer isc ana rs aissoiu placed them on the floor of the tion today means that it fails m its nffif0 toTiPro tViPtr at mm' wont tn 1 COUtraC. work to pick J up the -grains and crumbs lying around. The others were left in the cotton seed packing. and as they broke their sheila they, too, were placed on the floor. They were of all colors black, white, yellow, striped, etc. and made a most unique collection. : ,: Original Observations. A close friend is yery often the one who never lends a cent. Horse flesh is becoming popular as an article of human food. On this question we yote "neigh." There has been a great deal said price. lOQ will be surprised when you hear my prices Come and see. If not in stock cau supply you in a few days. I have a nice line of zCOFFINSz at prices that will surprino you. I keep a full line on'hand Tor im mediate supply. I bay LUMBEP and run my planing mac bono, an'i all persons who r" any ihirig . in this line, will, do well to call and see mp. " - L ...IT T " J. T. Pounds. Concord, N. C. July 13. 1895. SEMIN A-RY &bnnt bloom fir p. bnt no man has vfet Thp hatching was, no doubt, due d d t the nothinff in Mount A ITirnSi am AAA1 m V X aU a n m a tA r a nlrl n I . ) - """"" 00 uocv orange girl went back on her but who wonld haye thought of a . w . . hean becflna. ahl 8aid urate uj. rs, wrvcinuK uuuuicuo . -.Hliln'k lifca tn waltz in Wot- ets." ' V.. The American Defender beat the of miles in a rough, jolting car. hatching out a crate of chickens ?" -Cincinnati Tribune. A Flourishirjfir Schoo". or Young Ladies.. TEN TEACHERS, Orx umental Brat then KtcHv f Carefui at tenti'T: ' English Valkyre in the great yatch KEV. C. L. T. FTSHEiw A. M race; and the British are not Dunra. yen yet. : -- Childhood is the nursery rhyme, i Merchandise. be.JiPolicefm f" , T "ne waKs iu ui oiccp. BUYERS OF countrv u wvtUVV of all Kind wood always -AND IS lea-best prices for J' We invite an in-. Sloa of all the goods ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having been duly qualified as ad ministrator of Lucinda Suther. do ceased, all persons holding , claims against saict deceased are hereby notified to present them .to the- un dersigned on or before the 23rd day of September, 1896, forpayment, or this notice will pe plead as a bar to their recovery. All persons . owing said deceased are hereby notified to make prompt payment. . W. J. Bill. Administrator. This, Sept. 23, 1895. virlfa1i Diamond Brand. SfeMnYRQYALJILL irM kslfoT-aichester EnaUshDia- V5 LfSTr 11 Druggist., or ?en4 4c. m1,""?"". ftrttenln. testimonials, ana An Editor. An editor who died of starvation angel who had been sent for- that yonth the love ballad, middle aCe pnrpose. "Maj I look at the other lue " - nlca before we ascend to eternal Terse m a man s hook of hfe. bannine?" a9ke,l the editor. Yes." A Nevada hunter spent three said the angel. So they went below month8 'oozing tor a grizzley bear and skirmished around taking in the and the man's relatives spent three .;ht. Tk. .nl lot trnk nf tb months looking for him. They editor and went around hades to think he must have found the bear, hnnt him tin. He found him b? a There are pictures in every heart biff furnace fanning himself and gaz- portraits of people who have at in with ranture upon a lot of peo- traded your attention and filled pie in the fire. There was a sign on your, life with love. These are faces the furnace which read, "Delinquent ever fresh and fair, soft, sweet and subscribers." "Get amove on vou ," sunny, to wnom you are instinctive said'the aneel. "we must 0' " You Uy drawn by the, force of personal go on?' said the editor, ! am not magnetism, and they can never be coming." "This is heayen enough obliterated from the gallery of the fnr mP"-Er heart. Orange (V a.) Observer. Pbinoipal, MOUNT PL ASANT. N. O 1 TAiTELEBi in sttirr' luV i " Mpr br return tinioniils. A'tk Paper. Htnr,1, niaht flbont 8 o'clock rs. wmsiow s Boom ng oyrnp aas while Swink's ice wagon was on its sllth AiSlrS re turn from the regular delivery, whie teethin g, with perfect success. Master Ernest Julian, who goes with it socthes the child, softens the the wagon, received a terrible blow gums, allays 11 pain, cures wind with a rock thrown by some one hid colic, and is the best remedy for in darkness. There were three oc- DiMrhoea. v It will relieve tPOO , . . little sufferer immediately. Sold by cupants m the wagon. Only one Drnggiat8 m every nart of the rock w as thrown, and Master Ernest WOrld. Twenty. five cents a bottle has reasons to beiieve it was chunked Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows a hia, by a ' little negro boy. It Soothing Syrup?' and take no other Kino. uiwic&w iihtercicuico..Ms-2 cccuirea just aoove iuc puatuuiue. p3. nn n n - r urn i-1 1 - LlJ ISJUSTASCOOD FOn ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE L.icts. V GALA.TIA, ItXS., NOT. 16, 1833. Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: Wo sold last year, 680 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have bought three cross already this year, in all our ex perience of 14 years, in the drug business, hare never sold an article that cave such universal satis taction a your Tonic. Tours truly, ASSET, CAG3 &CO. For salelby all uru ggi8 ts. gold bj ail Local Druigists.