c . ine Daw Standard $Y JAMES P. COOIi. OFFICE IN CASTOR BUILDING The Standard is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivers ed by carriers.. KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One year. . . .v. ...... .84 00 Sis -nonths... ......... 2 00 Three months.!. .......... . 100 One month. 35 ' Single copy... 05 ADVERTISING RATES. Terms for regular advertisements made Known on application. f Addrwas all communications to THE STANDARD. Concord. N. O. CONCORD, SEP L 23, 1895. IT SEEMS TO BE GENERAL. The Standakd has eeyeral limes srsofctn of the amount of sickness in Ocneoru. This is true, and it can not b? denied. Many thought it due to i he Lck of sanitary precau tion, atd said so publicly, and The Staniiid published it. This paper knows that it is not customary with newspapers to publish such news, but ic strikes us a3 legitimate and neceisary, thereby causing us all to be in?! : careful. lu this connection, while we do not delight in it, but'greatly def lore it, The Standard learns from re liable sources that everal towns near here on the Southern road are having cior? fever than is Concord. It is .eeu in the country districts and small villages. The oilic rs of the town are not to blame uore than the private indi viduals. The new order of things is such tfcat the authorities cannot ap propriate innds for Sanitary pur pOJCS. v .' Thto bei.-g the case it becomes the doty ot all to be as precautious as is posiiole. Tdh U a dangerous time every where, and Ooacord is not alone, hut ULiong the many. Tn e "Standard speake of t his matter U3 an act of duty, and not in a captious epint. It is, and no honest man will deny, as jealous of the town's good name as any individual within its gates A M or them paper eays the Chi. nBse have decided to hang some of ths fellows who took a hand in mur dering the missionaries, If this, . tso it looks as if the Chinese were rgftfctin the hang of things, and are departing from the old style of chop ping elf heads. . Fbi cign immigratio.n is on the in- crease; The arrivals last month at New York nu mbered 27,19 9; which vas nearly, 10,000 more than for August of last year. The total so far for this calendar year is 212,773, as against 166,581 for last year. That was a great silver, rally in Salisbury on the 19th. Ju3t 300 met the little U. S. Senators. Hod . Lee S O merman, a probable candidate for Governor, as his name is often mentioned, was taken in Lynchburg, Va., for a railroad con ductor. Mr. Overman humored the joke. This is one on the Can. jit is said that there are twenty our fuels' pending between Spanish editors, who stem to be ' oblivious of the fact that there is a racket going . on in Cuba where they could hare a splendid chance to slaka their thirst for gore. r nrp lor Ilendache, Ab ft remedy vf or alitor ms of Head ache Electric Bitters has proved; to Fethe very heiC if effects" a per-ma-ent cure and most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to; its influence. We urge all who are afr flicted to procure a bottle, ancl give this remedy a' fair trial." In cases of habitual constipation Electric' Bit ters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Fifty cents and SI 00 at Fetzer's Drug Store ' ' i n A Seaside Incident. Writing from Narragansett pier o the New York Recorder, a corresv pondent Siys : Wednesday night's hop vasa practically merry one. When the music ended so nething lay upon the .fl or, glittering from its lowly position, which caused eyery one to stop until a circle was formed about it. Yet no one touched, no one approached within three feet of it, and it began to looit as if it might become the property of the Casino. . Yet ay woman there would have grasped it eagerly had she been alone, for it was a daintv silken garter in light blue, elapsed . with a beautiful pearl and diamond i buckle. J p0 whom does it belong T' said the smooth-shaven footman, as ne approached it. 'Stand back," commanded one of the chapjpies. The footman stood bact and the silken circlet remained on the' floor. Ic was not for his hands to touch. cTo whom does it - belong re peated the chappie.. No one replied, and the girls looked at each other, while the chappies stood spellbound. 'ilow could any one! heii ate to claim it ? exclaimed cne ardent lit tle fellow. Ic was a delicately moulded thing, and had not yet lost the line of. curves it had assumed by contaat with the wearer's lovely limb. As it lay on the polished floor it looked warm and almost oleaainer. ' The chappie at last stooped over the silken thing and murmured : "If it isn't claimed instanter I shall con stitute myself a fairy prince and go about matching for my Cinderella." Needless . ; o say, he was hissed out, and then the footman approach ed and insisted that, the garter must be taken to the oflice, where the owner could claim it. "Ob, no, no !" exclaim :d a sweet, blushing creature, "anybody could claim it and describe it novf !" All eyes turned upon her. She Btood with blushing cheeks and downcast eves, and the footman queried : "Is it yours, miss ?" A moment s hesitation and the iair girl was inspired with a bright idea. , Tugging at her companion's coat sleeve she whispered : "Oholly, dear, say it's yours !" "Not on your life !" was the quick rejoinder, but I'll eay it's yours and be proud of it.' He stretched forth his hand and closed the coveted thing beneath his Angels. Then he passed through the doorway with garter in his hand and the girl on his arm. - And the band 'played a . waltz. New York San. Tli Discovery Saved His JLife. Mr. Q Caillouette, Druggist, Beaversville, 111., says : "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told 1 could not live. , Having Dr. Kingcs New Discovery in my . store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the (first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep keep store or house without it." Get a free trial bottle at Fetzer'a Drug Store. TUENxNG GRAY AND TpEEAXElTED ; - WITH BALDNESS The Danger is Averted by Using HAIR VIGOR "Nearly forty years ago, after some weeks' of sickness, my hair turned gray and began falling out so rapidly "that I was threatened with immediate baldness. Hearing Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, I commenced using this prepara- 'vv,ViAV:.;vt.... tion, and was so well satisfied with the resuit that I have never tried any other kind of dressing. It stop ped the hair from falling out, stimu lated a new growth of . hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's medicines to my friends." Mrs.H. M. Haioiit, Avoca, Neb. " ir Viaor I'KKPAIiED UY DR. J. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. dyer's Sarsaparilla Itemcves 1'imples JN0. R ERVIN. C A- MISEHEIMER. ERW1N & M ISENTl EI ME I?.. Physicians and Surgeons :-.y ! Office No. 3. Harty buildinsr, op posite 2nd Rresbyterinn church, Charlotte, N. C. H M. BtAKROV. J. F, HURLEY. f3" j I S II ur nsu ranee. I have transferred my entire Fire Insurance husincs to Messrs Barrow '- &r Hurley, and assure my friends and patrons that their best iritersts will be attend ed to arid bespeak for them a liberal share of the patronage. t D. COLT ItANE. We have secured the Fire In surance' business of Mr. L D. V Coltiarie, a:hd assure you we will give you ths best service .possi ble, BarroHurley sis tf. : v EXEpurmx notice. Having bsen duly appointed and qaalihed executrix- of the last will and testament of Jno, W FinV, "deceased, ail persons holding claims against' . said deceased are hereby 'notified to preaeht them to the un dersigned duly authenticated on or before the 9th day of August 1896 ,or this, notice, will be plead as a bar to their reco very. -Also all persons owing deceased are notified that prompt payment is expected. - Josib L. Fink, This Aug; 9th ,'95, Executrix EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having been duly appointed' and qualified execusor of the last will and testament of Mary C. Kluttz, decaased, all persons holding claims against -said deceased' are hereby notified to present them to the un darsigned duly authenticated on or belore the 17th of . August 1896 or this notice will be pie id as a bar to their recovery. Also all persona owing deceased,- ara notified that prompt payment is expected. U. D: Barringer, Executor Aug. 7 '95, ADVERTISE RIGHT HERE ! 3k ... V i