arrival of Train Richmondiarrives at 11:15 a.m. No. lr Washington - " 10:03 p. m " 35 (1 Atlanta " " 7:23 P- "V ". ll Atlanta " " 8:05 a.m.. " 36 New York " " . 8:53 a. m, 2l Atlanta " " 9:03 P- m. ' Northbound treight leaves at 12m. "" it andi2 are the local trains between-Kos- n, . 1 . Atlanta. Nos. r5 and 36 'are the Wmin trains' between Atlanta and Washing vt ma" 1 ra in, are . the Washington and 5 prOgf inUie u let.-r-i Vestihulea kinmea trams ana stop ' ; Southwe tr. v P OCCJlSlOn. ,t Cotiwi" ; . . . -, At the Baptist church next Sun-1 dav irmrninrr T t ..." . I Ihe puator, will preach a social serl mou to me children of the congrega tion, and at nig bit Chi 1(1 r en's 4 Day exercises will mti will be arranged for the l"'";rT.g....'lW jg A BATCH OF LOOALNEWS. ( - & ickea Ui;anl l'ut " Shape Bjr Our UimlliHir Pencil Pusher. : Brown's brick yard is again being operated near the depot; : ; And Hicks says we will have an other hot spell m October, Mr. Mariiu Bost, of No. 9, is out saaic after-a sick spell of a week. ; The infant child of Mr. W J, of No. 5 township, died Sun day. . :. Mr, Tom 0 Cook, at Forest Hill, hats a pnmpkin that will weigh at least 130. pounds. The Winston people paid Sam Jones $1250 for his ten days' service. Sam kuows how to pull 'em. Mrs. Dr. Oartjand returned SaN arday night from Morgan ton, where she had gone in the interest' of the state w. a t; tr. Master Hmton Willeford was cam u ?e from tuV:Cbdeil?:'mTi!8 about moon toll ay in a pretty baa 8haRe- He had had a chill and was trribl y cramped and . suffering i n -en5ely; He waa over heated, and al most prostrated yesterday while rid ing a bicycle. .-""' ' Childreu's Day exercises. were held at Bays chapel at Cannon ville Sun day.- night. An interestinsr oro- gramme had- been arranged for the occasion, which .was rendered in full with the greatest appreciation, and showed that the Sunday school at that place is doing a good -work. One advantage of taking Ayer's Sareaparilla to purify; the blood is that you heed ; hot infringe upon your hours of labor nor deny your self any food that agrees with you. in, a wbid, you are hot compelled ; to starve or loaf while taking Yt. These recommendations are worth consid-ering. Cigarettes W.Du ke Sons &Ca.TrT!7 THEAMERICAN TOBACCO CO? DURHAM. N.C. U.S.A. MADE FROM irad To ABSOLUTELY PURE Nidi m THE RUSH OF HUMANITY. Mr. Crate field,-of -High Point, is Dow handling lightning at the de pot, aa relief to -Mr. Pamplin, who ?3cf for a spsll. Workmen have begun on a large tank to be built on the tower of mill No. 2 at the Odell mills. It will be another tip top affair. It is not necessary to state that '.here were no screet lights 'Sunday night to let the people know it. That goes without telling. Father Joseph's lecture on "Pur gsitorj" at the Catholic church Sun day waa attended by a large crowd, many of whom went from the city. Hsv. II H McCullough will preach i St. Andrews Lutheran church, at Oinnonville, to-night at 7:45 o'clock. The public is cordially in- Tited to attend. There were no services "at -the Episcopal church Sunday night owing to the pastor,. Rev. J C Davis, scfferng a severe attack-d rheumat People Who Travel,, as Seen by Onr ReDorter. Mr. J H Mason spent Sunday in the city with his family. THE COMING: ; 'W LOWE c&ISQN. o- r Gave lTp the Ghost. Tioga in various parts of the city: are dying, whether from natural j causes or from the condition of their dens is not known, as a diagnosis is altogether out of the question. Kor- ner, in his letter of Saturday, tells ol: the death of two of his fine ones during his absence, and this (Mon day) morning a fine one at the Mor ris hotel .gave up the ghost. There is such general complaint that the hogs are actually ridding themselves of their own existence. The Virginia Crops. The Virginia Midland railroad of the Southern runs through a section that has suffered unusually this year. The wheat was noor. the corn is a failure and tobacco is short. To a man riding on a railroad train, around lots of bends, that portion of Virginia looks awfully poor. But then there has been no rain in two mouths and most any We are not offering our en tire stock ot goods for less than it costs us we don1 1 want you to think so. Treasurer George Edward K.est But we want you to know ler spent Sunday in Charlotte. , . " , , ' , r J that We have gone through -Dr. E J Buchanan wa3 in the - . , n n , . . Uf T . - ' - our stock and picked out sevs city last night from Lexington. . . x -Mrs. Dr J S Lifferfy,' ot al hundred pairs of Glasses spent the day in the city. t s-m Mr. W G Boshamer tis home again after a brief tour of the. State. Dr L M Archey returned to WQ finest goods;awe carrym i he .city Saturday night from Vir .$r0 2, 2i, 3, 3i and 4, that we waht to get out of our way. You may know fthis means Mr. and Mrs. W W Stuart will prices! are not what leave tonight for the Atlanta portion. ; wr9 arr u nn visit fmm want you to have a pair of ginia. Mis3 Nannie Craiee, of Wash.i ington, is visiting at Mr. J V Alii son's. Ex- we are looking for today, but we is on a A8heville to her parents, ,Rey. and these shoes. They will go Mrs. R H Parker. OMAN If the fashion plates are to be believed, will wear i black, and there never " wa? such a demand for . BLACK, $ DRESS GOODS to the exclusion of all col ored fabrics. Nothing adds more to the beauty and dignity of a woman appearance than a fine black gown, which is alike economical and ultra fash ionable. We have just got ten in our- black and navy blues bought when the prices were low can sell you 75 cent Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 inches, wide Can sell -you a $1, goods 50 inches wide for : 75c. Our stock of Black Creapones are the. latest . production. We ask all Ladies to see our dress . goods betore buying else7 . where. Do you want to see , the. prettiest line of LADLE'S SHOES, 5 ever shown in Concord Then come and see us and be convinced . Our No, 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty, ' . Cur No. 71 Needle Squar9 Toe prettiest seoe on the mar ket. . Our No, 69 Pointed Bazorf Toe the most stylish yt. uur jno, 7C jiouna Toe a grand seller, all atdow figures UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS ' Our city trade ' 'Leader' v j)ure Lilian 'Bossom extra, .. heavy muslih doubl e front andbackjrpatent continu-' ous faciiigs on back and sleeves,-cris torn' cut and at the low price of 50c. Morrion, Lentz ;Oo Mr, Joe White, after 'spending a week here, retune to Hickory in search of health. anyway at about Half-IPrice. WE ARE :Mia Mvrtlft 'Md6re lbft to-dav .for Mcmt. Amo-aa S.minwj , ,Mt. Xov is the timeSto come. They. PleaWnt, where she enters' sdhool. ; will not last but a few days. ground looks poor when as dry a3 He is qon G ned to'. h is . roo m at powder. Oioud. T. wm .. Aft. . . MM A MwMMmm i , : ,4 , . --, who ia a reliable nartv and one who iocai 3nowers, ionowea oy cooler , - - , . . 1, ' J . I . 11 ..rtt-A mr at rr a that IT Will weather." There is'-ahit of , onso- ia weu lcu UU B'SUD' . 4U " rain within the ner.t two aays, xie tisrn. the St, In the lot will be about 50 pairs of tJ Men's Shoes .atioo in watching the whu and notions fail to materialize. I j L 1.1. 4- 11 rl .-i.inrr 4-ri rti"innhr f - - . '(' - . tl n:-7-. XT v. blue flag float, even.thongh the "pre- Bf l T ' ----r catioatp u.apmeMjiuu ":i!r. . ... ...i me cmcKeus uave.uuu uccu uunmg, . . . wj f t;; but that- there , will be a change; A black hound dog found that "the cocks will begin crowing sills of the high bridge in through the night until daybreak, ... t... to . v j Iroin tl "new town," at Forest . 'Hill, .Sunday witbin' 24 hours after which it will iicraing. It's a dog-on shame to rain." It is hoped that the old thus brutally torture the poor ani- man's prophecy will hold. male. fleeting Postponed, nn"aninnnf of fli.lrnfisfl nd the f the Conccrd graded echools. was! . . , , t,.. mn.i. . r hf: ,c " ' . nnnt nned and oppressive hot weath- u onr city a few days th week the reviyal meetings that were looking into ,our schools. Me ex- l:A vQ -uL;n XnWakv ak pressed himself as highly pleased '.vith the Greensboro graded schools. Greenaboro Times. Miss Mattie Pharr, ho has been spending some. time't'lfr, .K.E York'a;Tfiturhto her luome ear Rocky :: Rtdke: today. Mr. O-H Pamplin, -the courtes 2Jl ous clerk m the Southern sohce;. at ,t t ' tl 1 '.-11 :'.'-I-.V.!'n rr.l iLkf n ll. J ij.-. 4- V r tne oppoc, naa gomj oii a uiyuuu o ino. o, oj auu Liiu.Laiiiuat uc moved. The Shoes will all - M ra . P "R fi-i hHcvn; rind Mrs. J hoi ' 01 1 u. -v ju - " T. ..,11 r AU180U, oc uoncoru,- uauie iah.?1' DAlVljiiHN rUUUIN ir.i Times. . Messrs. E F Correli, Harry on the right whenjyou enter Ewink arid Cecil Foil 'left today f or L the door. Profv J F Shinn, superintendent announced to have begun Sunday at Forest Hill Methodist church, have been postponed tor a week. Rev. Smith . anticipates a successful meeting. National league Cluls. Before goingon a sea voyage on into the country, be sure to put a hox of Ayer's Pills into your yalise. iou may haye occasion .to thank us BaUimore on, and nausea Ayer'a Pills Wtfie fnelphia est in the world. They are also , Brooklyn PftDTr n . ' - - Chicago Three sections of No. 38, vestibule - Cincinnati Passed up the Southern Sunday VVashington ni'ght. ,The first section . broke Lbuisville . down at Harrisburg and the second to-day's games. section's eridnehad to Sake - it 'on Rnaton at Brooklyn ; Philadelphia' w .1 . " - - . "' .".I . ... - ; " 1 ' 'it TTT C uuan engma sent out from Char- Ut Baltimore; New xoric at vvasn ott3 to take thejecond train, Pas- jngton ; Chicago at Cleveland ; Pitts-1 sogers didn't haye to wait long un- burg at Louisville - Cincinnati at GaffneyVB. C., to put the finishing touches on a large numoer .qouuu' ing8 thatfare to be painted. , I ' -:Mr. John Bost.I'clerk-.athe ; St; Cloud hotelspent: Suhiiay: as-ilisen- hetmer's ' springs, vQa this return be was accompanied by ' Mr. A ' N McNinch who has 'been there for a week. Come in a hurryjto LOWE3& SON. W. L. to rLAY. r. c; 81 42 ." 10 -.058 o3 45 9 ,648 77 48 7, .616 63 56 .8 .548 68 58 - X -540 69 56 7 .55 66 61 7 . .520 64 60 7 .516 61 60 11 .500 ' 39 82 10 .321 37 86 9 .303 33 93 8 .263 jftien Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she had Children, die gavethem Castorla. MORRISON ATTOEITBY ATiEAWj: TqpgoRD, n, .io,, , , , Office in Morris buildihgofjposite Court House, ....... . .." , ' .. ' ....( slio wiiigQ idiis weeks ai dine Of L AGE CURTAINS tliat yoii c-n not afford t6 miss. Think of fouyin LACE 1 : ... ICURTA-INS for 40 cents, and then a good on'e 'for '50 cents, for the" next priee will surprise you at 75 cents and the next" only Si. 00; See 'our 91 -Sheeting only. 1 5C. Yard. Pre plkids fctvffdress ly on. cents. Gall V r r-fc til they were soon set a-goiner, I st. Louis. ". .

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