DTotlce of Dissolution. Noticfi is hereby given that the firm of Yorko & Wadsworth, com posed of N. F. Yorke, J. C Wads worth and" CaDDomi & Fetzer as silent partenerp, was dissolved by .HIT ' ' - -v ' iuay. Tina the 6th day of August, 1895- .". N. F. Yobke, ' , t j. C. Wadswobth. ' Cannons & Fetzeb. We, N- F. Yorke, J.C. Wadsworth ATI A O. J. Harrie, under style and firm name of Yorie, Wadsworth & Co., will conduct and carry on the former business of Yorke & Wads' worth, and we assume all liabilities OI XOiKG Co VYttUSWUiw, uuu. wnovu all notes, accounts and other in debtedness due , tforke & Wads- We respectfully solicit the pat ronage of the public- , YnpTTf. Watswobth.& Co. August 6, 1895. w a 1 , COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling 7 d5 Middlings.... ...............7 Xiow middling 6 Stains 4ito 5 PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected bv C. W SwinJc. 25acon........ .........8i Sugar-cured nams.i.... ...... 125tol5 Bulk meats, sides. .... ...... ......8 to 9 Beeswax....... ..................5 iiuccer . v Chjckenj ......10to20 Y' . . ...........'' vv w .Eggs.....:..... . . 8i Xard ........... :..btoM. Flour(North Carolina). . .........1.75 Meal............ ..58 Oats -...30 to 35 Laiiow..... ....... owj BICYCLE ORDINANCE. 156 HOrUalUWU U tuo vuiiuiooxvau.- ers for the towr of Concord, N. C. : Section 1 That the bicycle ordi nances Nos. 73 and 77 respectively Vii lOf K day of August, 1895 be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 2. And be it ordained by the commissioners for the town of Concord : That any one who shall ride a bicycle on any sidewalk with in the corporate limits ot tne town of Concord, N- C shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon YnniMrt.i rvn thftreol ftn&ll D6 IlUfiCl iivn uuiiaia ui luiwiitjuuuw aw www bection 3. Any one who shall ride a bicycle across any of tne pupuc crossings within the corporate urn- Its ni I.I 1H LUWIl ui vuiiwiu , caw a greater speed than an ordinary walk shall be deemed guilty oi a misae meanor and upon conviction there of shall be fined five , dollars or im prisoned for ten days This ordinance shall be in effect on and after Augnst, 23, 1895. By order of board. a21 lm J. L. Habtsell, Uierk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE: Havins been duly appointedaud ot J. O Witherspoon, oeceased, a 1 "TifirsoTift holdinsr claims aerainet the said deceased are hereby notified to present them duly authenticated to the undersigned for payment on or before the . 6th day of September. 1896, or this notice will be plead as bar to their recovery. Also ail persons owing said estate are notN fied that prompt payment is expect ed. M. F. Nesbit, Administrator. This, Sept. 5, 1895., U Mm Up, : ; MI. PLEASANT, N. ft REV. J. D. SHIREY, D. D., PRES Bed need Railroad Rates. Cotton State and International Exposition, Atlanta, Ga. Tickets on sale September 5 and 12 and daiJy from September 15 to Decern ber l5. 1896, inclusive with final limit January 7, 1896. Fare for round trip $14.20. Tickets on sale da'ly from September 15 to Decern' ber '30, inclusive with final limit fifteen days fromfdato cf sale. Fare for round trip .$10.4.0- Tickets on sale daily from,: September 15 to December 30, inclusive with final limit sever? days from date of sale. Fare for round trip 86 55. Burke County Agricultural Fair, Morgan ton, N. C, tickets on' sale October 14th to 17th inclusiTe, final limit October 18th, 1895. Continue ou8 passage in both directions. Fare foi round trip $3.30. State Silver Convention Kaleich, N. C. STickets on sale Sept. 23rd, 24th and 25th final limit Sept. 28, continuous pas sage in each direction. Fare 'foi round trip $6,70. Meeting of Concord Presbytery States ville, N. C Tickets on sale Sept. 23, 24 and 25. Final limit Sept. 20, 1895. Con tinuous passage in each dlrectien. Fare for round trip $3.50. Convention ofCoDgregatio ;al chnrch of North Carolina, Dudley, N. C. Tickets on sale to Qoldesboro Sept. 25 and 26. Final limit October 1, 18s 5. Continuous passage in each direction. Fare for round trip $3 20. Stale Baptist Sunday School Conven tion, Warrenton, .N. C. T ickets on sale S pt. 17 to 20. Final limit Sept. 25, 1895. Contionus passage in each direction. Fare for round trip to Henderson $7.30; to Raleigh1 $6.70. Bncklen's Arnica Salre, The Best Salve in tke world for Cuts, Brais:8, Sores, Ulcers, - Salt Rheum, Fever Sors, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Fruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay reqni-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or monev refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug Store. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT. TTIho Col. A. II, Andrew Goes np Another Motcli In the Railroad World. The Board of Directors of . the Southern Kail way Company have api pointed the followingonlcers, to take effect on October 1st: Col, A B An drews, first vice president; W H Baldwin, second vice-president; W W Finley. third vice-president. Paul I Wells was named as superintendent of the sixth division. Mr; Finley' headquarters will be in Washington. The selection of these officers is a continuance of the esteem and con hv dence in which they are held by the directors. Col. Andrews, who has heretofore held the second yicepres idency, is now made first vice-presU dent -:f':- v'"'-'::: In Col. A B Andrews, the South ern Railway has one of the greatest j railway managers in the entire coun try. This fact is no more appreci ated: by the Southern than by the people of the State. A Phenomenal Watermelon. Mr. W P Gilmer, who lives on Main street, in Mt. Airy, showed us this morning the biggest curiosity we have seen this year in the vege table or fruit line, as you please. It was the section of a watermelon in which a -number of the seed had sprouted ; aud were growing. Mr. Gil mer cu t the meloruyesterday and was feastiDg on its delicious meat when he noticed the phenomenon. About a dozen of the Beed .had sprouted and were growing in toward the heart, and some of the sprouts had developed two nice haves. The melon was grown by Mr. Gilmer in side the incorporation. Mt. Airy News,; " . ADADEMICCOMMMROIAL , ; - and ; : . COLLEGIATE COURSES. Total necessary expenses -session or 38 weeks, 8o.00 to 137.000. - . , : Next session begins: Sepf 3. 1895. For cotalosna and special information, address the President as above, or lm. . Secretary op Facultt; Concord HIGH SCHOOL Opens September 2. Offers ful thor ough preparation for college ; practical, thorough training for business or" life tnfAnnotinn rr . nnnT!TiffiTriftnt. dress. HOLLAND THOMPSON. tt&S622tw Coircord, N. C. Round v Some Medicines belong to one season and some to another. DR. KING'S ROYAL GERMETUER IS IN SEASON ALL THE YEflR ROUND. INTHESPRING It purifies the blood, removes languor and depression, invigorates and exhila rates the whole system. INTHESUmMER It overcomes the relaxation and debility caused by hot weather and corrects bowel troubles that are so prevalent then. Besides, it makes the most de Jghtful and refreshing1 drink. IN THE FALL When malaria" "rides on every passing" vwu, xv ia Kixo gicdb pit; veu li vtj ana the unfailing cure of troubles result ing from that cause. IN THE WINTER It is still needed for curing Colds, Grip, Catarrh, Rheumatism, and the ills that belong to cold seasons. It does these things, not in a feeble and uncertain way, but with assured and triumphant power. Keep It in tho Homo at All Times. "Sold by Druggists, new package, large bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar. Manufactured only by THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL CO., ATLANTA, GA. Write for 48-Page Book, Mailed Free. FETZER' S DR UG STORE FB.W-BU-BJBHLW!! 'I 1F Y0O BUYA avsa vim; " For men, WOiaen Or bova nt Tfrlo. mnfrino from $15 to $80. We ship from factory st Ua to approval and xe tlie oraly manul actor- er3SellingdlrcctionMmcra, We iavt no Agents. W e offer grn t tr -nlte ju. oar vacford Gladiator wheels at SSft to si) than other manufacturers vfith pricos from 1QQ to $150. Ev3ry vrhccl fully v. arr.xatffti. Dont pay local denlfrsa iwifct of x ir7y ptr cent. Out this out and vrrLzTio-Zz? XOX our tiandsome catalogue. Address, ' DoTouMVantEither? The following articles are offered for sale privately and V reasonably : One pool table, balls and cues ; one bagatelle table, one cook stove, one grae, two parlor stoves 'and a dining table. For farther particulars call at this offiice. 62tf ' . REDUCED RATES. Cotton Slates 2qiI Intesiialloiial Expasltloq ATLANTA, GA. 'Stplember 18 December 3f, Tor the above occasion the Southern Hallway Co. will sell low-rate roucd-tripvtickets to ATLANTA, GA., and return on the follow ing basis : FROM- a Alexandria, Va. Asheville, NYC tmrungton, jn. U. Burkoville, Va uuipeper, va 26.25!l9.2a 12.85' 18.7013.70 23.2517.0R 25.30U.55 Chatham. Vn l9fl.RRilS.afU Chapel Hill, N. C EO.40,15.00 joncora, Charlotte, N.C Danville, V Durham, N.C... Front Royal, Va Greensboro, N. C Goldsboro, N. C. . . . . . Hendersonyille. N. C. Hickory, N.C... High Point, N. O Hot Springs, N.C... Henderson, N. C Lynchburg, Va. Lexington, N. C Morganton, N. C Marion, N. C... ....... Newton, N.C Orange, Va Oxford, N.C.......... Richmond, Va Reidsville, N. C. . . . . . . Raleigh, N. C......... South Boston, Va .... Strasburg, Va. Salisbury N.C....... Statesvifle. N. C...... Tay'.orsville, N.C... Tryon, N.C Washinorton. D. fi .... West Point, Va....... "Warrenton, Va Wilkesboro, N. C Winston-Salem, N: C. fi 10.40 0.65 8.60 11.23 12.45 10.50 14.20 13.15. 20.05 14.7d BO.40.15.00 26.2519.25 B1.75 15.93 ll.ra..... 10.dU,.... 16.95..... 14.001 E0.4015.fJ0l 22..50.16.50 16.05 15.30 14.85 15.30 E4.55 18.00 120.40 15 00 23.25 17.051 18.85 13.8TJ1 20.4015.00 B1.55 15.80 K6.25 19.25 15.30...... 15.80..... 16.35'..... 10.75!. ....I 26.25 19.2S h3.65l7.35!..... 26.2519.25!..... 22.9516.85! 19.0013.95!.,,.. 9.401 14.00...... ..... 5.75 9.65..... 11.95... . 13.50..... 10.55 12.40..... 10.35..... 6.55 10.20..... 10.45 14.00 9.20 11.60 11.80 11.25 10.90 11.25 11.25 U.25 12.00 7.85 E 10.45 11.50 5.25 7.25 8.40 6.75 8.05 7.25 7.10 7.25 13.10..... 10.45..... 12.40 9.70 10.45' 10.80 14.00. 7.25 7.25 8.15 4.90 14.00T 12.60 14.00 11.30..... 9.80 in nnrrn . --3 Castoria is Dr. Samuel ;Pitchera prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmKss: substitute for Paregoric Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and tor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms ana iys feverishness.' Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas-. toria is the' Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. . Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effeet upon their children." - Da. G. C. Usgood, Lowell, Mass. Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby pending them to premature graves." Dr. J. F. Kinchelob, j Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children tha I recomiuend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, m. D., ; in So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. y, "Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their expert ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look vrith favor upon it. ; United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Pres. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. Q Q 0XJ a CD a o o o ia - SO 50 5r ts cyq - o p " oo M 2 15 SO 0 oa So C3 O 2 n oo 2 CD O o' o Si 1 5" D 0 H ' so .o o o, 00 CQ to m. ra CD P Pi3 f S V5 oa , SO " &l Gr rr 5 O C3 TO to so aa a 00 . BO SO 2 a- CTCTQ J3 6 s o tr ca nlo sa CS T w Si. 1 5 B B CD O C3 o t CD X YOU OUGHT TO BE I 9 (Bates fromlntermediate points in proportion.) , EXPLANATION. Column A : Tickets will be sold September 5 and 12, and daily from September 15 to Decem ber 15, 1895, inclusive, with final limit January 7,1896. . Column B : Tickets will be sold daily from September 16 to December 15, 1895, inclusive, with final limit twenty (20) days from date or sale. - - - Column C: Tickets will be gold daily from September 15 to December 30, 1895, inclusive, with final limit nfteeu (15) days from date or sale. No ticket to bear longer limit than Janu ary 7, 1896. - - Column D : Tickets will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from September 17 until December 24, 1895, inclusive, with final limit ten (10) days from date of sale. Column E: Tickets will be sold daily from September 15 to December 30, 1895, inclusive, with final limit seven (7) days from date of sale. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Grounds, having a double-track, standard- 6"o launajr iiuui me uciiier OI in City Oi Atlanta to the Exposition Grounds. For tickets and full information apply ta your nearest agent, or address . JT. M. CDLP, "W.A.TUHlv, V Trafl3o Manager, ; Gcn'l Pass. Agt4 JBQQ Penna. Ave Washington, D. C , Froir the impfessinn that we are still in the midst of a panic. Your interest demands it. If yon need anything; in the - FURNITURE LINE. The earlier yon bny the better off yon will be. Business is rapidly improving and prices are running higher all along; the line. The prospects are Golden with a plentious sprink ling of Silver. Call and see our Bed Room Sets; Parlor Sets!. Dining Sets, Hall Sets, and Kitchen Sets. Ward Robes, Book Cases, Roll Top, l)esks. Hat Racks, Extension and Parlor Tables.' ' The handsomest line in the State. Bnt cur stock of are away up in G. Comejand see Gaiinoiisv Ffetzer & BelL