121. CONC01U, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1895. WnonE NO 2SS,. I J km B IK Coxcokd, N. 0. T5ia?1 nil JffisE, Cashier. JJ' pi Coltrane, Assistant Cashier . $50,000 C81, ' $16,000 .-DIRECTORS; .ir nnELL, D. F. CANNON irti Kiko. J..W. Cannon, fR 0DELL, W.H, LILLY, tt ' ), B, COLTRANE. t THE MERCURY'S DULL THUD. She Hrops Hani in St. Uuis, Golriir From 90 to 45 Degrees. St. Louis, Sept. 23. Prom 4 o'clock Yesterday afternoon until 4 o'clock this morning the mercury dropped from 93 to 45 degreesThe drop in temperature was preceded by severe westerly winds. At 9 o'clock this morning the sun was shining "brightly and the mercury registered 60 degrees. v Reports received from a number of points in Missouri, Arkansas, Ilhs nois, Iowa and Indian Territory show that the drop in temperature was generally felt in these States. No damage to crops is noticed. Got Here at 5 O'clock. Key. B S Brown and others, who were in attendance upon the United Synod, of the Southern Lutheran church at Stanton, Va., returned this (Tuesday) morning at 5 o'clock. The train is scheduled to leave Char lottesville, Va., at 2:26 but owing to , , - . . j a freieht wreck it did not leave nn til e,A bonds ana urain oougnt ana . . tired and sleepy crowd scattered out to their homes. - HE HITS 'EM. I GRETNA-GREENE, Ir. Kiigo Uses'SomeStroris and Sen sible Language. Oar readers will remember the speech of Oy Thompson, president FIRE INSURANCE A Young Couple, Who, Under Many Difficulties, Were Married Mere This Afternoon. Having transferred my Fire la suranc business to Messrs. II L "Woodhouse and B E Harris, I coz&v A Standard reporter lan upon a mena them to any who may bo i& 1 n i r i k the AIHmcp, made at - Cary some little weary looking feUow on the K to a 1 SSrPraK time ago, in which he said : street this afternoon who wore a "The church-today stands where verv sad expression on his face. The it has always stoodon the side of reporter was at once struck with it human slavery and not on the side and began quizzing the young man, of libertv " -V who at length revealed to us his Respectfully, J. W BuEKUEAD. We have assumed the Fire Iissir ance.busmess of Mr. J. W. BurkheRoY flomprisin the agencies tor sever&c first-class and well establishes coin Considerable comment has been troubles. With his bonny bride he panies, and respectfully policit a uoerai snare 01 ousmess in mm nne. W4 peculation, HAMMOND & CO. Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, HEW YOBK CITY, N. 3T. maae on nis remarus and the KaN umc u lu "UU1 xvuwan Woodrottsf Ac Hab eierh Observer cn . Snndav had w. conmy ior-tne Jicense, hut owing to August 26. . tt eers from a number of eminent dk tile joutbfal appearance of the hts vines on the matter, tie fellow they were refused him. Among others was 4one from Dr. Here he was and what next to be Kilgo, president of Trinity College, done ne didn't know. With the re in which he says : porter accompanying him we found 'Tarn much opposed, Mr. Editor, Mr Jobn M Miller at Cannonville, gold, or carried on Margin. p, s. Send for explanatory circus lar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) dwly to a reckless and vicious "attack upon the church. No one claims perfec tion for it, but no good can- come from an indiscriminate abuse of it. I am not disposed to condemn Dr. Thompson for an attack not half so malignant as hundreds of others that go unnoticed. Evangelists are to-day saying harder things about the church and its ministry, and get- who certified to the prospective . ap plicant's age. r After the license bad been pro cured, the reporter, as beat man, wa sent for a magistrate, as that was the next step. Not long afterwards Esquire Caleb A Pitts was found and Mr. Ira B Trexler and Miss Fannie S Bostian, both of Rowan county, were f Cards for the 10th The out-ofitown cards for another brilliant marriage to take place in sectarian. ting good pay for the iob. Speakers Pronounced man -and wife. No at college commencements denounce 1Dger ia the face sad and drawn, the church as narrow, bigoted and uor the blushing bride uneasy, for Men write down Chris- I liiLfll liliHulL I the First Presbyterian church were colleges as'sectarian fanaticism,' ' I? "1 j I C T 1 rMI I nnnnftiwn I I -rr aHi f rn rinAniAn issueci yesieraay: jiiios iaa ju.iiierouM--,ua5""j cunuia ucuuuuw (LI TAKER'S CORNER) eye ry thing is "fixed" and the happy couple are now far on their way homeward. : The groom is a half brother to Rev. P M Trexler, once pastor of COFFINS &C. I have now in stock fit my opposite the court house v did line of .'well-mado Furniture such as Bed Steads, Tables Wash Stands Safest Chairs, &c. defy competition .in rrgard t& quality and price. You will be, surprised when you hear my pricey Come and see. If not in stocfe'" can supply you in a few.il-nys. I have a nice line of r- -COFFir5' McDonald and Mr. Chas. O Hook, the ministry and charge them with of this citv ' hemtr . thp. ?nntrar.Hnr Uensuality, All these things have parties. -The cards are beautifully occurred in North Carolina in the Trinity Reformed church of this j i xl. -i- nflstt.wpltP mhnt.hs. anH nnfinor liaa City. them is October 10th. Charlotte been said against them as vicious quire t'Uts was eyen more nhpprvr and false attacks on the uhnrch of timid and excited than were the . MissMcUonaiaisa darighter if d. them all. Drompsdn j.w. ma ninrst marriage, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. McDonald, who is most innocent, though I must con- but he lmed down. As a sor. of . . .. . nrolirnmorw tha Snnira Befl Mot- once lived in this city. She is pleas dernn any erroneous attacic the aoc- rrj, ,:- , at prices that will surprise you. I keep a full line on band -cr ir.i- . mediate supply. I buy LUMBE antly remembered here by hosts of tor intended." fnends'and former associates as be- This is what you might call hit- I have opened my MEAT MAR KET in the Li taker basement, f or vault. When you want nice fresn mg one of the most chartxing ot her WUK luc t4cJ uu luo ucu meats, peei, porK, mutton, nic uu cn or send in vour orders to S. L. KLUTTZ. and has Hook-ed a heart that has Thompson, Ingersoll and the devil h'pon fieA affo ah faru nt.hora in in bed together, where the following dialogue is supposed to nave taken PieaBi4Ul place: P. S, 1 am in the market when beef cattle aud hos are for sale. sex. This iamous architect has vu-aciic,. lu.mc- drawn hia nlan. snecified his rjumose also had a cartoon representing i , . c x this great sea of life. riage is an "ordinance instituted by God, in the garden of Eden; the Lord saw that it was not good for Adan to be alone and he created Eve. You will have to cultivate each other and will have duties to nerform. both pleasant and un and run my pjanirg inar.h::-se, all persons who wish tmy thitic in this" linej wiil "do vt;ll to" ckV and see me. Very Rfcspectful3ye J. T. Pounds. Concord, N. C. July 13, 1893. O I ft a ' -p. ivioun t m m o e r a SEMIN ARY III liickriif b., Fifty Dollars in Dncks. ah Accident at the Bieacnery. Cv ThomD3on--"The church The Raleigh Observer tells of the x ? xv.i Like wild-fire, a rumor to the ef- stands taday where, it always stood, supposed loss sustained 'by a society TEN TEACHERS. feet that little George Murr had on tne side of humanlayery and not young man : Ornamental Brai che- Kct iv i irri i Kri i ini v i i 11111. ii.iiiv 11 i ihi pi x a. i w r m r i r win on niu in i u w w - - OP A young gentleman in this city a kjjV rQ. llv ? ISIiC JIANUFACTUEEBS OF jS GINGHAMS, OUTING CLOTHS, -PLAIDS, S1ILET1NG DEALERS IN feral Merchandise. in me macninery at ine nieacnery The Deyil "I aeartly approve few days ago sent to the lauuiiry a flew oyer the city Monday evening. 0f y0nr Tiews, Cy. My champion, pair of white pants, in the pocket of There was an accident at the bleach- Bob Ingersol1, is getting old, and of which was a roll of greenback, erybut it was one W.li Moore, it B00n be eternally with me. We amounting in all to $50. A little stead of the above named. Moore, will need a good one to take his while latter discoyenng his mistake, while working with the dryer, got Lacet Keen up the lick, Cy, and he rushed to the laundry, told, his you will get your reward." . story with great excitement, and Bob Ingersoll '-Cy, you can't was conducted to the steam machine get a better admirer than my old through which the pants were uu- chum, don't let the church folks going rapid repairs. They were head you off, you are making a taken out, the pockets were searched magnificent record, and may yet and the greenbacks looked nr-re like proye a better disciple of darkness a mess of turnip salad than they than 1 have ! 'Greensboro R cord, did like hard earned money. - But fVior mroro orradnflllv straightened The S. r. hatterfleld Case. rV " , V. " f . R L Smithof Stanly, is m RaU out, ana will no aouot, in me nex T . MOUNT PL ASANT. N. C his hand caught between two big SALT -BjlGij.r1 roers fcDat were burning hot with steam, from which it was with 0 ereat difficulty that it was extricab ed. It was badly burned and mash ed and it is said that the hand will have to be taken off. BUYERS OF Country Produce of all Kind AND WFoot wood always wonted - best prices for sae. We invite an in-. Action of all the goods Manufacture. - - Go. Mr mmm Found Immediately. We gazed on a photograph in a locket that probably had been worn for years on last Saturday. It hap pened in, this way. Mrs. E C Beach had lost a locket that was prized very highly. She advertised for it through the Standard and within an hour aftei the paper was out, the lecket was recovered by its rightful owner. It was found by one of Mr. H A Grabei's little boys. When you lose anything advertise for it through the Standard. Do Yon'Want Eltlier ? The following articles are offered for sale privately and x reasonably : One pool table, balls m& cues ; one bagatelle table, one cook stove,: one grat?, to parlor stoves and a dining table,' For fai th?r. p..vl!culr.7a call atthisoffiice. s2fcf I . SS;:::.?:::::.!. - :r::-.:-.::r.a km ' FAT r eigh, being summoned before tne " 7 , " grand jury as a witness in the caae of merchants who may be so lncky the fradnlent assignment bill now to exchange the.r goods for them, .r, .nint S P Satterfiald. by the washing machmo wrinkles m WUVV.u , - clerk of the General Assembly. Attorney W M Smith and Eon. A Alarmed the People Were. m. lis) F Hileman of Cabarrus have also been summoned. Few white people in the city knew of the meeting that was held by the Zion . HiJi Methodist (colored) on Sunday morning last, and when the bell began ringing about 5"o,cloclr, and continued to ring so long, people fiva, Thonsand Dollars Wortn of Mental Angniih, . v . Robt. L Jordan, of Eougemont has, through Messrs Guthrie, Turn'. er and Guthrie, begun suit against in the West end of the city became the Western Union Telegraph Com, alarmed, thinkmg something serious pany for alleged failure to deliver a was happening, many of whom went message sent from Durham a few to the church to find, out the cause days ago. He sues fordamages in the of the bell ringing atjsuch unseemly way of mental anguish to his wife hours. This daybreak meeting is a and estimates the damage at $5,000. new feature to many of our people. is mmm . 1 U i 13 JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 c5s. Gaiuatia, Ixxs.. Not. 16, Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles cfT". GROVE'8 TA8TELESS C1IILL TONIC Tr.l tmrw bought three gross already this year. In all cw perience of 11 years, in tho drug busin&A. t never sold an article that gave such universaifiSa taction as your Tonic. Yours truly, jFor saleby all druggists

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