1 y no O T LLCOiii LLVVJ10M No. 124. trnl & Bit C ON COlll . N.- C. , FRI DAY , SEPTEMBER 27, 1895. Whole NO. l'3u2 LIGHT THROWN ON. I Concord, N. 0. jM.OdM, .President n ccltbanb, Cashier. D. Coltrane, Assistant Cashier .,, $50,000 Si DIRECTORS ; , , . , M.Omix, D. P. Oannoh Fum J- W- Oannok, ii B Odell. W.H. Ltllt, ; 1). !, COLTKANE. - Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. ; Stock :aid Bond Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought and sold, or carried on Margin. p.S. Send for explanatory circus i-j.: l la: Oil specuuiuuu, aieu weeiiijr mar ket letter. (Free) dwly Mrs. Dr. Bmoot Writes About the Ox ford Asylum In an Interesting Man ner The Reports Must Not be True Ilow Could They ? Editor of The Standabd: In yesterday's issue of your paper ! was shocked to se suchan account of the OxfordOrpLanA8ylnm,and while I am not in the habit of v writing for papers, I shall put in a few words today if you will allow me space. I feel it my duty to correct the state ments of the James boys, because I taught two jears in the Asylum and Know wnereoi i speaK. l do not know these boys, as they have been received tnere since I left last Julv a year ago; but I am quite sure they have sadly misrenieaentfd Mr . - j - --. Lawrence and the institution gener ally, No doubt they were lonely and nomesioK perhaps sick, but we all know how easily children Wnm. "V W ri mJLM W prejudiced and ho v they can draw on their imagination. v ; In the first place Mr. Lawrence is inn 1st liET. (LIT AKER'8 CORNER ) " mmmM&A dict this too,- teri2: J phan red very much .JSSyS think if anything, FIRE INSURANCE. BUEKHE AD. quite a rarity . when I was there. cotton "Gone Yonder." Ti8 too absurd about not getting We have really seen a man smile enough water. . Thev have a. frond I he is well knnwn tn tho rnhi?r WAII omH onatam i. L. ; I ,1 1.1 '" 11 . I 'w muu o0i..lu vi w nirr w irKR auu u 1 1 r. liiht. ih uptiptjii v onmn oin. i u r a i j -nr. . -r ... . - , , -r i a uiiiiitu- tiaviu irauajerreu my i jre in which certainly afford a RnffimpnfMinf? and nsnallv I Buranc business to Messrs. II T apply of water for drinking, coot- sion, and one that has lately enter- bTto ing and running the laundry. The tained the opinion that the world need of fire insurance, ind bespeak tfw fhiMron tVin ;fa t.j i.- i ior tnem a liberal vatron3? vu i iau anar bucin auuito aiaaic.ualililb iiu.ii yniiH riMf. k i -r-v . . ' -j i - - I ., t itespectiuJJy, were sent tor and brought back. I on him, but today we see him shak- : J. W-Bufj do not know that the rule , has been ing hands with old friends and tell- ttt r. T mu.n: .... , , We have assumed the Fire Ir.sur- uAjaucu. j.uefyAiuru vrpnan ABy- ing mem no it came aDouc. Jit ance business of Mr.J.W. Burkhead, lum is a grand institution a credit says : 'I came to today loaded with oniprising the agencies for several to the founder and to the State. It things from my farm. For butter I is run in a most systematic way and got 15 cents; for eggs 12 j; for chick the advantages of the children there ens 18 to 25, and to beat all cotton far surpass many of our, schools, for has "gone yonder." I received 8 12 they are not only educated, . but. re- cents for my cotton, and if the ad ceive good instruction iu housekeep vance wouldn't make an old man ing; cooking, sewing, printing, shoe like myself smile, nothing would, making, telegraphy, short hand and In fact, every man that had any music. There-are three grades at thing on the market today got a the Boy's. Building and four at the good price for it. Corn and wheat GirlV Building each under the are about the only things that are care of a f competent teacher and down. Old corn is bringing 55 to each of the other departments has a 58 cents, but that can be eaten." : first-class and well established com panies, and respectfully solicit a liberal share of business in fbatline. WoodIiouse & Harris. August 26, ' tf FUHMITURE capable matron who sees that- the children do the work well. I could not cruel to the children, nor are any write a preat deal more concerning 01 tne teachers or matrons. Mr. this work, but do not want to be te- Lawrence is a Christian gentleman dious or take up too much yaluable and is as much interested in the epacew There is no one who has welfare of the many orphans en- more 'sympathy for an orphan than trusted to his care as one cas possible I have, and I am glad they -have be in any work. I am in direct com- such a home as theyjhayyin Oxford.' municaiion wun several or tne j rsetore I went fntre i naa quite a children and have never yet heard a different idea of the place from what The New Drug stcre- Rev. J. II. Page to.be Here. , A card from Rev. J R Moose, of Bay's Chapel, announces that Rev. J H Page formerly pastor Central M, E. church, will preach in Bay's Chapel next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. ; Mr. Page's many friends will be glad to see him. - COFFINS &C. I have now in stock at my rooms, 'opposite the court house a splen did line of well-made Furniture such as , Bed Steads, Tables, Wash Stands Safes, Chairs, &e. ! defy competition in regard to quality and price. You wi'l be surprised when you heai.- my prices Come and see." If not in stock can supply you in a few days. I have a nice line of Ihaye opened '"my ME1T MAR KET in the Litaker basement, for merly occupied by S wink & Day vault. When you want nice; fresh meats, beef, pork, mutton, etc., call on or send in your orders to S. L. KLUTTZ. . P. S. 1 am in the market when teef cattle and hogs are for sale. Ii hhimw MANUFACTURERS OF NN GINGHAMS, wwg cloths, PLAIDSSEIlETIJVG SALT BAGS. AN2 0. DEALERS IN General Merchandise. wora against air. .Lawrence or nis l naye now, and i suppose many treatment of them, and they are de- have the same idea I had thai; it voted, to his wife also, who is a as a place where the poor little or- mother to each of them. As to their phans were kept, ragged and sick, not getting enough to eat I contra- and with very little to eat and mea ... i i unless things have gre adyantagee. I5ut my eyes . were since I left, and opened and iustead 1 found a3 nice i " .... . . . . . supplies are land pretty a set of children as one more abundant. The State appro- can find anywhere happy and well priates a neat sum annually, and the most of the time. During my two Masons (under whose direct super, years stay there only three died. vision tha institution is condnntedu When sick thev are carried to the contribute liberally besides private hospital and cared for by the ma- donatiors and their income from the tron, until well, it a doctor is different departments of the Asvlum. needed he is sent for and if the viz : The shoe shop, broom factory, children are very sick their friends farm, printing office, etc, "The are notified. I hope the readers of Orphans Friend ' at $1.00 per year The Standard ;will not allow the with several thousand subscriptions awful account ot the boys to pre u would alone bring in a neat little dice them in any way against the in- sum. xnen tne singing ciasatrayeis sutuun. gaiu, x aj during the summer giving concerts worthy institution under the care in all parts of the State often mak of good Christian people, and should ing as much as $300 or $400 in one be supported by the citizens of our place. Now with all this can the State. Respectfully, - I T ft Ornon Aovlnm Uin snnhft MRS, J. Jb;. oMOOT. i i 1 it 1fAJ-l-I 1 condition as represented oy tue miie i Forfy Morse9 nl tne Fair Groands, boys ? Even if Mr. Lawrence were j have 40 Oregon horses, whose disposed to mistreat the children he age8 range between 3 and 6 years, of coma net ao so witnout Demgiounu ajj Bjzes hat must be sold. out. - . ; v Thev are at the Fair Grounds The "Advisory Board" consisting wherel exhibited my horses two of five or six of the best men of Ux vears aff0, and where you have space BUYERS OF The new drug storo, penedin the Hurley building by M L Marsh & Co., under the management of Mr. Marsh, will be ready for the business of compounding and filling prescript tious tomorrow, Saturday morning, and they respectfully extend you an invitation. to call on them. Look for their advertisement tomorrow. ' GOFF ! 4 V". at prices that will surpri keep a full Iline mediate supply. 1 buy . . t o : UU. . X m . on tirjuv x or im LUMBER and r us my flaning mallb hi an d all persons who wish any thi.Cj? in: this line, will . do well to call and see me. Very Respectfully, J. T. Telephones in the Air. Two new phones have been added to the list of Bell telephone subscri bers in this city. Eequire O G Montgomery is having one placed m Concord, K C Jply 13. 1895. his c?tton ofhce and one is being fitted in at the Buffalo thread mills. Gradually the enterprise grows. ; Countrv of all Kind -AND !0Ut'Poot wood always W prices for We invite an in uofati the goods ford and Grainville county are right there to see every thing. And the Grand Master and Board of Directors also visit and inspect the whole in nnr.nnnta and all. 1 am B V A W W www w - - personally acquainted with the ma tron of the boys' building and know her to be kind and sympathetic. line boys all love her and would do anything for "Miss Maggie." The children do not nave a variety ui pdibles at one enough to see ' them well and do your choosing. . )x These horses are the 4 yery best Western horses ever brought nere andj that they! must be sold, is reaj son ior you getting a goou uurse iiu a smallsum. - Respectully, . J, J. Johnson. P. 8. Hirst come, first served. "For year e," says Capt. C Mueller, oa wnnld hf "I have relied more upon Ayer 8 impossible to'prepare so many differ ent dishes for.Vo many children (about 225 1-thnk). ' They have goodplam, substantial food, well pooked, and served to all alike, consisUiig:of nice light bread, whicli is, by the waybaked by two boys who " were raised there, also have corn bread; biscuits, - batter cakes, rice -and hominy, plenty nf WAtnes and otuei V mm- V V W W beef or bacon. Never heard of ; eating - walnuta for they were at tb offl.oc Pills than any thing else in the inedis cine chest, to regulate my bowels, and shose of the ship's crew. These pi,lli are not severe in, their action, but do their work thoroughly." : Do Too TVant Eltner T : i ', ; -w'f p I The following articles are" oneJred for sale privately -and I reasonably ; One pool table, balls 'and cues ; ;on bagatelle tabled one cook stove, , ne grate, two parlor stoves and a dining table. For further particulars "calj s2tf Property Changed Hands. Mr. Jim C Walter, the young merchant at Forest Hill, has pur nWflPPrl the store room in which he conducts his grocery and confecn tionary business from Mr. W P Shealoy, the consideration for same being $700. The transfer was made early in the week. x Don't Wear Ready Made Clothes. We represent B Stem & Son, one of the best tailoring establishments in New Yorfc on nice goods. Suits made to order at d fit guaranteed f rom $13.50 and up. ' We are show ing a handsome line of samples. We pay all exnress charges. ; y tf r ' ,' 1 "v: . ; ; ,,IiOWB & Son. Change of. Baslncss. . J As we go to press the doors of the furniture store of Cannons, Fetzer & Bell closed for the purpose of takW ing stock, with a view to transferi ing the entire business to other hands. . - Messrs. J: O Wadsworth and O A Dry have closed a trade, wBich has be6n ' pending' for some time. Mr. I Dry will comeT with his family from Albemarle heit week to take charge of' trie 'bnsineest,: . ' Mount TAmoena SEMIN A R Y 1 a A Flounshinsr School for T-un; . Lidioa. TEN TEAC REUS, Ornamental Bran chM Receive Carefui Alter, tirii, REV. C. L. T. FISHER, A. M Prinoipav. MOUNT PL ANT. N. C -TA1TELE! fUl W!xen..Bay waaslck,,yre gave Jicr Castortw Tljen she waa Sk Child, eh cried for Castoria. -When she became JIIss, 6he clung to Gastoria. ITben she had Children, she gave them Castorla. nm .n 1 1 I i ii ii ' ii r,U L!Jclll LI Lizfl IS JUSTAGCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE f"Octs. J-fft ; GALATXA, Iixs., Nov. 1 1S33. . Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have bought three gross already this year. In &11 osr ex perience of 14 years. In the drug business, hare cerer sold an article that g ave such universal satis faction as your Tonic , Tours truly, ,1 .... AB"SY, Carr & Co., For sale by all aruscgn ts.

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