Arrival of Trains. , Richmond arrives at 11:15 a. m. iiivhinsrtoii " " 10:03 p.m. Washington Atlanta Atlanta Xew York - 7:23 p. m.1 ' 8:05 a. m 1 8:53 a. m. J' 3 hhound freight leaves at 12m. Atlanta 9:03 p. m. t1 Asnund " "5:15 p. m. " 63 qiidia are the local trains between s' 'Vnnd Atlanta. Nos. 35 and 36 are the Kichm0!!l,ins between Atlanta and Washing- and 3S are the Washington and con- .'i-,, Vestibuled Limited trains and stop 0UU'" Concoi" - BATCH OF LOCAL NE WS JtCi! upanst Putin SUape By Our pie Turnips need .rain. - 'possum time, is coming. Cotton sold today for .8cents. Just three month until Christ aias. . Erwin brought in a load of ffiteiaielona today,. Frog Pond Chill Cure. No cure, lor sale at Fefzer'd do pay Drug Little Miss A.niiie Kime ia quite aick at the home of her mother on Church street. Misse3 Jennie and Vallie Brown cave a pleasant card party to a n urn berof friends Thursday night. V. Mr. Geo. L Fisher is hauling cot tea to Odeli's Mills. The cotton does not accuc.uiatti at the platform. The cotton maiket wa3 not flooded but a consinerable quantity of the .flcecv staplewas on the market to- Aarr The choir is practicing nightly for the revival meetings to begin at Forest Hill Methodist church, Sun day next. ; 1 . Second-crop cherries are reported in several parts of town, and if frost don't catch them, they will ripen in a few weeks. Fiey. J R Moose is in- Mooresville assisting in a protracted service. He writes us that they are having a rrnnrl moaflhir .- o Mr. H M Goodman has the con tract for hauling Jhe cotton from the nlatform to Cannons ana the Cabarrus mills. Go to Ed. Fisher's for choice pears, northern apples, bananas, fresh parched peanuts, fresh cakes and fine candies. Stop at D M Walker's if you want anything in the grocery and notion line. Don't forget the place posite D C Furr's at Forest Hill, tf . Hn n m;0a f i,af Ro, n PiLr W died in Montana. He is not dead at all. neither is h sick, writes the postmaster. Boap, three caks in a box, 25 cts. .1 1. -- "vvMMMM MUVi 1 AwAWV . I Turkish Bath . Soap, 6 for AV1U UOl I j r u 1 positively pure soap, Fetzer's Drug store. ol .Thfl moronto o.ioomon and m fd4- : ' .u. -vucicryumj wuo is on mc owicom, are thankful to the clever members Of the hose and reel comDanv for .... " " sprinkling the streets. D M Walker pays the highest market prices for all kind of country produce, cash or barter. Don't forget the place opposite D O i'arr's at Forest Hill tf. W Walker, son of County TreaBurer Walker, of Mecklenburg, Thursday night in Charlotte, Be had been ick s,x weeks with tjphoid fever. He was just 18 years old. V H.-4i.. a,.,.-... t:.i Q v. "lV v,C allnim; . T)AiA HendZ 7 DU13 11 aendaraon & Co. Oar prices are 10W. Fetzsr's DrUK Store. cw rBurugowrc, JV? muw or an v cotton bfiinsr snip Ped aw f . . .. muJaome shopping i " t - " AiUU1 uncora now. xuo lactones are buvincr if Yn.i see - raise u r j g 'ai8e it here and manufactura it On Wednesdry next the Concord I delegation iU leae for Greineboia. iu ht end tne State-Narual, among wiium mil be Mk8 Emily Gibson, Ehzh Gibson; Becsie Sims, Jannie Ervin and Fannie Hill, i Mr W E E irnhardr, who recently purchased the Cruse- property on Cor bin s r ,et, is miking vast" im provements by buildibg a barn, out houses and a fenc?, preparatory to moving to, this city within the next tew weeks. V We have received today from Peter Henderson & Co., a large stock of bulbs for fall planting. Hya cinths, Tulips, Easter Lilly, Fresea, Narcissus and others. Call earlv and make selections. Fetzer's Drug otore. Mr. W P Houseal, of Newberry, S. C, and editor of the Lutheran Visitor pass.d, through Thursday higac route home from Staunton. He. spent several days at St. John's, w:th his brother-in-law. Rp.e. J O - - Wertz, Don't send your money away and pay express and postage on Flower Buib3. We have a" large stock, eai bracing fine Named Hyacinths, Tu ipi, Ea-ter Lilly. Select bulbj at low prices. You will save money if you buy of us. Fetzer's Drug Store. Mr. Rob t. Hall, of Enochviile, sold cotton to-day. He got 13:10 for it and he taid he was pleased and satisfied. The way he treated this "she-bang," we know it. Mr. Hall uc ui iUu4o mm iuuu maKe me country better by living in it. m:.- -u u uxiaa iiLVkiy jjiuuucu uas reiurueu from the North. Miss Hlffie Brown, wno accompanied her to Baltimore, has secured a position with a large .... . . ... I raniicery estaoiisnment at Matnis- burg. W. Va. She will not return before jChristma , or later. Speaking of Judge Bynum's silver wedding at Greensboro, the Morgan ton Herald, among other things, savs: "ine guests were received dy ,.r. . , . the charming hostess, Mrs. Bjnum. wuu waa asuiaieu u j)ira umujr Oibsnn and Mrs John P All son. of Concord. A Raleigh correspondent writes : The finding in the Superior Court here of a true bill against Charles Brown and Satterfiald. of the Legis- latare' ia expected. Mr. Smith, op-Lflmwfmm snW nthpr mem. hera of the Lsffialature. have been Kpfnrp thA Drand inrv. Tn.w-Mnr fiavs : So great is the demand for empty molasses barrels here that it is al- most impossible to get hold of cne for either love or monev. Reason : Farmers are now making into mo- k - . iu u ABaA;tinm.inoArnn luuyuw i.iir inrurnii mil y uuui ujm&avj waww AM9VM VAAV CJ O ever grown in the county She is not a snake cuarmer, oat " . ' 1 I:. . . . i. iL iu. the ladv wno was Siding Deneatu mc aQa nf a omall trPfl on Main street qw v T . u evidently hath charms, having been BOtaewnat irigntenea recsawy ujr .mo . . i i;ttio suaaen appearauuo Krds that teasingly played around ber. . v Ayes Sarsaparilla is not a secret preparation. Any physician may have the formula on application. The secret ot its success as a meai. cine lies in its extraordinary poer to cleanse the blood, of impunt es and pure the most deep,seated cases of blood disease. , - Mr, Jeff Shoe, who lives near Rockwell, Bowan county, . a good, warm friend ot the diai XTp 1 was in the city with cotton. lives lUmilea fromaliabury and 16 llea A,A . a - miles iroin wuuwv .li Fisher, of Enochviile School. Was iD the.citj Oing h"" . mu. The school or n m - - , - . . r, , ifa nn, Eaochviue " tomed fall vacatioa during cotton tomed v - pUKEf Durham Cigarettes r- by e-- (1iTHEAMERICAN TOBACCO C0AUfY$f DURHAM. N.C. U.S.A. MADE FROM Isda : Gvad&TobaGcb ABSOLUTELY PURE THE RUSH OF HUMANITY. I'oople Who Travel as Sen by Our Reporter. ' Mr. C A Dry, of - Albemarle, was in the city. . Mr. Charles G Suther, of Hun tersville, is in the city. Mr. J M Moor j has eone to Al bemarle for a few davs. Misa 0onnie ciineishome from Mont Amo?aa for a few days. , Rey. J H Page is in the city, the guest of Mr. W G Boshemer. Mr. C F Wadsworth, of Char- lotte, was in the city Thursday mgnc. Miasma Lil a and Marv Stafford. nf WArriarinrir arA viaitW flt Sheriff r - a 0 . J A bims- . -r 1. a " 1 T n.Ii jnnl -fliercaame u o rou auu vx Heilig, of Mt. Pleasant, were in the wuaJ' Mr. u u iieiiig ana sister, xviiss . . f , in the city today. Messrs, P B Fetzer and 'J 0 Wadsworth returned last night from lAr.rin to a Dement r -Mrs. & w nice, who was vi t- Mrs. S E White, who was visit- her father. Esquire R W Alii- a HUU 1C" ia3" XWi ' Capt D N Bennett,of Norwood, was here yesterday and last night, Puc reiurneu 10 nu re rn Mr. and Mrs. W K Udell en tertamed a numbei of friends at ilbetn last evening, weoooMiun ue lnS a tea party Miss Jennie Kirk, of Palmers- ville, Stanly county, passed through the city last night eoroute to wasn vine, ieau, wuCiC cuo Cure for Headaclie, As a remedy for all forms of Head- aone Electric Bitters has proved to ha the very best. It enects a per- i ' - marent euro ana most areaaeu KoKifnal sick headaches vield to its v - T T J I Wrt iiia all nr n r OTfl H.T UMhrtvuv. M- .. . ..T "' "15". niuu w vrr - " . fn:fl r-amndv a fair trial, in cases 01 habitual constipation. Electric, Bit ters cures by giving the needed tone tothQ boweiB and few cases long resist mo j? n--- itonoe. iuij cm - Fetzer's Drue Store. mF,raJ WfPffl : Uiy U U ALU ' , c 3 C I - For men, women or boyB at prices ranging 1 OTggiiingtiTecttocr, whT from 515 to woBnipxiwBiBjr - no Agents W.otreraterelnonr , - fn Gladiator wheeuatsotol80 than othermanawitJl at ggMg 5, . ;rofltof gty f tossso. vory wneei y rr:i percent. Cutinisouianuwiiw iatvuj w our nandsomo catalogue. Address, 11 V MM vou ii Yf 1 i "vlfd U lira vz) xDm LOWE :.& SON. We are not offering our en tire stock of goods for less than it costs us we don't want your co think so, Bat we want you to know that we nave sone through our stojek and picked out sevs eral hundred pairs of Ladies: Shoes the -finest goods we carryin ISTo. 2, 2 J, 3, 3i and 4, that We Waht to get OUt Ol OUr way You may know rthis means " -prices are not what we are looKins: tor toaav, out we want you to have a pair of . these shoes. They will goj anyway at about Wei 1 t.TVI fP v Now is thetimejto come.' They ;m nofc lasfc but a few days. In the lot will be aboutj50 pairs of " ; - Men's Shoes JSo. 6, 6i and 7 thatlmust be moyed Te ses will all be on . Bargain counter on the right when you enter the door. Come ioa hurryjto LOWE & SON. THE ' COMING ' ; - .WOMAN If the fashion plates are to be believed, will wear, black, and there never was such a demand for BLACK DRESS GOODS to the exclusion of all col-V : ored fabrics. Nothing adds more to the beauty and dignity of a woman' appearance than a fine black gown, which is alike economical and ultra fash ionable. We have just " gotten in our black and navy blues bought when the prices were ' low can sell you 75 cent Henrietta. Surah for. 50c 46 inches wide Can sell you a $1 goods 50 inches wide for 76c, Our stock of Black Creapones are the latest " production. We ask all Ladies to see our d ress goods betore buying else where. Do you want to see the prettiest line of LADIE'S SHOES ' ever shown in Concord Then come and see us and be convinced. Our No. 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty, ' Our No. 71 Needle Squar9 Toe prettiestfcseoe on the mar- AC l' g - - Our No, 69 Pointed Razor Toe the most stylish yt. Our No, 70 Bound Toe p. grand seller, all at low figures. I UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS.. Our city trade "Leader" : pure Linen Bossom extra heavy muslin double front and bacK, patent cohtinu--ous facings on back and sleeyes, custom cut and at the low price of 50c. Morrion, Lentz a Co HAVE YQU THOUGHT: OF BUY- ' - r j .... ... . IKG A FALL DRESS? fn - Wool 44 inches wide 40 cents per yard. 36 inch 1 27 cents per yard, our Mine of ladies See H - Crepons, Crovnetts and Henriettas. : vThey are the lattest." Don' t miss them if you want a black dres3. Our are simply elegant. 1 Win m Mi m kwk 50UG OS nere. Such i3 buaineM.1 PlcklDS 'i ' tHmtXMm

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