XL-No. 125. I , 1 1 " II I n If il Bank, Cokcord, N. 0. nn-pT L President nRCcLTRANB, Cashier. ;'nCoLTRAKE, Assistant Cashier CapitaV Surplus $50,000 $16,000 -DIRECTORS : i if hdell, D. F. Cannon ftSKnro. J. W. Cannon, IbOdell, W.H, Lilly, 2 ' 1). B. COLTRANE. ' - Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. i '" i i. - - Stock Bond Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, CON COlll), N. C;,1 SAT (JRDAY , SEPTEMBER 28, 1895. i Whole NO. 1.303" A BUTE R TILL. Sir. John 3X1 Her Hies In NevAdai About 15 years g0 Mr. Jno. Mil 4C1 ewu. ui ine iar,e jraul Miller and a brother of Mrs. John Cook, of St. John'B, went to Illinois, and from there further wes t, living quite a while in Colorado, Montana, Wash ington, Idaho, Oregon and Nevada; A letter: from a dear friend of Mr. Miller to. his relatives in this sec tion brings .the sad news of his death on September 4',' at DeLamar, Ke .vada. The v gentleman, Mr. Cares lock, enclosed a short notice, the funeral notice sent out,together with a photograpn. We print here the newspaper, nonce sent : September 4th, 1895, and was buried I never 0 Bq aam' the following day at 2 o'clock p. m. lne deceased was -a man about 38 i He Won't To it A train, no Knv. Fusion and - Negro : Recognition Don't Net Well V i i ? Among the manv people who were in; 1 town ; tpday r .(Saturday) was one sick man. Ut.was.Mr tfob, Temple- A r .V . ion, or Mooresviiie, wno broupnt cot ton to this markets. He was sick only at heart f i He has swallowed a bitter FIRE INSURANCE. t Proceedlnes pf Concord Presbytery. Concord Presbytery met at Fifth Creek churcn Tuesday, the " 24tb, Jl . I A. I - . L B .1 uu, m tu aosence oi toe moaerator, Havin? transferred my Fire In Rev. R V Lancaster, was opened surance business to Meter?. H I . TTT 31' 1 - f- ww -r ' with ft RPrmnn Por .T tM. wooanouse ana d Jtiarns, i corns D.D. ' , 'V-.v;: Present, 15 ministers and 21 el ders. ; :":u'..;:":; Rev. E E Pressly was chosen mod erator. Revs. J A Ramsay and W C mena them to any who may bo in need of fire insurance, and bespeak for them a liberal vatronsgo. ; Respectfully, J. W. Bubehead. pill, he . said,; inasmuch as his party fused withtthe Populist in the 3at Alexander temporary clerks. election and that he supported some Mr. W , J. Garrison, a candidate of them. Mr, Templeton is a Re- nnder .the care of tbi3 Presbytery, liberal share of business in tbat line. Ui: I! i.. , . . WAS. ftf. VlTfl nwn rennoaf tronofr "WoODHOUSE & HARRIS. jjuuuuau, was oppuau.io lUBion dui " ' ' August 26, tf a3 his party went,- he; followed. . He w mecKienourg Presbytery. We have assumed the-Fire Insur ance business of Mr.J.W. Burkhead, nomprisinsj the agencies lor several first-class and well established com I 11 T panies. ana respeotiuiiy solicit a says : I . have r.Jearned a lesson and 10 flsn Weigh 82 Pounds , years of aee and a native of North Me83rs B Frank Bost, Jim Russell T- . - . . I I T T I t J . f I " ' , uaronna. Me had been sick for anu .an ciacKweiaer went seining, the Presbyterial sermon on minis -Mr, W T Johnson, a member of Concord First church, was taken un der care of Presbytery as a candi date for the ministry. i A ;Rev. J M: Wharey, D. D., preached IT r COFFINS &C. ?-ui luur w"u lne PreTu. , Blream m ;Ioeir, terial gnpp0rt It was an excellent oDoosite t) e court houw 'en- L & rmM?-ed HotfonWimj.) forbidden , fromi aisconrg ' ml6 IVlUmFiTr, rSSeS JSS ---g "P;. ,,Addre ' e8 were mai6 bjMff0 such as . , - . . a host of: warm and sympathetic AU rrg0 . carP .weigning m ;ine Alexander and Rev. L H Wilson of ggH gtnQHc Tab! CS inenis,y was sbown by the atteni aggregate p?um; ine argesc Synod of Florida; on foreign - " ' ; ' weicjhed.lOJ pounds,. ' 'miooinnR J WqcVi Kfonrtc K.fi xnis is gooauamng tor uaoarrus. ( ;An extensive and interesting pro. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Stocks, Bonds and'Grain bought and dance Je funeral. " The mines Bold, or carried on Margin., - "k'T "f . cyrjrouuj p, S.-Send for explanatory circuv brother." ; , . laron speculation, also weekly mar- let letter. (Free) dwly iirs f,ii uii (LITAKER'S CORNER )" 1 trrtimmft fnr thA npn'pnnial rpTprnisps Chairs, &c. 7T No one knew John Miller but to We learn from Mr. A J Yorke at the next spring meeting at Centre like him ; he was a general favorite 0ne of the members of the firm of cnurch was adoPted 1 he time of with all ;his acquaintances; and nVvt Wads worth & Co' that thev tnafc mtmg was appointed for hundreds of times since he left has wiii clone out their entire business at March 31st, 1896. The first regular this writer heard many of his friends Albemarle by January 1, 1896. Mr. meeting cf Concord Presbytery was say: "I'd give anything to see John Vnrlrft i irr nr in held at Centre church, Marcb 29th, way connected with the deal made True to his friends, genial andK,y Dry & Wadsworth in the pur- kind hearted in his associations and CDaSQ 0f the furnituie business of considerate of everybody's feelings Cannons, Fetzer &Bell, which was such was John Miller's character, consummated yesterday. His death is a great shock to his 1796. Rev. C A Munroe and Hon. A Leazir were re-elected trustees of Davidson College. . i:. . Presbytery adjourned to meet at Fayetteville during the meeting of Synod. . The meeting was av j leasant one GOFFI I have opened my MEA.T MAR KET m the Litaker basement, for Ynn Wnnlil Tldm tlluaGtvnila tit TAttAII m - mwnm . W V MMmt MMV active mtm, v mw w w v w w many friends and sad, sad, news to Growers; f 1 : his many relatives, I White manv are nravin? for rain - j . j U I ....I Wc hear that Mr. Miller was con- Una ildi8ftoiid hv the continued and presbytery was most Kmaiy en- temnlfttincr a visit home in the earlv Lf wnnlrl hnnito a 1am -tnr wrwnea dv me goou people oi ,tue merly occupied by Swink & Dayn future. But all is ended. Those, the cotton-gtowers at present if rain church and commumty.-Statesyille defy competition in regard to quality and price. You wi 1 bo surprised when you hear my prices Come and see. If not in stock can supply you in a few day?. I have a nice line of 5 . at prices that will surpriuc Von. I keep a full 'line on liatid-iii-Q tuedmte snpplyr 1-boy - LUMBER and run my planing; machane; an(3 all persons who wish ttuy thinjr in this line, will do well to call and see me.- Very RespcifuiJ.rji wult. When you want 'nice: fresh mu i-a t, r?i-1 j jr-ii':L r. V't:i. Landmark. meats Wf nnrlr mflffnn. Af nall wf. vy- WUU1U XH11, UWiUg, tu lUOULi tua on or send in your orders to -- ler, will Know him no more in this tjbere-is ' aa nnasual amount of the P. S. 1 am in the market; when beef cattle aud hos are for salei Dr. Rahn in Uonroe. r, J. T. Pounds, 11 lasistoisg Go. "For yearf says Capt. C Mueller, staple open and 'not. picked put and: 'I havV relied more upon A lg91 iirtll of dust, which -rain- would- Jfins tnan anyming eise m tne meaiv The Mooroe Eoqairer thns speaks Urely greyly damage. Every avai orne Je8V to ee m? , bowels, of a gentleman, vho once lived at ble cotton picker is engaged for;mUetf - Mt. Pleasant and a professor m the aronna oui; it wni,p3 lmpossiuitr w fv;--- r , ,ti. college ; ' , get the' open cotton qut witnin tne, " - -rz: J' r t . J. ' T ' t 1 .1 r . mm w , . MouhtrAmoena 'SEMI N- A R Y MANUFACTUREES OF "Rev. S .8 Rahn, of Gastonia, has next few.daysl and should, rain come r.,DwnhetY:Teuv accepted the pastorate of the Luth- it wou,ld be.a great disaster to some, J .Mr. Cowan i t Dusenbery depot eran church at this place and has while-,pthers wouiaoe graciously agentxtord, now on,a,i8u to moved hii familv here. He has also blessed. . J relatives in Concprdr palled to t 11 accepted as;iidnm the Monroe ! Z rffr - us about'thV OxfordAsylon inref High School. ;,Monroe is always h Tfieri iflbe a regular communis f.r??fV? : glad to welcome . such men as Mr. , QUWT -,m-oo a t? ii"ie James ioys. ; n 1 ,r nrj TUS)!Qi .Mr, Duseubery says he never saw a kinder and more sympathetic man JTT 7?3- scholarly Christian man located in r , r-r.n than Mr. Lawrence; that the mstitu- VVJLXJL -A-J f-A. Vf KJ . I " . -. . " .- ' it. Together ,with the entire citi- A.Flounshine: School for Yvun. TENlTEACHEHS. . Or amentaL3rax.che, P. REV. O. L. T. FlHEli, A ttM GINGHAMS, i WTltfG CLOTHS, PLAIDS, SHEETING AND MOUNT PL A'daXT. X. Eahn. Any community is improyed . M Mn.v ni-ht'. Mfso: by having ;vsnph ah accomplished, im Brorder.of'MT-! . S. Ji Lowe, Secy. 0- Gene DEALERS IN- ' ral Merchandise." BUYERS OP I Countrv Prn1iiPo tj W VI Vft w w of all Kind -AND -r-Foot wood always "0Iltebest prices for We invite an in-. - u me gooas re. zenship of Monroe we bid Mr. Kahn and his family welcome and hope fhat thpir fltftv &monf us may be VMkM W www ww n long and pleasant." J A Houselioia;Treasiire. D W Fuller, of ( Canajoharie, N. X, says thatvhe always keeps Dr. Kind's New Discovery m the house and his family has always found the very best of results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable, C A Dykeman, druggist Catskill, N. Y. says that Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the the best cough .remedy; that ne nas used it in his. family for eight years, and it has'neyer&ifed to do all that ; M;mfirlf!oiifc Why not try a remedy sQng tried and tested. J Trial bottles tueem store- Regular Bij9Qj. and 81-00- Do ToaW?Ew5T ', ' ., The foijflEp&articles are offered for sale privately -and reasonably : One pool table, balls and cues; one bagatelle table, one cook .ov ; grate, two. parlor stoves and a dining THE - STORE Is it new Yes. Bvery thing -in it is new and of the best quality. We in yite each and eyery one to call and see us. We sell anything ; - that is usually found in a1 tion is nothing but a big home where love and kindness prevail ex cept when these will not answer, etc that Mr. Lawrence and his teachers are always 'axibiisly careful "about the welfare of the children. The Standard is glad to pub lish all these voluntary,, and unso licited complimentary statements about the management of the Oxh ford Orphans Asylum. is- t?iTinl Plnnn Tlwim Inpa nrm m m m m m m m m m IIII.M. 1 lllllll 11.111 I I II 1 IIUU :?JL11UIUJJ.JU1M QWooMal attention fiven 1 I J .Jjjvm.wmm n m I Vfticlkwdribtiblfs; '4l)f 111 II lft V frfc I iTben Baby waa sick, we gave her CastojUu, , JThen. she wag a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss; she chmg to Castoria..; -Wben she liad'CdrSn; she feave them Castorla. " -;.r HTirch JLLLCVX UM :1 H ling w-" - -&0c ltr-"i , Wear Head x Made Clotbes. represent 3.Steni &-Son,. one the best tailor mg":C3tiblishments New , - w Or. iu ftriUs from 513 . 50 annpuWe- ara t show- mg aliandsbmlihe' 6f 'kampresr'We 1- s-!?f -.r?v r.-?r.if "itTii M If- m if E ; in4 j7t . r n h i f t JU' ! i A 1 F.I. J i Z31 T ff Uz3 16 JUST AO CO O D Fd R AD U LTS- LVAnnANTSiy'PRf CE SO cts. Paris MeClclne Co., Bt. Louis, Mo. i GenUemen;--We' sold Jast -year. COO boftl es of OROVB'8 TASTELESS CHILL TONIC s&d hava bought three gross already this year. In all our es perlenM fcl 1JL ycin, ln,tho drug4)TiFincd vharo Merer sold an article that gave such universal satis vXpun truly, . t ; 'For mate ball afuigiVts; "v : U9a table. Forrurcuui at this ofliice. x5 ; -' Jjowd. & Son. 'V'

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