ji. No. lti. ffli I w - y Monal Bit CONUQ1U), N. C., MCK DAY,; SEPTEMBER 22 ,1895.' TRUE BILLS BY GEAND JUEY I Whole NO, 1.3J4 Cohoobd, N. 0. President Cashier. Against Browa ana Satterfleld-The I rinclpnl and Engrossing Clerks of tno , Prod .Douglass House Mast Stand Trial for Fraud In Connection WItn the Assignment Act Raleigh, Sent. 28. Thia ftffor nofiEAK?, Assistant ohte h)grand jury, of Wake Su, . . . - enur iourt returned a true bill ' 50,000 against S P Satterfield. Drmcinal cnrolDSi. .-,tr-j v. w'-.mB www uuuse m tne last It's . ' ': ; -. . : ' . . r-Tuu-pmpQ. legislature, ana J W Brown, en erOnsinff Clerk, for frand in ArmVrt , if HnTlT.L. U r. UAKJSOJS " , ' ----- . ..y-uw- J-'Z, T TO flirxTT tlOU With thfmilMl nf oocin T- ' T r . j f B 0DELL, . W. n, JjTLLY, ; D. B.'COLTBANE. raent act. Three witnesses were be., foie the erand inrv. thoswi hemo ' al y w vwaajg Chief Clerk Batchelor, of the De partment of State ; State Librarian Ellington and R L Smith member The :A SAD STORY." i! - Father if- tfce Girl TFhom Ed Goodman Carried Writes a Card. . The Standakd has already ' pub lished the fact of the runaway ;marv riagaand separation of Ed Good mar, of this county, and the JUr. John Taylor Done YVitn.Em.? " ; Mr. John .Taylor, of .No. .2, came in to-daj: and subscribed. He Baid FIRE INSURANCE; he had been reading Pojmlistie and H,'frflT,cf0,, inflaming stuff until he's disgusted suranc business to Meserp. H I with the whole shebang. He said ?Vf!use and 13 E Harris, I corns . , .-.-.. 1 mena them to anv who mv ho ir. he voted the. Populist ticket last need of fire insurance. -indbV daughter of Mr. A H .Newsom. who f all Dut car,t; dV.8 any more. "I for them a liberal vatrona. makes a ; statement in Saturday's am ba in the Democratic party," ; J W- Buprrrv n '"' Salisbury Herald: said be, "and I feel batter. Mv eves ' On the 7th day of September Ed are open. I can't stand this putting AST. SJ?S?!: &?rFJre. Bur,- (ioodman, of Cabarrus county, stole negroea into office. It is nothing rtomprisine the asencifirt for ffcr my daughter who is under ae, took but a game of politicians into whose firsVclass and well established com m A ner.to nia county and obtained li cense under fals3 pretence, It was the persuasion of Thomas Foil and hands they want us to play blind- liberal share of business in t bat lin folded." Mr. Tavlnr hfts dnnp . Vkitr tVinVr vvxio mat inaucca my aaugnter to Tt is bard r fnr a mm tn minr,fw August 26. WOODHOUSE & HaKRIS. tf Specmation, HAMMOND & CO. gtock and Bend Srokexs; 130 & 132 Pearl Street, - -r,u.uUuw and left her in 0 strange country.bying a handsome line of samples. We Shocks, Bonds ana liram oougnt ana- fcUC u-e her lone sslf shd wou(i not iive pay all express charges. tf sold, or carried on Margin. neyer having been . parsed by either with him and gaid gho would take Lowe & Son. P.S.-Send for explanatory circu noT3ge but which had been tabled her clothing and come home. He hronepeculation, also weekly mar- pnor to the date wherf thua deliver- cursed her and told her to tako the V?t letter. (Free) dwly ed. Another count charges that clothes but only gave her a part of marry Goodman, who is a scoundrel, &cknowiedge himself as having been 4 . m.ow i mrn h ,f f f-alfpa a Triad fn malr a or tne lower nouso from Stanly, Feuiauons io my aaugnter. sacb a confession Miss uaisy uranson, of Atlanta, Was BUUU AUUUU UUb wat.sfle was marked as a witness but did'not an- AW1CU auu r ueuilueu to xiave mm oon'twear Keady Made clothes. pear, being at Atlanta. There are bufc. he force(1 iher fco marry him We represent B. Stem & Son, one seven counts ia the indictment 8rainsfc ter H carried a pistol of the best tailoring establishments against Satterfield. One; charges " 7 L T , , , c goOQ3, ouus that he wilfnllv. Vnnvuincrlv 1 I UL suarauieeu , , , , ?.jy . life. He abused her after marriage from 313. 50 and up. We are show- THE If DRUG STORE ! Is it new t Yes. Every thing in it is new and of the best quality. in vite each and eyery one to call and see us. We sea anything that usually found in a 13 (LITAKER'S CORNER ) Beats His Wife. I.V I The Charlotte Observer of Sun- Jj Satterfield violated the true intent them. He is inhuman and brutish. ttay 8ays: "William anieis, wnite locked up last' night for being 11 V lIFU LlA 1 (FT ing for enrollment an act which had boar. drunk and abusing his wife. She IILu tilLU 1 IdullllLl.k,,-.- v jmj::,w a., :MT:Jinhir iW- tiow a fit anh.' was beat black ' and Woe.', 'Daniels, I wa ,WWVaa MUUW.UI MUU KaaUU yUU U 1 13 " I - '...,.. '.... I ...- 1 - 1 J 1 "1 fart was waII bnwn fn Rrnwn Thp iectfor an asylum. Trouble and " will oe rememoerea, Kept a Doara- other counts set forth the offise in sorrow are in store ;f or us all. .She ig house opposite the. city hall. different forms. The bill against is ruined and disappointed for life The Standard fears this is the Brown has several counts, and finds ana i entertain out intie nopes icr one mu iiveu iu lui. im. Vint. h nnrmnfir frnUnfiw r,ri recovery. Her mind is wrecked. Lord ! has he come to this ? trinoW pnrniip tKfl hu xohi, perhaps f orever." va a n:- .n uk Thcoe.arotsubstantiaUy the.facta.. . - , Mr.: Newsom warns other young issuea ior Dotn urown ana oauer- . , . . . .. . , , v. it , , , girls not to make the same mistake field, and ihey will ba regularlj OQ t,:, wofo noi.fnr tt taken under it and brought here arid complimentg Eegister of Deeds required to give, bond to the sheriff O0dS0n for his care in issuing 1U . Drug Si on Si; Speecial attention ,'iyen to the compotKi&ini: of physicians prescriptioris. - Yours Respectfully, Prescriptionist$, . ORD, G j j jj j i V I have omened mv ME AT MAR KET in the Litaker basement, for - - a.Maaw w k 1 w wit. When von want nice: fresh for their" appearance at the January censes and condemns the action of seats, beef, pork, mutton, etc., call term of court. Failing to do- this, Register of Deeds Weddinton of they iwill go to jail. - Cabarrus county. In conversation with the Heiald Mr. Newsom said he was going to or send ia your orders to S. Ij. KLUTTZ. ,f:b. 1 am in the market when ef cattle and hos are for sale. MMmM MAKUFACTURERS OF if i Window Fell on Ills Hand. Master Emerson Davis, the little .,. .a,man . larCGnv and 3-year-old-son of Rev, and Mrs. B F -duotion and the Cabarrus Register Dayis, accidentally knocked the prop f Deeds for ;ssuiEg the license. from underneath a window sash Had his daughter desired to live which fell on the little fellow s wn the man who so basely betray J hand and right seriously hurt it. e(j ijer he would hayraid , nothing He waa at home and alone, his pa- Since she came home her condition rents havinsr bsen at the' church, ia onlv slichtlv improved. Her GINGHAMS, flTrrw.- mWG CLOTHS, only a few yards away. SZasonlc ItXeetingr. " There will be a regular communi cation of Stokes Lodge No. 32, A. F. PLAIDS, SHEETING & A- M- Monday night, Sept. 30, " . - 1 COS "Rw trAay W M MS SALT BAGS. . s. J. Lowe. Seor. . 0 ' ' Mr. Goodman and 'nis Oresen." ; On Saturday last Mr. Jim Good man, of No. 4 township, purchaeed an Oregon horse. He managed the animal very successfully until reach iner the cemetery, when the-horse be MspchandisG, Ua bucmg and pawins-andhnaiiy WOrKea Its naner uu. aud uuiou loose in the McDonald wood until this (Monday) morning, when it was caught, brought back to town and took a new start. DEALERS IN General BUYERS OF itry Produce of all Kind AND Foot We invite an in wood always fi YA a. J ctu me goods inQfacture- hi to i. A Honsehold Treasure. D W Fuller, of ' Canajoharie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr, King's New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best of results follow its . use; that he would not be without it, if procurable, O A Dykeman, druggist CatskiU, N. X' says that Dr. K mg'u New Discovery ie undoubtedly the the best cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years. td it has never faiiea to uu uu iuau claimed for it.- hy not; try mind comes and goes, she being at times rational and then raving His story is indeed a pitiful one. Salisbury Herald." Kev. McCulIouKh Das Accepted. It will be remembered; Jthat some time ago a call was extended to Rey, H A McOullough, of Leesville. S. C, to the pastorate of the ,St. An drews Lutheran charge at this place, to "succeed Rev. J D - Shealy, who returns to his former pastorate of the Union charge in Lexington coanty, S, O., immediately after the fourth Sunday in October, when his time will then have expired. - We ' regret much to lose Rev. Shealy, who has endeared himself to the com munity and to his own people, but there is ft hearty welcome for Rev, McOullough, who is to come among us, having accepted the call, and will enter upon the duties of this, his new charge, about November 1. j f COFFINS &C. Set a lnr Up 1 Barrier Estate. ; " r Mr. Chas. Dnls, execntor of the late Capiain Barrier, has about set- tied up the estate His trip to Vir ginia last week wa3 to dispose of tne property there, which he did, Sat urday he sold half an interest in the Barrier plantation near the city to ivir, x xt uaviH lur urupa ic x nave now m stccK at my rooms eorvpfl: alRn'two lota on Tenth street: I opposite the court houses a sdIgii The money from the sale of all prop- did line of well-made FurniturV erty belonging to the estate, goes to &2tff-i& Bed-Steads, Tables, church. Charlotte Obseryer. Capt. Barrier, it will ; be remems bered was a native of Eastern Ja barrus, being the eldeEt child of the late Daniel Barrier. Bo Yon Want Eitner ? The following articles are offered for sale privately and reasonably i One pool table, balls and cues ; one bagatelle table, one cook stove, one grate, two parlor stove3 and a dining table. . ifor-f urther. particulars call at this office. s2tf Wash Stands Safes, Chairs, &c. defy competitiou in regard to quality and price. "You will bo surprised when you bear' my .prices Come and see. If not in stock can supply you in a few days. I have a nice line cf Z'GOFFIN'Sz .. -mam m . . v ' , at prices that will surprise you I keep a full Hine on hand for irn-s mediate supply I buy LUMBER ana is remedy so lonff tried and tested. Trial bottles Free at Petzor's Drng store- Regular size CQ3, and t.1.00.. Buclilen'a Arnica Salve- The Best Salve in the world for CutavHBruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Pile3 or no pay requi-ed. It ia guaranteed to give statisf action or mbne v refunded. Price 25 Cfnts per box. For sale at P B Fetzes Drug Store. '- OPERA HOUSE CONOOBD r , OlSE NIGHT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4TH. Having secured by special arrangements the exclusiye right to produce the greatest of all American plays, TlatiUiiriLl HP "DniTn rid Concord, N. C. July 13. 1895. and run my planing machane, and all persons who wish any thin in this line, will do well to call and see me. Very Respectfully, llnlrt M I'AH f ft M jiiiu ii rar "Which will he interpreted by a company of starplayers, with . Miss Helen Nokth, , and Blanch de Bab Booth In the leading roles. LITTLE ETHEL MAY, 5 years old, the most brih liant ohild actress now bes fore the public. This great production will be under the exclusive man agement of Josh E. Ogden. , Pricea 25, 35 cent3. Recerved seats 50 cents. Reserved seat3 on sale at Gibson's Drug ctoro. jn0.r. erwin. c a- misenheimer ERWIjN & misenheimer. Physicians and Surgeons Office No. 3. Harty building, op posite 2nd Presbyterian church , Charlotte, N. C- wmaM-m---m-aWB-B-ma-M--- Hl Allfll J av a .a.a. - SE M IN AR Y A Flourishing School foi Young , Ladies. . 7 TEN TEACHERS, Orccmental Branchea Receive . . Carefm Attention. REV. O. , L. TV FISHER, A. M Pbiiicipal. MOUNT PL ASANT, N. C.

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