ftie Daily Standard &4 BY JAMES P. COOHi OJFF1GE IN CASTOR BUILDING The Standard is published every lay (Sunday excepted) and delivers ed by carriers. ... .-. . . . ... BATES GP SUBSCRIPTION One year . . . . . . . ........ .84 00 Six months.. ... ..... . . . . 2 00 Three months 100 One month . 85 Single copy................ 05 ADVERTISING BATES. "Terms for regular advertisements madtf known on application. Address ail communications to THE STANDARD, Concord. N. O. CONCORD, SEPT. 30, 1895. REV. ALDERMAN DEPENDS Tlie Church Agaiust Slanderous At aekt of Br. Cy. Tbompson and the Vestibule s Utterances. The Vestibule of l&3t week con taining quite a, vigorous defense of Dr. Oy Thompson's slanderous at tack upon the Christian church, created do little comment. In addressing the children, Sun day morning, at the Baptist church, upon reasons why they should be properly trained and faithful to the church inasmuch as they were to be the lea'dera in the coming years, Mr. Aderoif;2 in hia maacerful way took occasion to defend the church against the recent slanderous attacks of Cy. Thompson and others in words as folio f 8 : "L stead of excusing and regrett ing the late slander upon the church by Cy. Thompson, a paper in our town rushes into the affray and ex 3laioi : 'We believe what Dr. CyruB Thompson says and praise him for it Then again it says: 'The pres ent day church is a farce,' and again: 4The pulpit and the church press do not by precept. or example carry out the es&enc of Christianity.' Is it true. that the preachers of to-day preach the slavery and only the slav ery of the people ? Is it true that the pulpit says ho word about a xsrncified Christ and Ws love to man - aauu, uj nuiu nuuut j.cutu iu iiilu and Bervice under him, no word about turning from sin and striving after good ? Do tbe church-going people sustainthis slander and tes- tlfy that from preaching Chri3t and his greatlaw of love thejpulpits have fallen to preaching the slavery of .mankind ? But how can a paper that seldom goes to church know what is preached from the pulpit? It's idea EeemB to-be that the church of God .&nd the heralds of his salvation must Ha&e their high calling of preaching talv&tion from sin and service for God and fall into the fierce ranks of one certain political pj-rty and shout riemsolyes hoarse for the measures of that one political party. If one ifails to lift his voice as a political feeler then he is a stranger to Christianity and an enslayer of the "ptople. Is thip true? Does the church la bor only for the enslaving df the people ? Does it do nothing for the fuplif ting and emancip of the people? Seep .to Africa and seel iStep to China and observe. '. Stele it not for the living power Kiit Chrisilanity as effected, .through atirl hv thA nVinrnh.; Honhtlesa tViA atne paper that' has uttered .these false slanders against the charch of Gfod would be now resting'ih a dun ep Jpr daring to use uph liberty of speech. And yet after the church - fiaj seeared for man ucn freedom, this.: jpape? darea tq-reproach hu 'cianitv's best friend "and liberator aa his cruel rnd enslaying master. Cons trast this , city of churches and church loving people with the wild - ...... . . " I , i ' I and lawless f rontier wbcle churches tttWdltWrated' by.,threcklesa freebooter and s;wkether oui liber- not. a saie siree-, a ireeaom to gu and do at one's will, a free ballot, an unintimidaltid coiutituencyoi the various faiths, tdih ' religious nS politicaV no tear: from lawless-1 assas sins and bold robbery, a clean city morally, safety and comparative hap piness. And is this worse than the churchle88 wilds of tbe s west, where life is not safe ancl- property is not sure, and happiness knows no abfd ing home? ' . Bware of any would-be leader that thus either knows not the fact or deliberately falsifies the facts. Beware of one that would prostitute tha church of God from emancipat ing man from the slavery of sin to the law and time serving slavery of heeling a political party. ri he mis sion of the church is to carry liberty from sin, and salvation for eternity, to all classes regardless of their po litical and temporal classes and parties. And it would be a sad day for humanity that should see the church of God" dethroned from its high calling and bound in and by the fetters of a fiercepohtical party. But the Savior hath said that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His church." The Salisbury Herald rounded up its fourth year Saturday evening. The Herald is a newsy and in teresU ing paper. The town has been rea sonably appreciative and this appre ciation has been mirrored in the Herald's usually bright face. Con tinued success to it, my Lord. Master Joe McCanless, the 11 year old son of Capt. J C McCanless, of Dunn's Mountain Mine, Rowan conn ty, while out hunting squirrels Saturday . afternoon, . met with a painful accident. His fun burst, shattering the thumb, on his left hand, necessitating amputation at the second jointi, Dre. McKenzie and Council performed thie opera tion. : For over Fifty Years . Mrs. Winslow's Sooth;Dg Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea- It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. mw2&w MORRISON H. CALDWEL ATTOENEY AT LAW, CONCORD, N. O. Office in Morris building, opposite Court House. &IWf lit him.T, try tIEyOO'DUY.A i For men, women or boys at prices rauginff from $15 to $80. AVe snip from f astdry sjeet to approval and are the onlymaimfacvnr era selimg direct to Conromcrg. Wehave no Agenf. Vo offer greaterralne in our Jxf ord Gladiator wheels atSftO to $8Q than bthcr manyf actnrers with prices from 9100 to 31 50. Every' wheel rally 'tyarranted . Dont pay local dealers a. profit of Fifty per cent. Cut this out and write .to-day for our handsome catalogue! 5 Address""1 -c OXFORD nF0.C0.1m Eieyaie uepartaeat u ilo r r. Dy tho Persistent Use of 4wMforrTfiars-vnth-a sore on my knee,-; which several physicians, who treatea me, caucua rcancer,-assuring me that nothing could be done to. save jny life. As a last resort, I was induced, to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it' Mrs. S. A. Fields. Bloomfield, la. The Only World's fair Sarsaparilla, Ayer's - Pills Regulate the Liver. SHCUL 1 i!lL The law of North Carolina; See Chapter 116 Sees. 34, 35, 36 and 37 acts of 1895 requires every. Physician, Dentist, Lawyer and Hotel or Boarding house keeper to pay a license tax and take out a license, under a penalty of thirty days imprisonment or fine of fifty dollars, for failure to pay the license tax. The lawfurther mm makes it my imperative duty to see that the penalty of fifty dollars is, inforced. Yery few have complied with the law. Unless the . parties . liable to pay this tax, come forward promptly I will be compelled (unwillingly as I am) to see that the law is inforced. Johis: A. Sims, Sheriff. Sept. 26,1895, 2wdw TASTEkE! ISJUSTASCOODFOnADULTG. VARnAWTED. PRI CE 50 cto; . ' . ' GA1VATIA, IIX8., Nov. 16, 1833. Paris Medicine CoM St. Lonla.Mo. ' : ? Gentlemen: We ebld last year. 600 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CEIILI, TONIC and have bought three gross already this year. In all oar ex perienca of 14 years. In the drug business, have never sold an article that gave such universal satis faction as your Tonic Youtb truly, . . ; ' . .Abnky.CAKB &CO. Tor sale by all urutgis ts. Dr. Miles'JRam MTllls are guaranteed to sztn JleaOociielnZ) minutes. "One cent a dose Iff ppfl 1 7 pp? Fp3 kn n . L L

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