Arriral of Trains. - Atlanta " 7:23 p.m. Atlanta " " 8:05 a.m. . - New Vorlc " " 8:53 a.m. Atlanta " M -933P. ... iTyjorthbonnd freight leaves at Mm. ?' Southbound ,fv "sP-m ortt tVi lnfsi train htwun rrzl 1 -MfttAtianta. .Nos. as aad i6-axe the r"2S rtraibtween, Atlanta, rad , Washing- 2 S-X-ittd Sare- the,. Washington and ? on. 212 Vfstfhuled Limited trains and atfln-f 12 .57 ... -38 .rt Limited trains and stop IlIWBaam ; crre -him .. Xho- Oregon horses at the fair gr$tinds attracted zens Sunday. blabbers and gosaippers were ic Soto-work Uwre ywould ba lew rwcaqaiancTrerrsi Several females, donned men's ap oarel Sat urdav ihfhf. fttirt Anf va a . r . nvuv oc" ging . - They wereiscoVered by the police but no arrests "Were made. Mr, W W; i the G W Patterson cotton.': mill this i BATCH QE LOJOAL NEWS . ... :-" - tlnstliaar Pencil Pusher. Only 92 days left of . 1895,-. - Three moniha of 1895 left. Shopt that straw hat at.ppce. Rowan county fair : opens tomor row. ' The cotton platform ia being re- S 21f oaired. Qaite a number of Orcgan boraea were sold on Saturday. . aa u .1 . .J - vcuucu,iuc eummc Bcaooi ior six J T Pounds is building a cotton weeks, tue actual attendance is 365. seed house near the cotton platform. Vaw m. . .. . 3 A - i lour attention is called to the Frog Pond Chili Cure. No cure, adyertieement: "Only . a Farmer's j iui oo.t. a. vfKi a irug uangnter.- mis company tne prees (Siiiiistfiia : ; - SoHaBSfflir?..' !SW.Du ko Sons 8i.Co.TKrn 1 " ,TOEAMERICN TOBACCO COAUrfrl doRham. n.c. u.s.a. -- . , ' I 1 MADE FROM High Grade Tobaeeo AND ' ' ABSOLUTELY PURE Baltimore is the victor. Her baseball team has the pennant. Adam's creek between Concord speaks highly of. See ad. for-dates, and Mt Pleasant is dry. It refuses to run. r ,ir 4 LOWE&SON We are not offering our en tire Stock of goods for less tnan it costs us-we don't want you 'co think so. But we want you to know no Store. . . - mi. u iwauuer ia on auty The fall - 0Denin? 0f milliners again after several da s confinement goods at Miss Nannie Alexander's Thornwell, of Fort Mill, W Ills ucvi. ;. fnnnrrnnr aftavnAAn ,ni. IV 8. (L.tWhOSd nritmallv illness haa that xkta Tiara tatia thronorh iw uvi a it ui uvi XJ wwu - f 1 1 A uc IUC I - 7 ' . j - va w - v . v uuw i. v Mrs. H M Barrow, who has been grandest . display :pf;miliiery art been noted, is reported improved. 0nr stock and mVked out sevs . 1 - a? ? . I ' : L:i!i.J n . - I . . I . quite sins xor Borne ume, is a greatjeYer eiuioueu m uoncora. Mrs. JSIam King returned to Char- deal better. ; a o erai iiuuurou pairs 01 ? i I VtAK etr Virrf Vi or Ti Will TThifo I a Key, eviuentiy a ironc aoor Key iorH Boraeume m putcing gravel ontutJC1' G' " "kW "IT T VtT xo some store, has been found and the grade beyond Little Cold Water He was better yesterday. . iiSLQ-lGST IOIIO6S left at this office. Pay for this on the Mt. Pleasant road, where the Rev. WO Alexander was to have notice and ge it. , . roads were "almost; impassable last preached in States ville Sunday, but k-ue fineaf ffQods we carrv;in 1 -1.1 -- o.t :i 1 vm Busy, busy, busy I are the ladies winter. taking sick Friday he came home. The 2, 3, Si and 4, that our I XT in in Miaa Nanni AlPTomW,, milHl . W rpnnivpfl Wt frran "s " 1""vu """"" nery store, arranging for .the fall Peter Henderson & Co, a large stock Standard is pleaaed to announce. . e waht to, get out of or DuiDS ror iaii planting, nva- uu oaxu uuueo auu ucno unuuo way. cinths. TulipsEaster Lilly, Fresea, in Charlotte and the Oregon horses . xtV:' . 1 nlu 'L on unni, a p,,mfl nan,hr You may know this means not what we are opening on tomorrow afternoon. 'D M Walker-pays the highest market prices for all kind, of country produce,, cash or .barter. Don't forget th& place opposite D C Furr's at Forest Hill. tf. are. Wesley Martin was. arrested Sat nrday night and tried before Esquire Hill for affray. In def anit of bond 9 he was sent to jaiL .He, threatened io shoot one Dock Baflerr jatuska and Violet Glycerine "soap, three cakes in a box, 25cts. and make selections. Fetzer's Drug here on Friday, some of Concord's prices Store. ' people will be uncertain as to where for today) but we The protracted meeting at Forest they will go. waut ou to have a air of Hill Methodist church opened yes- Grace Lutheran church, colored, wan ou 0 ave a Palr 0 terday with great encouragement. Rev. K I Bakkey pastor, had "Har- these shoes. They will go Preaching eyery night during this vest HomeJeervices . Sunday. The week at 7:45. The public is in- church was decorated with lle fruits vited to attend. of. the soil. The sermon and songs Many citizens on Main street were were appropriate to the occasion; awakened Sunday morning by some The church presented - a beautiful one driving a horse to a buggy at a appearance.. Turkish Bath Soap, 6 for 25cts, hrntish and desnerate rate through nnKn iot infoarlnal vanTif. r's Drug 1 the streets. It was about 2 o'clock, n6r the Cotton States' Exposition can mean, half so miich : to the :women anyway at about I- Half-Price. Now is thetimejto come. They will not last but a few days. In the lot will be about'SO 'H UM Ni ?. ,.: .WOMAN If tie fashion' plates are to be believed, will wear black, and ? there ; never wafCeucH, a: demand for " DRESS GOODS to the exclusion of all col - ored fabrics. Nothing J ajddf mw and dignity of a wpmah' appe'araTice than a fine black igo wn, which is alike eqoriomical arid ultra fash ionable; We have just' gotten in our black arid navy blues bought - when the prices were low can sell you 75 cent Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 inches wide Can sell you a 81 goods 50 inches wide for 76c, - Our stock of Black Creapones are rthe latest production. ' We ask all Ladies to see our dress goods betore buying else where. Do you want to see the prettiest line of LADIE'S SHOES ' ever shown in Concord Then come and see us and be convinced . Our, No. 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty. Cur No. 71 Needle Squar9 Toe prettiestseoe on the mar Our No, 69 Pointed Razor Toe the most stylish yt. Our No, 70 Round Toe a grand seller, all at low figures. UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Our city, trade VLeader'V pure Linen Rossoiri extra heavy muslin double front - and bacK, patent continu ous facings on back and sleeyes, custom ; cut and at the lo price of 50c. MORRION, LENTZ h. ZQ positively pure soap, Fetze Store. . - 01 jast a short while after the police Contractor M L Julian is now en- men had retired, J 0f oar Nation fa3 a becoming bonnet. 1 pairs of jaged in repairing the country home "For years," says uapt. U Mueuer, LTherefore-you must not ,f ail to see of Mayor Morrison. He will put in "I have, relied more upon Ayers th elegant djsplaf of pattern hats TWf -1 ' q 0"U pipQ zke flooring of the new Cannon mill Pills than anything else in the medK anti bonnets at Miss Nannie Alex iXLv JLL D Ssi.lvJt3& .also. It would b8 well lor those who can to purchase arid haye hauled at once their winter wood supply, now that the roads are in gocd condition and wood cheap. Children's services were held at the Baptist church Sunday night. The exercises consisted of recitations and songs. The meeting was dei lightful and profitable. Hyacinths, Tulips, Easter Lilly, Fresea, Narcissus and other bulbs. all choice select bulbs from Peter Hendsrson & Co. Our prices are ything cine chest, to regulate my bowels, Under's tomorrow afternoon, Octo- and shose of the ship's crew. These Der ij the result cf four weeks close j0. 6, 6i and 7 thatjmust be - L !m 4-Vi e ortfintl I V" Tt : 1. J .1-1.. -! "T-ttt I puuare iiuu bcvwo iu. , stuqy ox imporieu Bijie3 xu ow . avnflq will all mi l in j Li 11 ci i. nuia iuwiwufc" i i y nric mm uli hi cillcci vmu w Rev. J H Page spent the day in vklors until i.OVclocVin the eyen- be on going around shaking h!S friends; mg, every one welcome. hands. Dm he do an nis menus that way, he would have to remain here one solid week. This office was glad to have him ; he's one of the best friends we ever had. r Invitations have been issued an nouncing the marriage, on Wednes- day night, October 2, -1895, of Mr. Will Maynard to MiS3 Yerna rout- man, - The ceremQnyjwill take place at the home pi the bride's father, Spring When Eaby was sick, we gave her Castorla When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. yjien she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Bargain Counter " . -...--- on the right .when you enter the door. Come in.a hurry to HAVE YOU . THOUGHT OF BUY ING A FALL DRESS? m 44b inches wide 40 cents per yard, 36 inch W 3 0 1 1 LOWE & SON. Millinery Opening. - - - . Fall and winter opening 'of mil linery at Miss Mary Brachen's store Tuesday hd Wednesday October 1st and 2nd. All welcome. : 2L very low. "Fetzer's Drug Store. Mrs. Lillie Hix, ot Wilkesboro, Ufr. Wiley Trbutman, on visit to her r mother, Mrs. x V ,Bol) Bostf a very meddlesome Strieker. She goes from, here 10 negro of the town, while fooling Baltimore on a hueineaa trir. t: n;i,: A, fiio qi'awoIV' ; - , , ; ffUfl one, uiui uimiu iu yu H4v.v.. - Did Ton Ever Don't send vour money away and ;n "front of John K . Patterson s Trr Electric 4 Bitters as a remedy pay express and postage on Flower Igtore Saturday evening, accidentally for y0ur troubles ? If not, get i Rnlk irr i i AAV omh i. m. k inVk ffdQh f.nt in- hi leer hnf.tla now and set Belief Thia: J Li 1 UH . WW r' IIHVH M. IHTUK BLiVJLtA. I (Tf 11. U.1UUU w . - - hracmg fine Named Hyacinths, xn- while attempting ,to uu :uuu, uiw. uvv-- .'Easter Laiy. " Select bilbi at llftt S. v low prices, You will save money; if VkavJ W Ml Shaw, of Betbpage, inff a wqnderfu' direct influence; liri . you buy of us. Fetzer's Drug Store Ayer'8 Sarsaparilla is not a secret preparation. Any physician may ave .the formula on application. The secret ot its success -as aomedU cine liesrrritV -extrwrdmatpower to cleanse the blood of impurities and xjnre the most deep-seated cases blood diseasei;; No. 4 ? township, preached in the giYinir strerigth'Brid tbne to the fOr . .t.-.. Cnnav Trinrn. I rnns. If vniT hare lOSS 01 auDeUte. Prpahvtenan cuuiuu ' tt -'t ----- : . i. S ni,ht' His sermons 1 were constipation, . ' headache, ijabg. , 'i0,ffl;n;nff Mr spells, or are nervous,-DieepipsB, interesting and entertaining. Mr. citablefrinelancnoly:.ot, troubled Shaw is doing a good work at Beth dizzy spelis Erectrio-Ktfeta is jjage. The Standard aeknowl- tbe medicine jot neeO.., tHeiHh edges a pleasant call from its friend, and;strength are ttuaranteed by! its of years before he came to -Cabar- use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at IJfeer's J Drugstore. ' ms r .1 A III 27 cents per yard. See our Mine of ladies lei - Dress lillil'l Crepons, Crovenetts and Henriettas. . They are the lattest. Don't miss them if you want a black dress. Our one 3acquar( -At are simply elegant.

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