Vol- Xl.-No. 127. CONCORD, N. C ) TUES DAY, OC TOBER I, 1895. Whodb KO. 1 305 ional hi COKCOKD, N. 0. jfB. CCLTBAKE, ( p.-CoLTBANK, President, Cashier. Assistant Cashier Capital Surplus, $50,000 16,000 -DIRECTORS; W. Odsll, -D. F. Canjton ViAif Sing, J W. Cannon, B. Odell, - W. H; Lilly, 1). B, OOLTRANE. 4 qu tat ion HAMMOND & CO. A SERIOUS CHARGE. I Prominent Citizen of I,iio I Accnsert or a Crime. Mr. Phillip; Sowers, who is in town today, tells us of a grave offence laid at the dnnr nf n citizen of Davidson county. -V,. lhe sixteen year old daughter of Matthews Brook3 who lives on Addis AT PATTERSON'S HALL. In Honor of formal Students A Gc? man and a reception The Right a "toyely" One. The moon, pretty faces and bril liant light3 of last night were in i i - 1 1- nappy union, ana Patterson V Hall much pleasure, to Jfow Men, See Mow You Erred. ' The Reidsville Review, a most ex cellent weekly, Vays editorially: "Three of the most amiable, kind and appreciative members of the newspaper fraternity in this State are: Messrs. Henry Blount, of the .1 Wil" at; nn w ,1 t nr c was an event "or I xxav.i uau ju xuuuiug, ui Burr rnihn cr nf the Henderson Gold Leaf, and A the german at 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. son jt'itzsrerald'a nljinfnt.inn -.nof the IovpW rnVht fn ennVan -Koccower, or the Uolaaboro Head- across the river, filfiims w. w ! c&sion " ' . - light. Their friendly and fraternal father's landlord forced her to sub mit to him. This she "states was last July. At the tide of Hi oc currence she told her mother of it, but they agreed to say nothing to her father about it fearing that bloodshed might result. Last week Mr. Fitzgerald and Brooks had soma disagreement which resulted m the former authorizing Brcoks to leave his plantation. On Saturday the young girl told her father of the whole affair which had occured in FIRE INSURANC E Havihs? transferred my . Firo In surance business to Aie&sra. ii Woodhouse and B E Harris, I corns inena them to any who may be m need of firo insurance, and .bespeak for them a liberal vatroasgrv.. Respectfully, ' J. W BuminsAD. The chivalrous vouth and fair !eeim: 18 proverbial and their maiden abundantly enioyed dancing fcoarfc3y upon all occasions is to music grand, notil 12 o'clock, rSy- The editor of the Review when they repaired to the home of na3 beea mad8 tDelr debtor over Mr. and Mrs. James C Gibson, where vhelmingly recently for gracious the guests were entertained at sunner and gratultoua complimentary no by Miss Elizabeth Gibson. All this tices entirely uncalled for and (was in honor of Miss Craig, of wholly undeserved." V Washington, D. U., and the Misses Wenther Report for September. who will leave Thursday morning Mt. Pleasant, N. C. Oct. .1. for the "Normal school at Greensboro. The fortunate participant were : A !J Yorke, Miss Nannie Craig; C L July and he immediately applied for ' Smith, Miss Lai Hill; Ed Moss, Miss 75 a warrant for Fitzgerald's arrest. Kate Means: Joe Goodman. -Miss I Number nf vWv Ava iz 'nnmr - - I y I - - v. VlrV Jh V J 9 9 This is the version of the affair as Faunie Rogers; Ed P Hill, Miss Belle of fair days. 9: number of cloudy Stocks, Bonds aod Grain bought and told by Brooks, and it may be in- Means; Mr. Lse Dore, of Florida, days, 8; number of days on which eoid, or tarnea on iviargin. stigated by maJice over hia ejection,! Miss Jennie Smith; Maury Rich rain?feir8. L P.S. Send for explanatory circm At the leasr, circumstances appear j mond, Miss Elizabeth Gibson; C Total rainfall 1.79 inches, heay lar on speculation, also weekly mar- very damaging against Mr. Fitz-1 Richmond Montgomery, Miss Emily pest rain ,65 inch on 10th. We have assumed the Firo lusnr anco business of Mr. J.W. Burkhe&d,, comprising the agencies for several first-class and well established ccm panies, and respectfully rolicit a liberal share of business io that. line. WOODHOUSE & HAF.1U3. August 26. -V tf Highest temperature, 97 on 23rd. Lowest temperature, 48 on 30th. Average temperature for the month, ket letter. (Free) dwly liin KIT EttilET. (LITAKER'3 CORNER ) , -"r r' --ar!- 'A'Sty gerald. Mr. Fitzgerald claims that no violence was used and that nothing involunfary appeared on her side. Ha is 56 years of age and possessesrconsiderable means and has j Mr. and Mrs. E 0 Beach, Mr. heretofore borne a splendid reputa Mrs. J F Hurley, Mesdame3 R E i tion with his neighbors He is the Gibson, Laura Moss, Mac Davis. father Jof Dr. Fitzgerald, of Monroe, Gibson; John F Yorke, Miss Sallie Preyailing direction tof the wind, Erwin; Chal White, Miss Mary N; N E and S. White Fetzer. Stags ; Frank Smith rainfall for year, w I w land Eat-1 Brown. fihamnprnnps r I January and is known in Salisbury. Tho war rant was served this morning, but we have not been able to hear any thing further - from it Salisbury World. , February ana , iviarcn April May June July August Kinety-Tnree Dollars and a Vallso IiOSt. Mr, H T Yow, a resident of this September city and for five months pait an op 6.4 2.25 5.82 6.33 2.93 5.00 4.12 4.97 1.79 Vl.l ih.r.-, K ; ls 5 5-: - ; wo For men, women or boys at prices -Tan sis? from $15 to $80. We ship f remf actory s5i to appro-val and ere the only xnanufacttx OTS sellingdirect to Consttiiers. 'U'e have no Agenta. W e offer givotev vx.-.U.'.e in cor uxford Gladiator wneels at8fiO thcai other maiiuf acturera with prices frcza ftffQ to $150. Every 7heol fnlly wazrngisd, Dont pay local dealers a pr ftty E er cent. Cut tliis out and write t o-ficy 1 dux nandsomo catalcgus. Addr C TN A mA. J OXFORD fSFG GOmsss wafcujh 4 "cnVrrv S I COFFINS &C on or send in your orders to S. L. KLUTTZ. P. S. 1 aui in the market when ceef cattle aid hos are for sale. An Old XSust. erative in the Odell mills got on a Richmond, Va., Sept. 30. A pretty good ag" Monday night and staunton 8pecial 0 the Dispatch was being piloted over the city by a g s . Thtf yaley Mutual Life As. certain coiorea man. xvtr. xow naci 0:of;nM ft xr-- qoo;ci . ' "O "a 1 TTfc 1 S J T ... ...s, t i o us as&eis to o u jjoinier. trustee, utiu wj? tw.- home about 9 o ciock h)6 in casn, mu af 0..,a0 ara:ainnf ii 9.ro iti T j , Ihaveonened mv MEA.T MARs I A' surprise Wedding. .Mii: m tne Jjitaker basement, iors tKoViw vault. Whsn you want nice;. fresh nas nappenea m oncora in a long meats, beet, pork, mutton, etc., call time than the hannv ofiaainn that took place Monday night just before PrinciPally bil,g and 'ma11 vallse' its liabilities $130,000 in shape of tram time at the Presbvterian have now in stock -ct ' my rooms opposite tle court hous a splen did line of well-made Furniture such as ' U-M" Wash Stands Snfes Si! Q MANUFACTUEEES OF manse, when a brief I07e affair was wedded for future happiness by making the two participants as one, Mr. W A Caldwell having been mar lied to Miss Margaret Earnhardt. It was a quiet affair and only very few ' I " a . l c 1.1 t lnumiuto lnenus otj toe groom inew uut wueu uc iciuiucu in Hie nt nnn,iH r path . r35PS 'nflar if. la sema , hours ne was minus Dotn ai(i tnat the numberof current pol- money and valise. icies in the association'are 4,500. and . . -w-r I Policeman Jbisber wa3 on to xow tne amount of insurance written auu iuB ucaru, niiu ii iuc muucj i thereunder S4.500.0UU. Trie oom Chairs not returned, some one may have to answer for a robbery. Yow is al together ignorant of what become of his money, valise or himself , so goes tOf GLYGIL'IMS, 0VTUVG CLOTHS, of what was ffoin? on. In the presence of a few friends tit l-i r hart VDnn cnrkrieorl rf f ha otron f I " "v-w. v Vu.v I sqnlro Wolfo Throws Out the Gnant- Key, VV J Alexander in a short, but let to cotton-picuers. nanv has manv policy homers m Virginia and North Carolina, There are some people in Cabar rus, who hold policies in this com pany. Pro defy compatition in regard to quality and price. You will be surprised when you bear my prices Come and Eee. If not in stock can supply you In a few days. I have a nico line of o Millinery Opening1. Fall and winter opening of mil- impressive ceremony .married the yeiiow negro cotton harvester, linery at Miss Mary Brachen's store conoie. immeaiateiv arter wmcn jno Kedfearn. on 'fcauire u n T,iflC(iann(i Wodn nPi- D r f ci ry -rr-r. tti run n f i I . .1 ... . x-i i I J -1 LtJiJ-JLJfo, o LljLMjJ. kt I they left on -the gontn bonncl train Woire'a place, near ice city, la huh for Atlanta trf take in the Exposi- mending his recora. & rew aays 3go . , I piUucu. IU time uu uucuttii uuui o tion. Mr. Caldwell is a son ;of Mr. and hour. The following day he Mrs. D A Caldwell, and the bride is picked 388 pounds. Squire Wolfe and 2nd. All welcome. 2t. AND SALT BAGS. .'OPERA-' HOUSE Concord DEALERS IN General OJSE NIGHT, the daughter of Mr,, and Mrs. P C wants to knpw who has one that can YR.ID AY, OC TOBER 4TH. Earnhardt, ali of this city. beat him . He throws out the chal- m , I . , , t lensre. Charlotte Observer. The beat wishes of a large circle . , . . ,T . I i nia B1U1WV uiu. b out xu uiu iu l ; " at prices that w;ill surpribG you. I keep a full "line on baud fcrjiH'? mediate supply. I buy LUMBER and run my planing machane, and all persons who wish any thing in this line, will do well to call and see me. Very Respectfully, J. T. Pounds. of fiiend3 go with the young couple M6PchclIldiS6 nok only to Georgi&,s metropolis, but ail tnrouga lire. Count BUYERS OP ry Produce of al Kind . -AND Wpoot wood always Wonted -best prices for We Invite an in-, potion of all the goods 6 Maaufactnre. ,; Eo. How They Are. The latest leports from the boiler explosion wounded indicate that Mr Saf rit is steadily improving but that Mr. Bost is weaker and feverish. The gravest fears are entertained for the result of his condition. this country can pick 409 pounds in a day. This writer was regarded a good farmer years ago .-and the most he could pick was ninety three pounds and then only at a backache C03t.l Having secured by special arrangements the exclusiye Concord. N. C. July 13. 1805. right to produce the greatest of all American plays, Inly 4 firir's Wk Which will be interpreted by a company of starplayers, with JN0. R. ERWIN. C A. MISENHEIMER- ER W IN & MISENHEIMEI?.. Physicians and Surgeons Office No. 3. Harty buildincr, op' posite 2nd Presbyterian church, Charlotte. N. Backlens Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Soras, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed.- ; It is nfpnd to give statiefaction or rmone v relundedr Price 25 cents per box" For rale at P B Fetzer's Urng I Store, ; A Honsfbold Treasure. D W Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. MlSS HELEN NORTH, Y., says that he always keeps Dr. King's New; Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best of results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable, C A Dykeman, druggist Catskill, N. T.' says that Dr. 'King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the ( ftr( Rt.anhh de Bae Booth In the leading roles. rr LITTLE ETHEL MAY, years old, the most briK liant child actress now bes fore the public. This great production will the best cough remedy; that he has fca nnder the exclusive manx used it in his family for eight years, agement of Josh E. Ogden. and it has never failed to do all that . is claimed for it. Why not try a Prices 25, 35 cents. Eeserved remedy bo long tried and tested, seats 50 cents. Trial bottles Free at Fetzer's Drug Reserved seats on sale at store- Eegular s'ze 50d. and $1.00. GiDSon's Drag store. Mount Amoena SEMINAR Y: A Flourishing School for Young , L a lies. TEN TEACHERS, Onsamenhl Brarchea Receive Carefui Attention, . j KEV. O. L. T. FISHER,i A. il . pBINOIPAt, MOUNT PL ASANT. X 0;

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