- . , thia to say on me Buujrv, -r- -- t?Srh wUhout Wag BY JAMES ; . The Standard is published every day (Suaday excepted) and delivers ed by carriers RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION .81 00 One year......v... Six months....... v . Three months.. A One month , Single copy U TTfJTKfl RATES. Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord. N. O. j ! -..i ..,?w.t fnr it. or even t,,alur.rjlars money uid laoor w iu ":r Af c tun hrar. . noiumu , VV w edit Xi'-4.ttta-.M': formation tor "Singk copies a f man has a rlgni w -copy one week in the year, he has the rieht to aemauu. uvj-- andfhe has that right ly has no eTer? man in the county the same righl? Oar, paper isoar . took 8dif read n should be paid for. Now, we make this comment w th- ont knowmg the name - - who sent for tne papei, is not personal. THE BEST Family Rfcoicine She Has Ever Known. . "Words of Praise from a New Yor lAtty ior AVER'S PH tS "I would like to add my testimony to nt.hfiTs who have used Ayer's kuav v x?iia and to sav that I have taken tnem 4HW- . . .-. lor many years, and always derived in. vf roaiiits from their use.. For stom- ach and liver troubles, and for the cure of headache caused by these aeraugo ments, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled. OOtfOORD, OCT. 2, 18&S. I HON AKS OOTTOX. At. thia season the favorite sales room "bait is bonnets and wraps. The desman with his radiant amile, his insinuating manner and bis long- winded-mellow voice, will explain that "these imported articles of ap neal are quite the latest agony, etc., until it is an astonishing sight when you see the delivery boy arrive at home loaded with said novelties, that the woman of style and fashion So lour as the price of cotton was in the neighborhood of 5 cents a pound the free silver organs in this 'region told the farmers eyery day that cotton was low because silver ,7as lew and that the only way to. raise the price of both was by - tne j selecte(1 for her winter, ward- free and unlimited coinage or silver. L e But whilt3 all tbis is going The theory that the price or buy Qn tfae g5gnificanfc part is : "Papa fixes and controls the price of cotton , wea one of the main arguments of the frc-e silver advocates both in ir0UNG MEN ARE WILLING. '' newspapers and on the stump. Itotproe that we shall hrar any more of this tomfoolery. Q 0cW i-Lolters "hp pxerience 01 nt lasK iw w -:; ;li ; When my friends ask me what is the best remedy for disorders of the stom ach, liver, orbowels, my invariable answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea son, they will break up a cold, prevent la grippe, check fever, and regulate the digestive organs. They are easy to take, and are, indeed, the best all-round family medicine I have ever known." Mrs. Mat Johnson, 368 Rider Avenue, Now York City. . c Highest Honors at World's Fair. Acer's Sarsaorilia Cures all Bleed C;so;in ri toio.Trn.mR rontinue to pour into months bs put a hnal quietus tel aph ami postoflice address- upon it, - edto Hip Sing Lee, the mythical ' Silver is actually -lower low than Chinese merchant prince in whose it was when cotton was selling on name an advertisement recently ap the streets of Atlanta at 5 cents a peared in a San .Fraacisco paper ,lrtnnn a TvTondav cotton sold here oSerin flattering inducements to ci.mnnrl. any resectable white man who If anvbody had told the farmers would marry his daugnter, 01 ie. I The law of North Carolina, flop,-niijiter 116 Sees.. 34. 35, 30 and 37 acts of 1S95 requires evervj Physician, Dentist, last spnrc that iron fixA th5 price There a.e.at prepeat, .newly. -Jiw hoi-e keeper to pay a license 'of cottoned that oofioi-would not hundred letters in ihe pcffib3 8d, ax and take f licen8e, Oi couoi acu dresged (o mj8tenon8 Hip Smjr ,u a a penaUy of thirty days r3a until iron went up he woald Ra8wer to im ieut or fine of fifty Lave Wen considered a fool aad, Tet - advertisemen referred to. dollars, for failure to pay the license tax. The law furl have Wen oouiderea a iooi.-mq, y tfae j referred to. his areument would have heen far .c- better then that which the free Ml- ceritTS 'were making at that time. the further makes it my imperative duty .- . . . 1i to see ttiar, tne penany ui . . - -1 TT UIlivTD.O til v.--- this , tax. come forward TiroTnntlv, 1 will oe coLupt,iic (unwillingly as I am) to see that the law is inforced. JonN A. Sims, Sheriff. Sept. 26, 1895, 2wdw Did Yon Ever Tr 7 Electric Bittera as a rinoily fVA.iKioo v it nnr,. peifl " - t. 5a ... of , hPSt wmetera .rr "T If i,vf. Thi dollars is inforced. very lew ' UUliUU xiuh nuu feou . T,i.l, low of business and when general dusi- medicine nas been iounu 10 u ia .-rf:A liable to - -.- .v. ffnn Luliarlv adapted to the relief and Unles.s the parses Jiaoie 10 1 , . , cure of alliemalocomplamtf?, extrt- and all otner products, es a rule, inr: a wonderfa direct ir.fluence in fc.clyanc22. giving strength end tono to the or- The rise in the price of iron and gans. If you have loss of appetite, tl- , in the price of cotton began constipation, headache, ; faintins , .. n . spells, or are nervous,, bleepless, e same time and the two melancholy or troubled have &Men m about equal propor- wjth dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is 1. Health The man: with the iron argument and.'strength are Guaranteed by its r t iZ fv, use. Fifty cents and $1.03 at Fetzars is in a far better position than the -uw . , Drugstore. free silverite. There is much more L . - , nse in the general proposition that Jh (31- X- Jtl. tne prices 01 iron ana coiton corres- . 1 ond thn there is m' the idea tht Qne Henley's Monarch fence cotton moves with the former and machine, one two-horse har- dead asainst the latter theory. row," one Dig Uliver umneu AVhehhesilverites appear to the plough, one side harrow, three .t: n , , XT. plouchs, one wagon and har farmers hereafter they will let the log in,:. one feed cotton argument severely alone. At- cutter rotary and Ko. 8i, one lauta Journal. cross cut Ifolding saw, lever . I . - X. 4- -n power, one nmp-seai puaotuu, one single-seated puacu, 1MPOSITIOKS. r V oTisii bufffV, two horses, two It is noi uncommon for persons to Zlnt feet pailings, 600 ft. call at a newspaper othce and ask 4x5 oak post, eight hurr for a paper of a certain date and dre ffc framing lumber. . f ri turn to walk out without paying for vate sale, it. It is also about as often pub- A.LIDA L. Burkiiead. lishers are called upon to make pub- lwa -sw lie announcements that are strictly of an advertising character. Direct impositions are thus practiced upon newspapers, whose business is just aa legitimate as any other. 2Kb MOKRISON H. CALDWEL ATTORNEY AT LAW, CONCORD, N. C. ... 1 - -i . j r 1 r-- prvwi 151 W iarf T Ifl 11 H IP There i3 no more reason in maks ing such requests than to go to a , grocery store and a3k for a pound of meat, or a dry goods house and ask for a yard of cloth. The Franklin Times, one , of onr exchanges, has .a As mninrk erne? ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts. tJAiTa., xiiDt hvi . Office in Morns building, oPpo3iU S?0.?J . i . -i-. hnncht three gross aireauyi-- never Bivx" Vmira truly. 1 Por sale by all druggists. Court House. ADVERTISE ' i ta- RIGHT HERE. n MiiPfi'Ptiin iWt are guarareea to f oj 2feffjmln-tes! Tne cent a dose?

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