1 IflllS UTTLE Are the joy and sunlight of our "homes. Use all care to keep the little ones in health. Do not give them nauseous doses. You . can overcome their fables with Dr. King's . . - ; . - ML Ft . a iiuvcu yyiissyiuuiD They all like to take it because it does not taste like a medicine, but like a lemonade.- It cures colic flednced Railroad Rates. Cotton State and International Exposition, Atlanta Ga. Tickets on sale September 5 and 12 and daiJy from September 15 to Decern- ber 15. 1893, inclusive with final limit January 7, 1896. Fare for round trip S14.20. Tickets on sale da:ly from September 15 to Decern- ber 80, Inclusive with final limit fifteen dajTs from date of sale. Fare for round trip $10.40- Tickets on sale daily from September 15 to December 30, ioclusive with final limit seven days from date of sale. Fare for round trip $6 55. Burke County Agricultural Fair, Morgan ton, N. C, tickets on sale October 14th to 17th inclusive, final limit October 18 fch, 1895. Continue ous passage in both directions. Fare for round trip $3.30. Buffalo Bill's Wild west Show, Salisbury, N, C. Tickets on sale Oct. 11. Final limit Oct. 12, 1895. LOVE LED TO RUIN. in young children, overcomes all Fare for round trip 90 cents. Conw bowel troubles, gives good digestion, tinuous passage in both directiods. Convention of International Aa and quiet, healthful sleep. sociation of Fire Engineers u- As a tonic for weak children and gusta, Ga. Tickets on sale Oct 5, 6 and 7, good going on dat-v of sale only. Finai limit Oct. 25, 1895. Continuous passage in each direc tion. Fare for round trip $7.45, Ironclad conditions to be complied with. General Missionary Convention, Dallas, Texas. Tickets on sale Oct, The Atlanta Ctos&Jal Co., Atlanta, Ga. Finai amit Oct. 30, 1895. continuous write tor 48.par6 Book. Hailed Free. posssgd in each directioE.Fare for FETZER'S DRUGSTORE. 1L35;.; ?onricIad con as a remedy for use in teething, it is the greatest in the world. SSold by Druggists, new package, large bottle, 103 m Doses, One Dollar. Manufactured only by ditions to be complied with. no ADVERTISE jT RIGHT HERE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE: Having been duly appointed 81. REDUCED RATES. Cotton States end Intentional Exposition ATLANTA, GA., September 18 December 3f, f89JF "Sforthe above occasion the Southern Hallwa v Co. will sell low-rate round-trip tickets to A fVV- A TWTFmT A tf A .1 a A ,,oi;-a np;n;,,nt, t w n.fn xxa, khu return on me iouoit- or J. u Vitncr8poonj aeceasea, a i TDerson noiairig claims asainac tne frot ---1 m i i j " r T I I saia deceased are noreDy nojDiuea to present them duly authenticated to f SffS' S j . . , Asneville, N. O. ...... the undersigned for payment on or Burlington, n. c before the 6th day of September, Burkoviiie, Va 1896, or this notice will be plead as chaSS v.7.7.-":. a bar to their recovery. Also all Charlottesville,' va! tersons owing said estate are notK nJiPUI,?Ic xicu luau piuaaiJu jj.tyuiauL is tjyeuu Charlotte, N. U cd This, Sept. 5, 1895. M. F. Nesbit, Administrator. Danville, Va Durnam, jm. u Front lioyal, Va Greensboro, N. C... Goldsboro. N. C Hendersonville, N. C. Hickory, N. C CONCORD MARKETS COTTOX MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling.......... .........8 10 Middlings 7.85 Dow middling ....... Stains 5 to 61 PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected bv C. W Swink, -Bacon........ 81 ' Sugaieured 1 naoia..;... ...... 12itol5 Washington, p. c .... r' ii -j o j. r. We$t Point, Va B-r kal M. xk fcVV wwj -'- w vvr S Bee3 wax , 20 Butter ..........15 , Ohickeni......... . ........... 10to20 Corn ..45 .Eggs. 121 Xtard ....8toll Elour(North Carolina) ...1.75 High Point, N. C Ho: Springs, N. C .... Henderson, N. C. . . . . Lynchburg, va Lexington, N. C ..... Morgan ton, N. C JVIarion, N. C Newtcn, N. C Orange, Va Oxford, N. C. Richmond, Va... Reidsville, N. C....... Raleigh, N. C... South Boston, Va .... Strasburg, Va Salisbury, N. C....... Statesville, N. C Taylorsville, N. C . . . . XTyon, JN. U B 10.40; 9.65 36.2519.23 12.85... 18.7013.70 23.2517.05 25.30 U.55 20.8515.30 23.2517.03 20.4015.00 H.20. 13.15;. . 20.0514.70 20.4015.00 26.2519.25 17.6512.95 21.7515.95 11.70 ..... 15.30...... 16.95' 14.00 20.4015.00;. 22..E0 16.50,.... 10.05: 15.30...... 14.85 15.30 24.5518.00 20.4015 00 3.2517.05..... 18.85 13.80 20.4015.00 21 ,5515.80 26.2519.25 15.30 15:30 16.35 in r. xvr. hj . . u.oo;....; 9.40..... 5.75 9.65 ;1.X t 13.50 10.55' 12.40' !10ajOj 8.60i.... . . . . . 12.45!..... 10fi0t 6.55 5.85 10.20 10.45! 14.00...... 920) ii. co; 5.23 7.25 8.40 75 ft rr. 11.80..... 11.25 10.90 11.25! 10.45!..... 11.50..... 8.05 7.25 7.10 7.25 ll2o. 11 vti 13.10..... 10.451....- 12.40 9.70..... 10.45..... 10.80 14.00 7..25 7.25 8.15 4.90 2J 12. CO 7.85' 9i vr.io 9fJ ItA m A a ..... i-r . . . . 23.6517.35 12.60 26.2519.25 14.00..... Warrenton. Va lllcesboro, N. C ;22.95 16.85 . .... 11 .30 . winston-Salem, N. C. 19.00 13.05! .....1 9.80..... fBates from intermediate points in proportion.) EXPLANATION. Column A : Tickets 7ill bo sold September 5 and a2, and daily from September 15 to Decem ber lj, 1895, inclusive, with final limit Juuuarj 7, 1896. Column D: Tickets trill be sold dsiiy from Meal...... , ..Do with final limit twenty (20) days from da:e o' Oats....... ......30 to 35 Tallow........ .......... 3to4 Worth mm Urn, MT. PLEASANT, N. O.j REV J. D. SHIREY.I D.1D., PRES sale. Column C: Tickets Trill bo sold daily from September 15 to December SO, 1895, inclusive, with final limit fifteen (15) days from date of sale. No ticket to bear longer limit than Janu ary 7, 1896. Column D : Tickets trill hA an -and Thursdays of each week from September ".1' wwemuer at, ioya, inclusive, with final limit ten (10) days from date of sale. Column E: Tickets will be sold daily from September 15 to December 30, 1895. inclusive, with final limit seven (7) days from date of sale. ADADEMIO, COMMERCIAL AND - COLLEGIATE COURSES. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Is the only line entering the Exposition (irounds, having a double-track, standard guage railway from the center of the city of Atlanta to the Exposition Grounds. ov tickets and full Information aodIv ta jj - your nearest asrent, or address J. M. CCTLP, ' x Traffic ifanaffer, O Total necessary expenses session of 35 weeks, $85.00 to 137.000. Next session begins Sent c XT r 1 inr a ttn . . 3.;i895. For cotalogne aiidPAAL, TT.A.TUEK, Genl Pass. Afft iPW Fenna. Are washinjrtoiu D. CL COAL FOR SALE special information, address the President as above, or lm. Secretary op Faculty. HIGH SCHOOL Opens September 2. Offers full, thor ough preparation for college ; practical, thorough training for business or life. For information or announcementf ad dress. HOLLAND THOMPSON, SOFT COAL, BLOCK COAL, "r STONE COAL, SMITH COAL , Best Coal in the Son th. Accurate weight and prompt delivery Low Price. Call on K. L. CRAVEIJ. jan 1, i k A Guilty Flight After Tears, Honor, Wealth and Social Standing: Thrown Aside that Lovers Might Be To- . gettter. Kansas City, Mo., Oct.In the town of Cochrane, Jnd:, sixteen miles from Cincinnati, lived an old soldier named Henry Wright, liis wife and their only child, Harriette, who became distinguished for sher beauty as she grew into womanhood. The Wrights had a good deal of money and they took especial pains with their daughter's education, sending her East to school. Her mother was-from Vermont, and she isited her grandmother in Burling tou. She fell in love with a young man she met there, Waldo Turner, of good family, Mrs, Wright was strongly prejudiced against young Turner,' y.: Mrs, Wright and Harriette went back., to Cochrane, and presently young Turner's letters stopped . Then Mrs. Wright began to urge upon her daughter the advantages of marrying Willam Graham, the son of the richest man in that part of Indiana. Graham wag much in love with her, nut she would not listen to talk of marrying him until she wa3 convinced that Turner had forgotten her. At last they were married. " . Meanwhile TurnerTiad built up a good business. He had never for gotten Harriette, and finally he wrote to her a long, passionate let ter, telling her how. he bad loved her ail the time and asking her if she had forgotten him. Mrs. Gra ham answered him, telling him how hard she had tried to forget aLd how she had found it impossible. She wanted to see him again. They met at the Palace Hotel in Cincinnati They were together only a few hours, but they arranged their plans.- She went back to her husband. Turner wen to Burlington. He be g in to get all his property into cash. It took nearly a year and a half. When everything was ready he left his good name, his procpecs of sue cess, every thini: behhd hira forever. Mr3. Graham joined' him in Cin cinnati and wrote to her husband that she had left him forever. At first he made no effort to find her. But the suspicion that she had fled with Turner gradually impressed him. He madeiinquiries and found the truth. He hired a Pinkerton detective and, in his company, traveled through the West, finally landing at thia city. On Tuesday the detective, who was dressed asa clergyman, arrested the guilty couple. Turner denounced Graham and would haye knocked him down had the detective Lot interfered. -Graham gave them the alterna tive of going back to Cincinnati quietly or of going to jail in Kansas City until the requisition papers could be gotten. Turner and Mrs. Graham chose the return trip. And so they started back. Graham swears he will send them both to prison. Bucl&len's Arnica SalYe, The Best Salve in tko world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, (jorris and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Feizer's Drug Store. , Perfect Health, Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce (AwVigoroi!s Body; . For sick headache, malaria, hi! iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Mv in what i 111 Bm vi Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher3 prescription for Infants and ChUdren. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmK- substituto for Paregoric, , Drops, Soothing Syrups, and tor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years 0 Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and ly3 feveri3hness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cag toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its good efleet upon their children." Dr. G. C Osgood, 'V Lowell, Mass. Castoria Is the best remedy for children of Which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Dr. J. F. Kincheloe, , 1 Conway, Ark. Castoria. " 1 lm Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recemtLrfend it as superior to any prescripuvT known to me." x . . H. A. Aucher, It. in So. Oxford St, Brooilyn, Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their expert, ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among ore medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that th merits of Castoria has won us to look favor upon it. ' . United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston,Mas4 Allen C Smith, Pres. The Centaur Company, 7T Murray Street, New York City. iw '." ! "ill y ' z?2L;.-;f:k..Z.tffjf-4 --- ---Y-,f-' Q o a n o o Q o o ,& S3 O P 05 S3 rt- w 2 2-S - - zZr B t J U3 S3 O , o o , -CD TO DO a CD O S3 a cr a .k. r . a 3 Ok Ui CO O OS So 3 a t-h O OO C ox cr o a bo 00 CO o o S3 CD t3 CD O err CD Bio - p p ' : CD fcr MP n- 2 (T t P CD cr1 &. o Ho n") rr T" P T3 - (6 13- S o 4 S CD P CD B o p o CD YOU OUGHT TO BE K 1 Froir the impression that we are still in the midst of a panic, Your interest demands it. IfVyou need anyttog in the ',,-': : ' : . . on The earlier yon buy the better off vou will be. Busine is rapidly improving and prices are running higher all along: the line. The prospecs are Golden with a plentions sprint ling of Silver Call and see our Bed Room Sets, Parlor Sets, Dining Sets, Hall Sets, and Kitchen Sets. Ward Kofce .Book Cases, Holl Top Desks, Hat Hacks, Extension an Pari or Tables, Tlie handsomest line in the State But cur stock of PICTUBES are away np in G. ' Come and see tt&s a22tw CoNoord. N C v. m r .1 . a bob a o - i -m w -m w r at- n m a. t: i m m

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