r! i ti ns hi 3 j 1 : tj! fflA Flail V Sta-lUlard V BY JAMES F. COOK. OFFICE IN CASTOR BUILWNii The Standard-is published every day (Suaday excepted) and delivers ed by carriers. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One year.... ...Sd 00 Six months 2 00 Three months. ............. 1 00 One month 35 Single copy.. .. 5 ADVERTISING RATES. Term 3 for regular advertisements made Known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD. Concord. N. C. CONCORD, OCT. 3, 1805. The administration and the Legis lative powers of Texas have done the clean thing. They gay to the world to brutal exhibitions shall come off in their State without a le gal protest. . An Ijlinois-farmer walked out in-, to his pumpKm patch the other day, stepped off a 123 foot vine, counted twenty-seven punks on it, anofelt so proud that he pulled up the whole outfit and packed it off to the - At lanta exposition. The Beaton Journal of Commerce, discussing the situation and pros pect: of the South, says: "The trou ...'evith the South, at present tiiLt i the people there are-land poor. The ownership consists of too r tracts." MO I'J;IZ E FIGHTING IN TEXAS Culberson Carries Ills Point The legislature Almost Unaiimiously I'asses a Kill Making, Puglisui a Fcl-f ny ilae Senate Bill, as Amend tlie House Will Go Back from th; ' Hintelo tlxe Governor lor Ills Signature Totiay. Austin, Tex., Oct. 2. Corbett aud FitzimmoDS must find' another place than Texa3 to fight. The Legislature today, by a vote that v;as practically uuanimons in the Senate and only a little less so in the House, passed the bill prohibit ing prize -fighting. The vote by which the bill was carried furnished the strongest proof of the sentiment of the State with ' leference to prizo-nVhtihg. ; The only rallying point cf the minority vea opposition to the emergency clause which carries the bill into im. mediate effect. Certain of the mem bers honestly regarded this as an inv jus4,:- to such of thexitizens of Dallas as had spent large sums in anticipating of the fight and opposed is for that reasou alone. Their argu , iuents were not effective, however,; . and the vote in the House on the ilnal passage of the bill showed but I 5 votes in opposition with 107 in its favor. In the Senate the bill was earned with only one negative vote In the 27 that were cast. The' House is the larger body and jgeyeral members desired to be heard upon 'the Senate bill which was euby stitutfcd lor the House bill then -pending. Amid applause, a num ha: of amendments were offered. Several were adopted, but these do not change the measare to any ma terial extent except to make it still more effective. As a result of those amendments the bill will be returned to the Senate tomorrow, butVits adoption in amended form will be delayed no longer than necessary to call the roll. It will then be sent to the Govenor and when his signa ture shall have been attached it will become a law. The bill makes prizefighting a felony and imposes a punishment " ' ' " UMWMMB " III Ill II IIIIIMIl I I - !! Ill !,,, , , M JPOU t- Principals for every in lfracuou of the ltt'V by luiprisontiifiit iq the penitentiary for a term of not less than two years arid not ibore than five years. -.lYill They Flglit in Mexico ? San Antonio, Tex., Oct; 2. If the International and Great North em Kail road will stand the expense of enlarging the bullfighting arena at Nuevo, Mexico, the Florida Athletic Club will have the Corbett Fitzdioimon8 fight pulled off there. Bncltlen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in tle world for Cuts, Bruis-.se, Sores, Ulcers, Salt i Rhenm, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hand3, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statief action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For eale at P B Fetzsr'd Drug Store. For Over Fifty Yer . Mrs. Winslow's Sootlrsg Syrup -aasf bees used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gurus, allays all oain, cures wind coiiCj aad is the best remedy for i Diarrhoea It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Tw euty five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup," and take-no other kind. SA.LE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY, By virtue of authority vested in me as Commissioner, by a decree of the Superior Court, made in a special proceeding in said Superior Court of Cabarrus county, entitled E. T. : Boat, H. C. McAllister, and other members of the Cabarrus A. & M. Fair Afsociation, expartee. -I will as .such Commissioner, exs pos9 to public eaVa at the Court House door in Coi cord on Monday the 4th day of Novembor, 1893 at 12 o'clock noon: All that valuable tract of land situated in tho Southeastern portion cf the town cf Concord on Main street, known as the Fair Ground property, containing 23 - acres, more or less. This :is -u very , desirable piece of nronerty, and any one desiring a good investment wiiJ do well to. attend said sale. Terms of sajo one thousand dol las down on day of sale, balance on 0 months time, note with interest from day of salo. Title reserved till all purchase money paid. Jas. C. Gibson, Gomuiissioner. This Oct. 2, 1895. COMMISSIONERS SALE LAND. By virture of authority vested in me as Commissioner, by a clecree in a ppecilr proceeding in he Superior Court of Cabarrus conuiy, entitled C. E. Barringer and Wife. Rachel, and others vt?. George G. Plott and others- I, as sach Commissioner, will expose to public sale at the the Court House door in Concord. on iuonay the 4th day of Govern ber 1P95. at 1. o'clock, noon: All that valuable tract of land contain 90 acres more Or les?, known as the dower tract of the lata Elizaboih Plott. Said lands are in t wo tracts. one lying on the Hit. Pleas in t Great road, c ntaining 79 acres, adjoininar D M Lipo and others. Second tract oti Cold Water creek, contains mg ll acres, adjoining Eel Lipe ami othere Said land sold for Da.rc.i- tion. Terms of sa'e ono third ca&h. balance on (G) six months timp, note with interest from date of salo ro quired. Title reserved till all of purchase money paid. J a5", C. Gib3on, Commissioner. This Oct. 2, 1895. Secret of Beauty ' :s health. The secret of health is the power to digest and assim ilate a proper quanity of food. This can never be done when the liver does not act it's part. Doyou know this ? Tutts Liver Pills are an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills THE BEST . aitY MtDicinc She Has Ever Known. Words cf Praise from a New York Lady for -;- AVER'S P II LS u ' I would like to add my testimony to that of others who have used Ayer's Pills, and to say that I have taken them ior many years, and always derived the est results from their use. For stom ach and liver troubles, and for, the cure of headache caused by these derange ments, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled. Vhen my friends ask me what is the best remedy for disorders of the stom ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea son, they will break up a cold, prevent la grippe, check fever, and regulate the digestive organs. They aro easy to take, and are, indeed, the best all-round family medicine I have ever-known." Mrs. May Johnson, 2G8 Rider Avenue, New York City. ; PILL: Highest Honors at World's Fair. Aysr's SarsaLjrilla Cures all Blood Disorders HCIiL TH HOME. lue-jiiw ul iorui aroiiiia. See Chaiiter.llO ecs, 34, 35, 36 and 37 acts of 1S95 requires everv. Physician, Dentist, Lawyer and Hotel or Boarding house keeper to pay a license ta;r and take out a license, under a penalty of thirty days imprisonment or fine 01 'fifty dollnrs: "fnr fnilnr rn rxo- t-lio - v.. u - w l,lAJ 11 V license tax. The law further makes it my imperative duty to see that the, penalty of fifty dollars is in forced. Very few have complied with , the law. Unless. the' parties liable to pay this tax, come forward promptly I will be compelled (unwillingly as I am) to see that the law is inforced. John A. Sims, "Sheriff. Sept. 20, 1805, 2wdw ' f - v iov:'!!'j;:.;::;:!;i::5;.;. ; :-;..;.v vv- . fr cat , "m 'it s i" .... ...i. j m IS JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE QOcts. OALATIA, IlXS., NOV. 1G, 1333. Paris Medfcino Co., St. Louis, Mo. - Gentlemen: We sold lapfc- year, 600 bottles of DROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have bought three crosa already this year. In all our ex-- pertence of SHs yearS, ln the drag business, have never boiu an artici tnax gave sucn universal aatiar 'actiotis.your TpSSv, Yours triflrV i ABNEr, Carr & Co. 'For s lie" by all urn sgia ts. : ! ' " ADVERTISE 'bs- RIGHT HERE;-a HtM Aii n. Ill tH Vl. kd tuiwwl i r inJ. m - - 3 km m m.' . m m m ' ''-jit r jm mm .. - "A fr i vrr- Mm 1 . . v ' h -TrHf--'"-- , iff i O rH O M W. O "3 4 f toi So at f( c e a s e