J. O. 0. BLACK- RE-ELECTED If 5 i s 1 '1 I FOR THE NEXT FIVE DAYS " The salesmen will mark down the pure of Furniture, today purchased from Cannons, Fetzer & Bell, after the stock has been gone through with. We will SLAUGHTER The stock was bought for spot cash money, and at a price that our .customers can have the benefit. We will sell FURNITRTE OF ALL KINDS CHEAP FOR THE flEXT NINETY DAYS Than anjr- Fuiniture dealer in North Carolina, Seeing is believing, come anci see us. DRY J r REDUCED RATES. Collon States qllegaiioQd Dslllori ... , NWnOn " "Stptenbtr 18 December 3f, I895- Tor fo time iccatfonihe Southernllaliway Co. will ell low-rate round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, GA., and return on the follow in? basis: FROM- 0 D 8 Alexandria, Va te6.2519.2a 14.00, Asnernie, w. u iz.35U... 9.401 6.7 9.65U.... Buriihrtop, N. C......ll.70;i3.7W uurKoyuie. va.;...... peperiYa. Chatham, Va CharlottesYille.Va... Chapel Hill, N. C Concord, N.C Sfcz Durham, N.C......... Front Royal, Va. Greensboro, NWC-.tu. Ooldsboro, N. C. Hendereonville, N. C. Hickory. N.C. HiehointiN.C..... HoSmbs.;N.C.... HendeHonN. C.,... .2517.03 mi !l.j95J;.in 13.66'..... 25.30 U.5.V 20.8515.30 10.55 23.2517.08 12.4tt 20.40,15.00' 10.35 10.401 .55 5.85 13.151. . B0.05U.ra 10.L.. ... 120.40 15.00! 10.45 9.2519.25 9. w Bl.7515.95 11.C0 11.70..... 15.30..... 8.60 5.25 7.25 8.40 6.75 11.25 16.95U.;. 12.4a 10.50 f 10.45 50 ijexrngCinl, N. C.... Morjpanton. N. C. . . . . . Marion, N. O Newton, N.C Orange, Va....... Oxford, N. c: Richmond, Va . Reidsville, N.C...... Raleiffh,N. .C;.;..i. South Boston, Va .... Strasburg", Va. Salisbury, N. C....... StatesviUe, N. C Tiy:oritiUe,N.C.... v.... Dt.tolnt,Va...'.... Warrentou, Va ...... . wilkesboro, N. C TyinstonSalem, N. C. i.05;.:.. 8.05 7.25 7.10 7.25 15.30...... 11.25 14.85' 150 10.90 U.25! B4518.0tf 13.101 iMaU.... a0.4015;0DL;.... p517.05f.... 12.40, 9-70 W-45 i .... 10.80 14.O0. IX 1 VII ZU.4U15.UW 21.5515.80 26.2519.25 15.30..... 11.25 7.25 15.3 16.fi .... . 11.25 12.00 . . . i 7 5 8.15 4.20 t.OO ( 19.251 14.00'.UA 17.35 19.25 ..... 13.60 . . 14.00 30 i 22.9516.85 19.0013.95! 9.80 (Bates from intermediate points in proportioa.) ; FtLANATION. : - January 'oiutnn H : Tiafcwffl wiir m'nit4 Mii. Zjiiicry ,r w ,w wccuiuec xo icyo, inclusive Column C: Ticket wlU be sold dsilr-from! September 15 to December1 30, lUisive with Anal limitflfteeu (15) days from dateol Je. ,No tieket to bear longer limit than Janu ary 7, lt&o. s . Column D: Tickets wiU be sold oiTTidAVii fiS1 ea4h k from totepjber ?ttt Pl?ember24i im inclufBi wlfhdai lixnit seven 7) days fromdate of sale. SOIN RAILWAY 5JJeon1 ne ' nterinar' the Exposition wounds, having a double-track, standard fcS railway f roci the center of the ciyv.ot AVxtoXhz Eo8ltiou GfttWtS?; tM i .Tour nearest agent, or address J.M.CULP, IT. A. TURK, : , TrafSo ilanager. Goal Pass. At XST RIQT HERB! Column A : TJets will be sold September 5 arid 12, and dally from September iSto Decern-. Der 10. iOUa. lnclURlVA. wir.h ftnal limit IfiH THE One Henlev's Monarch fence inaeliiiie, one tb-Iiorse, hirr row, one uiiver umuea ploueh, on side barrow, three ploughs, one wagon and Hats ness, one log cbpiij .one feed cutterrotary and N b. 81, one cro3sf cut f ol)3ipg, aw jeyrer jxefoixe jnp-eat phaeion, one single -seated phaetouy one open buggy, two horses, two thousand felet paiiihgs, 600 ft. of 4x5 oak post, eight hun dred ft; framing lainbeT. Ptfi vate sale: - ' ! Aljda L. JBurkiieap. MT PLEASANT, N. C, j KEY. J.'R SHIREYilbi & 'PRES - j j ADAIDEMforCKJMMRCfAL : ' - ; COLLEGIATE wtjRSiK , T ..... 7 Total nssair expenses sessipn pf 38 weeks, $85.00 to u N ext: session begins Sept 3. 1895: ' For bdtaiogue and special infoimation, . address the President .as above, or lm. - Sectretaey of Faculty. R ERWIK. CAvMICTHEIMSR. rosite zna irreBoyterian enures, Owrlott..Ck MORR1BON H. OALDWEL ATTORNEY AT LAW, CONCORD, N. C. 'Office in Morris building.fopposite Court House. PRICES wadswqrth GDllege, V ' V II Defeated Populist Watson In tUe Wpecial Election Dj 2,00 Estimated Majority. Augusta, Ga., Oct 2 The special congressional election in- the tenth district caused by the resign Hon of J G O Black, democrat, on alleged frauds, was held today, iM two candidates ? being the same bst last year :. J C O Black, Democrat, and Thos. R.Watson, Poptifl&t . The election passed .b'ff yexy quietly and resulted in the re-elecs tion of Slack by about 2,000 estimat ed majority. . The new State registration law i - -, . -. i.i passed by the last Legislature was enforced with great satisfaction and proved its wisdom. Hale of Valuable Property. Your attention is called to the sale of the fair grounds and the Elizabeth Plott lande, by Mr. James G Gibson, commissioner. These are valuable tracts of land. The sale occurs on the 4th of Noyember. Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a rmed y for your troubles? If not. get a; bottle now and get Relief. This! medicine has been found to be pe' culiarb adapted to the relief and! cure of all female complaints, exert-! intra wonderf u direct v influence, in; giving strength end tone to the pri gans. If you have loss of appetite,! constipation, headache, fainting! Spells, or are nervous, Sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled; with dizzy spells, El ectrie Bitters is the. medicine you need. . Health andtrength are guaranteed . by its! use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at Fetzer's Drug store. Gov. Csrr nirora -Cuba's Autonomy. Raleigh' '-NV a, Sept 3(X 1 am not prepared to expresV an opinion oh the Cuban question or oa the policy of the Government. I fim aware of the fact tnatu majority of J the peqple ot North Carolina sympa thize with the insurgent and; tat theri; i! & general ' nojpfe that iitb adforioth of Cuba will be secured. The geizure of tb steamship South port at Wilmington has developed this feeling. Eeias Carr. Tbe Fair Today There was, if any thing, a smaller crowd the F$ir; gropnda today than yesterday. It id to be regretted that the Fair Association will not realize expenses this year They bae.ibeen r.ceedingy. unf ortinate forfie pasr tp'eari anVit was hoped that they -wob Id receiye ample ronage thisjear to Jiwtjfythem in con tipping. Jt is extremely b6abt fpl, we are told, if there will be any fair next year L-SaliBOarj World of thend.v - . izz ' ? . HIGH. SCHOOL , Openp BwlernferZ. Offers, full,.thor piigii prmttim fot college ; practical, tttmntft ' trkUilbg for teislness pr' life. afesfc . ? 3OCAM0' THOMPSON WtfJc'-.:. 'JUS t r-' iiiiiillill 3 go. Affssxi ie pgey rr ct ymlue in car xf prd Gladiator wheels at SCO to tta other rsasirif actarcrs -vrith jTices f rem io$j.5&. Every vliccl fully warranted, rcq! pay loral dealers a profit off fly ptrfi't. Cut tb is out wrilo t'j dy zee -iiAZsiozxiQ cin?:crnr-2. -duros?, i - y H Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher prescription for Infants and Cliildren. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harml suhstitute for rParegoric, Brops, . Soothing Syrups, and tor Oil, It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years ? by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms ana lyg feverishncss. Castoria prevents Tomitingr Sour Card, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves, teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency, Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panaceathe Mother's Friend, Castoria. -Castoria is aa excellent medicine for chil dren. ,Mothers have repeatedly told mc of its good efieet upon their children." Dr. G. C Usgood, Iowell, Mass, , M Castoria la the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not for distant when mothers wiU consider the real interest of theirchildren, and use Castoria , instead of the various quack noftrums. which are destroying their loved ones,, by .forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby Heading them to premature graves." r V DSL J. P. KlNCHELOB, , Conway, Ark.. The Centaur Company 77 COAL FOR SALE HARD COAIv 1 SOFT COAL, ; BLOCK COAL. STONE COAL, SMITH COAL Best Coal in tte South.. ,.r."A ccurate weight and prompt delivery - Low Price. Call on K. L. CRAVEN. Bed need Railroad Bates. . ; . .... . .. . . , . .''... Cotton State and International Exposition, Atlanta, Ga. Tickets on sale September 5 and. 12 and daily from September 15 to Peceni ber 15. 1896, inclusive with 'final limit January 7, 1896. Fare5 for round trip S14. 20. Tickets on tale da?ly , from September 15 to Pecem er 30, . inclusive wiUi, final limit fifteen days from dato of sal' JFire tor' round trip SID. 40. ilifekets on sale daily from September 15 to December 80, inclusive with final limit seven days from -date of sale. Fare for round trip S6 55, j-.urke County .Agricultural Fjtfr, Morgan ton, N. C, tickets on sale'! uciouur.ixi w.Aif'O. ;.n.ciusiv?, nnai limit October I8ih, ,I895.; CQntinut Queupassage in both direotionsu Fare foi.rbunci trip $3.30. r Buffalo Bill's Wild west Snow, Salisbury, K; Q. Tickets1 on 'sale' Oefc It Final limiV Oct. 12, 1895.; Fare for round trip 90 cents. Coi tinuous passage invbbth ; directiodS. : General,-. Missionary Convention. Dallas, Texas. .Tickets on sale Oetj 16j good going 0 date o sale only; Final MiVOct. 30, 1895. tibMingo'u posssge in each directior. Fare for round trip $84.35; Ironclad coni ditions to be complied with. Convention of International Ai socjatipnj of ire, ,engineer :u- gusta, Ga. -; Tickets, on sale Oct an42, Rcooingi ondatft c of gale tfnly Fuiiidimit'Ocka l95j Continuous passage in each direc tor. Fare for round trip 7.45 jron-clad conditions to be complied Nalionsl meeticg Ktu' trot - tii g I horse treeaers 'Afiorit,vA 'Associatioi Lexirgton, Ky, Tickets on,: kl0 uct. 7tn ana 8th gcod going on date of sale only. Finel limit Oct, 21st Continuous passage in each direct lion . Fai e f c r r&und trin via Chinnl S35.357 816,00 Tia V-aiut Ko Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children thai I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, m. d. Hi So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, n. " Our physicians in the children's depart, ment have poken highly of their experf! ence in their outside practice with CastorU, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that tht merits of Castoria has won us to look villi favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, ' ' -2 :- ; Boston. Mast Allen C Smith, Pres. Murray Street, New York City. T TTL Are the jby and sunlight of our homes. Use all care to keep tlie little ones in health. Do not give them nauseous doses. You can overcome their roubles with Dr. Kihg ': ' f I Germeto. They all like to take it because it does not tiiste like a medicine, 'but like a lemonade. It cures colic in young children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, quiet, healthful sleep. As a tonic for weak children ana as a remedy for use in teething, it is the greatest in the world. Sold by Druggists, new package, iarge;' bottle, 108 Doses, One DoB Manufactured only by Tbe' Atlanta Oieiail Ca AOanta, Gi Write fbr ii-Ttft Book, Xttei Tn FETZER'S BR UG STOU '--1 ; CONCORD MAKKKia COTTOlir MABKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer UwMmmlt "1, Stains PRObUCB MABKZI . Corrected bv C. W Swink. . . M..,.g? Bacon...... Vmi0 1 StV .fl?-V.M : 1W i 15 .45 Corn...;b. LardMM4... ,y5 FlouriSforth Carolina). . 53 Meal...... flnio' Oata........ 3to y WES noya ralloTT.....