Vol Xl.INo. iau, CON CORK, C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1895. Whole NO. 1.3.8 ti ial Bank. COKCORD, N. G. FellOffaChair Deau. Robert Ramseur, the colored porter for E M Andre ws, dropped dead last night about 8;30 o'clock at Mr. H-M White's on East Trade street. Mrs. White had SPnfc an nr- Pn!ld der t0 Andrewa' for a mosquito net Assistant CasMor l? Ter Mr- W 0 White's bed, a, trie mosquitoes had been troubling $50,000 aim at night. The net and fixtures $16,000 were sent down by Ramseur. as he W&3 in thft nftViif. nf rlnmv fliof riyA nTOTPfftRR. v- wxB u(,a4uu j. M. besides Mr. Whit, bis mntW. J. . JLJHitM I ' y White, R P King and a negro man named Eli Parks, Ramseur placed a chair by Mr. White's bed and got up on it, raising ihe net with him. After a few minutes he got down for something and then stepped back on the chair. He had not been there the second time more than a minute when he fell backward, his head striking the floor. Mr. King and Parks ran to him and raised his head, thinking he had been hurt by the fall, They saw SMALL KNOCKED OUT. D B. CCLTBANB, UD. COLTBANE, Capital, Surplus uv av King w R Odell, W. H, Lilly, D. B COLTBANE, 'Speculation, HAMMOND & OO. Stock snd Bond Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. The South . Carolina Convention Could Hot Stand it Adjournment Until the J 2th. Columbia; ' S. C, Oct. 3 When the constitutional convention w3 called to order this morning an ef fort was made to limit all speeches in -the future to ten minutes, but it failed. The section on police and munici pal corparatibn was amended on mo tion of Mr. Patton, of Richland, after a sharp fight, so that for hye successive years from the- time of their establishment. mHniciDal cor- porations can exempt all manufact uring establishments from taxation. Last night when section 34 of the legislative article reading" "tae mar riage of a white person with a negro or mulatto or person who shall have any negro blood, shall bo unlawful and void," was called up, Delegate Robert Small presented a sensational amendment to add these words: Filling: the Wells and Springs. It is a pretty tough tale that come3 here from dear old Stanly, but what Mr. U S Crayton, of Charlotte, who has been down there visiting hia brother Coonrod, says, one would infer that new brandy had AT OPERA HOUSE, Having secured by special been substituted for water for drink- arrangements the exclusive ing puiposes. He says : "111 tell r!?, l? Pro.dnce tne greatest von. neonlp. soma folks dnW tW Vi AXX amcuua11 Piay 9 f J - - v mm t m. mm V W V A W ' have made such a quantity of brandy this year until eyes the springs and wells are all being filled," Probably the drought, though, hascaused the wells and springs to; run dry, and the "folks" have been forced to this as a resort. II er Location ' Atld thaf. atlV whifo norann cvVirt Scocks, Bonds and Grain bought and. hat the man was dying, and carried hyeg and cohabitea with a Qr gold, or carried on Margin . pf s, Send for explanatory circus lar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) dwly inn .-BUT -diidt. (LITAKER'3 CORNER ) him as quickly as possible out of the room. He wis dead, however, before he reached the hall. He was apparently in perfect health when he mounted the chair, and as the chair was braced against the , wall, there was no way for it to tilt, caus ing him to lose his balance. It is sunnosed he was seized with heart failure, as he was dying as he fell.) was feared the shock might unnerve Mr. White, who is still very weak, but he stoocl it well. Charlotte Ob server. - mulatto, or person who shall have one-eighth or more of negro blood, shall be disqualified from holding any office of emolument or trust in this State, and ' the offspring of co habitation shall bars tha namp of the fatherland shall be entitled rai8ed b? him .... i . j . . xv He has i of same as it. they were legitmate," After an (all day battle this amendment raa killed and the original section was adopted, with this amendment by Senator Tillnun : "And riie parties to' suh marriages shall be punished as the General Aa- Not one map out of ten thousand is correct. A map of North Caro lina on exhibit at Atlanta has Char lotte between Salisbury and Greens boro. That's alright, though, for Charlotte can be anywhere her 8u burbs are. You see. The map maker has heard of Charlotte all up and down the Southern, and he thought to hit the railroad any where, seats 50 cents. the location would be a small matter. Which will be interpreted by a company of starplayers, with Miss Helen North, and Blanch de-Bab Booth In the leading roles. LITTLE ETHEL MAY, 5 years old, the most briK liant child actress now be fore the public. This great production will be under the exclns" e man agement of Josh E. Ogden. Prices 25, 35 cents. Reserved Reserved seats on sale at - Gibson's Drng store. FIRE INSURANCE, Lassy Cane 15 Feet High. Mr. S M Heglar, of No. 1, brought in samnle molasses cane - ' TT J f ' ! T7I T iiarm iransierrea my n ire in surance business to Messrs. H T an acre, ordinary I woodhouse and tJ j Hrris, I corns ground, and the cane is 15 feet men,a them to any who may be m " . . . . need of fire insurance, isd bespeak high. It is a variety the seed of for them a liberal vatronege. which came from South Carolina. Mr. Heglar w.4 fearful that the frost had damaged it but he finds, upon examination, that it is not tbe least bit hurt. ; T If.. . xvespecuu;y, J. W- BUEKHE AD, Firm Dissolved. By reference to our advertisement I sembly may prescribe." I have opened my MEAT MARs columns you will see that the firm of The only important action of the KET m the Litaker basement, fors Morrison, Lentz & Co. has dissolved, convention tonight was agreeing to a SS& Whdvywfnf "nil SSh Mr, A E Lentz retires. The business resolution offered by Senator TilU meats, beet, porK, mutton, etc., call remains m tne nanasoi Messrs it jcj man, inac wnen me convention au- fce crogs yeg ppy to John P A1 on or send in your degTTZ Gibson and D Baker Morrison, under journs fomorrow it take a recess Hso A B young or W M Smith. 3t P.S.I am in the market when the 'firm name of Cibson & Morrison, until noon on Tuesday, Uetobcr l'. Wanted. : - ' - "."T,- To contract with somebody to tear August 26. up the iron of the Dummy and load it on cars at Depot. Offers for all We have assumed the Fire Insur ance business of Mr. J. W. Burkhod oomprisin? the age?cie for si -al first-class and well establishe c m1 panies, and respectfully eolic a liberal share of business in thBire WOODHOUSE & HAR!.i:J. FUR WIT beef cattle and hos are for sale. ill hiiiw MANTJFACTrTEER? OF HJiT GINGHAMS, OUTiJVG CLOTHS, Tbe Dummy Line to be Sloyed. As will be seen from a want ad vertisement in another column, the irons and crossties of the Dummy line are to be taken up. Sometime since The Stand akd published that a sale was on foot. This looks like the beginning of the end. See the notice of bids wanted. This vas adopted by a ote of 83 to 38. The reason giyen for taking recess were tnat a numoer oi tne members were sick: a number of lawyers would absent themselves for salesday whether they were ex cusfd or not and that the business Of many farmers at thiB particular Married at Prosperity, time demanded their presence at At Prosperity Lutheran church, home. The conrention devote d the j$Qm e, Thursday evening at 3 o'clock, remainder of the night session to Mr. John A Carter, of No. -5, and U heanne arguments for and against Miss Vireie M Fagsrart were mar- w I rt ntLt little Cotton Shipped aw ay. Not as much as two cars of cotton have been shipped awavs from here A. this season. The factories buy it- paying more than it will fetch elsewhere. COFFINS &Ci I have now in stock at my lOOIIii AJV, PL J TDS S TTK RTTJTG Temple Cap Series Between Baltimore and Cleveland, eiimating the right of dower in any nod. SALT UreattractVDm Balti- and an lands aliened by the bus- Re y. B F Davis, of Concord, per- more won tne pennauL auu vicvoiuuu nana during me covercure. formed the ceremony mat maae stood next. amm these two one. A large crowd wit- -Fiye games are to be played, thre saccewfui preaching, nessed the interesting ceremony, in Cleveland and two in Baltimore. A correspondent of the Monroe aftcr whi(jh tQe bridal party went to Tro have been played and Cleveland Enquirer writes about a gentleman, home of the bridQ and enjoje(i a opposite the court house a splen did line of well-made Jb urmturq such as Bed Steads, Tables, Wash Stands Safes Chairs, &c; defy competition in regard . tf quality and price. You will be surprised when you hear my prices Come and see. If not in stock can supply you in a few days. X have a nice line of DEALERS IN General Merchandise. won both. The second game, the who several years ago was pastor of the M, E. church at Mt. Pleasant: "Rev. T T Salyer, of the Pleasant score was 7 to 2. most excellent wedding supper. A nonsebold Treasure. D W Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house Neotia Opens on 10th. Scotia seminary, colored, will open on Wednesday, October 10. Dr. Satterfield, who is in charge of the BUYERS OF Country Produce of al Kind - AND W.Foot wood always - Wonted best prices for 1 same. We Invite an in- ' Section of all the goods We aiufacture. Gfroye circuit, has just closed a very interesting and successful meeting at Wesley Chape, which resulted in and bis family has always found the the conversion of twenty persons and 8Ch0ol is very much pleased with very ueau w -m eignt accessions to me cnurcn anu prospects for even a larger attend that ne wouicv not uo wiiuuuu i. f- :Mfanffl fiPd,Wir to fi hv . .. iL! . .L ,.er ZZZ rrw,: n;- baptism, and the church greatly .re -Li. . ....... f rpi. mnU;nr. mC .ATiraeiAna vai iitai Flftv Years. -COFFINS- at prices mat win surprise you keep a full Iline on hand for im-. mediate supply. I buy ' -. LUMBER and run mv nlftniner wiRcKfinA. anr?' all persons who wish any things in this line, will do w oil to cali and see me. Very Respectfully, J. T. Pounds. f 1 1 Br. . . mi I tti tt1 T'Viio m otinrr 1 C( vrin rorainna used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles Free at Fetzer's Drug s ore- Begular size 50o. and $1.00. Don't Wear Beady Made Clotnes. We represent B- Stem & Son, one of the best tailoring establishments in New Yort on nice goods. Suits made to order aid "fit guaranteed from S13 50 and up. Wo are show Iup -haudjjomo lino oi samples. We ii express uiiuxhca. --. I . 'mm r I l 1 baptism administered to sixty.two been usea tor over niiy .years Dy children, and many more yet to be millions of mothers for their children brought into the fold before the while teething, with perfect success pay r Ml J Conference year closes," 1 ' If o Change In Gen. Mabone. WASHINGTON", D. O., Oct. 4. There has been no change in ex Senator Mahone's condition up to 1 o'clock this morning. The. attend ing physicians have failed to notice any improvement, and hold out no ; hope. It soothes the child,; softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best ; remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists m every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a' bottle Be sure and ask for Mrs." Winslows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind, mw2&w Mount Amoena SEMIN A R Y; A Flourishing School for Young; Iiadies. TEN TEACHERS, Prx.;&mental Branches .Receivo Carefui Attention, v REV. C. L. T. FISHER, A. H " Pbincipal, MOUNT PL AS ANT K. C, 1 1.3

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