" '. i . .-. ' i "" Tiie Daily Standard T H E THE BEST DUKE BY JA5IES P. COOK. OFFICE JUS CASTOR XJIjLjp.iN: The Standard is publisiied every day (Sunday excepted) anfl delivers ed by carriers. RATES : G,F SUBSCRIPTION One year . .. ........ .... 84 00 Six months ................ 2 00 Three months 1 00 One month.... ............. 35 Single copy ....... .. ....... 05 ADVERTISING RATES. Terais for regular advertisements made Known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD. Concord. N. C. CONCORD, OCT. 4, 1895. THE BLACH-WATHON CONTEST. Maj. Black beat Tom Watson a second time. That calarmtyhowler must be satisfied now that the peo ple do not want him. Thi3 result shows that the Popu- PUKEf13URHAW 1 (SlGARETTES - i in W.OukeSons&Co. THEAHERICAN TOBACCO CO. vcclt.su DURHAM. N.C.iU.S.A. MADE PROM Bigli Grade Tobacco AND ABSOLUTELY PURE orbett Sleans Business. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 3. When James J Corbett was shown the dis patch announcing that both Houses of the Texas Legislature had passed the ftntinr?7Pfiiyht-. hill, hft said ? lists are losing ground Watson did1 .tXTr A - . . m. , n ee , i "We are under con tract with Dan not poll near the vote he did at UwBtniirt ana jhe Flori(Ja Athle 1 a of torf inn in hifl nvn nnnftf I his vote is cut down nearly 200. The whole Populist movement is fast fizzling out the only place it cuts any figure is here in tforth Caroiiru, :nd then it's only by the assistance of and association, with the Republicans. In doing this they have sold their principles (?) for the return of office. Two j ears ago tne Populists had 10 congressmen and today only 7, most of whom are from North Caro Una. It amounts to nothing. There i3 nothing in this state ex cept the office seeking machinery. Let a cog break in that and the thing goes a-glimmering, foreyer, More than 5,000 Smiths from Pennsylvania alone fought in the union armies. John was in the crowd several timet. in Explorers say that there are places the Congo Kiver where it la so wide that ships mav pass and be on) of sight of eaoh othei.J A Chicago religion journal adyo cates a head tax of $100 on every American going to Europe to spend precious American gold. If that is snch a terrible thing for the country how about these marrigej of heir-, esses o foreign titles, which, take a way, in bulks in soma cases as much as $100,000. According to the Treasurer's statement, made in 18$, ierV, are 38,889 $10)00 bills in circulation -in the United" Stated , A single spider web, though "much finer than a hair, is composed -of several hundred, filaments of in-nitesimaiftnenes Stanly News. Mr. Tillman .Garter, of Palestine, has a gourtt ;his mother raised in 1835- and holds 4i gallons. - ye are jjia to. learn that Mr. Calvin Bassinger, of lower. Rowan, whose leg war amputated some time bacis improyine. " r: Mr. Newbaum, thp t Germain, bought Dr. LittletonV place, one mile north pf Albemarle, We aie glad to note that he is pleased with this' county. : "in Found Dead in qreensboro W H Cauble was, found dead on thetree$r He had taken the'Keely fcure'for the mor phine habit Benoyed an income . of $M00 uyif. ' ; 1C Club and propose to live up to Our part of the contract. We are going to Texas uader the terms of our contract and I am going there to fight. I am anxious to fight and will go anywhere to pull it off providing the purse is all right. Backlen's Arnica ShItv. The Best Sal ve in tKe world for Cuts, Bruisss, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappi Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cares Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzer's Drng 8tore. She .Has Ever Known. Word' of Praixa i". from a New JYork Lady for :' AYER'S PK LS ' I would like to add my testimony to that of others Who have used Ayers Pill3, and to aayitjiat Thave takeii them lor many years, and always derived th best results from their use. For stom ach and liver troubles, and ior the cure of headache caused by these derange ments, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled. When my friends ask me what is the best remedy for disorders of the stom ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea son, they will break up a cold, prevent a grippe, check fever, and regulate h digestive organs. Tbey are easy to take, and are, indeed.'the best all-round family, medicine I have ever known."- Mrs.lAY Johnsojt, 3(38 Rider Avenue, New York City. AVER'S; -PILL Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Sarszicrilla Cures all Blood Disorders SPECIAL TAX IIOTICE. The law of North Carolina. See Chapter 116 Sees. 34, 35, 36 and 37 acts of 1895 requires everv Physician, Dentist, Lawyer and Hotel or Boarding house keeper to pay a license tax and take out a license. 9 Commanion Services. Services preparatory to the com. munion will begin in the Presby. wilder a penalty of thirty days terian church this evenine at 7:30 imprisonment or fine of fifty o'clock. Preaoiog by Rev. J Rums pie, of Salisbury. Services Satur day morning at 10:30. Everybody cordially invited. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. Alien she was a Child,' she cried f or Castoria. When she becatne iliss, she dung to Casto'tta. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Dissolution of Firm. The firm of Morrison. Lentz & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All prubns Indebted5 to said firm will please call and settle' Thankful for all past favors w 're- main, Kespectiully, D. B. SCoEBisoif, A, E. Lejttz, R. E. Gibson. Concord, N, 0., Oct. 3. 1895. The copartnership heretofore ex isting under the firm name-of- Mori rison, Lentz & Co. having been disn solved by tne withdrawal of Mr. A. E. Lentz,' the undersigned respect fully, announce ; to; thfijpviblio that tney naye formed copartnershm under the firm name of Gibson U Morrison to do ; a. general: merchant dise business and nope to merit a generous share of the public patron age. RespeStfuiIy,5 " R. E- GiBSONf D. B. MoBBIftOK. Concord, N. 0., Oct- 3, 1895. Ireoommend the firm of Gibson & Morrison to. the public as worthy of'their patronage, ! JBesp,ectf ully, Aa E LSNTZi Concord. N. C.. Oct. 31895. " ADJillNISTBATOR'S NOTICE.1 1 Having been duly appointed and qualified administrator on the es tafcejof G White deceased all persons holding, claims against tn said deceased are hereby notified to present them to , thei ' undersigned duly, authenticated on or before September 24, 1896, or this notice will-be plead as a bar -to their :reS covery Also, all persons owing said 'deoeased are notified that prompt payment is expeoted. ; 'c-: v--; jj T, J, Wbttx. j Administrator, is. Sept, 23, : t , dollars, for failure to pay the license tax. "The law further make8it my imperative duty to see that the penalty of fifty dollars is iuforced; Very lew have complied with, the law. Unless the parties liable to pay this tax, come forward promptly, I will be compelled (unwillingly as I am) to see that the law is inforced. John A. Sims, Sheriff. Sept. 26, 1895, 2wdw nn n Lru L ML mm 13 JUGTA3COOD FORADULTO. VVARRAHTEP. PRICE 5Qcto. - Gentlemen ;We 1(1, lastyew, 600,bQtUea ot bought thrte grosa .already thlayear. In. all par ex-; perience er W yearsv in the ttrag business,- have serer sold an article that gave such universal satis (action as your Tonic. ' Tours truly, ' ? - K ' . . ...... , , UiEX,ClB & CO. ForrsaJfiy aJJtUfflaiBjts,; ADVERTISE IRIGEETiHEREj-a iiifil LrQ 17 H:::::: Yard wide Bleeched Cam bric at 8 cents, good as Lonsdale, Five dollar Lace Curtains at $3.25. Chenille Curtains $3,00 per pair. Chenille Table Covers at 68 and 98 cents. X in Turkish bath Towels 10 cents each. Bargains in Lineu Towles. Doylies will be shown Monn day. Pure Aluminum Thimbles 2 cents. Five hook Corset Stays 5 cents, : Water proof Collars at 5 cents. Side Combs 5 cents. Bios Yelyet Skirt Binding three for 8i cents. - Whale Bone 3 cents per dozen. . . .. r r .- N. N. Spool Cotton 3 cents. Bargains in Pocket Knives, New lot of adies Embroid ered Handkerchiefs, cheap. La Parisinne Glycerine Soa,p5 cents." Two large caks of, soap for 5 cents. White, Shirts 25 cents. The best 5p cent corset in town, E A G E J. BOSTIAN, Prop A v -

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