rot XI. NO. ldl. CONCOKIV, IT. .c:, . STURDAt', . OOTjpBBft 5., 1895, ';, "1 n. vs WHonO.1.3.9 a lank. CoKCORD, N. 0. Thursday, MfireV BLACK DEFEATS WATSON. 4 wellins i,o iiurkedial lsi; Populist Again Snowea Under , the ' M A Barrier- Tenth Congressional District. Atlant, Ga., Oct 3. The official returns show that Mai. J 0 0 Black 1 TiciA Democrat, defeats rPhnmo . w' vtt? Cashier. SOU, PoDulist. for Pnnfrrooo i u fp'.CoLTRANE, Assistant Cashier tenth district by a majority' of 50 000 Capital, lifi'noo The election yesterday was one SurplQ the quietest ever held in Georgia a t . - t , .-1- C4 UC1U m urgia, a cook stove: she then discovered that DIRECTORS;- atr-king contrast to the one held just ,haJ I M Odell, D. F.Oaoto e'even mouths ago. At that time .overhead chng was on ivlilr King, J W. Cannon, three prominent m wprft vm ,n fire. She attempted to extmgaish THEY USEDYNAMim,, . ?IRE INSIlRMdE. 1 m a I wY m a i iw on. ' i ' l i .Known sis Ilnv'' whn - 8UMri,uipage meir uemana lit h t-K!;iu fc ; 'V" V J ' ' Very Forcible Manner. " 1 -f mile of Misenheimer & Lentz's. TM.A"-t. '-i:tfrt '5,i: o J- , Kri . AMr E A Lynch, maiLcarner on si ppriogs, losi nis aweiung house, last .101 . ' Havin f Vtrahsferre my " "Fire In lrancbusines io1 Messrs. . Ii I tbe8tare route to Eowii ; Postoffice ft Wodhouee and B E Harris; I corns J. W- XJUEKHEAD 1if.fl A oiiloilKo narorifo Vv? flF I ...-.vr ." 5'" WAi u" his route Tnftsdftv: a .visit. About 9 o'clock Ihe littIeNr-?nw'-:;V-- mi,: nf L:. Ai. ? .L- vva . ,-5?ck; Henry, a dissolute :i woman, gin iii tu maife a nre m me i 1 ), B, COLTRANE. Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. Stock nd Bond Brokers, . 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. the streets of Augusta and nettv ine 'nanf5 ?ae Pfr iutle;sister rows occurred throughout the sev- to a ngtbors for help, ; Beforeany. eral counties, nejp come the house was too muchi . Watson claimed that the election enveloped in flames to save but little was unfair, and Black in defence to household effects.. It is a hedvyioss Wat8on?8. yiewB, resignecl The to Mr. Barrier, besides a newly special election yesterday was honest picked bale cf cotton was burned. We' have assumed Ihe Ftre Insur- living with. her two children two and ancetSusiness of Mr; J. W. Burkhead, a h4lf mije from llo wan, had been first-class and well established corn asked to vacate and 8 be refused.' panies, and respectfully eolicit a rr. V , . , . liberal share of business in that line. , Xuesday she was waited upon by : "WoodhouSe & Harris. several (neighbors who demanded August 26. v tf that she leay e the commu nity. She dissolution or firm.' . . TcnnlH riAf loov "Kr.f mt aa -The firm of Morrison , Lentz & would not leave, but went over to is this day. dissolva by mutual her father's house several miles consent. AU persons indebted to Vii ! 1 j xi. said firm will please call and settle A. WATT Tf TAll nf tho Tioirnra onH f Vi m i m. . . . . w v- . v rxnanKiui ior an pat tavoiB we' roJ ltespeciful..", ... D. B. Morrison, demands. While she was gone her 1 mam two children .were coaxed out into in every sense. - New registration The nA.ahWs'arfl t pmncr to bis taa- . . . laws were reared in mnf nntU .... I T, .? J ? , ;, " : the woods and several dynamites ww.vvw, .nriR lo aiu Dim in ouiiain? anocner . , , and the maioritv for Black shows h ' . piacea unaer tne nouse. " . ;t:r:A."'B.fLERTZ, Concord, N, C, Oct. 3. 1895. . that the district is Democratic on a clean ballot. Watson lost in most of the counties Stocks, Bonds and Gram bought and from his vote of 1894, and over a gold, or carried on Margin. hundred votes in McDoffie, his own p,S. Send for explanatory circus couuty. tor on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) .. dwly The explosion that followed was heard half mile. to The, copartnership heretofore ex isting under the firm name of Mor rison, Lentz & Co. havfng been disi solved by the withdrawal of Mr. A. E. Lentz, the undersigned respect- Ill'S I1T HI (LITAKER'3 CORNER) Tasco Goodnigrbs Dead. Vasco Goodnight, of No. 3, died Friday night at the home of his brother. He had been sick of consumption for a year. His age was about; 35 5 ears. Mr. Host, the Explosion Victim Bead. Mr. John Bost, the aged man who was one of the unfortunate victims m the boiler explosion at Saf rits planing mill on September 11, 1895, Company G, Attention I Your monthly inspection will be The woman's ted was - torn nem at your Armory on. Monaay nlfif.M AnA Rftvfirfli in(TA nnnVA nnt Ifnllv annonncft to thA nnhlir fliaf. evening October - 7, at 8 o'clock. pf the fiide of tlie houseShe returned uerthe You are requested jo report.. . fi , . ;n thi nondition and if. ia Morrison to do a general merchan- W. S, Bikgham, Captain, f . , .u . . . dise business and hope to merit u uuu naciy tuau dug win reuiiuu iu generous share of the public patron Receipts and prices. , ; the neighborhood, - The people in aS Kespectfuily, , . , . JK.E.(iiBS0N, j-. me neignoornooa ot Kowan are D. b. Mctxrison. has been a slight decline in the price of cotton, it continues to come in rapidly. The price , has advanced, however, about ten points, it now bringing 8.75 with prospects for a rise. There were about 125 bales on Concord, N. C, Oct. 3. 185. quite and peaceable disposed as a general thing, but they haye deter- I recommend the firm of Gibson minm n'ri f,a nim.nit, of & Morrison to the public as wonhy " "v v' . - of their patronage. disreputable character. Salisbury World, Respectfully, -X A'Fj. Lil: Concord. N. C, Oct. 3, 18 35. fTZ. the market to-day. , Cotth-weigher Baptist Association. Biggers is kept pretty busy. OntofJall Mr. J W Meacham, former editor i,a oir'.i - or. nuA of the Wilmington Dispatch, was in InoTAnnonflH mxr Ivi.H. A l' MAKs ' I ai itj tt. i. EETmtheLitaker bmentfois died Friday night. No hope was tne;cuy yeeruaj. ?e wa8 put merly occupied by Swink & Day entertained f or his recoverv from the ln alV 8om5 weeks ago upon the When you want nicej fresh I . - . . . . . , - I charge of bavin? written a libelous , beef, poyrk, mutton, etc.. call tane of the accident and it .8 almost W . . The annual Association of the - Baptist churches of Mecklenburg and Cabarrus counties will meet with the Baptist church in Concord Thursday . Oct. 17, continuing through Sunday. fill 11 1 l-IU ii t vault. meats on or send in vour orders to - P.S. 1 am in the market when aS ne ai beef cattle and boss are for sale, Oh, My. r- o . , ': '; wonderful that he survived so Ion article about Major Fishblate. He Mr. k d Hunter, ot uiear ureeir, WOnaeriUl mat ne Survived SO long , , v - , Uir.Vprl on ThnrRdav. SfiS nnnrula of gaye vona at urst, uui uis uuuubiucu i r li niurii En, MANUFACTURERS OF JW GINGHAMS, ffwe CLOTHS, withdrew and he had to stay in jail only a Farmers nangnter nntil court The case came up for a Was played to a small house, Fri- hearing this week. Mr. Fishblate day night. Some parts were good did not prosecute and the case was and touching and many of the play dismissed.- j -.-7 " era rank with the verj best on the "We bad the dead wood on Fish- road. blate," said! Mr. Meacham yesterday If Concord would more liberally and the case was not prosecuted, patronize such entertainments, we Mr. Meacham hopes to get work in would soon have some first class ens Raleigh. He has two children in tertainments, W atxentoni remain near and hopes to be ; able to them and stay in. the seed cotton. Col. Mungo says he'd lide to know who can beat that. Obarlotte Observer. .. ! That's nothing; Col Bill Snobs of No. 10, picked 736 pounds, jdst twice a3 much.J Free Pills. . Send your address to H E Bucke len & Co., Chicago, and get a fre sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince y ou of their merits- These py Is are easy in action and are particularly ef fective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been PT ATn Z C7T7 JPVl TiTiZ Flxine the Ticket. ' . : The Raleigh correspondent of the in the Stat Raleigh Observer. ANT &1TT Ti flflSi Charlotte Observer writes this : Goon Hunters Killed, v -w- . a r w m-m j- i -..-- a81 niSnc m senator rrucnara s MontpElieb, Ihd Oct. 4. An. pr07ed invaluable. They are guarn- 0 room at the rarKthere was quite a drew G&1 and William Grose coon teed to be perfectly free from every gathering of f usionists. They de unnf prfl ost their lives in a peculiar deleteriovs substance and to be Aal amnnrr fhomoolTOB fhat -fhpfP I ' . ? i-t-S- .... I TlUrfilv Vfifffif.ftblft. TheV do not COFFINS &C. I haveicw; in - stock at my rooms opposite jfcB court house a splen did line of well-made Furniture such as Bed Steads; Tables, Wash Stands Safes, Chairs, &c. f . ( ' . - . . "-' '.. defy competition in regard to quality and price. You will be surprised when you hear my prices Come and see. If not in stock can supply you in a few days. I have a nice line of COFFI MS- DEALERS IN cided among themselves, that -there maner iear here ' early this morn- voiicpcll weaken by thir action, but by Merchandise. would be no Ref d or McKinlev elec-l mL -WniU fl ... o..r it , . l e -"- .v'v dvins tone to the stbmach and lore m me orawj tnai. iuo eiWUii aome niwglicenne mat Had oeen .fm ticket would be an independent bnried 1 the ,fir0Und. An exploa- Keguler size 25c per box. Sold at ropunsi-xwepuoiican -ireo n voir ion f0iuwed, which,., blew both men Fetzer's Drug store. ticket pledged to support only a t tom Large trees near by were nominee for President who favored nuUv uft roots and nieces of the free coinage of silver 16 to 1. flggh ani clothing were hanging from up tne ir0n bf tne Dummy and tear load at prices that will surprise you. I keep a full Cline on hand for ira. " mediate supply. I buy LUMBEF ' i .- . -1 , . , - and run my planing machane, and all persons who . wish any thing in this line, will do well to call; and see me. V's v , , Very Respectfully,. . BUYERS OF . Ought to Be Bumped. Country Produce I " 'i - ' . j : mi i V7. t. cans cme xo pe Duneaw J-neieia a xnose uoya wuu mp ou yivinujucvi i the links, It is not known how the it 0h'cars at Depot. Offers for all T TV -n-N-i-i n An- to the use of cigarettes that they can't do without them for only a few minutes, between acts for inst- Of al Kind ance should not be allowed to enter a sideshow to say nothing of a first class or well managed theater, where are usually found ladies and gentle men of refinement and culture. Fri day night ac the opera house seyeral bovs who were in the rear end of the WtioDbf ll Aa Hbouse puffed and fumed , at their 01 alk jtl1 gOOds- ffSa toTi: Wfla rerv annoying manufacture. : . , u' ha nMnr.P. It's a U.I1U UllOJiOlVC wuu" n &or come off when suoh is allowed. 1 The boys ought to' have been taken the cross tiei.. Apply to John P Al- Mount AND i-Foot wood always tedbest prices for We invite andn if,' 4 k T r It ; 1 5. Jl nitro-flycerme magazine near: tne Hson, A B Young or W M Smith. 3t Concord, N. C; July 13. 1895. scene Jf tho accident. For over Fifty Years Mrs. Winslow's Soofch'nff Svrnn has uhwauu, you-u01u beeo Bg8d .for:overr fity. yeara -by prospirons tradesman; shot and ' fa miniou8 of mother8 or their chUdren tally injured- his wife .today at whj1, tthln with berfeot anceeas. Nortt MarKet street hotel,. to which It gootheB . the: child, softens the she fed gone with Peter Nelson, a J'a&ji all rpain, enres wind frieal of her hnsband. Moe had and . is tbe best remedy for Deenioiuriueu Diarrhoea. . It will relieve the poor f the couple and-followed them ht:ld 8uffer r immediatelv. Sbld bv e hotel. Breaking down the nrnirjy!.ffl in v nart nf the of their room, he immediately world : Twfintv,five a wt,. beg n firing, emptying ms . revolver Rp snrft nTld a9v fnr .Mr. Winalows at bs wife, Nelson meanwhile mak- g00thing Syrup," and take no 'other ing:ni8 eecape. 'kind. , mww ing to t doo Amoena SEMXNrAR Y.. i A Flourishing School for Young - Z JZ JLadiesi "i-- TEN TEACHERS, i Orcamental Branches Receive Carefui Attention, : REV. O. L. C FISHER, A, M v . PEINCIPAL MOUNT PL ASAMT. W. Q. OADVERTISE XST RIGHT HERE! -a I out and bumped. .. .5- . v - 9 :--

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