ArrlTM of Trull... " 10:03 p. m, iiHiw o&tnrdftv " " 73 p.m. Utty " -w Atlanta " l " Atlanta " 36 NewYo V 37 Atlanta 8:05 a. m. II (4 II II 8:5A a. m. p.m.' : Northbound fre?hj ht leaves IS Nos- fast i ' . .tr nlftT AVl I'. V VIT1 ' i iia.m.irBeu Five peraoasw 0 it j- Boflklo creek liaifcat s local trains between VrtVwfil night. : , L celeni jpong ftud of Mr; Mr Herbert CooV is out again SlBi?Si JOopa: QroTe After aaeme tUMle-wiib few. XtoPX cJ'JS. on rt WfTTi grC H ll 'go into, tht cotton tbe circas in Charlotte yesterday; ; He goeai to Jearn the Usiness Holy communion will be admin .IrQm bottom to top, iatered tomorrow morning at the Irtbia city a good opera Presbjterian church. . houe it would' be qq trouble for a "Only a FarrfleVa Daughter'? good troupe to render a performance Company haTe gohe tQ Hickeryi wUh greater ffot, ( Why don't where they play tonight . some enterpriainjg moneyed than a inurpufincr cramA of hftKrmli build A sfafew place that would be an oiuz on at Forest Hill this after coon between two Bcrub teams; ' Messrs B V Caldwell add John Rankin contemplate a trip to lanta. to leave here about the first of 0YeffiDer- Sorth Carolina.- Press Association will leave to take in the Atlanta ex- Posiuor1, Fetzer has closed his soda foun tain and moved the bench put upon the sidewalk. It is not occupied on account of dust. the circus ,n Charlotte Friday tok Dick Morse's gospel tent for an up town ticket wagon. 'Stop at D-M Walker's if you want anything in the grocery and potion line. Don't forget the place op- posite D O Furr's at Forest Hill. tf. , . . ; .... Mr. Jackson Safrit is able to be up and about. He walked from hisl home to the mill on Friday. . .'.-'- ..." chances for recovery are now A meeting of quarterly confer- nce win De neia at uentw Metno- , , , . t T w - - ..1 . , . . r 1 fill kammiBtered, Eel! J B Screws presiding; , ' ; ' . D M Walker pays the highest market prides for all kind, of country produce, cash or barter. Dou t forget the place opposite DO tarr's at Forest Hill. tf. A part of Judge MacRae's speech nxa lucueru in I - Kiinmiiueu iiv lud m ' t ... il I "r " Ti ops a? tne bi ver convention, it was referring to silver. The Lp : ,t ra"J1 uopici niiib I Catim frnm fho nomnni-flffn rlAt. 1. -"VM. VAAW , W AAA WA MVAW, r"w fnrr ii t-i-i. -lii-v-iiL : 'vim. xvaieigu -uDaeryer. To give you a. faht iea. of what j immense business the Southern rail wy is doing, we will put you to tninking when wf tell you th4t only twenty trains passed here yesterday. Another switch is badly heeded at the depot. 1Jr W F Ashempre, who for ev al weeks has been practicing med- leine at the Cabarrus mill and the West end, will return to his home in Greenville 8. Q., on Mon4ajr hafing OftPn falj ill - t . in. Mcu mere on Dusinesa. x a no? nia intention to. locate herd Gently next spring. a?or several moiiths, I trublea with 4 Derka liamoi on mT Head wticgay'iio, oyance, unUi it occurred to ne 10 tr7 Ayer's Hair Vigor; Before lH one bottle; tiie'iumor S aled.'T T Adam; den$&' TnrWyilliVv vtm glQ t?ho wis S7i'm' WM M on the chafo IfflM0 M aaje. This action 4f rtsiaagistrate will payithe county a 'M jiu WWlBg him tntij cphrt.s ' " . . a .ZJ O wpnia is needed to. libel . the Bcrofalous hu mors from the blood, ;!::jb';ia this incdtcJoe ISe nUter. he town and remove t he disad ?an tages to a good show. ' f .lllnton ot de this Ttyrtwq gailoqs of sorghum from the Jlf .8u?ar caP P9wn On One-third of an acre. Of nnnriA the soil wan made very fertile. Land average, about two hundred and iwenty five gallons to the acre; and the sorghum at 25 cents per gallon will pay the farmer about sixty dol- lars. Is it not about as woll to raise a little sugar cane besides cotton? Fayetteville Observer, uu x-t? rr- . : Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and iu i u : a u a. I opportunity to try it free. Call on kuuso wu uavu xiul. uuvo uuw tut) the advertised druggist and get a trial bottle, free. Send your name and address to H E Backlen & Co., ic? and get a eampie box of Dr. King's New Lite Pills free, as well, as a coey of Guide to Health and Household Instructor free. AH) JAt of which-is guaranteed to do you li l : t a 1 i j I swaauuooHuuuuiuiuB. wor B nTTT 'Aan Tn n,f a a t: t,q, A Ail 1irntti nntl n FaaI. ' w iU mont ves erday afternoon three VAXVVV. A A A- , WWW. A-fcV MM- men 1 eating their dinner in the shade of a oder box on section six and began to smoke. One man thrnst a lighted match in a crack of the box, and the explosion of sixty pounds of wder resultea. The men were twent feet and frightfnil, t , " . , , burned. One man, whose back waa a ? aheet of flames, plu nged into ,1 ' - - ' ' ma n.nAV vv hon irninn nnr UU1 Ui oftAftf hfl flh imni Tim hank rew in 'the water. The ribs of other wer6 broken. . None of ti. Ill I tho men will recoyer. - iKCW TOBACCO C0?Nf: . ' MADE FROM THE RUSH UE HUMANITY. .... , :; v we, - ; ? Yorke is Some firorBL a Southern trip, f v ; ' , T-Backman Harkey went n to Saiishnry this aCtexnodh; i from Statiavills thii Soniife; : iiegiyiqteriay iiHfa: Utti Odri irit). Jd v; . v : ; . ; ;...,;-; ;:;:-.; - A ppenkeidinli tomorrow in the pity from - l&ikr loik Mrs- t S Fisher aid Mi ell returned from- Charlotte last eyehing. ' V.-':"-,; Misses8 Jennie. Cook - and Yan Dora Pool, of Mt. Pleasant were in the city to-day. Miss Addie Patterson will spentl Sunday in the city from Ktont Amoena Seminary, Mr. W W Morris returned lo e city lait night from a trip to iSouth Carolina. Miss Mary Montgomery thaT ing spent some time in Milton is How visitine: at Eeidsville. Painter Ed Correll returned Gaffen S- 0. Ust night to Mesdames J W Wadsworth aid Reese came over from QhariOtte this morning and are at Mr. D F Cannon's. ., . T?qtt anJ Kfvfl f T HVlQTlll V M0 1 Mil. AIL W fc A All MA I . I rived today from Lexington, oh a I Visit to their son, Postmasier J B Bherrill. . Little Miss Julia Gray left to y Qr Charlotte, after haying spent "r if J ' J? a vear wiiu r. auu xura. ty vj ; .f s ; - . i Boshamer. She is. a favorite with everyone, and will be greatly missed by everybody. : , ;. - ,- L. MarStt 5$ CO;, ; - PROPRIETORS OF 4 . uriTTT uxnTTH nmnnn 1TT1 111 J h W 11U I, V KM 11U 1! 1ilUU U 1 VllJJ uoncora, i. u. DEALERS IN ... nnnno TT f tummiTTia buD FUMEUY AND TOITET ARTICLES IN UN DANCE, Everything 7 0 "UP TO 53 ONHAHD; aUjE CAL AND li I . ... i , v 1 . YAHR MONEYS WORTH. Mi Yours ioplas, ..-. "imuniu .ii".i ADMINISTRATOR'S TTftviht? teen. du& duaHneiits loJ Jnrrafnr of TjUfMnda Sather. dft - r MBdtaU-peri6hdd)xvi9f against eaid deceased weMeKj notified to uresjent theixi -16 ; tho-. tin .PWWlSS said deaeased are? hertb liptt-itJ w make Vasmmm-! a nff NISTRATORd iiU23 ryTmt them; dUhrvtnmeAt.; lied that, prompi pavmaUjCg uci. owuo v ii Ti w ""r-r ill a.v dersignea on or Depro , pwam i mica il . . . . - 11. FTTI- This, Sept. 5, L0WE ... i lnnrrn.-.r-u-i..-Lajii 16000 WORfH OF DRY OOODSi .-""'ift'T ' ; '-' -i i t -.' . ' ; SHOfiS AtTD CLOTH IRQ T7111 now be thrown on the market that will be sold In the next 90 days at the greatest - SLAUGHTER OP PRICES ever heard of In' Concord. Our entire stock was bought through the summer when prices were,, at the, lowest point. xiow.,,weiare going to give tha Concord trading people the benefit of this stock at prices far below all competitors. , , We want jrou to listen and be goyern ed accordingly to what will happen. TAKE PLAIDS Something that every farmer will have to bay, Until what we have is all sold, will go at Si cents per yard They are worthfl c i. One hundred pieces outinr, you will have to buy. We will let what we have go at 5c. This is the 8 and 10c kind. T CHEVIOTS, The 8 and 10c kind, will go at 7c. Nice styles and new goods L&di6S Wool" Dress Goods XT . . . t i inn; . Have been cut to the ouick. 'Tis lm- possible for us to make you appreciate $JS PRINTS Thege6 goods have all advanced, and will ttmi ji ai. a a j c cost wholesale what we ask for our stock put uey masi gu. ; 'Tis out of question, to duplicate our price on MEN'S WOOL dVER . . AND UNDERSHIRTS. We will .sell a lot of Outing shirts at 10c. Cotton under shirts all at whole sale price; u , ' i The largest stoclj: ot laaies vests. In town will go at cut price. WOOL FLANNEL, I HeaTy wool trill Flannel will go for 13)6' These coods cost more now by the bolt. BLANKETS Bought at the lowest notch ever reached, will go out now, that will do you good. i i iEirery person in the county knows that the wholeeale piica on shoes haa advance trw 25c to $0c pair Kow.i hero is where we can do you tne most good. Wo have, v . , lwkrfH rf Rh i fhftt . va h'nncht wffin tUcelbuckthO bottom, Embody will have to buy aloesy jid if cotton has run up to a good vUi noSDnnc you so mucn eiutf.t you mill fee like, to pave as much of lhe ihow .fiosailffAf- Now , we wm I rlhca yta lit ' 4 position to keep a . joneawin your f&Sftf1? ;Mnter. If you trant to f fflonflY. you wiu want io see PUT C1O02 CCIQTO you uy emgio cat oppoHuhity for the Ruyias public s hbes Shoes iOWE'&SON. G0MINi MAM If the fashion plates are f9 be believed,, will wear black, and there never wa snch a demand for BLACK; DRESS GOODS totbe exclnain of nil col , ored f fdbrcs-i -Nothuig adds more to the beauty ; and dignity of a woman appearance than a fine black gown, which is alike " economical and nltra fash-; ionable. We have just : " gptfcen invonr bliick and " navy blues bought when the prices were low can selj vou;75 cent Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 inches wide Can sell you , a 01 gobds 66 inches wide for 76c,t Our stock of Black Creapones are the latest production. We ask all Ladies to see our drjsa goods betor buying else where. Do you want to see vthe prettiest line of 4 LADIE'S SHOES ' ever shown in Concord . Then come and see us and be convinced. Our No. 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty, ' Cur No. 71 v Needle Square Toe prettiestseoe oh the mar ket.; Our No, 69 Pointed HRazor Toe the most stylish yt. Our No, 70 Bound Toe a grand seller, all at low figures. UNLAjUNDRIED SHIRTS. Our city trade "Leader" pure Linen Bossom extra heavy muslin double front and bacK, patent continu ous facings on back and sleeyes, custom cut and at the low price of 60c. Gibson & Morrison. HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF BUY ING A FALL DRESS? 44 inches wide 40 cents per yard, 36 inch ! 27 cents per yardi ' . -V.:-;-: .... "' ' . qui? line of ladies See let - Crepons, Crovenetts aid Henriettas 1 " the lattest.- Pon't nii$s P tfiem if ou wait 4;bmck dress. Our ; i are sijoaply elegant. ; . . ; v..-- ' ' v. . - if l' A Sear i ill HE 111

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