132. WHOM! KO. 1.310 A liiiiiil Bank. Concord, N. C. I n ,pital gnrplns, . MURDERED BY A MOB. . ; I WBERTBl 11 1 iames ieft Today. Tbe Terrible Torlnre ofa Y r!jl iW:Itkiiiiui ' ' i As heretofore ' 8tatecl in ' THE cro napist In Tennessee Wan Liter- nil U V a. . . Chaitahooga, Tenn., Oct. 5U f5M' Oct. 5;-An The iWftila f fV, r- i 'DU?;WFWM r4-- iWcu neie iniai . - .v . - ,. . . . 1 " "vuuouho ana o Jiinarns. l corns President,- AL; J 4 "6 v eyenifli lif EfH Uen thi PQ nursaay morning, beptem- menatneni to any.who :may ,be ia Cashier. negro rapist at ,. Uoal ber 26th; on a lisit to Vhis relatires ?rp insurance, and bespeak FIRE INSURANCE. -&.neter J Stakdard, Col. Ja-iiea Means, who - iwicui 'if4h2 V1a . . has been a resident of Texas for 22 Harinsr transferred mv Fira Tn TUnwtnntl,v na:Jffi business; tpMessrs. H I inciaenj wjQiquc ;wea neie this 1 vT r? ;w I wooanouse and B E Harris, I $50,000 $16,00( rTRANE, Assistant Cashier 0lfcy' whlch fat was reported iast f, ). WUl nicrht ATA an frkllnnra D -w viivnB Smith was taken from the stock e used for confining prisoners by a mob of not iess than two hundred men The sheriff and iailer, Ed -r n 1 .'1L J; w; UANNOxT, wf. . wim . several men, were' on W. H. Lilly, kgaard, but the crowd refused to lias ten to reason, and threatened to tear 4nvt U.1..J. JS I.. .A V OpeCUiaUUI I, . less Smith was delivered. Smith . -, ... was tnen turned over to the crowds &uiguE4W ciewsrr tne rniia ; " ' " r- delphlSt i$eMttee ' leaned of THeleft Concord , this -1:;? .-UL -mi. A. ' morniRff on the vestibule train. No. liberal vatrouage. itespectraJJy, morniRg on the vestibule tram, No. We have assumed the Fire Insur- -DIRECTORS - 1 D.F.Cannon R. Odell, D. B, COLTRANB. whtcffF1iaa rifa! lift- weicn was naggea down nere tor DUBmeB oi Jur.j. wiJurkhead, ff?v hima Durinc his stav here he met S01!8111 the agencies for several ing.n mafetrifSabJ from the aim' uxxx& W nerei ne first-class and well establishei com- aml1ai the witmai much fPUy f?1 American lllL Mtnnn hb -2 thMahSir; 26." i j.v;.. .. . .; I whom jloHfThtorf Him . Whilo hia I . , .4 U3lHC:nt 2ntCA Chill t . - ' X,"- Dlssolatlon of Firm. tf HAMMOND & CO. , Stock and, Sond Brokers. 130 & 132 PtarLStreet, . KEW YORK CITY', N. Y. who led him to a point near where fw haU?ikistVa TaulcB.MeanB,and vwe 1cnow that Thankful for all pant favors we re- . j tnena turned on tneirneels and n .:'! -- . . - ;-, main. RusnAotfniv - the assault was committed. ikt'iL.rj- ' K A eyerthing, was done there for his Tt," , ; r'fr He I confessed his guilt andiWAl then treated to torture nnparal- i;AwirtwWjA7i'vtaii dorie.anjwbere we ae n'Gar' nelglii ?i SJS??1 leledin huto n The SawA : After beine mutilated in a fright. I Guts. s4Brui8S8i4yqTes,-TJlcer ffentrnus 'nosnitalitv copartnership heretofore er- u 4i. r Rheuin. Fever SorfeflLtPetteVdlnhanDI.i Ju. -i u.. Liw:' istmg under the firm name of Mor- u iubuuu. uj tus xamer. YY mw I r , T' " ' '",iivr.:rwiu uiaw kmu wuuiubuotm iuy uo I comfort arid happineis'that coold be I A. E. Xjentz, Henderson . who anient cut ffifcSSSSfSSaf8SS- iTSKWiW rroe'sears, he was seized Piles opreqiJt is that there exisU? a peculiarly close rison, Lentz & Co. having been dis solved by tire withdrawal of Mr. A. T31 T A Al J . i ... . a j ,i..:-,v..-.Li ..jlnft 7. K'rvr-' rs-vr--T'T I u f . -mouhs, uioiunaersignea respecc- S(0Ctt, tfonas aou waui,uo(uKus du "'"5 uc waa oeizoui aesorarpy reql;. ! 1 "-r' ;'- r9 I fully announce to the public that gold, or carried on Margin. ana held while one of i the crowd guaranteed .to give statwfactioh dr and devoted acection oetween i'aui tnev have formed a copartnership ' . - l - . ... . I. V. j". fi . :.l .-"4-i - - InndAFfha firm tama niVan K t i a I nnnTinan rtia tinnAva -iif- a l morinv Tr.IunQBu x iliiGiZn ItPtI IH nfir I ann .1 am DP 111 oan ttn fl VTA TftAI inr I "r ..; v,, vauowu.. s, oena ior expiaaarory lar on flpeculation, also weekly ket letter. (Free) dwly circuv pounded his fingers, joint by joint, moneveluhdediJPrice 25 cents per and Jamw' Means and :wev; feel sure ol .Gibson .& mar. nVfinger at aiime, until tne hani x. at B Fer g that thi8 loVe for his ' brother, in MsTbsd Ko IIS LIEUT TIMET. - (LITAKER'S CORNER ) was one shapeless mass of bloody jelly. This was because in the struggle to sntdue -Mid Henderson he had I The'neetinsr at froreat nill.. xae pwracieu- meepng.now : - -- " " Concord, N. C, Oct. 3; 1895. nroeresi at Jborest mii rMeinoaist I rvw- r , i i ; ; bitten off one of her fingers, EaQh church ' eroWs more in interest at I tnem thir.morning waapamfal. ; , 1 . I recommend the firm of Gibsoa man in the crowd then took a turnvery ceryiceThree William , U; Mean. eirTatwnw: " w w' at shooting at him, until, when ha held Snndav and at each one the a11 ne mny a-spienuia uin. i -Respectfully, . . . . I " " : ' I . ' T r . 1 ? . . . . . . . A - A. . . l-A which Mrs. Paul Means fully enters, generous share of the public patron c i.a it ai. 1. 4 , age. v Respectfuilv, . brought all the happiness to the long Xr jj. GIBgcw absent brother that " even be could 1 D. B. . Moreisox. 4 Hi ' V . : i V . "i , V V - , 7 . - . - K -T . " A . . V i. . . i V . k. i : ' . J ' - .1 died, he must have had fonr- or fiye chnrch was , cro wiled;, to .,lts Utmost ner 'and entertainment on the j night ncord n bcL.sTisSk: : A E. "Lexw. til not a scrap of bone remained. Miss Henderson, his victim, is in I bays opened my MEAT MARh EET in the Litaker basement, for merly occupied by S wink & Day vault. WVifiTi tmi xvnrrf. .Tiirfi.- frfisVi meats, beef, pork; mutton, etc., call a dying condition. on or send in your orders to S. L. KLTJTTZ. P. S. 1 am in the market when beef cattle ancl hogs are for sale. pounds Of lead in him. : Ipanacitv." Snndav liiffht the church He was literally shot J: to pieces, wa nacked and duifr a number were 1 tho 1 honored , guest - and a and the bloody puln which onlv an ftfaHrUt fKWVrr: Th was luliy , prepnea at hour before bad been Neal Smith; kwW-Aht CoL . Paul Meanf and was thrown into a hastily prepared fAfi.;nn. hf faith of ChusfeJ'and nrba wife .n the night, of. the 28th ult, pile of brush wood and burned un pecta for a more profitable meeting hnt CqU James, Means : sprained his nrft. inrtpwl. pnftnnratrainir. Rev. M UIlD """""J """"" - A Rmith :.thi ..w .Un ..nllJtbatafternoon and,tue ojment asBiftted during la8 week; bat Kev. Lthig feast was marred to all bynhe J R Scroggs will assist him tonightf COFFINS &C. 1 Manufacturing Ha.. iniury to tne visiting l .v- tompany u, auenuon j i ......... 1 Kvfti or-and mnnVt fn tViPir rporrftt. I aa n j -n ;a lOurmoniDiy inspecwun win u r-, 7 " . fi, imnrv rovpntpd Mr-and Mrs. such as heldat your Armory on Monday auring .ne meeung, wmCo: - ; . continued. throughthe weer.r n K-T n ,.sir Cfnnn rrUl jonnson irom eiieQuiug uuapiLi4u-iucJu.VJtCCl.UOj lauit'Of Notes From tb ISeed nine. ieo tucj iukuucu. . Mr. R W Gadd. of the Reed mine. From J he night of the 28th, ult; xr Q- von in fTiP ftiJ v Hp ara that except ror a snore nne yesueruaj 4.1 w. v, " " J ' J evening, October 7, at 8 o clock. You are requested to report. W. S, Bingham, Captain. MANUFACTURERS OF FINE GINGHAMS, OUTING CLOTHS, Stacking the Boilers. The' two big boilers have been fixed in their proper, places at the Buffalo thread mill and within less than a week, unless something un foreseen causes a delav, . the ma- PLAIDS, SHZETlNGlWJ iU-be put into motion. Workmen todav (aionaav) are t : ii nr ANT" Z I T.T. T! A Orb DU81iy eDgagea in raising me foot smoke stack to its proper aa- O ; iustments. Many ot the laiers irom town fmenfc the dav out at the mill w- " IT J - . DEALERS IN watchme the unusual sight. General For over FlHy Years . Mrs. WinslowV Soothing Syrup has hp.en used for over fifty years by Merchandise, millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, , softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best -remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by nrrmfa in everv part of the 1 XJ k UKb'UVW r A. world. Twenty-five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup' and take no other kind. BUYERS OP Country Produce of al Kind AND WFoot wood always Wonted - best pricea for same. We invite an Action of all the goods; Manufacture. . Wash Stands Safes, .. .- . cotton is short. He expected five Ufternobn, Col. James Means was - f!hflir? fr.t i;u Hnt will wt onlv two bales. conbned to his tea-Dot tne conun. ' ,' Mr. Gadd safs there is some talk yiaita of his relatives and his i defy competUipn in regard to - - m xt t: ' I irienaEr 01 oilier lauiiiiea tu uio ucu- i Mucmijr iuu u of rebuilding the .m.ssionary school . ... waR surprised when bnilding that was burned down at . LocustLevel. Mr. Gadd says you can see the ef fects of distilleries about Reed. Shafts are being sunk at the Reed mine. Up to this time only washing has been going onV If ; , : : Joe's Horse Stolen. mw&w Died Saturday l.ast. Mrs. William Daniels, of Char. lotte, formerly of Mt, Pleasant, died last Saturday or uancer. V Mrs. Daniels was a native of Stanly county, an excellent lady and a, devoted mother. She leaves a husband, and three children. Her funeral was conducted by Rev. W A Lutz, of Winston. rite heie. And he left regretting that he failed to see many friends whojhe was anxious to meet. Under the skillful and faithful treatment of Dr. Archey, assisted by Dr. John Reed, he was enabled to leave jthismorning, much sooner and snndav nht old mte Joe Grier in a better condition than could oth. saddled Bud, his faithful - old bay erwise have been expectedconsider i . u., a f intr tho sfiVferitv of the s Drain. And norse ana roae mm tu . yivauuiuz u 4 . . b Zion Methodist church, ; ,The horse whenever he can return and bring was tied' on the outside, ..while Joe his wife with him they will find a went in to worship. 'Whether the warm welcome here at the home of ah Sppina took comoassion on the his childhood and yonng manhood. beast and aneels bore it away may ::.. i.: ,- :util,flo1m1'k " Free Pills. never ue uuwu, "u. : tt t? TRirtt be found m any part of the city It & Cq cicago and get a fre. is thought that some devhsh boys Bampie box of Dr. King's New Life stole and hid Joe's Bud away. Pills- A trial will convince you of - z T their merits. These pills are easy The water supply. . in action and are particularly ef Many towns are becoming alarmed eia . cuVeof constipation about the scarcity of water. Char- gick headache. For malaria lotte hasen't enough, to sprinkle its and liver troubles th:y have been streets, and. other towns are more or proved invaluable. They are guarn- less alarmed about the water ques- teed to be perfectly free from every tion deleteriovs substance and to be HereinConcorithere isno alarm. , " weaken by thAirv action, but by Our water, cornea irom goou weiia givinff.toe lQ; thetomach and and the water system is backed up bowles Kreatly invigorate the 85 stem by an inexhaustible spring that, does Beguler size 25c per box. Sold at its do in dry as well as jret weather. Fetzer's Drug store. price, lou will be, you hear my prices Come, and see. If not in stock cau suprly you in a few days. I have a nice line of COFFINS: 1.- at prices that will surprise ycui ' ' ; keep a full Zline on hand for im mediate supply. I buy " - . LUMBEP , and'run my. planing machane, and all persons who wish any thins in this, line, will do well to calL. and see me. y Very Respectfully, . . ,. . , ' . Concord. N. C.: July 13. 1895. Mpurrt ;rhbena .'SEiXNARY'' A FlourishinK School for Young, Ladies. ' ;.' v TEN TEACHERS. Ornamental Branches Receiver Carefui Attention, S. -REV. O. L. T. FISHER. A. U ' Pbhtcipal, v MOUNT PL ANT. N. C 4 l s 1 : ' V : i 1 . ( t ' i ? VI 1 i f V i II r 4 ; - - - . .'. :- . ' "V