! FOR THE NEXT FIVE DAYS The salesmen will mark downjthe price ofJFurniture, today purchased from Cannons, Fetzer & BeH.TXfter . V the stock has been gone through, with, we will SLA UQ HTER THE PR I GES The stock was bought for spot cash money, and' at a price that our customers can have" the benefit. We will sell FURNITRTE OF ALL KINDS CHEAPER. . . FOR THE NEXT' NINETY DAYS i Tian anyJFumiture dealer in North Carolina, Seeing ' . ' - ; ' " r ' - ' V 3 ; . i ' ' - j "-'-'.'7- j is believing, come and see us. : r - 5 DRY & WADSWORTH. REDUCED RATES. tottoii states ana intesiationai exfosIUoii ATLANTA, G A., ' eplemljsr 18 December 3f, f895L lnjr basis: follow- rEO M- E Alexandria, Va JUheville, N. C Burlington, N. C...... -Burkeyille, Va Culpeper.va. ....... . Chatham, Va CharlottesTille, Va... Chapel Hill, N.C.... Concord, N.O. Charlotte, N.C Danville, Va.i... Durham, N.C. Front Koyal, Va Greensboro, N. C Goldsboro, N. C Hendersonvflle, N. C. Hickory-N.C... High Point, N.O..... Hot Sonars; N.C.... 28.25,19.23 14.00 12.85 9.401 18.7013.70 I 9.65 5.75 23.2517.03 11.93 25.30 U.55 20.8515.80 13.50 10.65..... 123.25 17.051 12.40 10.35 E0.4ai5.0tM 14.20;..;.. 13.18. ; 10.4ffl 6.55 9.69 20.0514.70' 5.85 10.20U.W 10.45'... 14.00! K0.40l5.00i 26.2519.2a 17.6512.99 9.20 21.7515.95 U.C0 11.70 8.C0 5.25 7;25 8.40 6.75 15.30...,. 11.2S. 16.95...:. 12.45 14.00" 10.5W B0.4015.0tf Iiync' Leil' Morr 1 Mar Net ? ? v f Orr U:1 : ' Ox , i : ii 7 :'-- B 8 f 10.45! .. -..lll.8d U.60. 8.05 7.25 10 f.4 - Villi t r :. r f ' " ii 'I ' '. Yop the above occasion the Southern Hallway Co. wm eeU low-rate round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, GA.. and return nn ti fnlinw mrsm .... ,. .. . ... -j. - A -jk.. -Li One Henley's 26narcli fence machine, one twcbhorse har row,1 one big Oliver Chilled plough I "one side harrow, three ploughs, one wa gon and. har cutter rotary and No. 8, one cross cut folding earwlever power, one jump-seat phaeton, one single - seat ed phaeton one open buggy; iwb horses, two thousand feet pailings, 600 it oi 4x5' oat postiiVeight r hun dred ft. framing lumber. Pfi vate sale. - ; : ALIDA L. BtJBKHEAD. lwd 2w. . ..... '"ASANT, N. C, f.nm I c -3? i - -.'.Hi 1 ' 1- 7-1 t" ;,'' ' '...'7 ( . ' r ' -' ' f ' -: f. V- j- f i -.t 4:.- ff'-S -" ... . Vv FOR SALE -Sti : Andrews Lutheran churc!?, Cannovme Key-. I. fchea'y pastor. Sunday School at 9-30 a. m,, every Sunday. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 11a.m., and 3rd and 4th Sundays at 30 p. m. Baptist Church Rev. J- O. Alder man, pastor, services every Sabbath at 1J a. m. and 750 p- m. Sunday school every Sunday, at 9:45, a, m. Prayer meeting - every Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock. PudKc cor dially invited. rl All Sa nts Episcopal church Rev. J. O. Davis, rector. Morning service at il a m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prayers Wednes day at4 v. mV t:;: ' V : - ' forest Hill church, South Rev. k. Smitfipastor. Preaching at 11 a. na. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. in. Prayer meeting every (Saturday at 7i30p. m. The. public cordially invited. Bp worth League meeting at 7 p. m, ; ' St. James Lutheran church Rev, M G. G. Scherer,-pastor Services every Lord's Day at 11 o'clock ai m', and 750 p. m.r Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. : : ; Bav's Chapel, Mp.1 hodist Church Rev. J. R. Moose, pastor. Sen ices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday -. - . . . . , school at 9:30 a. m, ; . First Presbyterian church Rev. "W C Alexander, : Pastor. Preach ing every Sunday at 11" a . m. , and 750 p m. Sunday school at 4 o'clock p. m. Prayermeeting every Wed nesday nigh f at'7:45v;-f f -x- Central-Methodist Churchy-Rev. R, H7 Parker rpast6rr r:S6ryicst 11 a? marici 7:30 lp m Sunday' scliobl a 950 o'clock, a m. Epworth League meeting at 650 p. m. .y r Trinity Reformed church Rey. B Frank Davis, pastor. Sunday school afc 10 a. ml, acd preaching at 11 a. m., every first and third Sun day. ; And Sunday school at 3 pi m and preaching 1 at 4 "p. m.; every second and fourth; Sunday: Y. -P. , S.k C.. E. meetipg r every Sunday evening at 7:30 p m. AH are cordially invited. NOTICE TOWN TAXES- The town taxes for the, year 1895, are now due and placed hr h'y hands for collection. AUcpersons oweirg the same. are requested to call and settle at ronce, and save costs. : Tho law m regard to -adver- tising property has been changed, o pay promptly and save being ad vertised -r Office opposite court house in Town Hall. "" ; Town Xax Collector. " Dissolution of Firm. "The - firm of Morrison, Lentz & Co. is. this day dissolved by mutual jconsent. AH persons indebted to eaut nrm will, please call and . se ttle Thankful for all past favors uwfti re main, -JlespecifuHy.H Xf? t5. iilOBBISON, , AV IdsTi K. E. Gibson. "Concord, N, C, Oct. 3. 1695. j The copartnership heretofore ex is tine uhd er the firm name of Mor- risonIhtz & Co. havinbeen disi soived.by the withdrawal of Mr. A. E. Xientz. the irnderferptspd rfis-nprf fblly atjfnptince tarNthublici that '!-. vo formed a IcopartirarBhip .A 4 ii i !?tfOT - ZraA jnerchan- lr : a J XL 1 " . V r V- 1 - .v.- . ; ' . -5 , . ; ' "it i-i., - v-i v f r-i .i r 7; 7;J 7f , 7- : - -..- -f-v.7- v-; 1.7 :'7i-i- n-. .-ts..,-'.ty5.-ii irjV;rr'3:fr-.Ui:tv&r---, .-it : $ f. 17-4 .,7 7-7-5 3 t 7? p 277-i7-- . 7 - r-. ,.7, -"77':-."".- .... - -... . - .. ,f;-T. trs. ? ..r. Castoria is Dr. Samuel 111613 prescription for Infanta "and Children" It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other . Narcotic substance. : It is a harmlASc' substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and tor Oil It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years 0 by jliliions of Mothers, Castoria destroys Worms and t ifeverishnessi Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd OTrcs Diaxrhopa and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves tcctliing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates iho food, regulates tho st omac'u and bowels, giving healttiy and natural sleep. Cas- toria is tho CMldfens Panacea tho Mother's Friend. ,--.- -. Castoria. Castoria is en excellent medidne for dxH dren. w Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good efiet upon their children." . Dr. G. C tJSGooD, ;: " : ' " Xowefl, Mass. Castoria Is the best remedy for children of hlch I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant' rhen mothers -will consider-the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing ghim, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats thereby sending them to premature graves." - - i , ; ; ; Ds. J. P. KxzrCBXLOB, ' ' . 7 Conway, Ark. Tho Contaur Company, 77 Bacblens Arnica Salve, "v: The Best Salve intke world for. Outs, Bruises, Sores, IJlcera, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chllbiains, Corns' and all Skiii EruptioiiBaiid positively cures files ,or no pay ; requi ea. it is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev refunded .Price 25 cents per box, Eor sale at P B Fetzefa l)rng 8tore, -; -.; : RednceA Callroad Rates. Cotton State and : International Exposition, Atlanta, Ga. Tickets on sale S ?p tember- 5 - and -12 and daily from September 15 to Pecem ber 15. 1896, inclusive " with final limit January 7, 1896. Fare for round trip Tickets . on sale da?ly from September 15 to Decern ber SO, inclusive with final limit fifteen days from date of 6ale. Fare for1 round trip" $10.0. Tickets on sale daily from September-15 to December 30, inclusive with: final limit seven days from date of sale. Fare for round trip 6 55. , : C Burke County Agricultural Fair, Mbrgantoni Ni C, tickets r oh isaleH October 11th. to 17th inclusive, final limit October 18th ; 1895. - Continue bus passage in both directions. ; Fare I i vi ruuxiu inp o.ou. -..'! Buffalo1 B&lef T Vfiid west Show, Salisbury, Ni O. "Tickets on -sale Oct?lteFinal Hmit' Ocfc'12 1895; Fare'f or round trip 90 '.cental Gon? tinuous passage in both directioda- General Missionary Convention; DallasV Texas;';: Tickets oi sale Oct. 16 : good gbinsr on' date of-sale-onlv. i Final limit Oct. SO, 1895 Continuous i fVfse,in eacfi direction- -Fare for . vs4,j&. .. lroncJaa conJ , j-,-. mi ' !. . j ....J t .X SC. " it'"' r"7i 5; "T Castoria. "Castoria is sowell adapted to cWldren that I recomiucnd it as superior to any pre3criptioa known to me." v H. A. Archer, m. XIX Sa Oxford St., Brooklyn, n.'s; 'Our physidans in the children's deoart. ment have spoken highly of their experl ence in their outside practice with Castoria,' and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look rrith favor upon it," ( United Hospital and dispensary, ;- :ii : Boston, Mass, At.tjtt C Smith, Pres. Murray Street, New Yck City. . I - . Jit ..VW J -' oonqoed; markets - . COTTON" MABKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer iSoocl middling. 8 MiQaiings 7.85 LbwmHdling 7 Stains 5 to 6 ' PBODUCE MAEKET Corrected, bv O. W Swink. Ba(WB.......v 81 Sugar cu red nams 12tol5 Bulk meats, sides. 8 to 9 Beeswax....:. 20 Butter .iKr..:;r.ii:;... 15 Chickeni...i:;.... ; 10to20 0om. . . .1 45 Eggs.....,....;.,......... ...12 Lard..:....;............... 8 toll FlourfNortii Carolina). 1.75 i ileal . r...... u.'. .. . 53 Oats........................ 30 to 35 rallo.......". 3to4 -. . v." This pleasant and perfect remedy, so delightful to take, so refreshing nd exhilarating, stands in highest favor vf ith all who Imow it-best, as the great estof all medical remedies for both sexes; of all ages and in all conditions. . : , - - - vAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU. : 1 jW it .- - l;l ! :. ," .. .. . . -y .1 -' -v. ..7 7 IKS " H OIEIPITUER