rufi HqiItt Qr1nTH 10 be 35 years of ae, lare, athletic i He Daily btaoara io:eii,Mi, handsome, r; : f I ... ,, . r-!. ifJT : , The Standard is published every day (Sunday excepted), and dehyerv ci by carriers. Z One yeaT. . . . . . ... v . , .84 00 - n Six months'??. .8 . .1 ..Vvj . J 1 00 ; Three mdhtHs.-i... I OOl ", , One:moritii....?...v.i.;..t I 35t i fc u i - s- t w Single copy. .......... . ua ; ADVERTISING BATES. Terms for regular advertisements; made known applitaCibin Address aU'communications to, r 1 " ; .: . . ! -! I OoncordJ INT. O. ; wealthy and yet the record- says in fld::ipabpilify was the rock on whicb jHat mitrlmonial vessel went to Amelie Kives suddenly -thrusts herfielfhr intar . notoriety againdi vorced I ' - " ": ' ..-Her -alpha and omega are some- ba(rensatioBalt to be sure. CONCORD, OOT. 13, tt8i95.r THE FIEND IX JAIL. Vi r, M r Mrs Armelia E Barr, writing to fhe editor of the Ladies' home Jour lilajs J "I ,wont a minister who I innpreachthe gospel, and not politic prohibj tio.b, sanitary science. kinjsSrsW' &irlk to draw people by Ipreaclutigery thing but the go8ye), male is nothing tbaTdraws like this old fashioned gospel' 'People may be There is no pleasure in printing the news of the horrible crime that ...... , ..' -f r r t -i -V' ' - ' was committed in Cabarrus" county last Friday nighty The, black fiend, having assaulted a def endless woman in her own V horned in thedark of J midnight and committed this ' foul deed, now lies behind the bars in the county jail. ;.Ourv .people are law abiding, eyen under ' gross insults1 f rpm foreigners as has. ibeen recently; demonstrated. Tber lawi will-be!al loVt d to take its course. But .wUere! are tbe people who would wait the1 slo tf process of telliwiv.Were such5 a deed 10 be committed several times' la ihe same eectioo, as lias been the cass in jther 'sections of the Sputh ?! Tne great North itself has its' lynching bees, and subjected to such; insnlta and crimas odcjir in hq "South she woulcl r'se up and siTrw pass ui in speedy ;pehaltiefir';: au4 punishments. . j -; A way'.'. with; th is slandering oil the1 South I Away with the smean spiritcj that break do w a the; t harriers ithat r..-,- . a 4-u.A ;!i jtu U"iwJ no uittuiCuon j ,fj.' The negro has mad: a' full. coh4 feeaion; and'jtheiatithoritioa haye him in eif e cu8tdcly f or the proces ?i r fiiifiK.; .iuii, t?if j'd ill Mrs.;AmelieJHifes. Chandler ''Mi dropped! the last nameyby virtue of 4 U1TU1UC In cqmpatjhiUtyf 'ilf a the wedge rih at broke; 1 the j imarriage 1 iyo wsl olj lAtnelieiBives1 aitdbhfd0 rajslrbng 'x yju; ;! Uh Jill JlitlTJujiW Vhandler;: jShe applifcdrafnflih made temporarily attraqted by "these oc t 8idef subjects, but ;' tnany more are grimed and disappointed. It is al-wayssafe-tot raefcptne preaching that i is spiritual and oldf ashined. It is the ;oniy:tningihattisfies.,, !' The Chicago negro preacher who advised the colored pepple of the Sduth- tb ply the torch to avenge the lynching of negroes, gaye som ) very unhealthy. advice, andrtook ' mighty good care to give it fora'ioog taw. He' would' jg'ei his folks7- in trouble while hewduld'be'SAfe oiit'of harm's way; He might jnake himself yery usef nl to his people if insteadpf giv ing, , jsuclj . foolish dyice, .e, came South:and started a cruetKlew against the crimes which' provoke ; lynching. r. ?,i 7 - I J 7 u na: , Old man Mora ot a , little ,over against Spainjvhich .habeen peud ing.iinoelSOriTheiremaiiidervgoes to attorneys who appeared fiur him' and pushed 'tlicJM WU&mi neoeByirnejj.fiiOj. , ae,iray; COStSj&tO ?::kliv.'jl. - rn '3d I if 08 fjdr4 1 . M ' : . ' ' OVERWORK Nervous Prostration Complete Recovery by the Use of - Ayer's Sarsapaiilla "Some years ago, as a result of-too close attention to .business, my health failed. I became weak, neyvous, was unable to look after'my interests,' and manifested all the ' symptoms' of a 3 e-; cline. I 'took three bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once, y:; tp - '.its's'-:;'!'' 'r V I . '; ..-av.v.-.v" i'-.o. . and gradually increased my weight from one hundred and twenty -five to two Jhundred jpounds. Since then, I and my family haveN used this medicine when needed, and we are all-in the best of health, a fact which we -attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil dren would have been fatherless to-day had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too much." H.'O. Hdtson, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard's, S. C. Ayer's S Sarsaparilla RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. AYER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills. SPECIAL TAX NOTICE. f As,r good ' . stickers, the .delegates whQ. .attenaea; , that - congressional convention, in Iowa, held forthree mpnths, took 7435 ballQtrand itheri adjourhediwithotitmakingraichoicej are' entitled to 'the sblne- ribbon;: n 1 - JP or oVer Fifty Years rjeeJD'use'd :forlovCTr!flftyjiyrS Lunnuiio ui niLHiiera Lur iiieir cnuarec while teething, with perfects access Itr sbothest the child j- nsoitens the! Igumsjl all jys all s ipain, ?d otxikw. windj f colirahdi -is"i!thei best rehiedffor! Oiaiprhoea oit?i wiirtelle Ve vtbebodr ihttlft sufferer immediately. brSold:by wepure auu UBK. lor "Jiirs. VYinsiows kind. t in t c- ABtrilminston Street "JRallway Oar Jamps tbe Track mid Injures three ; Men. .;t.5w! .tt.Vt! rTMaflienQftn a jelecti&sf cOr Qfi ithc Wilmington filtrekfe KaiLwa jumped l.tba .tranlrrAyhilA'inrnfint J;hat big word come8irn 'and1 breHs th&!di7or6ed 7coIuinTls?frMeirHht ,400 large now orjinicat.thaJehe are 'todimanV rbhinjis'iyei;e!i,ri. seIsfearJo;treajyi- lo ititvl ap.iar,, ! m ipualic tooncsrned, 5eTerl3hi:volhme,,''whicht'Sh(5l 'Dead''Ofifc arftiVkaW U Hni ttq:nebo6 4iay oi) OfViejrn it-haa of aoy metiM wneiner-ot fine istory itself ori the! 4Wc of theEaglishembloyed?!! wpJMiP9W)ft.W.gJlJttlaI literal : unte,.i,..!t. Mvux a: ay - She's madeseyeral attempts "since M mV IwHtftig, tfuSI hioeoVtsi never prodnced ihei excjtementiandj attention aVdii Te jbaici1 or 4 the1 Dead. r Iler first effort reached, at vone bounhj nithof he.r career? as an authoress" U ' The law of North. Carolina. See Chapter 116 Sees, 34, 35, 3b and 37 acts of 1895 requires every Physician, Dentist, Lawyer and Hotel or Boarding house keeper-to pay a license tax. and take out a license, iinder a penalty of thirty days imprisonment or fine of fifty aollars, for failure to pay the license tax. The law further -makes it my imperative duty to.see that the penalty of fifty dollars is iufdrced. Very few ftave complied vwith the law. Jess the parties liable to paj this tax, come forward promptly. I will be compelled (unwillingly as I am) to see that the law is inforced. John A. Sims, Sheriff. ovr Sept: 26, 1895, 2wdw :CVmTaV,Railrpa4f,tr ahiLfell iftjdif temce of abqutao feelilajiding' ide ftowttT .ozx ithe track. iT!Chere! 1?ere ree men oni heicar - iiUf ttem?i Bloyejrofc txeec Vicar ompauy.j Motornan, Jr.iBJiUfcenhQuse seriously, and-it-is- feared fatally, in j jured. Rivenbark, KilS? and'JoneJ and thffiii 1eny ftiig ifc'wIiVni me ftuuiueaii opcurreu. iNo Diamei 13 attflfihfid th anv one. - ylt j u1-' i LJ sn-1 i'l.K (-rl :" :! " Office in MofriyB'nliaiV;:opp03ite F3"rai;.n lift i rin rsn - n M . . t aaliUdovl fiiSJy.STr ASi OO0XKFO H AD U LTS. ..: GentlertiTrlY-a 8014 f last rear, 600 bottles of 'OIiOVETrTA!sEX,ESS' CHIWTONIC and have ywni infaa grpppajMaq in ell our ex perience I 14 years, In the arpg Duslness, have -f T?f ,BJV3 pujarwe irsnX9P Myersal satis TttcUon ypurTonfc Yours trulS', Fdf saia-byoalMlfQ(?grt&, 5 -dp TH . , Yard wide Bleeched Cam brie "at- 8i cents, good as Lonsdale, Five dollar Lace Curtains at $3.25. v Chenille Curtains $3,00 per pair. - ' Chenille Table Covers at 68 - and 98 cents. X in Turkish bath Towels 10 cents each. Bargains in Linen Tories. A new lot of Napkins and Doylies will be shown Mons day. Pure Aluminum Thimbles 2 cents. Fiye hook Corset Stays 5 cents. Water, proof Collars at 5 cents. ..-. -Side Combs 5 cents. Bios, Yelyet Skirt Binding three for 8J cents. Whale' Bone 3 cents per dozen. x " 1ST. N. N. Spool Cotton 3 cents1 ; r Bargains in Pocket Knives, JMew lot of Ladies Embroid ered Handkerchiefs,, cheap. La Parisinne Glycerine Soap 5cents. ' " ." ' Two large cakes of soap for 5 cents. . White Shirts 25 cents. g The best . 50 cent corset in ; town. if E -R AG K H.reJ. Bostiait, ; Pro J prietoi' .JohFA. "BR? i ti X -.Til APA VI 171U012

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