4 - - V 'i , , ( - - o IV - - - ' ' 1 . - - - -- - jy 'S ' -V Y ; "s i - . M MM f COUCOKV, N. 0., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1895. Whohb NO. 1 317. IiiiiL I In the Lands of Snaltes. t. The Stanly Enterprise can get off some snake news when it wants to. It says : "One day "last week Mr. T S Parker Killed two copper heads in PrOfllPTlf. I Vila orrrtlro Unnr, ' IL ." '"" . QpjLL, ww.Mv u8Biuuao uuu8c,auu- uu me gaoie IbCciibanb. . . day, Mr. Tise Whitlock found one in Assistant Cashier r i :: - uio wcu, iiii, jjaarouan j&iue4. oue on $50,000 "is table, and Mr, Caesar Parker $16,000 drew five out of his well. This is a considerable snake story bat we will vouch for it." Coxcokd, N. 0. id; Ulna No Lynchioff, ofCoarse. - Seyeral pistols were fired, Mon day night, and many .negro s in Coleburg were frightened. They were just sure that a Bee had: J'lott and was performing with him : near the fair grounds. Many of them l THE DEMOCRATIC OUTLOOK. FURi ITU COFFINS &e. DlKECTORSr - :: r O .Pi xtvtmit iltlr t w YiaW . U TVI. " ' ' " " W. H, Lilly, Chairman Uarrlty Says the Mgns , Point to Success Next Year. Philadelphia, Oct. 14. ; Demo cratic National Chairman Harrity is very hopeful of democratic suc could not sleep until away alter mid- - 1 J - - I have now,: m stock at my roorca night, they said. - r : v; ; opposite the court house a splen- , " - I U' ITU. .m...L . . L bM I Irf I 1 M A r I 1 . m -J 111.... "iue reueuir Yiciury lu xuuiauapur I . V ui wcinmauB uruuure lis," he says, "appears to be giving greai ueai ui encouragemem w U 1 04- J " rp v i democrats all -over -the country; 5GU d luaUS) lclplCS9 There is eyrry reason to believe that McGill will be elected governor of - How easily such matters are shaped up by imaginations and 'made to do up the: uf iods thus robbing them of .a '.night's.sleep". ). BiOOLTEANE, Specuiation , HAMMOND & CO. stock taid I" 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, -N. Y. W, Bonda ana wram oougnt ana gold, or tarried on Margin . on 7 et letter. (?iee) dwly Ill'S III (UTAKER'S CORNER) Chal. Plott, the Itaplst, In Charlotte The Indian Murderer. Sheriff Sinis, to be absolutely safe , Detectiye Htrssey of Baltimore, ew Jereey and that the democratic in keeping his prisoner, Chal. Plott, whoTwas in'thia State insearch of ticket in New York will be sue arid to -JquUt the fiemPs feelings, Buffalo - Bill's Wild West Indian,' cessful. ' " y'-' ! left w;th him, Monday evening, for Mohawk, who murdered a small boy ai the democrats should be vici Charlotte:; The sheriff west by dirt in Baltimore, has returned home torius in these states tbese victories; road toxUharlotte. - from North Carolina, where he ;fol- in connection with coT.staiitlv in-' : The iaii in Mecklenburg is much lowed the show in the hopes of ar- creasing evidences of business prosi more, secure than our4 jail, and, once resting the murderer. The grand perity, will encourage democrats in behind thenars, there, he will be joiy in Baltimore have returned an every state to enter inb the presi- reaay tortne roil call at our next indictment of manslaugnter against dential campaign with the hope and term or court unless Providence re-1 the aborigine, but there is going to confidence that their party will conM be trouble in arresting him.. It is said that the Baltimore authorities are prepared for any emergency that may arise on account of the Indian being a ward of the United States, and expect under alljpircumstances prices paid were 8.85 lUO I . , - . , - ... . - . ... -1 - . - - . . lo Dnng ine prisorer 10 xjwmore j The tone of the market is up for trial. A; detectiye from Balti- wards. Let her gois the' song. more has gone to Atlanta, where Buffalo Bill now is, to keep Mohawk under surveillance and arrest him at the proper time. 1 v - j coi. Wopper xiuntins stan.rd jbeen resting quietly today. Wash Stands Safes, s, moves him. To Study Capt. Ashe's Book. The class in political "economy at Wake Forest College, savs the Np.wa P,S.-Send for explanatory circn. and,0bserTer; haT0 dfcided lo red gpeculanon, mso weeK.j mar- Q g A A8hea new bo3k X - ---- Jl " - r - I - . . tinue in control of the national -government Cotton Today. . . About 50 bales of cotton were on the market today The highest on silyer question "Familiar Chats on Finance; The Professor and His Friends," There are thirty in the class. . This is "a "high compliment to Capt. Ashe, who has acquired a re putation as an authority on the question : of finance, which Wake Forest College recognizes. jjfr. W. O. Means No Better. " There is no change in the condiw tion of Mr. W G Mean s since ; Mon day : morning. Q He. has, however dtiy competition in rrpfird to quality, and price. You v,il bo. surprised when you bear i yp;ices -- Come and see. I f kc t ii :-4ock can supply .you m a few iia.. I have a nice line of -. at prices that willtsurpruo you. I 7 keep a ' full lline on hand for im mediate supply. I buy ," "LUMBER and run my planing machan, and 'all persons who wish any thing in this line, will do well to call and see me. - Very Respectfully, . 4"A:,T,:i;.fepimdiB. 4 t Metal. . ' p Jack frost has yisited the ;sunny South and ! spoke death ; to many a plant, as well as left his t mark on Goodman is hauling the tall oak abd-trees of the torest. commission Monday and. apoke of a .platform to the Cans Ice.was seen two mornings. ( ; ' Uer of which even Clerk Brown I have opened my ME4T MARs BET in the Litaker basemntr'tfor- merly occupied by Swmk & Pay vault. When you want nice: fresh Jneat3, beef, pork, mutton, etc., call on or send in your orders to - -: S. L. KLUTTZ. P.S.1 am in the market when beef cattle and hos are for sale. Bo., MANUFACTURERS OP Used the Second Time. Mr. a ,ja cotton f rem" the non and Cabarrus Cotton Mills. He Our. people are generally . healthy, tells us'that Mr. Rowe, the weigher excepcoids.hich;, at the Cannon Mills, has discoyered ahd a' few chills along'the creeks and kKiif. haarorino- has nomft to to the mill streams or once streams,; but now w - "-on n ' - , - twice already this year. " dry.U ; - - ; The cotton was bought and used: ColonePJPropper, of Colorado, j is and the aackincr resold and nsed now wor km s the uuip mine near again and the bales it surrounds1 here, i -He, has met with encourage have gotten to the factory. Thus ments so far, and hopes he will sue early in the season; bagging has al ceer in raising plenty of the- stand ready heen used twice in bailing cot- ard metal : soon. ; : ; , .1..- ; ;.- ton; and may be used the third time. : -The Address bf Ke v. B S "BVown, Judge Clark Opens the .Way : " : - Associated J ristidet Wal terClari was seen in the office of the rai IrOad FIRE 1NSURAK Havin? transferred my Fire In suranca business .to..MeerB. 11 I Wood house and B E Harris. I corns of the commission, was uninformed mena them to any who rap.y be an t rt.i; idU. -h- need of fire insurance, ind l:espoak J ustice Clark says that m 1856 Con- for them a liberal vatroi)fe. . gress enacted a law rthat ''allele Respectfu iy, five Wf GINGHAMS, miJVG CLOTHS. 9 A Tery Smart Canine. t SrnHdtflt theorner-Btone; lavinffof One of the smartest dogs we ever the ; new v-E vangelical Lutheran saw, : says the Salisbury Herald, is hurcll at Bichfield, las t Satufday, Mr. M L Pitch's pointer "Bob." He or eloanent one. The PLAIDS, SHEETING carries notes from Mr. Bitch's house church i8 vneaririscompretign and to ms piacb oi Dusiness auu utiier wii: be an-honor to the good people rands. This-; afternoon Mrs. Ritch in thewort, ; . , ; wanted some medicine and it naa -: 3ey ihireyD not been sent aown wnen me time by the government within five . We ;have assumed the Fir? Insur yearsupon payment or the -assessed ance business of Mr.J.W. Bu . khead. J , , , - L , : Comprising the agencies for several value of J the. same, but that when first-class and well eatablishe t com 1871 came the great trust known las panies, and respectfully solicit a ,.1. xtr i -it U liberal share of business in that line, the Western Union was. formed and r. . Woodhouse & Hahris.. j?ot in its work bv eivinsr franks f to August 26. tf Senators and Representatives , riri Congress. 'and'bv eettinff a leverage in v iriona other wavi.; so thatlhe virtue f rauthority vested in -?nf : fhA mrkh' O - . " , h ' v.. : me py a iiiongage or ieea in Trust ;;i rfT:"-- orf the 30th day of Novemv TRUSTEE'S SALE. Glark says it is therefore unlawful for ' private: companies ; to operate telegraph lines, and he also includes Onlce, f ojCabarrus coun ty in Book .l IIa at public such Der, 1,-07 Jacob jjrMUatns and wife, Lauta McCarnp,which Mortgs agre -is duly rreo6rded; in Hegistcr4a SALT BAGS: ent 0 DEALERS IN General Merchandise. came for" her to take it. "Bob" was sent to Mr. Ri tch with a note, which was delivered promptly The medN cine waaprcodred and given to him and he started home in a trot, neyer once stopping until he reached home. a of this kind ltf valuable and A.Jm Mr. Ritch would not part with him. toiepnone lines; ana max sucn ; iines u0 nt iin Urontv of the Court Huuse built since 1866 were built upon a door on Monday, November 4tb, to Urtkof'f r,fl roWmiwf nnnlfi 6 highest Jbidder for cash, one contract that the government could tract of lmd aaibin ng L M Rossos acquire tnenras aooye. -xyxenange. mon ana otners, ana ;; described., as iouows :- beginning at a wiiiow 03 Mr. Mnrr Dead. - , ; west bank of Rocky River, corner Mr, Michael A Murr, of Wades- of L M Sossmon, opposite; tho iijuulu ux a a mix 1 1 uruuuu, viiicu its oif North . Carolina College, preached fermDra. i, Doro autuuBiB.ui Aiaiu,uwiKo 0n the Jiast side of the Kiver, and Farmers ;are :bosy at their fal Ed : Murr of Concord; diedMohday runs with three of L M Sossmon's work; fine weather: for them,but u . . . ' a L'Ywama' lines as follows : N 40fW. 18.80 chs. awfumv stubble land :is too'hard morning at his home m Wadesbora , elest bank of ditch; BUYERS OP are Country-Produce -of aLKind - AND .r-Foct wood always -best prices if or.; J- We invite an in' ;CV oa 01 a the Manufacture. goods Go. Fire Insurance Companies represented N that safe and reliable. ; " 2 1- Barrow & Hurley, A gen ts " ' old People. " Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels anoTidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as tonic and alterative. It acts mildjjr on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone; to the or gans, thereby aiding Nature" m-the Ierf6rmance of the fuoctions.tElecs t Bitters w an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old peoplefind it just exactly whattheyneed. Pnc3 fiftvcents and $1 per bottle at Fet zer's Drug store. - - for plowing consequently but little oats up; to! date. - -Mrs.:; Luther Brringer has jast returned from Tennessee,rwhere she has been visiting friends.. ) -Rsb. . GLADSTO-NE.&tanly Co.yN.-C. " quite poorly. He vas 67 years old Last Julv-he was fitneken - with then N. 2 J .W. 18 chains to a - stone ell's linerten N.-21 JS"15i chains to small sweet ; gum on the South bank of the branch, H McLarty a corner; men witn nis line JN. 32; JU. 14 J chains to a stone in the old line; then- the old line o- 41 E. 61 .-. , Two JLlves saved. . ; . ..- - - Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, Ills was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there Goose tJrease. - - , ' For hundreds of years Goose Grease ha3 been ; used f or rheuma" tism. If von want the best Iniment chains to a branch on the west bank in the world foralUches and P cnts and bruises go to Johnson s nirig containing ninejytwo (920 gi- r:A - o KnfMo nf arid one half acres more or less was no hope for her, but two bottles Goose Grease Liniment, made from ianaB. C. Sossomon, Tiustee. of Dr. -King's New Discovery comV pure goose i grease, :r Mfg. by., River- pie tely cured her and she says it side Medicine Co., Ore Hill, N. O. saved her Kf e. Mr. Thos.. Aggers, ,:. . .. ol8 139 Florida St., San; Francisco, : suf "" ' ''' : fered from a' dreedful-4cold,:ap- 2otic- - - - . ; . ' ' preaching Consumption, tried with "AH persons holding claims against outi tesult -everything else :r: then J W Burfihead, deceased, will please bought ones bottle of , Dr. King's present them o me or to H I Wood New .Discovery .indi.ym two weeas . v . t . a was cured. He nAturally thank- house promptly, 1 :A1L persons an ful- - ItTis 'such results, - of which debted to same will plea3r call and these-are samples 1 that prove the settle at once. ' o?lw 2w wonderful efficacy of this medicine A lid A L. Bulkhead. - Regular size 50c and $1. . 1 ment of J W Burkhead. - By W. M. Smith, Attorney. ? FvTou nt Mmoe na A Flourishing School for Youn - , Ladies. TEN TEACHERS, . ' a Ornamental Branches EeceivB - " Carefm Attention, KEV. O. L. T. FISHEP, A. U PniHCIPAL, : " " ..' .' - MOUNT PL ASANT N. a ii 1 H r r f 1 7 ' i -

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