Arrival of. Trains. v,. ti from Richmond arrirc at 11:1$ tf. m. " Washington " . " 9:58 p. m. i, " Atlanta V " 7:22 P.m. 12 36 ; 1 Atlanta " 9:35 a.m. New York " " 8:51 a.m. Atlanta -9:00 p.m. 6iNorthbounaireigni leaves ai 12m. 63 Southbound . 1 1 . 14 Richmond and Atlanta". Nos. 35 and36 are the tVt mall trains between Atlanta and Washing n;, os-37 and 38 are the Washington and "southwestern Vestibuled limited trains and. stop -,t Concord on signal. ' A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. i'ifke! Ui,autt lut ii.Slmpe By Cur IB ustlinir Pencil Pusher Mrs.'H G Kitzis quite sick at her borne on East Depot street. Dr. N D Fetzer went home, Mou day evening, very much indisposed. The new jail Stanly is (o build will occupy the site of the jail that waa'burnf. ' Painters are putting the roof -of York, Wads worth & Go's warehouse in order. " ' . According to Branson's almanac jre are to have another year and it is to be called 1896. . Simple engraved wedding invita tion, church and visiting cards at A. J. & J. F. Yorke's. 2t ' The corner stone of a new. Luther an church was .laid at Richfield, .Stanly county, last Saturday. The Stanly Enterprise -says it's 'sorry to lose M r. 0 A Dry and family." We are the gainers. Some of the Oregon horses here recently were sold for .five dollars. Ool. Johnson will can his next year. Miss xMaud Perry, who has been visiting Mrs. Harve Rainier, return ed to China Grove, Monday evening. The warehouse at the Cabarrus Holier Mills has been completed and Will Foil, the builder, h;ia returned to Charlotte. .. . ' Mi S3 Esther Cook, daughter ot Keeper Cook of the County Home is spending some time in Charlotte with friends. Stop at D M Walker's if you want anything in the grocery and notion line. Don't forget the place op posite D C Furr's at Forest Hill, tf. Mis3ea Jerrnie Cook, "EIETBell Shirey, Graee Heilig and others, of Mt. Pleasant, leave next Saturday .for Atlanta. They will b3 gone a week. - : J A Robinson and wife, Durham; A Koscowerand wife, Golds boro ; J W Goslin and wife, Winston, and Mr. Stephens and "no wife," all uwspaper men, passed heie Mon day on a trip to the Atlanta Exposi tion. ' The Charlotte. News was captiyat- ed with Buffalo Bill's show. Bill must have done better there than in Syllabary, or else the News just wanted to help the old fellow along ho got near the outer gates of the biate. Sheriff Sims started out to-May (Tuesday) on his rounds of collect taxes, as required by law. It he succeeds as former Sheriffs have in these taxgathering rounds,"he will a body guard. Enough is usu allv noIlpAtftd tn fAorl thn horse andh,;wf?rtn ".' ' i r- the sheriff begs his dinner. - - - ----- To remove the constipated habit the onlv 8afP. trtmP.nt is a course of Ayer's Pills, rollo ved by a laxa tive diftt. Mn,f naf.hirtios do morp. harm than rrWT ihprpfore l.oari; mmpnrl A t,.j, n:n . n vjtcj. a jriiis, especially as mumj Physic. - An alarm of fire at 11 o'clock this morning brought out the fire com. T)aniPs and rar,ori rrpnprallv to move around Hyely. A pot of tar which was being coofceH at "the new residence of Mr. C L Welch, on Main street, boiled over and caught Sre and the thick smoke caused the alarm to be given. No damage was done. Salisbury flerald. . Onlv oYC nt-i i. , J ... j , 14 v uzen ea i tors -went ... ua ice excursion the editors, ; given . Sample engraved wedli ng: invita- Linn, nhnrnh .1 . a t o Vv u caras at, ; It.Js.said that Concord ill h-ive a marruge onthe 23rd. Now mark tua Biue ngnt ot a prediction, Dr. F E Hartsell, of Gborjre? i i le. was :n the city. He looks inst as natural and handsome as ver. Rev. M O G Scherer, by request, is teaching a class of young ladies; preparing them to enter the Greens boro Normal, Mr. B AsberKluttz, who has been holumg a pcsitionan'Newtou for some months, is at home for awhile: He looks heartv and well. : v " - Dr. o B Klutlz, of Albemarle, and brother of Mr. S L Kluttz, of our town, has gone to Atlanta to complex hi3 course in denistry. Mrs. J M .Russell, who has been here for several days has returned to Albemarle. Her husband is doi ing some work at the Buffalo mills. A (romv, i.,0t- w -a. tramp, just as nappy as you please. Bat near the calaboose this . rr , .. . ; iuurmtiK' ne was oonvious or every- thing but the result of his begging, Albemarle has discarded the- old oaken, moss-covered, iron-bound bucket that hnng in the well. They have put in a pump in the town well. Eighteen thousand people saw Buffalo Bill in Charlotte at the afternoon and night exhibits. About $10,000 carried off without value re turned, . i. r . h t p r j. springs, and one of the best farmers - of the county, spent Monday night in the city. Place your risks against fire with Barrow & Hurley, 'Agents. 2t. State Treasurer Worth says the new State Bank Examiners' reports are coming in rapidly, and that these reports show a gratifying con dition of the banks. One colored gentleman, who re turned from Charlotte- Monday evening, was jo awfully drunk that he had to be carried out. Wild Buffalo Bill whiskey. D M Walker pays the highest market prices for all kind of country produce, cash or barter. Don't forget the place opposite D O Furr's at Forest Hill. tf. Cicero Thompson, one of the best baibera in the State, left here- Mon day eyeningor 'Charlotte by private conveyance. He drove one of Brown Bros.' teams. Mr. C F Wadsworth phoned Mr. .M Brown Monday night, that the horse had taken sick. Confusion a3 to the-choice of a bloOdJpunfier ti unnecessary. There is but one best Sarsaparilla, and that is Ayer's. This important fact was recognized at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893, -being the only blood- purifier admitted to be placed on ex- mumwut 1 The Standard had a yery pleas I ant call Monday evening from Mr. G E Jordan, who represents J C Ayer & Son, larsje medicine manu- factures of Lowell, Mass. Mr. Jordan is the advertising agent and sales affent. He is indeed a cleyer, affable I frmnflAmam he fl a brother of -: . Druggist Jordan, of Charlotte. Bishop Hood, of A. M. E. church, was here Sunday. He preached at Hill's chnrch on Depot street in the mommgani at Price Memorial in the afternoon. -.Several white per eons nearu u.m lar, was so well pleased that his re marks about the Bishops delivery and sermon were most compliment J tary. THE RUSH OF HCMAK1TY. T People Who Travel,, as Seen by "ic r - - KeDortcr. :" " - Miss Rt:beoc'J McRie u visit-: jag irvSdlibhury. - " 'x ' Mr3". Afary Ritch and Mrs.sS G Murr are vidtinm Salisbury. Rey. 0 A Marks, of China Grove, spent the dayn'the city. r Mr. E Powell, the miner; came in from' Charlotte this morning. Mr, H I "Woodhouse went up to China Grove this morning on busL ness. . - , ' .r Mr. Ti (1 Wilmnf-" trtilnr arrpn nf nharlotte. M in the ri flrtliriHi1r orders . ... miss JNina Simmons, ot Mill Hill, is visiting at Mr. John A Kim- mons . Mrs. C 3J3rower, who has been visiting in the city, has returned to Asheville- Mrs. S J Lowe has returned from a visit to relatives in Meck lenburg, - J nrnftA' from a visif. t.n rlativftfl in H vuaiiuivc. , , eueed paino tuner having spent quite air. vj n vviimoQin. an exDeri- a while in the city, left today. Treasurer Worth says" that there are now in this State, aic uuiY.iu tuio nail) avv utinuum banks, 39 State, and .18 private and sayings banks. Of the State banks the late examiner, Malvern Hill Palmer, examined 13, leaving a like number tor each or tne newexami- tiers to inspect, j . ' This morning Mr. John Caldwell's horee had a narrow escape from be- Li. .nn aha. hn thn naaflhnla : ' 'hO lUg 1UU UyCl UJ bUC JCOHUUlti .uu horse was on the track, but seeing the approach of the train tne driver backed off just in time to save the ' . , norse. unver3 are too careiess. r JL- T ' 1 I " . .. 11 m. - 1. . - EST IjOOK ouc iraiua. Wlien Baby ."was sick, we gave her Castorla -Khen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. ftten she bad Children, she gave thera Castoria, SHAKE hands with" . ! your fiiends but not with your enemies. I 'OPmtk We bave .something will knockj 'em out that UrKU Vfe Chill Tonic JflGlilS tillll I0I1IC. 7 ' Yours to "please, If : El D OTQQ1ST3 AND! PHARMACISTS, COECOBD N LOWE :& SON. $16,000 WORTH OF DRY GOODS, u SHOES AND CLOTH- : ":. ING " . .. - -" . r - - . ' . Will now he thrown on the, market that will he boid in the next 90 days at the greatest SLAUGHTER OF PRICES ever heard of in Concord. Our entire stock was, bought through the summer when prices were at the lowest point. Now we are going to give tha Concord trading people the benefit of this stock at prices far below all competitors; v We want you to listen and be govern" ed accordingly. to what will happen. - TAKE PL A IDS Something that every farmer will have to buy, r- Until what we have is all sold, wvnuoc. wne nunarea pieces ouunif, vou will have to buv. We will let what we have go at 5c This is the 8 and 10c kind. CHEVIOTS, The o ana lUc kind, will go at 7c. JNice styles and new goods - I TTT 1 LaflieS W 001 v Df8SS GOOdS Have' been cut to the quick, 'Tisim possible for us to make you appreciate the. bargains without seeing the stock. Our price is below all other?. ; PRINTS wm in enclie9S quantities at 4 and 5c. These good have all advanced, and will cost waolesale what we ask for our stock but they must go. I ) "Pi a nnf Ap n Hoot! Tis out o question, to duplicate our price on MEN'S WOOL" OVER , and : . UNDER SHIRTS. We will sell , a lot of Outing shirts at 10c. Ctton under shirts all at whole sale price. The largest stock of ladies vest3, in town will go at cut price. . ' WOOL FLANNEL, Heavy wool trill Flannel will go for 12Jc. These goods cost more now by the bolt. BLANKETS Bought at the lowest notch ever reached, will go out now, that will do you good. Shoes, Slxoes, . ... - - i Every person, in the county knows that the wholesale pricg on shoes has advanced from - 25a to 50c pair. Now here is where we can do you the most good. We have . - $6000 worth of Shoes that -we bought when the price struck tho bottom . "Rvervbodv will have to buy-shoes, and if cotton has run up to agood price, 16 Will UUb UX1U ou xuuuu cash, but what you will feel like, you want, to save as much of lhe money as possible. Now we wUl place you in a position to keep a good part of your money in your pocket and will distribute this STQGE out to those who will take advaht age of it at prices on lots of stuff even lower than we sold the same ahoes last winter. If you want to save monev. you -J will want to see our stock before you Duy a single pair." This is a great opportunity for the buying public , LOWE& SON. THE COM MAN If the fashion plates aro . to be believed, will wear black, and there never war such a demand for . - BLACK: LDRESS GOODS to the exclusion of all-colored fabrics. - Nothing; adds .more to the beauty and dignity of .a woman' -. appearance than a fine -black go wn, which is al ike economical and ultra fash ionable. We have just gotten in our black and navy blues bought , when the prices were low can sell you 75 cent Henrietta Surah' for 50c 46 inches wide , Can sell you a'$l goods 50 inches wide for 76c, Our stock of Black Creapones are the latest production. We ask. all Ladies to see our d ress goods before buying else- .. where. Do you want to see the prettiest line of ; LADLE'S SHOES ever shown in Concord Then come and see us and be convinced. ,' Our No. 49" narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty, 1 Cur No. 71 Needle Square Toe prettiest seoe on the mar ket -' ; . Our No, 69 Pointed Razor Toe the most stylish yt. Our No, 70 Round Toe -grand seller, all at 3owfigures, UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Our city trade tLeaderJ " pure Linen Bossom extra heavy muslin double front and bacK, patent continu- ous facings on back and sleeyes custom cu t -and ; at the low price of 50c. . . Gibson- & Morrison; HAVE YOU ; THOUGHT OF BUY- IKGAFALL DRESS?J 5i 44 inches wide 40 cents -per yard... 33 inch: -. . 27 cents per yard. bee our line of ladiea Id - Crepons, Crovenetts and Henriettas. - They- are the lattest. Don't miss them if you want a black dress. Our-: are simply elegant. Is Goods ress and i I. v ' s . . !