mm - FOR THE NEXT FIVE DAYS - - ' The salesmen will mark down the price ofJPurnitnre, today purchased from Cannons, Fetzer & Bell, After the stock has been gone through with, we will - Slaughter FMieli The stock was bought for spot cash money, and at ' - a price that our customers can have the benefit. We will sell FURNITRTE OF ALL KINDS CHEAPER : ' ' - " FR THE . NEXT NINETY DAYS L Than'anyjFuiniture dealer in North Carolina.gSeeing L " is believing, come and see us. iv DRY REDUCED RATES. Moil Stales ail Iallciial Expssldon ' ATLANTA, GAJ. i ' StpIenlJcr IB-December 3F, F895 j 1 Yor the above occa slon the Southern Rafliray Vo. 111 sell low-rate round-trip tickets to . ATLANTA, OA., and return on the follow- tng basis: - FROM- O E Alexandria, Va....... 38.25,19.25 AKhftvllln- Ttf. f!.. I hi.m J3urllngton,N. C...... fl8.7013.7q 9.40 5.75 . jiurKcvuie, va. ...... sd.2di7.ix rii.95 vnupeper, va........ Chatham, Va. ........ . Charlottesville, Va... Chapel Hill, N. C 25.30 U.&5I 13.5a;.... t 20.8515.30 23.2517.05! 10.55 12.40 10.35 0.40 15.00 14.20 110.40! Charlotte. N.C-....... Joncora,.N.u 6.$5 113.15!. . 9.651 5.85 DanviIle,Ya ..... Durham, N. C ; Front Koyal, Ya. ..... . 20.05 14.70,'..;.. 10.20 30.4015.00 26.25 19.251 10.45'..... 14.00..... 17.6512.95 9.20' .... Goldsboro, N. C. . . . . .'. 1.75 15.95 11.00 iienaersonville, N. C. Hickory. N.C.. High Point, N.C.... Hot Springs, N. C .... Henderson, N. C Lynchburg, Ya. ...... Lexington, N. C... Morganton, N. C. . . . . . Marion, N. C Newton. N. O. 11.70 15.30 8.60 5.25 7.25 11.25 16.95..... 14 L?.45 8.40 675 teo:40 15.00 10.50 22..50,16.5a 11.50!.....' 16.05..... 111.80 ....!. 8.C5 15.30 114.85..... 11.25 7.25 7.10 7.25 10.9 15.30..... 11:25 Orange, Va Oxford, N. C Tiichmond, Va 24.5518.00' 113.10'..... too inie nn 10,45!..... 3.2517105 Iteldsville, N. C 18.83 13.8(1' 1.40..... 9.70..... naieign, n. (J.. . . South Boston, Va .... Strasburg, Va. ....... . Salisbury, N. C Statesville, N. C...... . -TayIorsville,N.C.... rryon, tf.C . Washington, D. C vWeat Point, Va...... : : warrenton, Va ...... . Wilkesboro, N. C ' Winston-Salem, N. C. 20.4015.00 10.45'..... 21.5515.80 10.80' 28.2519.25 U.00 15.30..... 11.25 U.25 15.30..... 16.35.... 7.25 7.25 8.15 4.90 10.75'..... 28.2519.25 23.6517.35 26.2519.25 12.00...;. .85!-.:..-. 14300'..... 12.60..... 22.9516.85'.... ....jl4.00 11.30;..... il9.0013.95!..... 9.80..... CBates from intermediate points In proportion.) EXPLANATION. w :-;"fV ; A 'V; : Column A s 'Tickets' will be bold Septembe 5 and a2, and daily from September 15 to Decem e' 189o delusive, with final limit Januarj . 7, lo Jo. - Column B : Tickets will .be sold daily from Ptemberlft to December .15,1895, inclusive. ; with final limit twenty (20) days from date or C i Tickets wiU be Wd flaily from September 15 to December 30, 1895, inclusive. axy 7, S. longer limit than Janu- imn ? 2 Tijets will be sold on Tuesdays ?nSPiUsdaysf each week from September 17 until December 24, 1895, inclusive, wi final : limit ten 10) days from date of sate. " rT1 lu?u Pc'&t be sold daUy from BeDtemhfir 15 frt Tfonamha. fA 1onr. ."t4 with final lhnlt sefen (TTdyslm SOUTHERN RAILWAY p "Is the only .line : enferfnn t-h mnriftM Grounds, -haying- a' doubld-traclr stanrtaw m the center of the city of position Grounds. f 111 1 Infnmi atlnn A 0 Traffic Manager, ; Genl Pass. 'igt !X)Penna. A ve. Washington, D. d A T F f ACHis rtjQQ Rheumatism reiieveo -V I by Dr. Miles Nerve Plasters. uago rauwayrrc Atlanta to the Exi Tor tickets WAD RTH. FOR SAJLK One Henley's Monarcb. fence machine, one ;two;liorfle har row,6 one bi-Olivef ; Chilled ploue:li, one side harrow, three plbu ghs, one wagon and liar ness, one log chain, one feed cutterrotary, and N o, 8i; one cross cut folding saw, lever power, one jnmp-seat phaeton, one single'seat'ed)hae tpu, one open buggy, two horses, two thousand, feet pailings, 600 ip. of 4x5 oak post, 'eight hun dred ft. framing lumber.: Pri vate sale. - iJ:r:. y , ALIDA L. BUBKHEAD. v V MT. PLEASANT, K. C : : REV. vj. SHIREYi D. Ires A D ABEM ICCGM M M EC1 A L .- AND.- U'?: ? COLLEGIATE COURSES. , i i trpf al ; necessary ; ekpen ses session of 38 weeks, $85.00 to $137,000. -.; y . Next session -begins Sept d. ibyo. ior;- cptalogue and special infoimation, address tne President as above, or lm. Secbeta ey of "Faculty. ADMINISTRATOR'S OTICE qualified administrator; On' the es" oli. ,!ur. -vymre, saeceasea an said deceased are bfirfihv- TinHflftfl in present thfm. to4 the undersigned uu i j - uumtjiiiicaiea ; on or ueiore September 24, 1896, or hi a 'notice will; ho T)3pad' as ji- hflr t h Air rot cbYry&olJl priohsowinfr said deceased are notified that nrenmt payment is expected. C . v T. J, White, Administrator, Thjs, Sept. 23, 1895. r : : v - K WO STUDENTS AT WAR FlRht at Butler University A stu dent Is Donnd With n Clothes Xine and Draffsed" Over the President's lavn. . ' Indianapolis, October 12. The seniors of Butler University on Thursday night held a meeting at the residence of President Butler, whose son is a senior, and members, of the under classes attempted to breeTk it up. J . Arthur Carpenter, a senior, was caught on the lawn and bound with the president's clothes line, and was being dragged away when his friends came to his rescue. A pitched battle followed,- The seniors finally succeeded in dragging Oarpen tcr into the house, where the doors were barred and the attacking party kept out. " : " v "' - . Yesterday the seniors appeared in class with pieces of rope tied in the buttonholes of their coats as trophies of their yictory, and an attempt was made by members of the under clas3ea to diyest them of the often siye badges. A scuffle followed dur ing the first hour, but the men were finally separated. . As the seniors came downslairs at 10 o: clock they were met by . a :de termined force, and the fight was re newed in an effort by "the under class men to get the pieces of rope. , Members of the tacuity rushed to the scene to separate the combat ants. Several students on both sides were badly bruised in the row, Dnke Has tne Slost Money. . A Raleigh correspondent writes : : " A.t noon here, at public auction the building at Cary, formerly used as a cotton mill, was sola. It was expected it would be purchased by tne a armera Alliance,, tor use as headquarters 'and as a shoe factory, but 5en. Duke, of- pur ham, oyer bid the Alliance bidder and recover ed the building fox the dary Lum ber Company at $4,275 The AU liance bidder was not authorized to bid over $4,250. It is not yet known what the "Alliance wili do, as it had arranged to get this particular buikU ih&. - "- -: Bucblen's Arnica Salve. " - - The Best Sabe in t!e world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores Tetterd Cbappe Hands, Chilblainsr CQrns Jan d all Skin Eruptipns,and positively cures Piles or no pay required. . It is guarant'eedtnto give stati?f action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzer'a Drue atore, m JlfR.-EKWIN. C A-MISENHEIMER-ERWIN &;.MISKNBtEIMER :Pfiyslcisfns aJSurgebns OfiSce No. 3. Safty vbuildhV, 'opw posite 2nd Presbyterian church Charlotte, N. a - Dissolution of Firm., U . .TJie firm of MorrisoV. lientz & Cp. ;is this day disspltea by mutual consent. : All pertjobsindebted to said firm will pleasjsi calland settle. Thankful for all past? favors we re main RespecifuUyo. - w : t D,B. i Mobeison, -ir i . j J ; ' l AVE.Lentz, ;1 3 - V. r-R. E.I GlBSON, . Concord, N C, Oct. 3. 895. , . The copartner fiKip Heretofore ex- I - rm - .... lsting una er tne nr m name of Mor rison, Lentz & Co. having been dis-i 1 J3 1 - lie' 1 11- J. ' 1 ' a - .." ouiveu uy tut) wiiuurawRl 01 Jiir. A E. Lentz. the lindersienfirl rpsnpr.t. fully announce, jtf the pulbiic ; that iney nave iormea a copartnership under the firm 7 name of Gibson & Alprrison tov do a general merchant dise'business and hope to merit a generous snare 01 tne public patron age. Respectfujjy, ; : " . - - : - R. E. Gtrson. Z r s rD. B.MoBRisdN. f ' Concord, l.tC,1 Oct.;3, 1895. I recommDd the firm of Gibson & Morrison to the public as worthy of their patronage, i- - 5 : Respecfully--:-:-. . V' ! r. : 'I A: "Fa. Tj-wtz- .u Concord. N. C.; Oct; 3. 1895. v : AIORRISON, H. CAJLDWEL t ATTOENix" - ATsLA WpM Office in Morns bmldingopposite Court House. - --l 'K A 4 .r i Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitclicr'a prescription for Infants imd Cbildrcn. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harml substitute - for Paregroric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and tor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years e by Millions of Motheris.; Castoria destroys "Worms and lys fcTerishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. ' Castoria relieves : teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told xne of its good effect upon their children." Dr. G. C Osgood, -, y Iiwell, Mass. Castoria is the best remedy for children of 'which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers wiU consider the real interest of their children, and nse Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are" destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." "V ; DR. J. FKXKCHBIAB, '". " Conway, Ark. Tho Centaur Company, 77 Reduced Railroad Ilates. Cotton State " and International Exposition, Atlanta, " Ga. Tickets on sale September 5 and T 12 and daily from September 15 to Decem ber 15. 1896, inclusive with final limit January 7, 1896, ; Fare for round trip.8H.20. "Tickets on sale da?ly from September 15 to Decern ber 30, inclusive with 'finaP limit fifteen days from date bf sale. Fare tor roond trip $10.40.' Tickets on sale daily from September -15 to December 30, inclusive: with" final limit eever days from date of sale. Fare for round trip 6 55, ' Burke County Agricultural Fair, Morganton, N, C, tickets on sale Optober Hth to 17th inclusive, . final limit October 18th, 1895. - Continue 6us passage in both directions. Pare for round trip $3.30. , General 'Missionary Convention, Dallas, Texas. Tickets on sale Oct, 16; good going on date of sale only. Final limit Oct. 30, 1895.? Continuous ppsssge in each directipr . c Fare for round trip $34.35, Ironclad cpni ditions to be complied with J ; '. :. Cohyentipn oL Thternational-Association of Fire 'Eengmeers Au gusta, Ga. cTickeis on sale (ict 5V 6 and 7, good going on date - of sale only. FinaJ . limit Oct; ; , 25, ;;189.& Continuous passage in each cjirec- tior, Fare for round trip 7.45, Ironclad conojitions to be complied with. : - . ; - National meetirig Kentucky trot tirg horse breeders .Association Lexingtor, ; Ky. Tickets:on Oct. 7th and 8th good going on date of sale" only. Final limit ;Oct,21st Continuous passage cin each direc tion, 'Fare for rsund trip via Char lottesville .16.00 via Paint Kock 835.35i,:nrj.yi::.::u. , -Mcrth Carolina, conference M E church . Greensboro, N. O. Tickets on sale Oct. 14th to 17 inclusive final limit Oct. 23rd 1895. - Continuous passage in each direction. Fare for round trip 3.65. . " I CIi FOR jSA . Best Coal in the Sontlu. A ccurate weight and prompt delivery Price. Call on w m mm fil l Castoria. ? Castoria is so well adapted to children tha'i I recomnend it as superior to any prescription known to me." - H. A. Archer, M. D., ill So. Oxtord St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and . although we' only have among out medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, " Boston, Mass. - AxxEsr C Smxth, Pres. Murray Street, New York City. CONCORD MARKETS COTTON MABKET. : Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good, middling......... ., 8f Middlings ..7.85 Low middling 7 Stains . ....7....... . ...... . 5 to 6; PRODUCE MABKET , Corrected bv C. W Swink. Bacon .... S Silgar-cured nams...... 12itol5 'Bulk meats, sides. 8 to 9 Eeebwax...;....;.. 20 Butter ..15 Chickens.......-; 10to20 Dorn ...... .45 Eggs...,.,.. 12 Lard 8toll FlouV(North Carolina) . . ...... ...1.75 Meal.... 1. ..oav Oats.vA.....;.. ............ 30 to 35 rallow.. 3to4 n n LnJS There is a difference between medi cines and medicines. . Those of to-day, as a rule, differ from those of the past in many respects. Fully as great is ttfe difference be tween Dr. King's ' and the ordinary medicines of to-day. It is unlike them in , THESE PIVE THINGS: 1, It does not taste like a medi cine.: It ' is as pleasant to take as lemonade and makes a most refresnicg drinks i ; . Itnever nauseates the most delicate stomach. - . a 3i It does not swap off one tUf; , ease for another. It does not se ui one form of diseasejn order to re another as is so oftenthe case. 4. It contains no alcohol or opium .in any form and is aiwap harmless even when given to a oaoe one day old. - - . 6. It does not patch simply CUresf -Tt. ' r pAp.Ti p.s as nothing e :-t does' tolhe. hidden1 sources of disease in the blood and removes tha cause It aoes.thiswith an ease and power tnav . have never been equaled. I'r For all -tronhlps "nf fhe Blood, Stonack;-; , Bowels, mdneys and Nerves, and lor aii r-LL. J ri i n rzz M r ft 1 I T FBftj II AM 1 oi ha ill i j rvisovi it stanas pr?t without a rrival or a peer. v ( 'i tST Boid by druggrlatsT newlttckage. larg 0 tie. 108 Doges. OneDoUar. Manufactured oJy THE ATLANTA CHELflCAL CO., ATLANTA, WSITS tOR 48-PAQS BOOK. KAHSI1 1" FETZEKS DRUG

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