- V Q '.- Vy r .. .--.,'. . '-.,. . -.. . ' ' .::.: -"" ' . .. jl. No. HO. i v litifl Mial Bit- CON COIUJ, N. C. WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 16, 1895. Whom. NO. 1.318 Concord, N. 0. BUFF Al0 BILL'S PRESENCE. Som: Tall Profits fifatle Quickly in Charlotte-It Was a Good Day .Upon the Whole, the Show Costs the People Largely. - Buffale Bill'b show was in Chars lotte Monday. The management Capital, p,n rnTTRNE, Assistant Cashier Pulled then on the inside and the . luuuwiu ib wur&ea a goou. $50,000 business atterwards. The Stand $16,000 ard uses its clir pers on the -Char- DIRECTORS ; -.-en B UA xueouay iur nye min- . .f llnVLL. V VAIN IN UJ 1 "w " " .. -"""ft wuj,- ju-Bi-o.'- J. W. Canijos; -B Odell, W. H. -Lilly, ; 1). B. COLTRANE. Speculation, ""llAMAlONU &'UUm. Stock stud Bond Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, '... NEW YORK CITY, W. Y. . "Mr. Martin B:st. of OaWma county, came to town yesterday for the ahow, and brought a good roll of money with him. He and his three sons were here to-dav. Ihe old jnaB-waaobbed last nieht. He BnfiTalo Mill Spins JTow. , . - Buffalo Millsthe? new. enterprise of .the Messrs. ;Odell out-on the Southern lailway, are now in a? manner complete in every detail, : ., loaay the ergine was steamed up, the ;wheels began to turn and 3100" spindles began .to sine: their. sweet 80ng8. ' :" This mill has.nothing but spin dies, no loomaTwiirbe plabed in it , . Andthuswe are moying ajong. A Nail Puts Out His Eye.' ' Harve Siittou ah industrious colored man working.at the Cannon Mfg. -Co's.. 'Mills, happened to a painful low Tuesday evening. He was driving nails and not'hit. ting one "square on .the head,", .the says he lost between $alnl-rfna one Dut now or wnen ne aoes not know. A citizen of Lin col n county, who also remained in town to-day, re- ports to the News that his pocket was picked of $16." ,cf!arf,- TTpnrlfirliDrhk in fnailmnofor taAM, Bonds and Grain bought and; Qf P 0. & p. roadj and waa for. gold, or carried on Margin. pt s. Send for explanatory circus lar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) dwly WW-QUEL (LITAKER'S CORNER ) Pi; - merly in the employ of the Rich mond & Danville, at Charlotte. He was here yesterday. The previous day he was m Salisbury ancLdrew from the bank there $300. Last night he was at the Southern station here to take the train for Florida, when he made the discovery that he had lost his roll of $300. He thinks his pocket was picked by some one in the crowd at the station, as there was a great mob in the train jard." eye, jl ne iorce .was so great the '-sight was destroyed. Ic is loss and a painful one. a Somelhluc that Calls Itself God's Minister." This week's issues of the local Pop papers contain a five column insta'.l- menfc article , by G, Ed Keesler, county treasurer, of Cabarrus, on Olevelandism vs Obristanity, being a defense of Thompson's heresy. In troducinsr it. the editors sav : "Our . . ,. a '. . .. ,- - " . , editorial page this week is taken up by Mr. Keesler in defense of himself and his position against the attack of something that calls itself God's minister." Where are the Pop's drifting? Charlotte News. FIRE AT EXPOSITION, The Editors at AlbamjDra-Boseower is the Mascot An Old Cabarrus We gro ln Atlanta; lie liOngs to See Ills Cabarrus White Friends. ' Special to The Standard, . . Atlanta, ,Ga,, October; 15 Beginning with the early trains over the Southern, Atlantic Coast and Seaboard. Air Xine railways, North Carolina editors began amy ing in, the city from! all parts of the Tar, Heel ate., and with Col. A Kj McClnre, of the Philrdelphia Times, who is one of the moat prominent figures in attendance upon the great" Cotton States Exposition, the Amer ican Bankers Association, the Farm era -National Congress, this great Southern cityis chock full of inter esting personSjjnxatws-imd-ihi The editors are putting up at the hotel Aihambra, on Peachtree street, just half way between the exposition, ground and the city; proper, and al togeth?r a convenient and pleasant hotel, ; . - Rr 830 wer, the man who runs the newspaper at Goldsboro, known as the Headlight, poses as our mascot, while Ramsey, the red-headed editor of the Progressive Farmer is our Jonah. ; At 1 o'clock ?this afternoon all the editors, who were not f grubber necking" at the unusual sights, of a. UK IBflBETTES W.. Vv- IV v." VC V 'Mth wS 111 I'm i r I M&h t I IBIItAtB t II W L (nlRiRfTTF;i THEAMERICRN TOBACCO ClV ffr tT?V DURHAM, W.C. U.S.A. f MACE FROM B PURE !Q 0 : :ASI :; ABSOLUTELY FURi TUBE COFFINS &C. I have now in stock at mv rcoiun opposite the court house a splen did line of well-made .. -Furniture -such as "Mr. H G Link left last night building: and had their Imng pic- ' ' Wash Stands Safes, Chairs, tures taken in group form, all of I which .found ready sale. At exactly 2:15 o'clock this af tern I have opened my MEAT MARs merly occupied by .S wink & Days new "outfit'? and went." Tault. When you want nice; fresn meats, beef. nork. mutton, etc. call on or send in your orders to ' S. It. KLUTTZ. P. S. 1 am in the market when, beef cattle and hogs are for sale. .Come and see. ;If not ia stock can. supply you m a few days. I have a nice line of UANUFACTUBEBS OF FLY GIjYGHAMS, OUTING CLOTHS, Doctors onthe Moje. Dr, Jap Anderson,"8on of the old nooc fire broke out on the Midway, for Atlanta. Just before the hour Doctor at Albemarle, having recently opposite the great revolying Phenix' - , m .... for the train to leae, he found that some one had relieved him of three Board After teveral month's .practice completed tor the liagenback surprised when you hear m- prices tickets.and $15 in cash, Heiot a Utfhis old.home, has located elected county .phyaician f or :tanly did not spread. Every nation in the world is rep- Dr, F E Hartsell, who obtained resented at the exposition. his license at the,' late meeting ,of The trip, from North Carolina Jo. Since the exposure of the Insur- Khstaite iiedical Board and who, Georgia oyer the Southern wasa.de- since theri has been at Georgeyille, lightf ul one and the only objection his cld;om,has decided to locate tnat couia oe raisea is .tnat.tne in Albemarle :in tne eariy luwre, &tv ,p Brobablv within a month. J)r. modations. Our .train , was uncpm- HarUell U i a clever, young man with fortably ..crowded, espeaiallj ...afftr Fetch in another horse. Got Their Eyes Open. GOFFi ance frauds at Beaufort in Eastern North Carolina, the Insurance comv panies are putting on extra scotches and breaks. They want insurance but -they don't want to insure corpses; old men at 30 etc. , a rlahtfuture and he goes among a striking Georgia. Whenan application is eent ac- rodeopli w&ojwiir'iathim right It was decided at the meeting of companied;by;the examining physic h -' ';:"'': ;',,-,; ir IMS .at prices that wilt surprise you. I keep a full "line on hand for imt mediate supply. I buy : . LUMBEP ciah'a "pass," - the company then afifcin seiis ont. the association held , this morning that thejexcur8ipn to Na9yiHe,i.via pr QTTTT?rriwn a V1 111 1 e COm" 0. jARankiD, who, since tl e Ohattanoega, eld start tomorrow fLAlUb, O ULj1 1J (x mnnity, .other than the afent death I.Jacob rStire wait has night tofegonfe.two da or longer. , iq kdow wuai. ii. hf.0,, conanotine mercantue Jons: and t)hV8iCian, to Know wnat ne w nnriRriftinff a mercantile JousitI person als. bJLLl pJLixp thinks tjie, applicants age is; whether ne-j Those of, Concord representatives 0 he' couldbe regarded a good nsk, if g0 jpUt VtrJ Parks, of who arriyed this morning were, -Dr, he drinVs or 'deals in drinks, and if stately 1 and wMrs. W O Houston, Dr. S J and run my planing :machanp, and persoQS who itvish any thing in this. line, ,wiil do well to call and see me. " v - jery; Respectfully, j Concord, N. C. July 13." 1895. FIRE INSURANCE. DEALERS IN General he thinks lie. will keep up the polibT etc. ' "' ' Dnringhe last month a promi nent gentleman of Concord has re ceived letters inquiring of him these M6Fcll31ldiS6j matters concerning a number of lead StatesyHIe fthanxre on account of lis health, Caldwell. Sarin? tranaf errfir! mancbusiness fto Me&ers. H I which is such tnatjoe can nocaiienu xuiuuuy vjxissuuj, uue wow r'yHYHttu iiarns, l corns to jft tor&niroth. : old colored men, that ever lived in KjH " 'Mr ttiks, Vbo -snoeeeai "Mr.1 Oabarrns, is here. - He is with. or them.a llberaf -patronage, ulnltin- ia niercnant of Mill Hill, is bid Missns,".Mrs. Mills,' pn. Soiitli : ' ;r ?teAec' ing citizens aid about a gentleman fl nTX0f ,cfeienburg J)ut f pr thd Prqr.treet anji is delighted :jwih ; 5 . tvt piDflDftnf: wlio has no wife to:zil JiCa fWvolJl ftifv lifp. Jhfct .ia 1 &wf nllv anxions 1 i-.We,. have assumed the Fir TnaiVi m.iuit l-laoi-cJKUb jvnia -. m . . , - - rf -- . Kitoiiooo 1tr T vrr -f leave uid 1UOU4MUWV, " ? mer Baiesuiau-vA iut,"vuv tuw-j .. ... 7 , iuuurioiosj me agencies ior svrni hf Kan kin jsutqs. ui ollo viiic. uc uu w-iiu. - i - . - - -oiuuhu com 8; J& H i'"' , ii v vJ5?:. ; . i tfe W;Bnarpi ousmess in that line. BUYERS OF Country Produce of al Kind AND Fnr-Foot wood always Wonted best prices for ?aine. We Jinyite, anXn Section of all the goods Manufacture, Old People. Old peop who requiremeoiome feaMe :u?ines3 'ability. He Mrs. Phoebe ThbsVof JunotioW . V .pnHOcs. Taebis. to reeuiaia me duwoib oUU..j.,r, ri.i.!.-' . n;t- Til. wo tnlrt h- h.r dnntnrril .4: - . - i(i&nro a rri ii i . . iiii .mi.iiiii uf: mix-u. 1 w- i - Wivwu -,v ' . . . . V .. j J - , k will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicants but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the or gans, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Elecs trie Bitters is an!xcelleatppeter Wnd aids digestion. Old people find it just exactly what they need, 3?rica fifty cens and jjf pr bottje atFet- Read all our advertisements. They tell you good things. .1. 11 .tn.V1(V neonle 'and she had Consumption and that there 'L. -. xrt was no hqpe for herbut two bottles. The Standard welcomes him to , ,r;-, ,J the county and wishes him a Ps- pletely cured her .aud she says ritl perons career iviount Amoena Jiotlce. !l-i. . .TIT-.. TkAo l?-nva 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suf; f ered from a dreedf ul cold, ap; AH persons holding claims against proaching-Consumpto, tried with; J W Bhrkhead,5 deceased, wilfplease' but result everything else then " v. 1 i-; : . U T hr'-Y-! bought, one bottle gjr King s present them to me or to JL 1V ooa- ew Discoyery and an two-weess house promptly," All persons' in wag cured. :L He is ;atrnrally thanks debted to same will please call and - It is sucn Results,- of which; 1; -l - iwnr these are eamples that -prove the; -ettleat $DCr-J2flr vlefful efficlacy ofis medicine1 .T v - Ada L. Bubkhead. Coughs Kand Colds. - Free trial Executrix of the last will and testa- bottles at Fetzer's Drug store. ment of J W Burkhead. Regular size 50c and $1. SEMIN AR Y. A Flourishing School for Young '. Ia ties. : TEN TEACHERS. , PKFB Branches Receive , Carefui Attenuon, .REV. O. iJD. T. FISHEF, A. il t Pbihcipal, MOUNT PL ASANT. K. C. it t 111' r u r .'if; '''''it'' ;' I!' r ' 1 r i i 1 5 ' ; ,'i--r' ynts-rre' r? -- ,. ... ;i A-.,'1-. -

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