ihe Daily Standard tbaV6U,y 8ni .rT! nrif'KH. LiieiB win. w uv - - - - ' wm m m m a m m am a h T JAMES I. COOK. OFFICE IN CASTOR BUILDING The Standard is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivers ed by carriers- ' RATES OP SUBSCBIPTION One year 84 00 Six months.... .......... . 2 00 Threa months... 1 00 One month....... 35 Single, copy. 05 ADVERTISING BATES. Terjia for regular advertisements made known onapplication. Address all'eoniinumcations to THE STANDARD. Concord. N. O. CONCORD, O0T. 16, 1895. COTTOJT PRICES. Conflicting influences are always at wors for the control of the cotton market. They are seen low engaged rin mighty struggle There are the -speculators the bears trying to de press prices, and the bulls trying to ' laise tnem. The bulls may want J jiv.vw wvw "-"-J unload contracts at a profit, while the .bearers may want them lower in order that they may buy in antici pation of a raise. Thus the bull of today may bethebear of tomorrow, and yictt versa. The manufacturer 13 nectssuiiy always a bear, as he wants to buy-for consumption as cheaply as possible. On the bull sid(5 is 'si ! ways, arrayed the producer and with him the great public, which wants to see cotton high even though it may have to pay highei for Outtou goods. At the prtsent time the balls haye the better of the argument, and it looks as if the higher prices will be permanent. It is well, in this connection, to look the facts in the face and to realize that there has bem. an adyance in prices not? because the speculators willed it bo but because the cotton crop is uaiyersally believed to be a short one. If this" opinion is con firmed, prices may bs expected to continue higo; if it should be nega tived by the facts, a decline may be looked.ior. But the law, of -supply and demand is regulating prices, as it always does. From the advance which set in some .weeks ago and is still maintained it ought to be ap parent to anybody that the silver question ha3 nothing to do with the matter. The same coinage laws exist now that did last year .when otton was 5 cents a pound. States ville Landmark. If Presidential bees are not heard loudly buzzing around Indianapolis at present it may be partly due to the ciowing of Democratic roosters. The new woman is not always a young wo nan. She may be an old one, who hides the wrinkles with powders and makes the apparrel she wears a first cousin to that usually found on sweet sixteens. Most of the new women are on the shady side of 85; but all on that side are not new women, to be sure and is a fact to be thankful for. HOLD YOUR COITON. We believe it is now safe to advise the farmers in the cotton belt to hold their cotton as long as possible. If you must sell, then put it on the market slowly a little at the time. Such advice has not always been safe and we have hesitated, but think i& is now settled that the crop will not. be over 6,000,000 bales, probably less, and the demand will be for eight or nine million .bales. The most liberal government and ex pert reports show that the condition is not above 65, and frosts and storms may soon bring it. below that estimate Progressive Farmer. ...... Thank the Good Lord! At last ! Shake, old hoy, shake. In these days wLen eyes are beginning to be opened, it ia the last thing on earth io expect an old hardshell to .'come dxxt and declare a thing against which he has howled for mouths. Supply demand, eh 1 The supply. is six millions bales; the demand is for eight or nine millions, Now that the Progressive Farmer admits Typhoid fever prevails "to an alarming extent," as the local news papers say, in the city of Washing on. DariDg the five weeks ending with October 5th there were sixty six deaths from this cause, and on the 7th instant the health officer ex pressed the opinion that there were at that time "between 400 and 600 cases" of the fever in the city. There is in jail at Fayetteville a prisoner who has a history. He has been by turns professional gambler, liquor spy in South Carolina and cowboy, and is now to go on trial for the capital crime of burgulary His name is Carlton Watson. He tried to break jail and was chained to the floor. He had a complete system of calls,' b which he communicated with other prisoners, His heavy chains were fojnd filed aparr. Still heavier ones were then riveted on him. Thursday these were found hanging on a book, while Watson walked around his cell, ... o- i THE FLIGHT OF F01.1.Y. Author I think I have a pood idea for a detective story. His Wife What is the idea? Author I will have the detective trace an umbrella to its original owner. Harlem Life. He Why did y ou return my writ ten proposal with the letters "C O - - P" written over it? Am I to take it as a refusal? She (shyly) -No you silly goose; that means "Call on Dad. M Wonder, "Mandy, I heard that you had left your husband," Dat's a fact. But he ain't gotlno kick comin', fer I done gib 'im a week's notice 7ore I started." Indianapolis Journal. -Did your uncle remember you in his will?" "Yes, dear old fellow, he left me his best wishes in a spec ial codicil.4 - Harper's Bazar. . ' For Over Fifty Years , Mrs. Winslow's SootlrnSyrup has been used for over M ty years by millions Df 'mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child,' softens the gums, allays all pain, cures ?ind cone, and 13 the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the nnnr little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslowa Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. -inwi&w s2.mv fo the city of Wilmington a horse to pull the Adrain hose reel at one dollar a day. , Several days ago the driver of the reel clipped off the inane and pat ol th tail of the horse, whereupon . Mr. . Jones brought an action against the city for 650 damages, , claiming that his horse had been iujurcd to that amount by the clipping- Mr. Her bert McCIammy represented the plaintiff and Messrs. David B Sut ton and JE K Bryan the ciiy. After the examinatio i of several -witnesses tor tne plaintiff J ustic Bunting gave judgment for plaintiff of iorty dollars. In the meantime he horse is in the employment of the city. The city, thiough its attorneys took an 'appeal Wilmington . Dispatch. A SPECIFIC FOR- La Grippe, for Golds, Coughs, ANDaUNC TROUBLES, ' CHERRY PECTORAL "Two years ago, I had the grippe, and it left me with a cough which gave me no rest night or day. My family physician prescribe for me, changing he medicine as often as he found the things I had taken were not helping t - . -w', .'j . ... v.-"-"" - me, but, In spite of his attendance, T got no better. Finally, mj husband, read ing one day of a gentleman who had had the grippe and was cured by taking A-yer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for me, a bottle of this medicine, and before IJiad taken half of it, I was cured. I have used the Pectoral for my children and in my family, whenever we have needed it, and have found it a specific for colds, coughs, and lung troubles."' Emily -Wood, North St., Elkton, Md. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Honors at World's Fair. Cleanse the System with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "The first ;thing that phrenologist exclaimed when he saw me was. , , m- 'What a head ! " Where were vou the night before?" Life. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. iHien she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became "Hiss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castorla, A Sovel Suit About a Horses' Tail. A civil action .was trifld in Justice R H Bunting's court this morning which was a unique proceeding, - About three months ago Mr. Ed Jones, liveryman of this city, hired ISJUSTASCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts. ParlsMedidne CoJKSffi!! NV' Gentlemen: We sold last year. 600 bottlos GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have bought three gross already this year. In all our ex perience of 14 years, in the .drug business, hare never sold an article that gave such universal eatis ractton as your Tonic. Yours truly, v ABNEY, C-A.RH & CO. For sale by all druggists. ' ; n V NOTICE TOWN TAXES; The town taxes for the vear 1895 are now due and placed ;in my hands for collection. All persons owing the same are requested to call and settle ni. vuoiBt xxio jaw in regara to adver- Using property has been changed J so pay promptly and save being ad vertised. Office opposite court house in Town Hall. v i J.Tj. BOGER, ' : Town Tax Collector. T H E . jail' V, TASTELESS ' tlji fi n n .in tm r ", ',1 - 1 Yard wide 'Bleeched Cam- - brie at 8 J cents, good a-s Lonsdale, ' Five dollar Lace Curtains at $3.25. Chenille Curtains $3,00 per pair. Chenille Table Covers at 68 and 98 cents. X in Turkish bath Towels 10 cents each. Bargains in Linen Tow les. A new lot of Napkins and Doylies will be shown Mons day. Pure Aluminum Thimbles 2 cents. - Fiye hook Corset Stays 5 cents, Water proof Collars at 5 cents. . Side Combs 5 cents. Bios Velyet Skirt Binding . three for 8 cents. Whale Bone 3 cents per dozen. 1ST. N. N. Spool Cotton ' 3 cents. Bargains in Pocket Knives, New lot of Ladies Embroid ered Handkerchiefs, cheap. La - Parisinne Glycerine Soap 5 cents. ' Two large cakes of soap for 5 cents. White Shirts 25 cents. The best 50 cent corset in town. it-- THE t r v - -.i

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