ho B'ha n-ailv Qr nnfld dence,but there never was a man w a conversation witnhis friend as to allow a !"blooier girlV,go by un noticed. ? ' cy jAsies p. cooil. OFFICE IN CASTOR BUILDING "The Standard is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivers by carriers- KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One year.. . . . . .84 00 Six months.........:..... 2 00 ! Three months.............. 100 One month;................ 35 Single copy.. 05 - ADVERTISING BATES. J Terms for regular advertisements snade Known on appli cation. - Address aU'communications to THE STANDARD. Concord. N. C. -1 The Bugar plahtera" of Louisiana who call themselves Republicans, but refuse to train, with the colored brother, will have a lonesome time of it A Republican party in the South without the Bible element; would be Hamlet with Hamlet left out. "" ' " . ' CONCORD, OCT. 17, 1895. The people of Cabarrus county 3tre to be congratulated that no demonstration was made after the rrest of the negrc rapist there Mon day. Thfey acted wisely in relying ioon the law to mete out the merit- - ..... j -ed punishment to this brute. -The That picnic party which picnicked recently' on the top of the Loaguard, in the Southern S itzerland, at an eleyation of 10,500 feet aboye the sea, had what might be called high time. ; a According to a London report, James Gordon Benne't - wi1! soon wed Mme, Annekoff, widow of the Russian general who constructed the trans Caspian railway. Senator Sherman says they'll win in Ohio by 50,000. McKinly isn't oyea of the world are upon the South , prophesying, as McKinley prophets today. She has been so long the j are nofc what what they were. cbjectof yilification and her meth ods Jof dealing with criminals so grossly exaggerated that the swery ing of a hair's breadth from the path of strictest law and order, sub: 3 acts her peoj-le to many a fierce onslaught of criticism from their enemies'. But regardless of what siafayorable comments it is pro Iac ive of, it is the best school in rhich to teach the law's majesty when we show to our own people as rell as the outside world that at all hazards a criminal must receive pro tection and I: granted a fair trial. And we haye given notable Hlustra tion of it in more than ore instance. Salisbury World. A noyel clock ha3 a bronze figure of a dude on top of it which ante maticilly smokes cigarettes. Is this enother way to kill time? A fut-eral in Indiana was indefi liitely postponed the other day be cause the occupant of the coffin, a oman, got thirsty and sat up and asked for a drink. A school is to be established in New York city where policemen will e taught how to shoot, so that when they shoot at a dog they may not lx.it a wan. Policeman' O'Rourke, of New York, has just retired from service with a fortune of $300,000 saved com his salary and perquisites. Slany a president went out office vmh less than that. IBig buttons got a boost in Bur liagton, Vermont, the other, day. A jealous lover shot at his sweetheart, and thinking he had killed her, killed himself. The -girl was - stun .aed, but soon came too, when It was dkcovered that the ball struck a button on her dress and went in uother direction. That MisEOuli bride of seven hours, who left her husband and ecooted ofi! to California with an old Io?er np,iad'A'ngel didn't behave in .a very angelic way towards the man Tsrho had paid-for the marriage li cense, footed the squire's bill and ccrdingly took her for better" or w ? oC, mostly worse. ' ' "Meu havo been known to die for their friends, to go to jail for them, to pay their debts, to believe their stories and to do various other things requiring " self-sacrifice and confi- ' v - Capt. S A Ashe is again to ente; journalism. He will, beginning Oct. 23, issue The State, from Ral eigh. It will be weekly paper. Capt. Ashe's abilty is well known in North Carolina, and as a strong writer he will haye no superior in the State press. His paper will be Democratic and sell for $1.25. A SPECIFIC . FOR-! La Grippe, for Colds; Cough AND LUNG TROUBLES, ir CHERRY PECTORAL O" Two years ago, I had the grippe, and it left me with a cough which gave me no rest night or day. My family physician prescribed for me, changing he medicine as often as. he found the things I had taken wete not helping me, but, in spite of his attendance,! got no better. Finally, my husband,- read ing, one day of a gentleman who had had the grippe and was cured by taking A-yer's Cberry Pectoral, procured,- for me, a bottle of this medicine, and before 1 naa taken half .of-it, I was cured. I have used the Peetoial for my children and in my family; whenever we have needed it, and have found it a specific for colds, coughs, and lung troubles.- Ejuly Wood, North St., Elkton, Md. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Honors at World's Fair. Cleanse the System with Ayer's Sarsapariila. DIES UND. RTHE KNIFE. Kx-C3overuor Jar vis Readied t lie Baltimore Hospital TooL.ato to fie lllui Alive. f Baltomore, MdM Oct. 1G. -13ou gressman L O Latham, of Green- viilei N. 0, died at - the larylaud University Hospital in this city to night. He had suffered for some time from stomach trouble and came to Baltimore for treatment. An operation was performed Imt on ac count of the weakened condition of Mr. Latham, he could not stand the shock. Mr. Latham was 55 years of age- ' v He represented the first North Carolina district in Oongresi several times. He fought on the Oonfed erate side and reached the rant of major. ExGovernor Jarvis, of North Carolina, arrived in the city tonight to he with him in his suffer- mg, hut Mr. Latham was dead when ' he arrived. He left for home almost kp5 fat g " ' '"T n 'TASTELESS- nr n n ILd tru U it. sfpi f7-j rvn n rr IS J UST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50cts. ' '" GALATIA, IiLS., NOV 16.1293. Parts Medicine Co., St. Louis.rMo. VJTrJr0". immediately, takiog with him the orovaIS mieo RfUBB uu-uauy uus year, in an our ex perience of 14 years, in the drug business, haye never sold an article that gave such universal satis- wmuu na jruur -xonic. xours truly, ' ABNEY, CAEB & CO. remains of his friend. Two .Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111-, was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery com pletely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suf fered from a dreedful cold, an proaching Consumption, tried with out result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New ; Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thank- ul. It is such results, of which these are samples that prove .the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and : Colds. : Free trial bottles at Fetzer's Drug store. Regular size 50c and $1. " NOTICE TOWN TAXES, The town taxes for the year 1895 are now due and placed m mv hands for collection. AH persons owing tiiG samo are requested to call and settle at onco and save costs. The law in reerard to adver- ising property has been chanered. so pav promptly and save being ad- vertisad. Office opposite court house in Town Hall. - J. Ii. Bo GEE, Town Tax Collector. For sale by all druggists. ... - Dissolution of Firm. The firm of Morrison, Lentz & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm will please call and settle' Thankful for all past favors we re main, Respectfully, D. B. Moebison, , - A. Hi. IjENTZ, , R, E. Gibson, Concord, N, O., Oct. 3. 1895. The copartnership heretofore ex isting under the firm name of Mor rison, Lentz & Co. having been disi solved by the withdrawal of Mr. A. E. Lentz, the undersigned respect fully announce to the public that they have formed a copartnership under the firm name of Gibson & Alorrison to do a general merchan dise business and hope to" merit a generous share of the public patron age. Respectfully, , K. E- Gibson, D. B. Mobbi&on. Concord, N. C, Oct. 3, 1895. - I recommend the firm of Gibson & Morrison to the public as worthy of their patronage, ; Respectfully, A E. Lentz. Concord. N. C, Oct. 3, 1895. MORRISON H. CALDWEL ATTORNEY AT LAW, CONCORD, N. C. Office in Morris building, opposite Court House. ,v THE - , Yard wide Bleeched Cam bric at 8i cents, good as Lonsdale, v Five dollar Lace Curtains at $3.25. Chenille Curtains $3,00 per pair. y Chenille Table Covers at 68 and 98 cents.. ' X in Turkish bath Towels 10 cents each. ; Bargains in Linen Towles. A. new lot of Napkins and Doylies will be shown Hons day. - Pure Aluminum.Thimbles 2 cents. Five hook Corset Stays 5 cents. Water proof Collars " at 5 cents. ; Side Combs 5 cents. ; Bios Velyet Skirt' Binding three for 8i cents. Whale Bone 3 cents per dozen. . 3Sr. JST. N. Spool Cotton 3 cents. Bargains in Pocket Knives, New lot of Ladies Embroid ered Handkerchiefs,' cheap.' La Parisinne Glycerine Soap 5 cents. Two large cakes of soap for 5 cents. q White Shirts 25 cents. The Best 50 cent corset in town. ' ... -V TH E K D .SB J. BOSTIAIT, Prop) ' r

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