CODEXSED TEtEBAJtt. 3 Mayor Pingree, of Detroit, Mich., was re: nominated for a fourth vterm by acclamation by the Republican city convention Saturday afternoon. The American .Tobacco Company his purchased the J G , Butler To bicco Manufacturing- Company in S Louis, Mo., and will operate it in 1 for Bnfants and ChHdren, r" - FOR ' THE NEXT FIVE DAYS ' , .- The salesmen will mark downthe price ofFurniture,- today purchased from Cannons, Fetzer & Bell. After ' . the stock has been gone through with, we will SpAUO'H'TEk- THE; PRICES. . - V . ' 1 The stock was bought for spot "cash money, and at - a price that our customers can have the benefit. We will sell . FURNITRTE OF ALL KINDS CHEAPER . - FOR THE NEXT NINETY DAYS Than an vr Furniture dealer in North OnrnHnh Spmno- - . is believing,come and see - V DRY & WADS WORTH, REDUCED RATES. eohoq states m iwaiiop Exposition ATLANTA, GA., Stplerrjtsr 18 December 31, 1885- Yor the above occasion the Southern Railway Co. will eell low-rate round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, GAH and return on tho follow ing basis: , FROM- B Alexandria, Va. . A she ville, N. C . . . . .-. . Burlington, N. C...... J3urkoville, Va.. "Culpcper, Va Chatuam, Va. ....... Charlottesville, Va.. . Chapel Hill,-N.C.... Concord, N.C Charlotte, N. C. Danville, Va. Durham, N. C Front lioyal, Va . . . . . . Greensboro, N. C . . Goidsboro, N. C. ..-. . . . Henderson ville, N. C. Hickory, N. C....... . High Point, N. C... ILcy. Springs, N. C .... Hcnucrsoii, N. C...... Lynchburg, Va. ...... Lexington, N. C Morftanton, N. C Marion. N. C 14.00..... 12.85' 9.40 ,....! 5.75 9.651.... 118.70 13.70!..... ay.JJ5 17.05 35.30 U.55 20.8515.30 23.2517.05 11.95U.. . 13.50 10.55'..... 12.40..... 20.4015.00' 10.85 ...... : 14.20 10.40 6.55 5:85 13. 151. . 9.65 20.0514.70'....: 10.20 10.45' 20.40 15.001..... 20.2510.25 ..... 14.00 : 17.6512.95 ..... 9.20..... li.eo' v 131.7515.95 ..... 11.70...... 15. SO..... 8.C0 5.25 7.25 8.40 6.75 11.25 1G.951..... 12.45 14.00..... 10.50 !2O.40 15.00;..... 10.45 11.50 22.5016.50'..... 10,05' V.. . II . 80 . . . III. 25 8.05 15.30 7.25 7.10 7.25 14. 85 15.30 10.90 Newton, N.C....... Orancre. Va 11.25 24.5518.00:..... 20.4015 00'..... 13.10 10.45..... Oxford, N.C... Richmond,- Va. ....... lteidsville, N. C. . . . . . . Kalci;h,N. C..T. South Doston, Va . . . . Strasburg, Va. ........ Salisbury, N. C Statesville. N. C Taylors ville, N. C... 23.2517 05'...;. 12.40 13.85 13.8UL.... 9.70. 20.4015.00..... 21.55 15.C01 10.45 f'.. 10.80 11.00..... 20.2519.25 15.30.:..'. 11.25 7.25 l.T.SO . 11.2..... 12.00' 7.25 8.15 1G.35;..... 'xryon, is. C.. in .1 . . rt o.rt . 4.90 Vashington, D. C .... !2;3.25'19.251 114.00' West Point, 23.65 17.351. .... Warrenton, Va j23.2519.251 Wiikcsboro, N. C...(. '22.95 10.85' Winston-Salem, N. C. ilO.OO 13.95! . , .. 12.60...., 14.00 11.30 . i . . . 9.80..... (JZates from intermediiite points in proportion.) EXPLANATION. - Column A : Tickets will be sold September 5 and a2, anil dailylroia September 15 to Decern oer 15 1S95, inclusive, with final limit January V, loJo. n Column Bj Tickets will he sold daily from 8eptember716 to December 15, 1895, inclusive, with final limit twenty (20) days from date sale. . , . , - ; Column f!f Tinlrofa will Tin nM rlnilir JWv.. Septerabcr 15 to December 20, 1895, inclusive, with final limit fittceu (15) days from dato of 6al0W -i.ticket t0 bcar longer limit than Janu ary 7, 1896. - - IP11?1 Titets will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays of eash week from September 17 until December 24, 1895, inclusive, with final , limit tea U0 days from date of sale. -o Column L : 0-ickets will be sold daily from September 15 to December 80, 1895, inclusive, wjth final limit seven (7) days from date of sale! : ,' o . : SOUTHERN RAILWAY li-the only line entering: the Exposition Grounds, having: a double track, standard guago railway from the center of the city of Atlanta to the Exposition Grounds. - r tickets and full Information apply ta youx nearest affent, or address a, M.CULP, W"! ATXTBK, 0 Trafflo Manager, Genl Pass. Agt4 . 1X) Penna. Ave., TT&shinffton, D. X ! ft (Hi f f Acmjuna RneuMATisM relleveo lby Dr. Miles Nerve Plasters. " - vl"o, us. NOTICE TOWN TAXEb The town taxes for fl m vr.ot ICO? iire now-. clue ar.d placed in wy owirg lb same are rt que -s tea to ;aU ancTscttle at once, and save ccsis. llie Jaw m repaid to adver lsirjg property... has been changed. o paj prcmptly and save being ad vertised. Office opposite Scurt uuice m xuwil Hail. i- J, L. BCGLR, lown Tax Coliector. JK0. R- ERWIN. C-A- LilSEKHEiKER ERW1JST MISEIfHEIMER : Physicians and Surgeons Cfficco.; a.; Harty bnildiBP, tp. posit r2noPre&bytiin church Charlotte, N. C. i, w mt: pleasant, k. c. REV. J. D. SH1EEY.1D.LD., f RES A DA DEMCCOM M M BC1 A L AND ' COLLEGIATE COUREES. " Total necessary expenses session of 38 weeks, $85.00 to $137,000. v ,-: Kext session begins ' Sept 3. 1895. i;Por cotalogne and special infoimation, address the President as above, or lm. - Secretart.op Faculty. Mount Amoena . S EM IN ART A Flounshinpr School for Young Ladies, v TEN TEACHERS, Otl amental Branches Receive 1 ' Carefui Attention, KEV. a l. ;t. fisheb, a. m IPbincipal, MOUNT.PJLEASANT. O connection with-the trust. Fire at New Orleans destroyed the National Rice Mill on IClysian Field street, and four adjoining buildings.. Libb estimated at $200,000; fully inured. Th3 loss included $30,000 worth oi rice.- t . . : , . ". ... V- - - & - While out in;: a : sail boat, A J Miller, ex-Mayor of Qaincy, III.) and Eienry Clay, of Canfon, Mo were drowned, There were six men. in the boat when it capsized. The other four, after being, in the river an h mr an4 a half ware rescued. Crnslietl Jy tlio Wheels. Winston, N. C., Oct. 10.--Mrs. Matt Green, a demented white woman was run over and killed by the passenger tiain en. route to Mt. Airy, on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Road, near Pinnacle, Thurs day night. She f7as walking on the track, and the trainmen did Dot know of the accident until the return trip next morning. The relatives of the woman found her mangled body Thursday night. The deceased was 45 years old and leaves a husband and several children. In tlie Olad Future. "Maria," eaid the husband of the new V70iran at the breakfast table, "the next time you come home late from the lodge and puf your bloom ers to bed and hang yourself oyer the bajk of a chair all night, I r ill" go straight home tn --nana, thprft 1" - -n X i i Brooklyn Eag!e. After the Dinner. "Look here, old man, it's no use you trying to unlcck the door with a cigarette-" ' - i. Whatsh lhat?:j '. ' .. "Yoa'aie tryihe: op'n the door, with a csgarelte.'' "Blesh me, hoTT strangsh ! Wonder whethtrsh Tre smoked. the keysh ?' i Judy. Change on the Watchman. ' s ' t i .. Elitor J Z Green, who resurrected the Salisbury Watchman eeyeral months go, and .'who. u ntil his re cent sickness was editor of it, is no longer connected with thatTjburnali Since lie took sick It; M Flake has been managing the paper.' He has resigned that position and left laat night for his home in Anson1 coun ty. The paper i.? now in the hands of Mr. Mills whose arrival vas noted in the Salisbury World last week. : For mer Firtyirears. 1 Mrs. Winslow's Sooth; eg Syrup Las been used for" over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It. soothes; the child, 'sot tens -the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is - the- best remedy for Diarrhoea. Jt willrelleve the poor little sufferer immediately; "-:8&ldby Druggists t in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a "bottle Ba sure and ask for.i'Mrs.'Winslows So6thing Syrnp," and take no other kind. . . , , mw7&w 23'95 .r Since thejiew. sQhedule went Into effect two . weeks aco v scarcely a passenger train is ontime. It makes no diffei en c. about Cai t. Patterson's local freight and vestibule combined. Bobert Kid ley, a negro, was hang ed at Sussex Court House, Pa., Fri day. Last December he shot anu killed a man , named Williams at that place.. . - - ' HIXiTY years' observation : It is Tmquestiona'bly the "best remecly fog Infants tvad CHIyav, the Trcrld has ever known. It is harmless. Childrea lilio it. It gives them health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers have Eometlting which is ahsolntely safe and praotically perfect as a 1 childs medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. Castoria allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sonr Card, Castoria enres IHarrhesa and Wind Colic. ' feastoria relieves Teething Troubles. Castoria enras Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria neutralizes the effects of carhonio acid gas eg potaonon au Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or ether narcotic property. Castoria . assimilates the food, resndates the stosiach ar.d ojgekj giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is put cp in ono-sizo hottles only. It is not sold in sulk. Pon't allow any one to soli yon anything else on the plea or promise that it is " jnst as good" and "will answer every purpose," See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The facsimile y eignatnro of Children ry for Rednceil Ballrond Rates. (Jotton State and International Exposition, Atlanta, Ga. Tickets on sale September 5 and 12 and daily from September 15 to Decern ber 15. 1896, inclusive with final limit January 7, 1896. Fare for round trip S14. 20. Tickets on sale da!ly from September 15 to Decern' ber, 30, inclusive with final limit fifteen clays from data of sale. Fare for round trip 10. 40- Tickets on sale daily from September 15 to December 30, inclusive with final limit eeve days from date of sale. Faro for round trip 6 .55. General Missionary' Convention, Dallas, Texas. Tickets on sale Oct. lGV good -going on date of - sajp only. Final limit Oct. SO,. 1895. Continuous posssgo in each directior. Fare for round trip 34.35. Ironclad.con ditioES to be complied with, -Bantist Educational and -Mission. ary convention or JSorth Uarolina Oxford, N. C Tickets on sale Oct. 22, 23 and 24. Final limit v Oct. 28, 1895. Coutlnuous passage in each, direction. Fare for round trip S6. 85. Sells .Brothers Shows, Salisbury, N. C Tickets on sale Oct. 25. Final limit Oct. 26, 1895. Continuous passage in each direction. Fare for round trip 90 cents. Presbyterian Synod of. North OaroUna; Fayetteville, N. C. Tickets on sale to Greensboro and Selma Oct 21 to 23. Final limit November 2, 1894. Continuous passage in each direction. . Fare - idr f rouad trip to Greensboro 3.65 to Salem S7.5a The rate from Greensboro via ' Ff & Y, V. will be S4.65 and from Selma vi A. C, L. S2.50. North Carolina State Fair ((?olored);Raleigh; N. C. Tickets on sale : November 2": to 9 inclusive. JPinal- limit November 11, 1895. Continuous passage in 'each direc tion. 'Fare for. round trip including one admission to fair 'grounds $5 50. State Grand Lodge I; Ol of G. S. and D. of S jUtariotte, N C. t ickets on sale Oct- 27. 28: and S9. Final limit Novert ber 4, 1895. - Con tinuous -passage in each direction.' Fare for round trip $1.05. Buckingham countny Fair, Beids ville, N. C Tickets on sale Oct. 26 27, 28, 29 30 and 31 and Novembsr l! Final l?mit November 4. 1895. On is tinuous passage in each ' direction! xuuciu trip 5jO 10- - Layirg Corner Stone Masonic Temple, Danville Va. Tickets on Sale Oct. 26, 27 and 28. Final limit November 4, 1895. Continuous pass age in each diiection. Fare for rouud trip $5.45. cf Castoria with tho t;axrn-i S3 Of '-sr. is ca every wrapper. Pitcher's Castoria, CONCORD MARKETS COTTON" MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling 9 Middlings..... 7 85. Low mi idling. .....74 Stains . 5 to 61 PRODUCE MARKET Corrected bv C. W Swink, bacon........ 8cl Sugarcured nams 12tol5 Bulk meats, sides. 8 to 9 Bees w as 20 Butter 15 Ohicketd......... .10io20 3orn. . . . . . .40 Eggs .121 Lard. ...8 Flour(North Carolina) ....... ..,1.7 Meal .....e ..5B Oats ...... .35 Tallow.,......""....... .... ..... 3to4 - - lii Tired and broken down 1? women will find that BB. KiaQ'SSO'rtL GEHftlETUEa is a priceless boon and bussing to them. It gives appetite, brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids digestiontones the nerves, buHas up the strength and puts disease and pain to flight. For mm mum Including ail menstrual and wonw diffiriiliipc it. hoc no .-simencr used It is both - locally and internally, emphatically . ' Pleasant to take as lemonade, and harmless at all times. New package large bottle, 10S Doses, One Dollar j Sold by druggists. Manutaciun only by THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL GO., Atlanta, 65. WHITE T0B 4S-I1GE BOOK: JtiHI1' I FJ2 TZER'S DR UG STO

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