XL No. 147. GONCOliivi?; C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1895, Whose KO. 1.32o XtiL inl Dai. "LIBERTY AND FREEDOM! EVENLY BESTOWED." o- President, . ir HtvF.LL. i r, vu Cashier. f p! CoiTRAia, Assistant Cashier Capital. Surplus 550,000 $16,000 DlitECTORS ; i ri ri . J'JA' T W f! a vwnw W TJ T.TTT.V Mormon Elders Have thn RtPht m Preach, Says Solicitor Ton, Eat Citizens Also Have the Right to Respectfully Protest, . f Solicitor Pou arrived in the city yesterday, on bnsinesa connected with the court. A reporter soon found him, and interviewed him res gar ding his probable; action in con nection with the protest presented the other day by the four Mormon elders to Governor Oarr. Mr. Pou said he had only read the account DEATH IN SALISBURY, Jtf rs. John Allen Brown Takes Fright at a Frightened Horse, -umpsfrom Her Bnggy and Raptures a Blood Tessel. " Salisbuby, Oct; 23.- The town was violently shocked shortly after 7 o'clock tonight at the' news that Mrs. J Alien Brown had been killed. She was out driving late this aftei , noon with her little son John, and had reached the T side gate at her home and was about - to - drive in a part of tbe harness broke, falling on the horse, causing it to ATTACKED THE BOSS, Speculation' HAMMOND & CO. . Stock ti&d Bond 130 & 132 Pearl Street, HEW YORK CITY, N. Y. . Siocb, Bond3 and Grain bought and gold, or carried on Margin . ' p,S. Send for explanatory circus laron epeculation, also weekly mar is letter. (Free) dwly contained in the News and Observer iick. "Mis, Brown became alarmed' of Tuesday j that he had so far rc and jumped out,: foiling back wards ceived no communication either on the street, rupturing, it is supV from the Governor or' from Judge "posed, a blood vessel .in her head, Coble; From the statement contain Friends ran to r her assistance ana ed in the paper he said he presumed Dr. McKenzie,;who was near, was tne mauer woum oe rererreato mm, canea ana recaerea tneaical am but fine ones. The convict can not The solicitor said further that uh could do her no good.,;; She became down for some time. A Conylct Uses Cord Wood and Has : n To Be Shot OflV I 1 ?'H Wednesday morning ; out jan tho Mt. Pleasant road where the chain gang js at work, Snpt. Geo, Barn- hard t was attacked by one of the convict?. He picked np a piece of cord wood from under a wash pot and attacked Supt. .Barnhardt with the end that had fire, on it, - ., The convict had, the big ad vantage and wa3 about to do Mr. Barnhardt up ana woum nave aone serious work, had not guard Sid Barnhardt come to the rescure. The convict could not be stopped in his murder ous assault until Guard Barnhardt shot him. The shot was not serious but painful. The shot were little pit. 1 3 I k." 1 1 w - . "3 vfcaili llGARETTESp r W.DukoSona &Co.-'iy ijitANtKIUfi!' TuaAtUQ C0. i V K DURHAM, W.C. U.S.A. 1 HI'S IUI IBKET. (LITAKER'S CORNER ) 1 NfrvwC1"'--' . Up to the time of the insurrection west of town, the gang was under complete control." Then the liars put in their work and forced the commissioners to investigate. Since m - sr.,- less the Mo.rmon brethren could partly conscious , for a ; short while show that a conspiracy has been and when asked where she was hurt formed to force them to leave the pointed to her headi f The accident commnnityVhe could not see how occurred abputi5:30 o'clock. The the signers of the protest could be affair is t a mist distressing one, pruatruuieui ? uutmug bu Buuumug uaye occurrea men tne meanest or tne gang are "In this great country of ours," here in years.. The news spread constantly courting trouble it said the -Solicitor, "liberty and free- like wild fire and many expression of would have been far better for ell, dom are evenly bestowed, like the grief haye been heard; The little had the commissioners turned a deaf rain and the dew. As long as the boy was unhurt and had Mrs. ear to the complaints, which proved Mormon elders obey the law they Brown remained in the pr aaton she groundless. are entitlel to preach their doctrine, would.not have b-uen injured. The but at the same time any number of horse she was driving telonged to citizens may respectfully protest her husband and was gentle.- Mrs. against such preaching and may lirown -leases eight children to eyen go so far as 10 request tho mourn her sudden and ead death.- brethren to quit the community and Charlotte Observer. ui6ff5iut;o ui lueir uuu- KVlUence Hot SUong Enough. other ABSOLUTELY PUKE The Street Erangelist, The darkedbearded, darkeyed, bow-legged street eyangelist tnat struck town Monday, held a service on the p&blic gqaare Wednesday night. '';;:-J;i;:L; V,. He preaches, exhorts, appeals, ItaTsoDenecl mv MEAT MAR Elm the Litaker basement, fors Jnerly occupied by Swink & Day vault. When vou want nice, fresh meats, beer, pork, mutton, etc., call i on or stnd m vour orders to S. Li. jlLUXTft. P.S. I aui in the market when beef cattle aud hos are for sale. i iiilstiii Ed. ilAUFACTURERS OF ftVi GLYGITJ.MS, bestow th trine upon some other community Late Wedneadav afternoon Esq. nrava. eff.-rs tracts and then savs if . 7 l r- "J ! and yet not violate the law. I have y J Hill had arraigned before him you want to pay for them all right; read the paper presented to the Gov- one Spencer Adams, colored, charged if not, take them, you are welcome ernor and I fail to perceive any with remoying cotton belonging to to trem. threat tnerem ana l note tnat it is Wesly Ford from Ford's bin to his He said he had been three weeks signed by ceyeral well known gentle- 0wn in the gin house of Mr. Ephriam in Salisbury an l couldn't get a sin men, soce ot them ministers of the Fisher. Several witnesses testified g!e man to renounc- tht devil and gcspel, who wonld pernaps be as far against Adams, but their stories com, out and stand with hi n in the from violating the law as the Mormon were weak ones, and for lack of streets and preach the gospel. brethren,even. I feel that eo far as the evidence to: conyict, the case was There's an outward appearance of State is concerned there is nothing discharged. Both negroe3 live on great piety and "sacrifice" on his to be done at present. If there Mr. Fisher's nlantationAl r nart: but if he ouita srood carnenter - s , . , , A u shall be any conspiracy formed, or "7 TT!T, ?T ' business as he claims for the little tic Cost Only a Little to See a Fine Race. . . any inry done the Mormon Snnl. Kal1wflv.-ill ,la.il good he can hope to accomplish, .t brethen, I promise them that so far utia tp tfcketa-tSBeliville fbr ia present trade, he showed mighty $3.05,-on occasion of the, race pa- oau juagmeni;. tween John"; Jl Gentr ' and Joe He says eome good thin8, but Patchen;Which! occurs thereon 'tct. under tt all is a socialistic feature. fied with their sinful condition all COFFINS &C. I have now m stock at my zooms opposite the court hous a splen did line of . well-made Furniture such as Bed Steads,- Tables, Wash Stands Si. defy competition inj -regard to quality and pricy. Yoi?. v ill bo -surprised when you hear iuy jiricea Come and see. If not in stock cau supply you in a few dajs.'X have a nice line of -QQFEimz - f. -CV;.:. f -."- ...... at prices that will surpriye you.... 1 keep a full line ori hand for im mediate supply. ' 1 boy LUMBEP, as lies m. me, tney snan nave me same protection as any citizen of the county of Wake." H Mr. .Pou thinks the Mormons are unduly sensitive and susrerests that Mting cloths: ,-,u ' I linilllfV NH N 1.1 VH ?1 1 1 1 J HUVV PBLO IdLMijLV I . n-. . - ' - . . . . I 11 Oil WITH 1.1 H T ?I311 lit I.! 1 1 1 li I Lit 1 1 1 nil "r j -- o---- 'ibis is cheap traveling asci,many ---.7 PLAIDS, SHliETlNG St. Paul would haye hardly taken win aVail themselves of ;the oppor- right, but when he 'attacks Indus- and run my, planing maehanp, and all persons who wish any thing in this -line, will do 'Jvvelt- 6 scAU and see me: . ; f A - r Ypry Eespectf uilv, f . J.;:;;poTi2ifl. Concord. mC. Julr 13;-1805: AND SALT JBAG&. fright at so slight provocation, ... . Boo pfl,a,fi,eu trial enterprises and tries to make ' "Since that prottst was written," i-"r5 .;.vj'rs-':'.u-,viit k the people dissatisfied with: their 0- DEALERS IN General he said, "two of the Mormons, Elder Carter and Elder Smith, have struck my town,Smithfield, and they appear Thrown From a Waeron James JIawkins is the - name- of work and employment, he is doing harm. " r ; He refers to clerks complaining and laborers complaining, etca FIRE: INSURANCE, 'urns itransferie myFii'oln suranc business to JHesrs., H I Wood house' and BE Harris, I corns n il . -. ? - 1 il 1 i to have been well fed and cartd for tne man tnat was so yioienuy inrown inWake county.from which they had from a onehorsedray: wagon of Mr. kind' of caiaiaUy ohafter-buV'he t. . James Holshouser this . (Tnurs nnst come' There nave Deen gentle hints at Smithfield that these elders morning at Brown's brickyard. Mr, Hawkins was standing -in tne rear UiercnanaiSe. t,w elsewhere, but the citizens of "d. ot th?: .:aVoh loadinMpK Johnston have not yet gone so far as when the horSb.:made;a .da4h for tn make a formaf request to them to wardlanain -.he. Jnan;;.oB'-!; .head irag- f orgets that there are mutual rela tions and duhes going and duties Gomi'ng.. " ; ' . The Standaed hoprs the evange-, list may da good. : for them a liberaV patronage ,j vif -"vs EespectmiJy, , q. V JdUEKIIEAD, W ' i Wo have assumed' the Fire 'Insur ance business of Mr. J. W. i s urkhead, Count BUYERS OF py Produce, and Observer. The FoJjChase. oomprisinsf'the agencies tor several He held a three months meeting first-class and.well established com" xta-,-k n a v, names, ana , respecwuiiy,, foiicie a Tl8' means of getting one man to change 'PVio 'Virircrtran 'im far .-. ftfl f hft- yflprnfc C!:YrTrtiW f man nnrtii'f. roar! brick of alK - AND vtV--J?oot , woo always bat "nriopfl for ' y xjj. v ne Wonted an inv jon of all,, tlxgooda; -'uuxact ure.' ' ' -oi:u "t,; ann arm on a nue oi. leave tne county. xvmcu x,co r -7-- , m; - ,L . a"4,iC. flUW;, liberal sharebf business in that line. A. 5Si WOTiRonRE H. r.RTRi . i r 1 - - v . . . t.. . v - . 1 t i.t U 4J ... -i " - A. I ' " " - ' - The hdrse fan as far. as ihe- depot Kk4 Wavthut man couldn't read, usrusi.26.- , ....... jH . tf before it was tffec collision dray Wagons nac sea up.as tne piac- t - d jWith hia hti off hia head form. ; Hawkins' iarniiiwas' I not fan iy' glistens under the toft, gentle broken but badlyspraihedanct ;his J electric light. neau anu-, iace , coubuexauiy uruiacu . . ,, . ' . i I i Unelilen's Arnica Salve, j 111 '. WedffS'day morning a young fox was -caag&t in a rabbit gum near the poor house and at night about twenty men and boys and eight or ten dogs went from the city an'd joined another crpwd awaitingthem for a chase. M.Jox tnrned loose and witfain less than' half an hour the sjyBUeeliof' evaded, its Vprllerslind got away, ; The run trf u'annd one, but the chase w ehioved by .all the enthusiasts. "could'beSiOpedwhich, Ahdhekjame out aba preacnea me i : , iea;iuK'? H v COAL FOR bALE Mbere'being a number of S!F0i KV Lf .SS" o 7: 'J -I Mii,,:...-.': . - it, .. .. i , a - j . Uf. -. TlienBaby was stele, wcffTe leGastoria Then she was a ChilcU.strl f or Castoria. . Whea she became Miss, she chin to Castoria. - Hien she bad Children, sue gave them Castoria, The Best Sal re in tie world fop J.Cnt3, ,Brai22s, .licres, Ulcers, Salt Khenoi, Fever Soips, Tetterd Ohappe Hands, Ohijblainsi C0orn3 and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures jfUes or no pay requi-ea. it is HARDiQOAL,1 ...... SQFT COAL, ! ' t BLOCK COAL. ; . - STOVE COAL, I SMITH COAL Best Vcpal'injjh South. Orders taken to G E Fisher's -6 tore, or given to my drivers, guaranteed to give statisfaction .-qV OT at my office will be prompt monev refunded. Price 2o cents perl Jy attended to. It is said that the dryness greatly ox . ForsaleatPBFeIJrng,- CRAVEN. hindered the degs scenting. . tore

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