yui lujyi, K1 UA Y , OU rOBEK 25, 1895. WnonE EO. an ail. 1 A Whole 1.1 fa Timi. wt. ' " ""BnurHai once. The home of. John w j Concord, F. 0. y j M.Odell, President n B. Ccltkanb, Cashier Coltkane, Assistant Cashier Capital DIRECTORS ; fir otjell. D. F. Cannon Flam King, R. Odell, D. B J. W. Cannon, W. Hv Lilly, COLTRANE. Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. ' 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. X. welKto-do farmer, livina: six miles nortVwest of Dfclta, Fulton county. Ohioi&at present the Mecca of the inhabitants for miles around. The aracuon, or ratner the attractions; are live bouncing boys wbich Mrs. Langdon presented to her husband $50,000 yr8terday- Th5 little fellows are $16,000 weil and likely to Hye. Mrs Lang don is a comely woman and twenty six, and although she has been mar- rxcu iu or years nas never naa any children before.- , Under the laws of Ohio the State furnishes free maintenance and education for the additional child or children when more than two are born at a single accouchraent, - and FROM THE STATE OF WILKES, McConnell-Castor. A lovely home wedding was the one Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M E Castor, on West Depot street, when their daughter, Mjes Hattie Castor, one of Concord's most excellent young ladies, was married to Mr. Ross L McConnell, let letter. (Free) dwly inn dot DMET. (LITAKER'S CORNER) Tbe Gibbs Triplets in Atlanta Tbey are 62 Tears Old and Good Looking Men, All Married, Hare Twin Chil dren and Twin Children, and Toted for Cleveland. The Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio vestibule from Taylorsville this morning brought m a party with the popular young operator at the tickets to Atlanta. In the party Western Union Telegraph office. were R T Gibbs and T L Gibbs, of The marriage took place , in the Wilkes county. They looked so parlor amidst a beautiful array of much alike that it was not possible to floral decorations and in the presence tell one from the other. They J of guests and friends; who witnessed weigh each 187 pounas, have a short the eventful affair that made the cropped gray mustache, and are two one! Mr. Herman itcediger, of dressed alike, from hat to boots. Charlotte, with Miss Sallie Castor, "We are brothers," said one of them sister of the bride ; aad Mr. D B to the News reporter, "nd we are Castor and Miss Carre Neisler, going to Atlanta to meet our other cousins of the bride, were the only from present appearances M re. brother, for there are three of us. attendants, Rev. M G G Scherer, uangaon has given three charges to Our Atlanta brother, W W Gibbs, of St. James Lutheran church, per. children average i iu Wilkes county 30 years ago. ' He short and impressiye,! aftor which looks just like we do, and weighs the guests repaired to the dinning the same. We are going to haye a hall where anr elegant supper was reunion there, and may advertise served. Both Mr. and Mrs. McCon ourselves as a sample of North Caro- nell are popular and are favorites best and most excellent young ladies M111'8 product." among the young people of the city ia fn h fni-on frnm nfl Tn fV,,a WJ Ctntmuing, the two brothers who and haye the best wishes of their all feel like protesting, but it can't are going' to Atlanta to see their be helped. third brother, told the News that Thursday evening, handsomely their father died when the triplets engraved cards were issued that reid were three years old. Their mother as follows: v ded last June, at the ago of 94 me. and Mrs. D. Branson Col- years. The Atlanta brother has had tranb a pair of twins born to him. K J u i23 e. & a pUKEfDURHAM -W ' ft mi m IGARtfl 7W.DukcSons &Co.f; 'TKEAKERJCSN TOBACCO Cl DURHAM .C. U.f .A. J. 7- MADE FROM the State. The 3 rounds each. High 0rr.de Tebttn ABSOLUTELY FU g Another of Concord's to marry. There is pain in the announce ment of a coming marriage in Con Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought and cord-it means that one of the townee ' sold, or carried on Margin. pt s. Send f orexplanatory circus laron speculation, also weekly mar- FU R W IT U fl L friends for long, continued hap- pineskas. They were recipienta of L &YQ many nanasome and costly presents. They will reside at Mr. Castor's for some time. COFFINS ('.C. nOw in stock at my momsi opposite the court ho .ae a splen did line of welKmade Furniture such as requests your presence A .Widower In Iredell county. The following is said to have Gibbs had ho twins, but one of his curred in Iredell county recentlv; Oc t's. V. Ihaye opened my MEAT MAR KETmthe Litaker basement, fors merly oecnpied by Swink & Day vault . Whnn you want nice, 'fresh meats, beef, pork, mutton, etc.; call on or 3end iu your orders to S. L. KLTJTTZ. P. S. 1 am in the market when beef cattle and hogs are for sale. Haokrisr Co., ilANUFACTURERS at the marriage of their daughter married daughters had twins'. "How gether,' askelTthe reporter of one of the men. : He turned to the the other and eaid: "Well 'now, Tom, how many haye we- I've forgot." Tom couldn't tell, either. All three of these 62-year- old triolet voted for Cleveland, The Doctor David A. ..Garrison, Wednesday evening, November sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety five, at nine o clock. Central M. E. Church, South, Concord, North Carolina. world for two here today were proud of the rjed," A widower was at the al tar for the fourth time. Paring the mar riage service the sound of sobbing came from the rear of the family group, and an astonished guest in quired, "Who is the woman in tears? Ia it some old flame?" "That's the cook," answered one of the children, "She always ci lea when papa is mar- Bed Steads, Tables, Wash Stands S afesw til defy competition 1 1 1 quality ana prices if ig to You wiil be surprised when you luiur Ljy price a Come and see. If not in stock can supply you in a few dnys Jk have a nice line of Bncklen's Arnica Salve.; The Best Salve in tke Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt fact tnat they, had got a chance to Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ohappe 8hakc the hand of the President. "I wouldn't Take warning. Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all ghuck it twice, ' the one named Tom A young traveling man (we with Skin Eruptions, and positively cures proudly exclaimed.--OharlctteNew8. hold his name) representing a Rich- - . ..! I 1 ... Piles or no pay requi ed. It is ; ' ' . -r moia nouse, struct town Thursday, guaranteed to give statiefaction or Marriage Announcement. and finding himself quite lonely and mnnfiv refnnded. Price 25 cents per Beautifully engraved cards have discontent in "the afternoon, the box. For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug been issued announcing the marriage young sport 6eCnred a bicycle and of Mr. xvODDinS; rtuu Miss uioBou. proceeded to take m the town. He GOF F at prices that will surpriL eu. 2 keep a full lme on hand mediate supply. I buy LUMBER store. $WE GINGHAMS, OUTING CLOTHS, jffearly a Fire. About 2 o'clock Thursday night the air was pervaded with an odor of burning grass and leaves, but it PLAIDS, SHLJET1NG was an hour or longer before the fire could be uiBCoyerea. Mr. - w in Johnston, the night watchman, after searching the lots for some time, dis- The cards read : . . " f - Da. and Mrs. T. P. Gibson Announce the marriage of their daughter Mary Grace ': to ' : Mr. Frank Lfifi Robbins On Wednesday, October twenty-third, eighteen hundred and ninety-five. Concord, North Caroliaa - ; At Home after November fifth.' and run my planing machMjo, an all persons who wish any thing: , in this line, will do well to call and see me. , Very Respectfully,, . SALT BAGS. 0- DEALERS IN General Merchandise. Signs of a Hard Winter. The goose bone is nearly all white covered the grass and a pile of old this year, and the result will be that straw burnine in the rear of the snow will lie on the ground irom Shuman restaurant, (the old court early ' in December until late in house let) where some one had April, A long, cold winter filled dumped out hot ashes. The fire had with blustering storms is ahead, begun to spread and had gained conw There are othei signs that confirm Mw TiPadwav. Mr. Johnston tWs. Corn husks; are unusually was warned not to ride apon the sidewalks, but thinking the town just one size smaller than himself, he heeded not the , warning. Af ter enioving a pheasant ride oyer our loyely sidewalks and reviewing the Concord. N. U. July 13, loyely residences and lawns on Main street, the young fellow was enter tained at the Mayor's office for a shoit while, aad before bidding ' His Honor" adien he donated $5,35 to the town treasury. 1 r ' J. T. Pounds, FIRE INSURANCE. Seized the Ontfit. Wednesday afternoon, Azel Rush, a Wilkes county man, arrived at Bob Haviner transferred n j Fire lis surance business to Messrs. H 2 Woodhouse and B E Harris, I corns mena them to any who may be ia need of fire insurance, and Le&peaSc for them a liberal patronage. Respectfully, - found it in time,, however, to saye thick, and chipmunks and wood- WalWs place; at Eastfieldwi;h perhaps a large conflagration. BUYERS OP Country Produce. of al Kind - AND our-Foot wood always Wonted best prices for same. We invite an in-' Section of all the goods We Manufacture. nuiitoiffi '.Co; Certainly You Don't Expect "Clap Trap" at a KellRlous Meeting. We admirelhe manner in which our Methodist brethern are conduct ing their revival. There in no clap trap work about it. The gospel is preached; in its purity and in its simplicity and most earnest appeals are made to men's hearts to accept the truths of the gospel, Monroe Enquirer. . ill! men Baby was sick, we gave her Castor!. ffHen W was a CbJld, she cried f or Castoria, When Bhebecel echmgtoCarla. ; Vten she tad Cbildren,she gavethem Castorfi chucks are already fat enough to kill. Coal is advancing and gas companies are threatening to raise their rates. . , The above is from an old resident a firm believer in the , goose bone bu8inees. Greensboro Record . ' Tne Popnllst Executive Committee. They met In Raleigh Wednesday night and the Press-Visitor says this about the presents : V "Those who were present are- Sen ator Butler, Mr Hal Ayer, Secretary to the committee, Maj Guthrie, of J)tirham,t Congressman 8trowd, Mr. We have assumed the Fire Insist ance bupiness of Mr. J.W. Burkheacl- load of whiskey for Charlotte. Rush comprising the agencies for seveiaJ nrst-ciass ana weiiestaou&nea com panies. and "respectfully eolicit a asked Mr. Wallace to give him a lift liberal share of business in that lino. nKiA Woodhouse & Harris. IU UUaXiUitc. axt. uauouc, oam uc 26 4 tf was coaing to, unanoue loaay tor cotton bagging and ties, and would QQ fOR SALE This morninsr Wallace and Rush came to town in a buggy. Behind HARD COAL them vas Mr. Wallace's team and wagon hauling the Wilkes ceunty man's whiskey. Deputies King and Graham met the wagon on the road and found something prpoked about the whiskev- They seized the whole J B Lloyd, of Tar boro, W b 15arnes, team, wagon and all, " and Dr. Cy Thompson, of church fame, thals tne 80rt of a scrape Mr. Wal Ambrosial Hileman, Otho Wilson, J gce ha3 got into by giying Mr. Rush Rogerrsprw Peace." , Charlotte JSTews 1V. la Kj t A V SOFT COAL, BLOCK COAL. - STOVE COAL, f y SMITH COAL " Best" Coal in the South. rt .OrdrstakentoqB fisher's s tore,' or" gi ven to in y "'dri v era, or at my office will be pronms ly attended to.

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