BY JAMES P. COO Si. OFFICE IN CASTOR BUILDING life DT CSIT L 1 uui nil idt to v. - v " j w. pating the herd's extinction, are clamoring for specimens, -p " ,t 'Alpbliti(T is prob ably unique ideYeippddt it ; the little td Vn of i Acree, near; Albany, Ry?, last week. It was the annual elec tion of manic pal officers, add there were forty-two voters on the list. When the balloting took place it was found that only one of tne forty two yoters was properly ; registered. That one was the candidate fcr Mayor. He cast the only ballot at the election, and duly elected him self and a Board of Aldermen . The Standard is ipublisne& ?eri day (Sunday exceptediand dehverv d by carriers EATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One year........ ...84 00 Six .monthsV........... 2 00 Three months............. 100 One month.............:... 35 Singlo copy. ............ 05 ADVERTISING RATES. Trrais for regular advertisements made. Known on application. Address alllcommunications to , THE STANDARD. Concord. N. O. CONCORD, OCT. .25, 1895. 't DOMESTIC AKI31ALS. Jf;p,u u a land without the do me.? ;:e animals, ; It is this lack which .rike3 the stranger eo forci bly in lo&mg upon Japanese land There are no cows: the neither drink milk nor eat The investigating doctors have added another disease to the cate gory. It 13 called the Railroad KicU ney. It does not carry you off any more rapidly than any other dis ease. It is Baid to be contracted from the fine dust absorbed ihrough thY tkin in long railroad riding. People who go down to the sea in ships" do not have it. . mcaU Thore are but fewhorses, It mfty And it may nofc be true and ihee are imported mainly for that too many boys and young men tk? vr.y of foreigners. The fieight 0f this town are growbig too f on i of cnrs hi the city streets are pulled auci pushed by coolies, and the f!ie;.:are carriages are drawn by men. There are but few dogs, and thc-te are- neither used as watch dogs, of biudin, nor in hunting, except by foreigners Foreigners will riouu break up this monotony. They v, ill place the American hog there to tqueal for food and, to be come lcod, and others will take cats there to cieg on shsds "Oft in the -fstilly .night." They will have ani mals. : In.r Hterary goosip in the WiN 5nina:toM Messenger, Dr. Kingsbury, in his usual plaiD, readable utter &ncc3, sayd : "Mrs." Amelie Elves we8uppos? she will drop the Chanler and her divorce are newspaper and society talk. Why any one should be -surprised at the marital break-up Vfonld be a puzzel to solve, after knowing- the character of some of her hooks, notably "The Qaick or Desd" and one or two that followed. We never read them and arc glad of of it. Public opinion pronounced t n talacious, unclean, unhealthy, Ciude and bold. JLn unfortunate young man and womsi'. were driven from a New Yoik theater the other , day by the attention giyen them by the audis ence. When they left the building ihfy were followed into the street by -Che orowd, which left the. show on rXhe stage to see the young couple at short range, frightening the I young lady so ebe nearly--swooned. All this because the young people were mistaken lor the Duke of Marlbor ough and Miss Yanderbilt. - ' is Aye's SaisanaHlla UNTOLD L1ISERV FROM " . HEUrwlATISivl JEdrfiye yearsil suff irod niitofd misery rom muscular rheumatism. I tried every ., known remedy, consulted the test physi cians, visited Hot Springs, Arfc three times, spending 51000 there, besides doctors' bills ; tut could obtain only temporary relief. ; ; My ' flesh "was wasted away so Aat -I weighed only, ninety-three pounds ; my left arm and le were drawn out of shape", the muscles THE ' 17 i. 4. Large profits no longer. come from in erchandi 50 to 100 per cent; on a credit of from one year to . at nnlv fnnr onfc of everv hundred credit mftrphTifo w - mm J- w mm mm III U'l A ceed. We prefer 20 per cent, cash to a struggle chances against us. v playing poker. It is said that the fascination oE the game is so sutak ing and deceptive that the awful re sults are not fully koowa" until 'it. is entirely too iate. Tkvo Frenchmen with a woman, the wife of one of them, have started to go round the world with a wheelbarrow. The barrow is large enough for one person to sleep in at a time, and all three will lake turns in pushing it along. being nrtsted np In knots. I was" unable to aress s lyself, except, with assistance, ard could o Uy hobble about by using a cane. nad no appetite, and was assured, by ths cioctors, that I could not live. The pains, at times, wore so awful, that I could procura relief only by means of hypodermic injec tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged In clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but theso gave only tempoi-ary relief. .After 'trying everything, and suffering the most awful tortures, I bv gan to take Ayer's Sarsaparilku Inside of tw? months I was able to walk -without a cane. In three months, my limba began to strengthen, and in the course of a year, I was ured. My weight has increased to 1C5 pouudy, and I am now able to do my tull day's work as a railroad blacksmith." a;; 3 The Only Varld's Fdr SarsaparHfa, slYEIl'S 2 ILLS cure UeadacJie. John Raskin liKes nothing ab normal or artificial, and 0 he re gards the production of chrvsantheN mums aa an nnhallowpd attempt to T grow. flowers .at0 a-season- when, na- P j-??ft: fi ture meant that there ehould be-nia j lMJMis)MW0';;r ' " flowers. . The Turkish court pianist, Dussap Pasha, receives, $3,000 a year for his services, but he; is temporarily eus pended every time he plays a tune the Sultan does not care to hear. The bicyclist Zimmerman's . great success is ascribed to his abnormally large heart,- which is declared by the doctors to be two inchea longer than the average. The Duke of York shows a ditJ position to give his little son a chance for, the British crown by smoking fiom forty to fif ty, cigar ettes a day. . " - It "is asserted that a man cannot destroy4 his life by holding his brea'h, but he ; may probably pro long the lives of other. M Kv! E'4 t& M ii . & . . I T mm . VA5 Pat In M m ft The State Pension Board has completed its work in making up thi3 libts of Confederate pensioners, -and places in the first class, 102; second, 246; third, 352; , fourth OL,674. 'There are also 2,760 widows. The annual allowance to each class -will be about as follows ; Frst clas3, $66; second, $49; third, $33; fourth aad widows, $16. This is slightly less than last year. There jare 249 more pensioners. : Joseph B Orowly, ; United States 'Treasury agent in charge of the eal islands,, who has just arrived at Seattle with -the patrol, fleet, ,8ays that the seals have approaohed eo closely to 'exter.mination,, that they Itjis now abont time that Pro fessors Oorbett ana Fitzsimmons shoni d r e tire. - - They hay e con's a m e d enough time. , 1 - - - " '' ItMay Uo as Macb for You; Mr. Fred Miller,' of Irving, 111., writes that he had a severe kidney trouble for many years,, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called Kidney cures but witnout and good 'result. About a year ago he began - use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once Electric Bitters is especially adapt ed to cure of 'all kidney ' and Liver troubles and'of ten givesl almost in stant relief. One trial will prove our statement. .Price 50c. and 1.00, at Fetzer's drug store : ADVERTISE - ' . . . ! . X r . RIGHT HERE 1 -a I3.5USTAS GOOD FOR ADULTS. ' WARRANTED.; PRICE 50 ctsJ M . GALATlA,Ii.iSM.Kov.l8tl333. : ParialcdlcJne Co.f'St. Louia, Mo. 1 1 . i o x Gentlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS QHILIi TONIC and have Lousbt three ktoss already this Tear. In all our ex perience of 14 'years. In ilte ?drug business,-have never sold n prtlcle tha save sucji universal satifl'; c Abney.Carb &CO. For Bale Last Saturday we placed a lot of ginghams on sale at 9 cents per yard and a lot of good towels that we scar(ne( at 50 cents per dozen that sell regularly at 10 cent each wP ma?ked them 5 cent each. The gingham went before s down and the towels before we closed. When we counu out our cash we had our money invested in these and 20 rf cent, profit ready to invest again Monday. er This week we have on sale a lot of Seaside novels worth 10 for 5 cents, just li cent for 10 cent novels.. Clothbound novels at 15 cents! The Life of Jefferson Davis, by Ajrs Dayis. Sold by subscription at $8.00 per set of 2 vols, "our price is 2,90. Bollins Ancient History in 4 vols for 2 2. Creaseys Fif teen Battles on which tLe Civilization of the World Scanns, Tnis is one of the richest stories of history to be found, our price 15 cents. A few of E P Roe's -novel at 65 cents. -Washington Irving' e vorks, 6 vols for S2 45. AThe fpllowing two vols sets at 98 cents per set: Prescotts Conquest of Mexico, Presscotts Conquest of Peru, cpmplete works of Chorles Lamb, The Count of Monte Cristo, by Dumas, The Mysteries of Paris, by Eugene Sue The Wonderiug Jew, by Eugene Sue, Teachers Oxford' Bibles, $1 75; Teachers Oxford Bibles, with patented index, 2 00; Large family Bible, $1 98; Lar4 family Bible, old and new translations in parallel columns for 2 98. Lace cut shelf paper at one-half cent per sheet, bargains in tablets and students note books, mucilage at 3 cents per bottle, ink the same, envelopes from 2 cents to 10 inch ones at 5 cents, two good rubber tipped leod pencils for 1 cent, slate Dencils at 10 cents, per pound, steel pens, including Eastbrooks, at A cents per dozen. FRENCH i c ... ,i : c k in artjggiBts.7i;0 Dissolution of Firm. 1 tThe firm of Morrison,' Lentz. & Co. is thia day.dissolvdd'by , mutual consent. AUnPfrHonSiAindebted .to said firm will please, call and fettle Thankful for afl pas favors' we re main; - ' Respectfully. -'::? , ' D. B. MOBKISON,- , A. -.E. Lentz, '.-.. . : R, E. Gibson.' Concord, -Ni- C , Pet. 3. 185. 'U-t The copartnership heretofore' ex isting under the firm name of Mor rison, Lentz & Co. havingen disi solved by the withdrawal of Mr. A. Ei Lentz; the undersigned respect fully an d ounce to the public that they, have formed a copartnership under the firm name of Gibson & Morrison tQ do a general merchant ui88 Dusmess ana nope to merit fa generous share of the public patron flge.):;;, Refepectfuily, ; s' 2 R. E- Gibson, :i , D.'B. MOBBIoON. ' Concord, N. C, Oct 3, 1895. .. I recpmmend the f firm 'of Gibson & Morrison to the public as worthy of their patronage, ; v Respectfully -' A E. Lentz. Concord. N. C, Oct. 3, 1895. . MORRISON. H. CALDWEL .. ATTOBNEY AT LAW, CONCORD, .N., O. ; Office in, Morris building, opposite Court House.' . iS : AT FOUR CENTS PER BOX. Assorted carpet tacks at liVe cents per pound The regih lar price is five cents for two dozen. FIVE CENT ARTICLES: Three tin cups; One coffee pot; One covered bucket; 0ne half gallon cups, LUNCH "J - l V V- ",- .. ' - v . ' v.' V'.. . TEN TO TWENTY CENTS. Sponges 3 cents; Remnants of Calico at 20 cents a lb. All wool fiance!, . Ij5 cents per yard. 1 Canton flannel at 7i cents per jard. , . . --E MBROIUEKE D 3a:m: - AT SEVENTY-FOUR CENTS PER YARD. One-half pint bottle of Bay Rum for 10 cents.; Bargains ia undershirt, all wool at 37 J cents. ' Ladies ;yest 5 cents up. T H E R fi O E B T D.tJ. BOSTIAIT, Proprietor. .' ' 1 . i , : j ,. T. .-.- , , 1 ' " i . . r

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