ArrlTl 6f Trains. pirhmond arrives at 11:15 a. m. 35 Atlanta J" p.m. " 12 a f !-iiit:i a. m. 1 1' 36 Vew Vork " " 8:51a. m. sS.. Cund freight leaves at 12m 6- Soutn"""" the iocai trains between Sos-V" j Atlanta. Nos. 35 and36 are the Richm011 . !L between Atlanta and Washingr S V" I 33 are the Washington-and inn. Is'oS'3; Vestibuled Limited trains and jstop on signal, . ... ; BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. ! 1 rn anl Put in Shape By Om Fitucd U llutliuu; Pencil Pusher. - ; . 0hri:tma3 this year will fall on Wednesday.. - - (jant. C A Barringer, of Eiatfield, ix slight stroke of paralysis. Mrs, Either Gib3on has mince on sa!e.-at Doye & Bost. Call This we ither is so dry that Col. Ritz hid to suspend the lemonade forxD- A folding key, evidently 8 store or cilice key. Bring a dim and get it. ;y.; A feftr turnips were upon the mai kes to-day.- Tiiey were small, but Vent like "Hot cakes." There are weddings, announce ments of weddings and rumors of weddi: Let the "good work goon! There Is lo change in the cotton market to-day, the price remaining at 8.10. sale. Very little is off-red- for Fifty cheap-rate tickets were 6old at the Soutnern this." morning to parties gcing to the circus at balis-? bury. .. r Stop at 0 Yi Walker's if you want aBTtning in ine grocery ana notion line. Don't forget the place; op posite D C Furr's at Forest Hill. tf. Par iies coming in from Salisbury sav that the crowd at that place to day is larger than ha3 been known to congregate there for years upon any occasion. - Tom Barringer, who has. been masin? a tour of the south and southwest for the last year, -struck terra fir ma of winter quarters this (Friday) morning. A colored mn living on Happy Hill, beyond Pounds' shop, has burnea. ud his ho? Den for. fire wood and put the hogs in the base ment of his house. The hoga are alive. 1 Said a Concord lady to her neigh rbor the othes day : uDj you find it economical . to do your owr cook- iag??J "Oh, yeo," replied the neigh bor, "my husband doesn't eat half as much as when- he had a cook." Northerners who have never, seen cotton in the field or in pods, -think it one of the greatest cariosities', and . featured at the Cotton States -Expo-Bition, and on eyery tran can be seen eome one or many with bunches of the open and green bolls, In many cases,1 the - first work of Oyer's tSarsaparilla is to expel the efEects of the other medicines thai; baye been tried an vain Jtx. woula Deaflavinor nf fino and mniiftV experimenters' took AVer's Sarsapa ai urat insteaa oi ai jaat. are glad' to'note that Dr. F E Hartsell, of Georgeville, Cabarrus count), has decided' to locate in: Al bemarls. Dr. Hartsell - is - a-Very eQergetic young man and a splendid Physician and will be Witeah' addii. llon to our ' towh and community.- tanty Enterprise. n l!,:ol A Salisbury patient addressed a Salisbury : : physician:- "Doctor, ' I nave an important physiological question to ass you. When I stand 0Q ay head, the blood; r ushes into my bead. Now henf I '8tandr6h m7 feet, why does it-hot rush-into y -feetr'r.ijpctQr: !;"Becaise yo$r ieec we not hollow." -nc prise him. v waa given ' . xajior Has accepted a t'oal?,.0-n-a.?:8lea?graPh-for,a,f5riii :See the change'-m the Racket store adyertisement You will see ! mething mentioned thatjoqj want. Walker ps4e higoelt market prices for all kind of country produce cash or -bartef. Don t forget the place opposite D C Furr's at Forest Hill. tf. curing ; ms father's (Mr. O R White) absence in .attendance upon Lresbyterian;3ynod at Fayetteville, Mr; Rob. White is acting hardware merchant.! . - The report for tosday says : ;Fair to day and to-morrow." We were all very much disappointed this morning when there was every laication of rain, and when such a light sprinkle fell. " While oat talking one right re cently a lady of the ci ty got her face tanked up in a certain roe bush that run- out oyer the sidewalk on " Main street, recei?iner eeveral uqly scratches oti her eweet, tender fdce.- - 7 ' . ; We know whereof we affirm when we state that Aye'r s Pills, taken promptly at the first symptoms of colds fend fevers, arrest further pro gresssof these disorders, and speedily restore the. stomach, liyer, aud bow els, to their normal and regular ac tion. Here is a problem for our crack mathematicians: A oov ten 7ears old lias a sister who. weighs 16 pounds, pounds, and he gets tired holding her in ten minutes. When he is twice as old how long will it take him to get tired holding some one'd else sister who weighs 116 pounds? -Exchange,, 1 The negro of this region can often throw in a word(t(? describe a. situa tion when a scholar who is convers ant with many languages would fail. The other day at a station on the Sea'board Air Line, this ' side of Hamlet, a lady approached, and be ing Q. stranger,; and seeing an old negro man asked :, . "Uncle does the vestibule train stop here ?" ' "No marm," answered tne old coon, "she do not even hesitate "Monroe EnS Captain Charley Henry, ywho punches tickets and handles1 way bills on the Durham and Northern Railway, had a remarkable sight on his' train the other ; day,' !;saj;sy the Durham Sun, " In the coal f bin he found three men, snugly ensconced. In the entire crowd there were y only two legs one . had no legs at all, and' the other two had one leg each; They were on their ; way to the ' At lanta "Exposition.; y- tJapt. y Henry would have taken them back to a car -hut he had no .block and , tackle to move them. --,rj rtlUA Unlainh Womfl ftnrl ilhHP.rvflr. of Tuesday, noted the presence . in the eitv ot j no. K . Gentry, A Mr. B F'.Rpge p ecipitated, onintentiou. ally, tms jOpn. rcu-tcw had eaten supper andc coming np4o the clerk's desk at the y Yai borough, threw5; own-money 'f br theyrieali "Xoii haven't rVegisteBdi"1io; yte clerk, "and .we always ; like' f of.; haye the:name8, so please register." Rogers, pen in hand : j as y, the- paying SffiS-'triS: tioned by some one iu Uf PnirArat simnlf wrotet Jno Gentry,-' NorA Garolifaa.'! and tjie -r .Mr. Charles Neislw returned to . ., mkv am 'Mrs. iiy H w' - People Who Travel, a, seen by Onr 7 Lawyer CroweWapeat yesterday evening in Charlotte. . ' --papt .-MF'Nesbit, of Coddle Creek, city to-dav. ! Mr- J P Allison spent yesttr day evening in Charlotte, ,-..-,,., ! Dr. Wictor C B Mean's will re turn to ttw York city to-night. Miss Myrtie -Moore; is up from Mont Amoena, visiting her parents. Miss Maude Robbins returned to State8ville, his home, ,via Char lotte, today. ., . - .' . Messrs John York e and Rich mond Mon tgomery retu rned last night from Atlanta. i Mr. and Mrs. M L Brown went v to Salisbury Thursday afternoon by private conveyance. t; Master.Chailes Phillips came up from North Carolina College yesterday afternoon and spent last night here. - Mrs.jS S Murr returned to the city Jast night from Charlotte, where she has been spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Ritch. Mr. George Henderson, a young man of Montgomery Vcountj, passed through the city from Mt. Pleasant, on his . way to th3 A-tlanta Exs position. : v ,i The Ideal Panacea, James L Francis; Alderma, Chi- caero, says: "I regard Dr. King's Now Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs', Colds and Lung .Com plaints, having.used it'in my family ! tor the last nve years, to tne exclu sion of physician's prescriptions or other preparations. ' Rey. John Burgus, Kookuk.Iowa, writes: "1 have been a minister of the Methodis); Episcopal Church for 50 years or more, and have never found any tiling so beneficial, or that gave me-Xuch speedy J relief as Dr. KingViNew Discoveryi," Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's drug 8 tore. . . ' '. Mr. Andrade, the Venezuelan; minister,' visited Secretary of State Olney Thursday, but only incident ally mentioned the mucktalked of British ultimatum. It is believed the ultimatum has been sent by England tp Berlin to be forwarded oy tne uerman government to varu- cas, England not having a represent tative there. V ' i .- Mr. Francis Hinton.'a well known f . . ; and wealthy iron, man,- of Milwau kee, suicided at Paris Thursday a dramatic manner , His., act .was at tributed to mental depression. He was standing - on the steps of his hotel when he drew a' revolver from his hip pocket and without saying a word fired U r bullet - through his brain. f - '- : ' -' ; . . ' ,1 FQ R ' SALE Mg L. MARSH & CU S. 1 , , , .. t ;-,wJ HEW I Jill ...EIRE-LINE OF. - arid. Toilet -Soaps, TOOTfi7 q TJ BRUSHES, HAIR 'RI ; hdttqtts n.n a t rrttsttrs .JUff!D.BHiBBijSHjg9.'.l Vvii 1 o . hyihrtih n - ir-s jcr- ;.irv f'r :.;-i7;:;ii.' - ;$ 01 Ult Medicinal LOWE & SON. OFFERING . ROW A BIG HOUSE OF ry Goods, HOES AND CLOTH! N0;..' Until tlie 1st of January, at prices that will be yery much lo ver tlian. we have ever sold 7 . before. At $2,25 and 6.00. v Ladies Cloaks 2.50. All Dress Goods cut to cost. Not a single article shall we keep. Everything must 7 ' ' - i go. Cost not consider- , ed in this closing out ' sale. : : jJENS' SUITS BOYS' SUITS -:? ,-Tf ,t Mens1 Cvercoats, Boys' Overcoats and PANTS -all must go. If you want SHOES we ? have them. . ' ' Everything going now f cheaper than we could buy them V tij.i Spend Your cash where it will do you the most good and to do it you want to go to see LOWE & SON. KTew Capes THE COM WS: MAN ' If the fashion plates are. to be believed, will wear black, and C there never was such a demand for BLACK DRESS GOODS . to the exclusion of all col- " ored fabrics. Nothing 7 adds more to the beauty s and' dignity of a woman's . appearance than a fine black gown, which is alike economical and ultra f ash ionable. We have just gotten in our black and navy blues bought when the prices were low can sell you 75 cent Henrietta Surah- for 50c 46 inches wide Can sell you a $1 goods 50 inches wide for 75c, Our. stock of. Black Creapones are the latest production. We ask all Ladies to see our dress goods belore buying else where. ' Do you want to see the prettiest line of LADLE'S SHOES 'i ever shown in Concord Then come and see us and be convinced. A Our No. 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty. Ciy No. 71 Needle Square Toe prettiest seoe on the mar ket. 7- y.-v Our No, 69 Pointed Razor Toe the most stvlish vt. Our No, 70 Kound Toe p. grand seller, all at low figures. UN LAUN DRIED SHIRTS Our city trade c 'Leader" pure Linen Bos30in extra heavy muslin double front and baclv, patent continu ous facings on back and sleeves, custom cut and at the low price of 50c. Gibson & Morrison. . HAVE YOU I. THOUGHT OF. BUY ING A FALL DRESS? Fiaa ....7 m ?v ra 44 inches wide 40 cents p8r yard. 36 inch ! : ..v .0 .51 ,(i-h 27 cents per yard. See our line of ladies Black - a V i ? ' ...... t:.t f . WboI Sop M id;-i . :o 1 i i Dress - , i. j 5 Crepons, Crovenetts and Henriettas TheV are or ., the lattest.i Don't miss them if you want a black j dress. Our ; are simply elegant. t 1 i . : t i ! ! t ' I 1 t A - i f ; i

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