A 3mrrlaj?e In Albemarle. : - Portiesin Concord have received cardVof invitation to the mrria5C of Miss Caiolina Ashe, daughter of Maj. S J Pemberton, of .Albemarle, to William Agustns Moncare, of Fredericksburg, Va. Miss Pember lilfi ton is one of. the most lovely young women of Piedmont N. C, ber charming manners - and snlendid accomplishments winning strong ad- for Infants and Children. - FOR THE NEXT FIVE DAYS " The salesmen will mark down the pure of Furniture, today purchased from Cannons, Fetzer & Bell. After t t stock has been gone through with, we will - "-. - ' SLAU GHTER T H E PR SC E 8. The stock was bought; for a price'that our customers will sell FURNITRTE OF ALL KINDS' CHEAPER ; FOR THE NEXT NINETY DAYS fi,Thanany"Furnitureiealer in North Carolina, ' Seeing . . , isbeUeving,come and see ns. DRY & W ADSWORTH. REDUCED RATES. lotion Stales anl Itf egallonal Expsllitm ATLANTA, A., tplealjcr 18 December 3f, Yot the above occasion the Southern Railway Co. will sell low-rate round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, GA., and return on the follow ing basis: FROM B Alexandria, Va Asheville, N. C Burlington, N. C. BurkevUle, Va Culpeper, Va Chatnam, Va Charlottesrille, Va... Chapel Hill, N. C Concord, N.C .. Charlotte, N.C Danville, Va.......... Durham, N.C . Front Royal, Va Greensboro, N. C..... Goldsboro, N. C Hendersoaville, N. C. Hickory, N.C . High Point, N.C... Hot Springs, N.C... Henderson, N. C Lynchburg, Va; ...... Lexington, N. C Morganton,N. C Marion, N. C Newton, N.C 26.2519.25 14.00 12.85 9.40' 18.70 13.TO e,5 5.75 23.2517.05 11.951... 125.30 U. 55 fe0.85 15.80 13 10.55 23.2517.0ft 10.85 14.20 ra.151. . 10.401 6.55 5.65 9.65 20.05 U.Tffi..... ft0.29 .4015.00 10.45..... 26.2519.25 UUX) 17.65 12.9B 90 121.75 15.95 ttl.60 11.70, 8.m 5.25 7.25 8.40 6.75 15.30 11.25 16.95;..... 12.45 14.00..... 10.50 20.4015.00. Q0U45 E2..60 16.50..... U-50 16.051..... 11.83 8.05 7.25 7.10 7.25 lo.dU, .. . . 11.25..... 14.85;.. n. 10.90 15.30..... 11.251 orange, va 24.55 18.00! Oxford, N.C.......... 20.40,15 00' flO.45!..... 1X3.10 Richmond, Va...' ;23.2517.05.... Reidsville. N. C! 1240 18.8513.8tt Raleigh, N. C South Boston, Va .... Strasburg, Va. 9.70. r... 20.4015.00 21.55 15.801 10.45' 10.80..... iS6.2519.25i..... 14.03. Salisbury. N. C....... 15.30, 15.30' 11 35, StatesvUle. N. C...... Taylorsville, N. C .... Try on, N.C... Washington, D. C -. . West Point. Va. ...... 7.25 7.25 8.15 4.90 It si 16.35 10.75' 12.00 7.85 26.2519.25 14.00 23.6517.35 12.60..... 14.00..... u.3o: warrenton, va 26.2519.25 Wilkesboro, N. C 22.9516.85 Winston-Saiem, N. C. il9.00 13.95! 9.80'..... (Bates from intermediate points in proportion.) EXPLANATION. , Column A: Tickets will be sold September 5 and 12, and daily from September 15 to Decern ber 15, 1895, inclusive, with final limit January 7, 1896. i Column B : Tickets will be sold dally from ' September . 16 to December 15, 1895, inclusive, with final limit twenty (20) days from date of B Column C: Tickets will bo sold daily from September 15 to December 30, 1895, inclusive, with final limit fifteen (15) days from date oi No ticket to bear longer limit than Janu-, ary 7,1896. Column D : Tickets will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from September 17 until December 24, 1895, inclusive, with final limit ten (10) days from date of sale. Column E : Tickets will be sold daily from iS?1-150 December 30, 1895, inclusive, . With final limit seven (7) days from date of sale. . - 9 . , , 7 SOUTHERN RAILWAY Is the. only line entering the ExDOsition immnas, baying a double-track, standards your nearest agent, or address J, M. CULP, 1T.A. TURK, ' Tranio Manager,, vGen'l Pass. Agt - 1M0 Penna. Ave TTasliiixgton, ID. (X rZTJ A ff ff ache ana RHEtrMATisMrelieveG; I4.by Dr. Miles Nerve Plasters, k utttfe ruuw jrom ine center or the city of Atlanta to tho Exposition Grounds. ; For tickets and full information simW f spot cash money, and at can have the benefit. We NOTICE TOWN TAXEfc'." pThe town taxes for the vear 1895 are now due and placed in.ix.-y hands for, collection. All nersons owiDg the same vre re quested to call and settle at once, and save costs, lne law in regard to advt r- tising property has been changed, so pay promptly and save heiug ad vertisea. Office' opposite court house in Town Hall. J. L. Bcger, Town Tax Collector. JNO. R. ERWIN. C A. M1SENHEIMER ERWIN & MISENHEIMEBg JPhysicians and Surgeons Office No. 3. Harty buildinp, op posite 2nd Presbyterian I churcn. Charlotte. N. C. IIT. PLEASANT, N..O.J REV. J. D. SHIREY.?D; D., fRES AUADEMIOCOMMMRCIAL AND COLLEGIATE COURSES. jTotal necessary expenses session of 38 weeks, $85.00 to $137,000. , Next session begins Sept 3. 1895. For cotalogue and special information, address the President as above, or lm. Secbetasy of Faculty Mount Am oena 'SEMINARY A FlouriBhing School for Young ; ( ;:.r Ladies. . - TEN TEACHERS, Orlamental Bfarches Receive Carefui Attention KEV. C. L. T. FISHEB, A. M Pbincipal, MOUN3 IPLj ASANT. 'N O Mil yip. Mr. Montoure is a ciyil engineer of considerable refutation and it was during his engagement in sur veying the Yadkin railway t bat he met Miss Pemberton, and many a time did his compass, yielding to the local attractions, carry him to Albemarle. And on Nov. 6th, at 8 o'clock, in the M. E. church at Albemarle, this love affair at sight, and grown stronger in the years that have passed, will be legally ' solemnized at the matrimonial altar. Mr. Mont cure is collecting from that section too big an interest on his work, to be carried cff to the Old Diminion. Charlotte n Snrgical Center. Miss Lou Norwood, of "Monroe, has been a sufferer for several years. She waa sent here for treatment and yesterday a laparatomy was done and a large umor remoyed. Drsi; J R Irwin, Misenheimer and Gibbon per formed the operation. ; Mies Nor wood was resting quietlyt last night. Qharlotte Obseryer, V- . : r . The Grave Tard Insurance. Beaufort, Oct. 24.The fall term of our Superior court now in session, is being largely attended on account of the interest . manifested in the insurance fraud; cases. The grand jury up to this writings have found five true bills of forgery and conspiracy on a large number of pre 8eDtuienta and are continuing their work daily. It will be impossible to try but a small part of them 4 be ing only a one-week term.' The first case tried ended today, being a case of forgery, Dr. IR Del mar,' J C Delamar, Levitnoe, white and - Wm. Fisher, colored, oeing charged with forging the name of Hattie A Davis, colored, to a policy for $3,000 in National Life Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn. The case was hotly contested by .both tides. Tnt jury returned a verdict of not guilty. The second cace of a similar charac ter is now being tried, Dr. T B Delamar and Levitnoe being charged, with forging the name ot Maria Hamilton, for $2,500 in the same company. For Over Fifty Years. , Mrs. Winslow's Sooth;ag Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, - cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve -the poor little sufferer immediately. ' Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle Beeure and ask for Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. mw7&w e23'95 Notice. . All persons holding claims against J W BurKhead, deceased, will please present tnem to me or to H I Wood house promptly,- All persons in debted to same will please call and settle at once, - o? lw 2w A LID A L. BUPKHEAD. Executrix of the last will and testa ment of J. W Burkhead.' '' ADMlKlSTBATOR'SiNOTICE - Having been duly qualified as ad ministrator of Lucind Suther. do ceased, all persons holding claims against said deceased are, hereby notified to present them to the un der signed onor before the 23rd day of September, 189.6, for payment, or this notice will pe plead as a bar to their recovery. All -persons owing said deceased are hereby notified to make prompt payment. ' . W- J. Bjix, Administrator. This 'Sept. 23. 189?. . tzr. yearg obaerratlon TaSHianM'ot peron, permit " It is mi questionably the pest 'Eho TTorlfl has ever luiown. It is harmless. Children liaj ; jt gives them health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers TigTo 'something tsrhiclx i ahsolntely safe and practically perfprf a a child's medicine. - - Castoria destroys Worms. ' Castoria allays Feverishness. , - Castoria prevents vomiting Soar Cnrd. Castoria cures DiarrhcBa and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Tronhles. Castcria cures Constipation and Flatnlency. Castoria nentralizes the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonong ar Castoria does not contain morphine, opinm, or other narcotio property. Castorta assimilates the food, regnlates the stomach ard 1 T7els 3 giving healthy and natural sleep. 1 Castoria is pnt up in onesize Pottles only. It is not sold in "hulk. Don't allow any one to sell you anything else on the plea or promI that it is "just as good" and "will answer every purpose." See that yon get C-A-ST-O-S-I-A. The fao-simllo signature of Children Cry for c Seduced Railroad nates. 1 Cotton State and International Exposition,, Atlanta, Ga. Tickets on sale September 5 and 12 and daily from September 15 to Decem ber 15. 1896," inclusive with final limit January 1, 1896. Fare for round trip $14.20. Tickets on sale da;ly from September 15 to Decern ber 30, inclusive with final "limit fifteen days from date of Bale. Fare for round trip 810.40. Tickets on sale daily from - September 15 to December 30, inclusive with final limit seven days from date of sale. Fare for tound trip 6 55, - General Missionary Convention, Dallas, Texas. Tickets on sale Oct, 16; good going on date of sale only. Final limit Oct. 30, 1895. Continuous poss'sge in each direction. Fare for round trip $34.35. IroncIad con ditions to be complied .with. Baptist Educational and Missions ary Convention 'of North Carolina Oxford, N. C. Tickets on sale Oct. 22, 23 and 24. ? Final limit Oct. 28, 1895 Coutinuous passage in each, direction. Fare for round trip $6.85. Sells Brothers Shows, Salisbury, N, C. Tickets on sale Oct. 25. Final limit Oct. 26, 1895. Continuous passage in each direction. Fare for round trip 90 cents. Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina, Fayetteville, N C. Tickets on sale to Greensboro and Selma Oct. 21 to 23. Final limit November 2, 1894. - Continuous passage in each direction. Fare igr. round trip to Greensboro $3.65 to Salem $7.50 The rate from Greensboro via C. F. & Y, V. will be $4.65 and from Selma via A. O, L. $2.50. I North Carolina State Fair (colored), Baleigh, N. O. Tickets on sale November 2 to 9 inclusive. Final limit November .11, 1895. Continuous passage - in f each direc tion. Fare for round trip including one admission to fair grounds $5 50. State Grand Lodge I. O. of G. S. and D. of S Obarlotte, N. C. Tickets on sale Oct. 27, 28 and 29. Final limit November 4, 1895- Con tinuous passage in each direction. Fare for round trip $1.05. , Bickingham countny Fair Reids ville, N: C. Tickets on sale Oct. 26, 27, 28, 29 30 and 31 and November 1. Final lmit November 4, 1895. Coas tinuous passage in each direction, Fare for roudd trip $3.10. M, "jx vwuw oione. juasomc Sale Oct. 26, 27 and 28. Final limit November 4,r1895. Continuous pass .j,.. v, , , JU ; i t, v XiU&CLH on. age in each dhection. y Fare for rouud trip $5.45. of Casoria vith, the patrols ns to speak of it withtmt gnessjr remedy for Infants and Chiidrr is on every wrapper. Piicher'c Castoria. CONCORD MARKETS COTTON MAEKET. ' Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling ...8.40 Middlings ......... ......7 85 Low mHdhn g . i o tains 5 to 6f PRODUCE MABEET Correctetl bv 0. W Swink. Bacon 8 Sugarcured nams 12itol5 Bulk meats, Bides. 8 to 9 Beeswax...... 20 Butter ; 15 Ohickend ............... 10to20 Dorn.. .. ... ...........40 EggS..........V. m Lard..................... 8 Flour(North Carolina). .1.75 Meal.....;............ ..53 Oats ..f.. rallow............. ..... ..... . 3toV Tired and broken down women will find that DR. KING'S ROYAL GERHETUER is a priceless boon and blessing to them. It gives appetite, brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids digestion, tones the nerves, builds up the : strength and puts disease and pain to flight. For FEMALE TROUBLE Including all menstrual and womb difficulties, it has ho superior-us both locally and internally. 11 15 emphatically: Pleasant to take as lemonade, ani harmlessat all times. New package lartrft bnftlp in'Hoses. One Dofl- j Sold : by druggists. Manufacture nnlv hv Sf . - THE ATLANTA C'lEMICAL CO., ABu WHITE 70S 48-F 6-GE BOOK-.KAIIZS7 FETZEWS DB UG STOB C