ii6 Daily Standard BT JAXXE3 P. COOII. OTICE IN CASTOR BUILDING , the Standard is published eyery f (Sunday excepted) nd deliyefs by earners. r ; J RATES OP . SUBSCRIPTION , - - On year. .. ; .... . . .... . . . 00 Six months.. .. ........ ... .2 00 Three months... ........... 1 00 , One month. . . . ... ?. .". . . . . ... 35 Single copy. ... . . . ... . . . - 05 AD VEBTISING BATES. Terms for regular advertisements tnade known on application ' Address all'commanications to THESTAHDABD. - - V Concord. N. a CONCORD, OCT. 26, 1895. The old Queen's Head TayerB, in BorowU High street, London,trhich is over 300 years old, and was once owned by John jJaryard, is now . to bd torn down. Originally it was a mansion belonging to the Poynjngs; Henry VIII turned it into a store house for artillery, and nndsr Queen break uf the foremost car slipped and the cr began to move backward. On the rear platform were : three large timbers. K " These crashed into the rear car as the two collided. . When the passengers saw thafthe cars most come tegether, peopla jumped by 'he score, V v - :0ne lady, ilrs. EdwaMnTeagDe: of Bnrlington, in ja raping broke hear arm. She was carried at once to Prof. Masses residence, near by, and Dr. Rogers was summoned. . He set the broken arm, and later in the day, Mis. Teague returned to her home in Burlingtoa. 1 beveral .. other people are said to have been slightly injured. But for the fact that the motor man of the rear car had the presence of mind to reyerse his machine and a op the car, the accident would pro- bably have been f atal.Rale i0h.Db: seryer. - Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suit, ed for any season, but perhaps more generally needed, when the languid exhausted feeling prevail?, when the , . . . , !liver is torpid and sluggish and the Ehzac'h it became a traren under i - . - j -i i-1 the name at first of "the Crossed Keys. The Chicago health department has decHred both diphtheria and typbeiu leyer epidemic in that city. The department reported 330 new cases of diphtheria last week, 49 4-10 percent, of which were fatal. The epidemics are charged to imp ere water, ac the health commissioners has issued a warning against drink itg unboiled water. Lord Gardener, who is about to take his seat in the House of lords, as tne son ox a Hindoo woman. There are queer fish in the British riatonv-y. The countess of Stam ford, wirf off of the late earl, is a coal hlzcY ntress from Africa. Mrs. Hefferinan died in Chicago a few days ago, aged 108 years. It is ot 80 remarkable thut a woman of I 'age rhonld have died in Chicago 'I it is remarkable that any one pfioximating her.years sheuld- be 5e found lr ing in Chicago, Some of the African gold-biters in London got badly bit themselves, when stocks took a slump of $80, 000,000 last week and would have gone to the demnition bow-wows if Saroey Bernato hadn't come to thr cescae, ' " Eugene Field does not want too tnany' offieial to visit Atlanta on Chicago day. There is room for them all, and the Chicago aldermen c?ill find some congenial 'spirits Jihere. IDnxfa Beyiew is afraid that "the cise'in prices and increase in busi v ness may go too far." The producers of the country are not afraid of it1 A "Gi:e.i3borp man is such a stickler for temperance that he -wouldn't wear a new coat because it 7ap tight under the arms and full in he bi'jk.. -ELECTRIC CABS COLLIDED- jA. Hundred People Jumped as They Can v-ther Mrs. league's irm -Bro&en Uy Her Fall From the Car, IPaszengers going to the Fair Grounds by the trolley car yesterday morning had an exciting experience, -3 nst beyond the switch, near St. liary'g, the electric current gave out, Two cars, one closed,-the other a summer car, were running close together .Both were - loaded until i2B pressed the axles. i r i b Vthe cuirent gave out, the is felt. A prompt use of this . medi cine has often averted long: and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. JSo medieine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the sjst tern from the malarial poisoc. Head ache, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bittere. 50c nd S1.00 per bottle at EetzerV Drug Store. ' . L : Why She Blushed. : , Walter Sadler was walking with his best girl by a lumber yard J the other night, and all at once she be gun to blush and blush, and Walter said my darting why do those rosen ate tintings ensconce themselves in the opulent luxnriance of that peach bloom beauty found on the stainless surface of thy parian. alabaster cheeks ? She replied it, was because all that lumber was undressed, Wal ter hid his face behind a nickle, lent up against a zephyr and wept Wilson Mirror. was s urpruing a burglar in liis h jusq and began firing in return aix shots were: exchanged. Gi'ay was w;;.aadedi the han-V:'.8iCParr was shot in the stomache.- Neither of the wounds are thought to be eer 10 us. -X'; u Here jsrBe terpooper; i who ; liyeH to be - over "0 years old and Udied worth millions, said of a newspaper: ' 'In al 1 townaf where a newspaper is published every man Should adver tise in it, it nothing - inore than a card statins his name and thebusi ness he is in. It no t only pays the advertisers, but it lets the peonle at a distance know thbt the town in which yon reside " is a prosperous community of business men. As the seed is sown so the seed recom pen&e 3. Never pull down yourjsign while you expect to do '.basiness;' i E 3 17 ri Large profits no longer come from merchandis 50 to 100 per cent, on a credit of from one year to 6f8oHat only f onr ont of every hnndred credit merchants ceed.. VVe Drefer "J per cent Gasli to a RfmiA chances against tis. with 9g Last Saturday we placed a lot of ginghams on sal cents per yard and a lot of good towels that we snanr! at 50 cents per dozen that sell regularly at 10 cent p9Ai 3 xuuiiieu tucm u ucuu cauu. tixo iuguum went bpfnT UNTOLD UISERY IEOM - ..ISHEOiaATisra, C H. King, 7ater Valley, Zliss cured by Averts Sarsaparilla "For five years, I suffered untold misery from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physi cians, Tislted Hot Springs, Ark., three times, spending $1000 there, besides doctors' bills; but could obtain only temporary relief.- My flesh was wasted away 36 that I weighed only ninety-three pounds; my left arm and leg were drawn .out of shape, the muscles 1 ; 1 - - BlarYeloits HetnlU. : " ; From a letter written by Bey. J Qunderman, of Dimondale, Micb-, we are permitted to make this ex tract: "I have no hesitation in rec ommending Dr, King's New Dia covery, as the results were almost marvelous Jn the case of my wife. While I was pastor of f the Baptist Church at Bives Junction she was broaeht down with Pneumomasuc ceedinpr La Grippe." Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last L hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not surrire them. - H friend recommended Dr King's New Discovery; it Jwas quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at FeUer's drug storey Begular size 50o rnd S1.00, I -V being . wisted up in knots. I was unable to dress tyself, except with assistance," ard could o Uy hobble about by using a cane. -1 Had no appetite, and was assured, by the ; aoctors, that I Could not lire. The pains, at limes, wore so awful, that I could procure relief only by means of hypodermic injec tions of morphine; I had my limbs bandaged j In. clay, la sulphur, in poultices; but these gave only temporary relief. :After trying everything, and suffering the most awful . tortures, I bi gan to take Ayer's SarsapariDa. Inside of tw months, I was able to walk without a cane. In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and in the course of a year, I was curetU . My weight has increaseu to 165 pounds, and I am now able to do my full day's work as a Railroad blacksmith." Inir the Only World's : Fair SarsaparlUa, mm I Hasonle 22ecting. There will be a regular communis cation of Stokea Lode No. 32, . A. F. & A. M., Monday night. Oct. 28, 1895.; Beinier the last meetinor in fh Masonic year there is buainesa of importance and it is specially 13 quested that as many of the merni bers be present aa possible. By or der of W. M. ' H 5 S. J. Lowe, Secy. Mistook aeb Otber for Barsrlara. Haqerstown," Md., Oct. 18. Ambrose Gray went home last night about 12 o'clock and got into the house of his neighbor, William Coir, thinking he was going into his own. The houses are exactly alike and are side by side. He had to kick the door before he conld effect an 'enter ance. ; Ourr thought a burglar- was in the house, and leaping from bed he began firing npon the intruder. Gray on the other hand: thought he 1 1 1 1 mm 1 TELE 9 0 11 10 JUST AO COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cto. ' ' .0AUTU,IUS.;KOT.lO,Un. Paris Medicine Co., fit. Mo. . - Gentlemen: We eold last Tear 600 bottle, of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILI TONIC and hare bought three gross already this year. In all omr ex penenoe of U years, la the arng business, hare nerer sold an article that gare such unrrersal satis taction as your Tonic . lours troly, . AJmir.CjlBJiico. For sale by all arntcgiets. - ADVERTISE KZT RIGHT HERE! U VI II 11 UU . L11U II VJ1U - 1 1 W UlUaClXa w V HUM -r-r out our casli we had our money invested in tha cent; profit ready to invest again Monday. Pei ' if.', -' ' ' V'."' ' ; This week we have on sale a lot of Seaside novels worth i cents ealh. We have put ;f our in a bundle and sell tne l for 5 cents, fjust li cent for 1.0 cent novels. Clothbon I novels at 15 cents! The Life of Jefferson Davis, by m Dayis. Sold by subscription at $8.00 per set of 2 vols o price is $2,90. ' Rollins Ancient History in 4 vols for $2 2 Creaseys Fifteen Battles on which tie Civilization 0f th World Scanns. This is one of the richest stories of histor to be found, pur price 15 cents. A lew of E P Roe's novel at 65 cents. Washington Irving' e works, 6 vols for $2 45, ? The following two vols sets at 98 cents per set: Prescotts Conquest of Mexico, Presscotts Conquest of Peru, complete works of Chorles Lamb, The Count of Monte Cristo, by Dumas, The Mysteries of Paris, by Eugene Sue The Wondering Jew, by Eugene Sue, ' Teachers Oxford Bibles, $1 75; Teachers Oxford Bibles, with patented index, $2 00; Large family Bible, $1 98; Large family Bible, old and new translations in parallel columns for $2 98. ; - " ' Lace cut shelf paper at one-half cent per sheet, bargains in tablets and students note books, mucilage at 3 cents per bo t tie, ink the same, envelopes from 2 cents to 10 inch ones at 5 cents, two good rubber tipped leod pencils for 1 cent, slate pencils at 10 ; cents per pound, steel pens, including Eastbrooks. at 4 cents per dozen. FRENCH lpcin - AT FOUR CENTS PER BOX. Assorted carpet tacks at five cents per pound; The iegu lar price is five cents for two dozen. FIVE vCENT V ARTICLES: Three tin cups; One ; coffee pot; One covered bucket; Onev - , hali gallon cups? c LUNCH BASKETS TEN TO TWENTY CENTS. tr- -r V I Sporigea 3 tSenta; Remnah ts of Calico at 20 cen ts i a lb. All wool flannel, 15 cents per yard. Canton flannel atYi cents per yard. E M B R 0 I U E B E Di- : AT SEVENTY-FOUR CENTS PER YARD. One-half pint bottle of Bay Ram for 10 cents. Bargains in undershirt all wool at 37 J cents. Ladies vest 5 cents up- E D.ff. BbSTlAN,: proprietor. 9

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