Arrirftl of Trains Richmond arrives at 11:15 a No. n u.. Washington " " 9:58 p. m. 33 k 36 37 11 Washingtoa Atlanta Atlanta New York Atlanta 1 ii i it 11 7:22 p. m. 35 a. m. .-51 a. m. 9:00 p.m. P ...... fchnund freight leaves at 12m. ' 63 andi2 are the local trains between 11 , the os- t a on,! Atlanta. Nos. 35 ancU6 are -K 5 drains between Atlanta and Washing, .-fast ma" " and 3s are the Washington and t0- u .tern Vestibuled Limited trains and top . Uncord on signal. , , , ; ; . . Tht Rocky River min. - SmKh h&s been working has closed down for the winter. Mr. PLFearn. who i i; i the old Fornace Mine n.3V Mills, struck a yery fine and r,V.fc Bpot this week. V" "; A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS; " n 'u . ooery and notion lacked iTn and Pat in. Shape By Oar H ustliuu: Pencil Pusner. All roads lead to Atlanta. , m t for set th posite D 0 Furr's at Forest Hill. tf. The dewliing house - of Mr. s rr Johnston, of Harrisburg, narrowly escaped burniner Friday, TOOD The morning train was two and a barely discovered before tha fir half bours late. would have been beyond control i There never was a better time for Farmers are verv mnoh rlinnnrU. being careful with fire. ed at the present outlook for the No. 36 was one hour and thirty nexfc wheat crop. The continued minutes late this morning. drought has delayed wheat sowing Rail Roa 1 Mills Snuff for sale, 1D ali pft8, f 'the C0Qntr and wholesale and retail by J P Allison I 'ery "ie tnat , has been sown in mia county as yet. In many cases, the first work of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is to expel the effects of thA nth . i - a. . 1 . . w- , L V Ud ityan nas gone 10 oansoury have bpn . , Ten passenger trains, besides a number of extra specials, pass here daily. THE RUSH OF -h (JMANITY. P? Who Travel as Keen by Oar ; -; - ? BeiMrter. ' .. .. - - - , Mr.. J II Maeoa arrived in the city last night. - - ; ' Miss Gertrude Robbins return ed to Sxatesville. : Mr; D R Hoover returned to the city last night from the South. Rev. V R Stickley and wife, of Enochville, spent to dayln the city. Miss Agnes Moss has returned from a visit to friends in Morgans Dr. M A Foil, of Mt. Pleasant, was in the, city en route to Char lotte. - , - -:C : r Mr. F J Palmer, representing 0 Valer of Charlotte, was in the city today. Mr. N P Cannon, the coffin drummer, ds registered at the St. Cloud. - , . - " r -'"' ' " Mrs. C E'JJeisler returned to King's Mountain, her home, this LOWE & SON. OFFERING SOW A BIG HOUSE OF Dry-Gopds, SHOlf AND - CLOTHING a hapnmp nnm nier for the Sana,-1 . . BUU rr- pe a saving of time and money if L "in(T bory mnis. experimenters took Aver'n 8. I "R4friAr Oihann rma minrA riik flraf i'nsfan t Miss Fannie LipDard is visiting . 4. M Jft- T,.4. nlll - I ha' navanfa f .'nm ' if 1. . A 1 U 11.11 1118 18L Ol liailliaiV. there. - n28 market rine fnr all cf Seminary at Mt. Pleasant. J W. V... U1UU . V X. I . . THfl npw hell at the Bantiat chnrnh country produce, cash or barter. Mr. Walter Ritchie is visitirfcr . ... . I Don't f nrtrph' t.Vi rlana rrTrcji fo T 1 i.: . ui, ',.. . nm rr ha3 Deen placed ana its peals can De , - KpzT yrr a icihvc h surest niu. ne came . w A-u4COw ixu,. w. in from Danyille last night. ouuuay tnere were nye men Mr ' I Frank Mahr-r wha wan in the bt. Cloud office at one time visiting in the city tor several days, wuu nau me mammoniai reyer. une retumecVto McAdensyille today, ums Htivnu uceu uutcui UUO HOtO Well I If T- T'U 1. J j. m . - . . - . I L m "I 111 .. . .-I .1 .MM WW WWM WW Foukd-A folding key, evidently nen xneeaay and tne otbera inside MooresTildtdav. -if ter Bnendine a store or omce Key. xnng a ainrsi" weeas. arrui. j.woaipson fraud all over the city. A part of the circus attendants returned from Salisbury Friday eight some will come later, prices that will be yery much lo er than we have ever sod before. and get it, Mr. James HoUhoaser has accept ed a position as salesman with Can nons & Fetzer. He is on the cloth ing and shoe side. was the only one whose temperature was normal, but thedisease is contagious."-- - several days in the city with rela- tlVe8. ' '-V . ' -; - Mr. J Sheappirio, of .Washing ton, D. C, is in the city. He is the manager of ths Baltimore clothing Wew Capes There are now 358 patients in the .nsane a.ylnm at Raleigh-the, Urs- house illatwill open here. eui nuuiuer since it was escaonsnea. ; : v. . , . The Standard is sorry to hear of There are 154 males and 204 fe- ' mlu thft extreme il ness of Mrs. Jul us mu L - "cr apeumug some wme wnn bus. iuNicB xuo uieai uiaiuTiby ui iueu Drown, an exueiieu. iauy ol ou Mfi conntrv neonle middle At $2,25 and $6.00. Ladies Cloaks $2 50. All Dress iloods cut to cost. excellent ladv of St. T n 1 i 1 . 1 - oonn s neignoornoou. - Wake has the largest number and Mr. Weddington toiday issued a I Cumberland the next largest. Since license to Mr. John Winecoff, who December the 1st last there have i3 to be married to Miss Lou Langhn been 101 admissions. lin Rnth are of Cannonville. I That Biff Slcn. J P Allison has just gotten in The Baltimore Bargain House Large Hominy, Rolled Oats, Prunes, edits one-half of our first page. They Macaroni, Bakers Chocolate," Olives, nang 0nt their sign even before their Pirklps. efcr all freab and nice, tf I . . . - m. . . . r jstocKis opened out. 'in is is evi The families of L O Rummage dence that they have bargains in and G M Hopkins haye moyed to good goods that they wish the public this city and are residents at Forest to know and they adopt this method Hill. They will work in the Odell of reaching the public - mills. Their location will be a splendid Master 3idnev Smith, the little and convenient one ana 10 wow Julia Welsh in this city, returned to Mr. G S Johnson, the Richmond Engine and Boiler : Go's., Jre presents tiye who,is welLkno wn in and out of town,.Bpent lajst rii?bt in the city. THE -. cumW8man If the fashion plates art; to be believed, will wear y black, and there never: waB such a demand for BLACK DRESS GOODS ; " to the exclusien of all col ored fabrics. Nothing - adds more to the beauty J and dignity of a woman's . appearance than -a fin black gown, which is alike economical and ultra f ash ionable. We have just gotten in our black and. :navy blues bought when-' the prices were low can sell you 75 cent Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 - inches wide Can sell you a $1 . goods 50 inches wide for ? 75c. Our stock of Black ; Creapones are the latest. - production. We ask all Ladies to see our dress goods betore baying else where. Do you want to see : the prettiest line of LADIES SHOES i ' ever shown in" Concord Then come and see us and be convinced. Our No. 49 narrow Opera : Toe perfect beauty. Cur No. 71 Needle Squarst- Toe prettiest seoe on themar' ket. .. ; . Our No, 60 Pointed Razor Toe the most stylish yt. Our No, 70 Round Toe a grand seller, all at low figures. UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Our city trade "Leader" pue Linen B ossom extra heavy muslin double front and bacK, patent continu ous facings on back and sleeyes, custom cut and at the low price of 50c. Gibson & Morrison. I In the mti ways and Iledgres. The dark.whiskered evangelist, Proctor, preached in "new town" at Forest Hill Friday night. His wel come in that part of the city is not very cordial, and if the nights were as cold as our citizens are to this class of moral izera and soul saving instruments, they ; wfculd soon be froze out. Mr, Proctor is to hold a service on tne "square at iforest Not a single article shall we keep. Everything must go. Cost not consider ed in this closing out sale. MENS' SUITS BOYS' HAVE YOU ; THOUGHT OF BUY- IN G A FALL DRESS? child of Rev. and Mrs. M A Smith more about it turnover to their ad- HilI tonight, big di6our8e is that was such a trreat sufferer some before you lay aown tne paper. I viuioogv nivu wiuup, is gttiu 4U1W ttany Surprised 8ick I The announcement of the marrl- I acre of Mr. Fred Smith, son : of corner again .last night, He was Lawyer W M Smith of this city, in assisted in the singing by his daugh- Richmond, VaM on Wednesday yen ter. His audience was not a large ing last to Miss Ida Ooslby of that or attentive one. not considerably tamed, he will not have man v hearers. Mr. Dan Summey is in the city tod will aisist the choir at the First Presbyterian church to-morrow, city, was a surprise to many of our citizens and his frienda in thii place. Mr, and Mrs. Smith are now in the Northern cities and after a few weeks journying, MrT Smith Examinations and Consultations Positively Tree, : -.y , Fourteen years experience in the treatment of Cancers, Piles and Chronic Sores.; Any case taken A cure guaranteed or no pay; Offioe at Morris House; office hours from 8a. m. to 10 p. m. ." ' Old Ds; Odom, mornine and niffht. Some excellentl : Ka?oi m Phlladl- I had a cancer on my face of sev- wmoe renaerea. phia, where he will mak Ur, w A Ridenhour has com- Vgkm r rmW eafely say I have been well over 18 Pleted his course, at the Commercial JnXree. months.. CrfjLW.Es Alioood; ; College in Charlotte. He has ac- Every one on the streeU recently Washington, N, :C., October 1, 1895. Hi J,r 1 ; V uBuu v. flafe uwu . V 7 " X had a chronic sore leg about two! , e lU 8Pend a few days at home 0f the gum saw stocks being hauled ftn, waa di&&hd to work ore going to Tillman's SUte, . through town by Mr. J M Burrage. eight m0nths.:: I have : been ,weU 1 nQr, i . , . . j I une iree wo wi mw ------m sixteen wuuwio. ,ww a. vuuiu CooV silver wits: ' V' Mens1 Overcoats, Boys' Overcoats and PANTS -all must go. If you want SHOES we have them. Everything going now cheaper than we could t , buy them FlBG Wot 44 inches wide 40 cents per yard . 3 6 inch I 27 cents per our: lineiof ladies yard. See Black - Dm Goods jT- Spend Your cash where'it )ooV c2 T ,i th tbeu sawedinto plank, and the total cured me. and J can say I had spent mo you the most good okccrossing. Yellow staff, with nnmber of feet o iamber will reach about $50 dollars and tried every w . iiver head bearing these letters. G. . nna atMr was thiner I could hear -of, . and nothing 1 , U a-. One stock " was thing 775 feet of heart lumber. This was not a little tree by any means. -Washington, N. C. to see wv6 uuwow iv..v - - - Xftrt 4- MAM -8. The staff belones to Oapt. W T . mulB seemed to do any good. B Smith tk. ""ed up rnaay . : . '.' Stitb Beinston, leave at this office and be rewarded. W know whereof we affirm when We state that Ayer's Pills, taken Promptly, at the first symptoms of cUs and fevers, arrest further pro Ere8a of tneae disorders, and speedily and to do it you want to go Crepbns,.; Crovenetts :and " Henriettas; They are the lattest. Don't miss them if you want a black i dress. Our When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castorla. : jHiea she waa a Child, she cried for CastorU. vfltfl Miss, she dung to Castorla, 9 A I lY Jl"1 BV ivvw'" - store the stomach, liyer, and bow- TOeaihekriCkUdren.Ete ' 10 their normal and regular ao tion, - Old Dr. Odom's offioe for ten months was near my house- I could stand in my door, and talk to him. He has been in Washington 2 J years. T an certify to nfty or more casea like the above and some others." (Elder) Jaims Winfield, Editor Watch Tower. LOWE & SON. I rv 1 -w - -jc-rf a . Washington, N. 0. October 1, 1CC3.