(he Daily Standard 01eTelHUd'sIi: BT JAMES 1. COOK. "VTFICB'IN CASTOR BUILDINO I he Standard is published "every Xk f (Suaday excepted) and delivers Vv. by 'Hrrier8. RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION One year... ........84 00 Six months................ 2 00 Three months .............. 1 00 One month................. 85 Single copy... 05 ADVERTISING BATES. Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. THE STANDARD. ConcordN. O. The amount of fruit shipped from Southern California this season is roughly estimated at 8,000 car loads. The turkey is beginning to wonder why they call it Thanksgiving. Bishop Galloway claims that there is less liquor sold in Mississippi than iu any State in the Union. Out of the seventy five counties in the State there are only nine in which licenses are granted. CONCORD, OCT. 28, 1895. THE F UNIONISTS AFTER METTLE'S SCAI.P. Nor it is said that the prominent Populists are declaring that there can be no such thing a3 co-operatioD iu North Carolina unless Settle is squelched. That has been the talk this vTfck among several of the Populidts asd silver Republicans, j who came to the Fair. Settle is out of line with the Mott-ButlerHarris free silver idea, and he will not be tolerated, but the eilvsr lusion ma. if iiTcan. The edict has gone forth. Ilileiga Observer. Yes-, Yea.! If, perchance, the Re publicans lunel their man la the White House at the next election, .Congrr-esman Settle will be a big buil-dog with the administration, while Mott-Butler-Harris and the otLfia will be a saiall litter of de formed hound. pup3, so far as any influence vops.I . ' ' v , Electric Bitters. . Electric Bitters is a medicine suit ed for any season, but perhaps more generally needed, when the languid exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the needs of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medi cine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medieine will act more surely in counteractiug and freeing the syss tem from the malarial poisoc. Head ache, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. 50c end 1.00 per bottle at Fetzers' Drug Store. In Balding Ore., the women cyclists ear short skirts over their bloomers while riding through the street if the town; but when the ..country ia reached the skirts are re moved and the wheelwomen proceed unencumbered. By thus straddling the question of prober annarel for JL 4 JL i. I this sport no one's sense of propriety is shocked in Belding. 1 From the statement in bankruptcy of Oscar tilde's affairs, it appears that ice July, 18Q3,he has received about 20,000. in loyalties for his play3, Very little of this went to his wife and children, who were turned iuto the street by their land lord a couple of months ago. A fisherman in Elliott Bay, near Seattle, recently took oyer nineteen hundred salmon in one haul of the seine. This is the largest haul ever -made in that section. Even the vrivers and bays are doing their best to help along the era of Democratic good times. We understand that one of the reasons That the race between Gen try and Patchen could not be secured for the State fair is that these kings of the turf will not race onanything less than a one mile track. The Railroad Commission has called nn all the telephone exchanges in tb i State requesting their rates for the rental of phones. They take this step with view of equalizing the rates and reducing the same. tK.ilosorjher ohsprvpa ; "Six- -.things are requisite to create a happy vhome. One of them is a good cook, 3nd the other five aie money?' In shaking hands with the Presi dent at Atlanta, one farmer yelled out: "Cotton eight cents a pound and A Rliucl Man Out of a Xlome. WijsSTon--Salem, Oct. 25. Mr. J W Mitchell, of West Bend, Yad kin county, was in Winston to-day, soliciting aid to help rebuild his dwelling house which was destroyed by fire seyeral days ago. Mr. Mitchell is 38 years old and has been bfind 35 years. His wife died two months ago, leaving six small children for him to care for. Three of the children are triplets, their names bing Abraham, lsnac and Jacob. A' Biff'Fir in Augnita. - August , Ga , Oct. 25. The im mense lumber plant of Jesse Thomp son & Co. was to-day entirely de stroyed by fire. The fire department is unable to handle the flames. All dwellings in the vicinity are now on fire. It is not by any means under control. Loss" between fitty and one hundred thousand dollars already, and the fire is making r rapid head way. ; ' - . . UNTOLD MISERY FROM tHEUNlATIS'JH' C. H. King, Water Valley, Miss., cured by tfott'ct CJo Eicon's 51131 w . m "For five years, I suffered untold misery from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physi cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times, spending 1000 there, besides doctors' bills; !ut could obtain only temporary relief. My flesh was wasted away so that I weighed only ninety-three pounds; my left arm and leg were drawn out of shape,' the muscles Marvelous Results. From a fetter written by liev. J Gunderman, of Dimoiidale, Mich., we are permitted to make this ex tract: "I have no hesitation' in rec ommending Dr. King's New Dis frXT CifXT aa f ll O rccnlfc trntrn ml uu lOUtlO I) CIO Cm 1 LIS KJO it marvelous in the case of my wife While I was pastor of the Baptist Church at Rives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia suc ceeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them, A friend recommended Dr Kind's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at Petzer's drug store, Regular size 50c rnd Si. 00, feeing ivisted up iuknots. I was unable to aress lyself, except with assistance, ard could o ily hobble about by using a cane. Had no appetite, and was assured, by the doctors, that I could not live. The pains,. at times, wore so awful, that I could procure relief only by means of hypodermic injec tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these gave only temporary relief. After trying everything, and suffering the most awful tortures, I b gan to take Ayer's Sarsaparilku Inside of twj months, I 'was able to walk without a cane. In three months, my limba began to strengthen, and in the course of a year, I was cured. My weight has increased to 1G5 pounclu, and I -am now able to do my lull day's work as a railfoad blacksmith.' 9 The Only World's Fair SarsaparHla.; AYEK'S 1ILZS cure Headache Thomasville vs. Carry, The Alliance executive committee i yesterday,8ay8 Sunday's Raleigh ObJ server, visited Thomasville to look over the town with a view to its availability as a site for the new Al liance shot factory. At this point the contest has narrowed down to Cary and Thomasville. The latter offers more money, but Cary is nearer Raleigh, is on two lines of railroad and is an unusually good site for manufacturing purposes. Sometime this week the committee will meet here again to settle the location. ror Over Titty Years. Mrs. WinBlow's Sooth:ng Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. mwJ&w s23T95 Dr. Mnes'JFaf n Mtlls are guaranteed to stot XTeoZac!eln20 minutes. "One cent a dose? Era imm ? Mi i i If ' W 1 pS Fat RvwRssiw 5 TAiTELE a"0 :B d3 13U B i Lk, T ol M IfP IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50cts. GAL ATI A, ItLS., NOV. 16, 1893. Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold last yearT 600 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have bought three gross already this year. In all ovr ex perience of 14 years, in the drug business, have never sold an article that gave such universal satis tacUon aa your Tonic. Yours truly, Abxey, Caeb & CO. For sale hy all arufijgists. FIRE INSURANCE. Havin? transferred my Fire In suranc business to Messrs. H T Woodhouse and B E Harris, I corns mena them to any who may be an need, of fire insurance, and bespeak for tnem a liberal vatronage. Respectfully, J. W-Buekhead, JL XL Jh 17 ::::::S Large profits no longer come from merchandise 50 to 100 per cent, on a credit of from one year to t at only four out of every Hundred credit merchaut a.lh -1 T- 0 C 1 A. . t- . ceea, we preier aper cent, casn to a chances against us. ever SUCn Last Saturday we placed a lot of ginghams on cents -ner Tard and a lot of erood towels thnt wo o :1 J j- w , fj j ouu.nn at 50 cents per dozen that sell regularly at 10 cent pioV out our cash we had our money invested in these and 20 cent, profit ready to invest again Monday. This week we have on sale a lot of Seaside novels worth cents ealh. We have put four in a bundle and sell tne'l t for 5 centsr iust li cent for 10 cent novels. fMtu, : novels at 15 cents! The Life of Jefferson Davis, by M Dayis. Sold by subscription at 8.00 per set of 2 vois ,rs' price is 82,90. Rollins Ancient History m 4 vols Tor 2 $ Creaseys Fifteen Battles on which tLe Civilization of th World Scanns. This is one of the richest stories of histor6 to be found, our price 15 cents. A fetw of E P Roe's novh at 65 cents. Washington Irving' e works', 6 vols for $2 45. V The following two vols sets at 98 cents per set: Prescotts Conquest of Mexico, Presscotts Conquest of Peru, complete works of Choiles Lamb, The Count of Monte Cristo, by Dumas, The Mysteries of Paris, by Eugene Sue The Wondering Jew, by Eugene Sue, ' Teachers Oxford Bibles, $1 75; Teachers Oxford Bibles, with patented index, $2 00; Large family Bible, 1 98; Lare family Bible, old and new translations in parallel columns' for ?2 98. . Lace cut shelf paper at one-half cent per sheet, bargains in tablets and students note books, mucilage at 3 cents per bottle, ink the same, envelopes from 2 cents to 10 iachones at 5 cents, two good rubber tipped leod pencils for 1 cent, slate pencils at 10 cents per pound, steel pens, including Eastbrooks, at 4 cents per dozen. counted per FRENCH h ckin AT FOUE CENTS PER BOX. Assorted carpet tacks at five cents per pound. The regfh lar price is five cents for two dozen. FIVE CENT ARTICLES: Three tin cups; One coffee pot; One covered bucket; One t half gallon cups, x LUNCH BASKETS We have assumed the Fire Insur ance business of Mr. J. W. Burkhead, comprising the agencies for several first-class and well established com panies, and respectfully solicit a liberal share of business in that line. "Woodhouse & Habris. August 26, tf TEN TO TWENTY CENTS. Sponges 3 cents; Remnants of Calico at 20 cents a lb. All 15 cents per yard. Canton flannel at 7 cents per -EMBROIDERED- wool flannel, jard. AT SEVENTYFOUR CENTS PER, YARD. One-half pint bottle of Bay Rum for 1Q cents. Bargains in all wool at 37 cents. Ladies vest 5 cents up. undershirt3, 3Ri A C K S D.i J. BoSTLAJsr, Proprietor