,5 No. lol, i bslstsfc 0 ifANUFACTURERS OF jjjyW? CLOTHS,', PLAIDS, SHEETING iJJ SALT BAG is o DEALERS IN , General Merchandise. HMPpEN-SYDNBY-: MOVED. Tbe P,byteilon iheoioBlca, s.mt nry Goes lolBIciimoiia. : Hampden -Sydney., Theological Seminary ,wiH ,be p'oved ..ta Kich. m?nd. ; . : V .- " , ' 'This was decided, yesterday hj the action of Synods of. North',. Carolina and . Virginia. The institution'; is CONCQKLVN. c;, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29. 1895. . Wliy Wot Cart It p W ' ' It is a great pity- that th Wn authorities do not stop' tfie hnrning of. trash onthe Mam streets of the lown; it does not look well, neither aoes it create a yery savery odor, besides the smoke and soot is veiy uauiagmg to goods in the merchants' shelves; Why don't th town make every business' . man have, a trash i . . , : wj wuoiuess man nave a trash now, ooated ' at Hampden-SydneJ barrel or box, put his trash in S uwara 00unty Yilgi . then thfl - , . t . . - . ' . .. or, tnree times a week f This pib cedure would give general satisfaci tion to everybody, it is thought: : On the Moye, v BUYERS OF 9 Country Produce of al Kind AND i Pour-Foot wood always ; irorited best prices :forv same. We invite an in" . , 'spection of all the goods we Manufacture. b pUoirmg in the line of nthor ? stitutions the seminary moves to the capital; city of; Virginia, where; it will be at the . centre of the activity ' ' A strong fight was made against . 9aPfc-A ? Prbpst is to-day mov- v,,M1 ao uaa ueen tne case wherever such changes : have been mad? but after theght was Won in Virginia, there was no. trouble here. The Synod of North Carolina was practically unanimous- for removal. M0KR1SON II. CALDW.EL1 ATTORNEY AT LAW CONCORD, N. 0. Office in Morris buildinfr. nnnnsif-!. Court Hoire. . there being only six votes against it uewis umter, Richmond's million aire tobacconist, gives :a $25,000 site for the seminary, and the city of Richmond contributes $125,000. - Rev. Dr. Daniel moderator of the Synod of North Carolina, yesterday received a telegram from Rev, Geo! W Finley, moderator of tne Virginia Synod, 'saying :';.Tne Synod 'of Vir giniavsends cordialgreetings "to , the Synod of North Car olini The Synod has afproyed the overture of the Board of Seminary, and consents to' removal." A Church Wedding?. 7 On ; Thursday night next Mr. Charles Eagle will be married to Miss Matilda -Lentz, Doth of Can nonyille. The event will take place in Bays' chapel at 8:30 o'clock, Key. J R Moose, the pastor, to oflSciate. mer from th MftPlno Depot street into his handsome new home on Main street, " v. Mr. R I p Benson -will- occupy rooms, in rear , of ; the , opera s house building, where he today moved fiii effects. V! ' , : ; ; Mr:; John M Young ; will; move tomorrowjinto his recently purchased home on Loan street " ' ; ' j Take So Fusion in Tlielr's. I Fobt Worth, Ter. . Cct. 2fi The State Executive Committee of the People's partymetrtoday.in' this city, with all the members nrcsent either in " person or : proxy. About fifty ; prominent ' membres of the party from over the :Staterwere in attendance. : The committee deter mined ;ori forming "no fusion' with any of the 1 other ; political parties and will vtwork Aalonebotjijn the, State and national affairs,; adhering strictly, to. the Omaha ( t t)latforni. The co m inittee ; will . make : no ; con cessions whatever.,- The J place for holding ' the , State, Corive'ntion was left with the committee to determine later oni' it will probably be, held V Austin. : v - 1 a Whole I O. 1.329 nearly a Fire Saturday eyening at Mt- Pleasant there cams near being, a fire. At the building jof the Frick Mfg.i Co.; a .gin. is ;run. Some cotton was being unloaded by the ? suction t pro cess and a match in v the cotton ignited. The flames rushed oyer the buildingiin a few seconds burn ing off , the loose lint. , . v : A barrel of water was convenient and a, number of people present aided in putting.out. the fire;: :. xne loss, will be covered bva fftr dollars. - s 1 . HAMMOND -&l CO. J.i m ( .i iix:.! Tin L?A"M 130 & 132 Pcdrl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. S". University of Virginia Burned. Ihe mam ouiidine of the TTni VAT. sity of Virginia at Charlottesville was bnfned bu ndav me h t Th loss is $250,000; and strange to say,' there is an insurance ( on it alii of onl v $25,000. Two. of the smaller bnifd-J iio were Diown up witn dynamite to prevent tne spread ;of the fire. A Trip toBaltlmore. An agreement has been - made bv three younsr ' men of this -r.itv tn marryf with the understanding that all three, with their wives, go to the Baltimore exposition in ? 1897. Ladies w ishing? to. get married and a trip to Baltimore may vbe ccommc dated by calling . on three of the handsomest; clerks ;in ' Gannons & Fe'tzer's store,,, .whQv , wilL ii urnish them with conditions and fparticui lars in general . To save the innocent and married rV'. BLLi. COlOSSal maffnitlldj.w nam a tVio f 1 : . Professional Cards. Physician-and Surgeon. OoncordrN. O. OFFICE : - St LQUD ANNEX. JNO. . ERWJN- C. A. MISEKHEIMER ' ERW 135 & MISENHEIMEH A . Physicians and Surgeons' ?coNS" liuildinff, op a.?6 churcn; Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought and ; sold, or carried on M ar.?o v -..P. S. Send for explauat-. c rcun lar on speculation, also wk' r i ar ketletter. (Free) dl- C0KC0RD, vN. C. I. President, Vshier. that propose this great undertaking: messrs. cam Jjjrvin, JSd. White and my genial Watauga friend,' Maun' Stuart' . v - , i 1 1 Mr. . r Geo. Hiss - was over from Charlotte foday. WAIT Capital, .; ; - cD,000 urPs, $16)000 DIREC7 0T?--. J. M. Odell, , D. F. Oaotoh ElamKikg,, J. W. Caoit, W'ROdel , W.lU. Lilly, . D. B COLTRA E WAIT i We WAIT ! CONCORD AN D ublic of.igl- VICINITY BALTIMORE ! ! RGAIN HOI jSE IS GOMilNG Si 7 We have taken np quarters in the vacant store room,, opposite the National Bank building, of Concord, known as. the . , - 8 . titiaker Building, Corner Main and where we will open on or about NOVEMBER 1st, 1895, with an extensive line of C TTT T T TTMn . A TV T Tv jt t i t-n. -r -r -m . . i ot Streets, inhi ?CIotllin2 we will have in stock is manufactured by HAMBURGER, STRAUS SGHTjOSS RPO A nth ".nA,'fl' ' w ::1m ; 'i L. ' . P.ng. We .will sell jon an all wool su.t -from $4.50 to $15 that would .cost 00. -elsewhere from $3.50 to $25.; Arn'oBRatour oh.l'ne8.e! wlJhatfiahflSnf 1 JVi. I T7lTVTrTC,i ,I?T TD T7 7 O LT J TTi n iTT a mri atvtt-v was pvp, 0 23X5: - VTjpiN ' AJ n lOil'llN vxo )Jnid. AINU - O'HS - v cccu ua ine counters in uoncora.- u , . t: r ... rrrz: 19) WAIT FOR OtlR ppENIJN .KOYEMBER 1, 1895. .J J.; Shappirio -. .... .. . k . Respectfully you G O Ni 'co R n n. r. , P. S. we will also Handle a line of all kinds and makes of sii ot Uls and rifles, repeating and single. v