Arriral of Trains, ti from Richmond arrives at 11:15 a. N- 11 Washington 9:58 p. W Atlanta ' . M n m. m. 6 Atlanta New York it 11 A flmtl 7:22 p. m. 14- 9:35 a. m. 8:51 a. m. ( Northbound freight leaves at 12m. , .1 Southbound - 9:00 p.m. BATCH OF WOAfeMTBf 1 : -J--; r t. ;,? v A plcketl Tpjanrt Futiahape By On iinstliBS Pencil Pusher. Prayer meetings tonight I A load of Thanksgiving; turkevs struck town Tuesday Coal dealers and woodnaulera are beginning to smile pleasantly. - Rail Roa l Mills SnnflP wholesale and retail by J P Allison' . : . An oreau ennuer, ana a mnnkaTT " . a s , areenrouce to uoncora. Save the - - 0 -UB. hrnwniP. ; - " " ... .... ,i .1. ' o for Mutual Benefit Life InBurance i)lf. t; uutuciiUOlU. BDeCiai adrift Company, is m the city - - t? tt t.,u , . xtcv.-xir irtiaci preacneci at Bivs' chapel last-night. . Theae meetings are largely attended. Mr. Hunsacker cells Bridgeport organs. If jou want bargainifleaVe word at this office and he will call on jou. Merchants put goods oat this 'J v , u J UUb lO see them blow down and "keep' the clerks busy. .:;.,.., Mr. S L Klattz save tha nlrf mo J of this shoo a Quart mr f J' kind of honey. There is V 8 weetnesa in eyery life. J W Hunsucker TeDrnffl J Stultz & Bauer piano. Do you want prices and terma? If g0, let it be known at this office. " v The gobble of the Thanksgiving gobbler is heard gobbling in the land. It is sweet mnsm . flnH wJQf"Ovei: allowed. await the day with great anticipa. : " . ine street "hevangelist" got down iu uu,cuuig, iuesaay nignt. ; Jtie believes he's sent forth to.conyert the world. He baa a big job on his hands . -. .V. ' If jou wan some nice, atrained honey call on Mr. S L Kluttz at his market. He hai between 400 and 500 pounds. It came from his own aPiar?-.. . . . ;, .c3otf. The mandolin club gave an open air concert Tuesday.' night some where near the St, Cloud hotel, v-hich was greatly enjoyed .by the man? guests. : '-."- The last illustrated lecture to ladies will be given to-morrow at 4 P m., in Armory Hall, f Subject : Aeryoas Women, Cause and Care." Admission free. v-.;.'- next Monday the county com missioners s will meet, and amo ther things to: be;orisfdered ia ,the electicn of a snperintendent of the county chain gang;' - " r Allison has i just - gotten in arge Hominy,. Kolled Oats, Prunea, macaroni, Bakera: Chocolate, Olivea, les, etc., all ireah and nice. ;tf Now they are telling it on Mr. Jaa. 1 Da7vault. He,toD, haa surrendered, aQd afier. a yery intere8ting evnt eoon to occur in Rowan' countyhe trill . . - ' .--vf.'.-. ... - , i " go to keeping house in Concord board apply to Mrs. Dr. iTQ either regular or tranacient; re8idence on Church atieet second u0cr east nf l;, , mi uru:. Mr. Antu t, . , fihip ia mrt 4 '"-tlv- - Depot Street, Where he, With f ami 1 v. win ': roC i a ; U Iv, f Va r : . . ...... . . ' ' I otaxdaed welcomes him to 1 town. mv Walker pays the highest prices for kind "SW Dm ;rI Poduce caaH :6i barter; t, forget the,place opposite D rsat Forest HUlJ-f- f' 'tfi 1 u w.M ::rr nws? u-Mimenti. JM fIf price beigg.8 80.' ? 4 xa maDy cases. rim vc; ' Ayer Saraaparilla ia t i:..u.- f"51 ier medicines that haye.bcen.ried in vain. It .WOalQ: (Spy" ' !t5SW;.meancl ;.-.monev .-if . - r:." "??.?H fJt at last. The fact that agrjcul ture . ,ia In f Pdual abandonment in wreat ritain .mav accounh; In-n. x ' . - - - - jt"- f.or ine , increase in- immiof f,ftm W i : r "64r,,1UA1 trom that. nnnn fro- tfcaVw L. . . umuuer 01 I oviiin.iln ; ' .,- -. '. " jsiuue - Augnat .aggregating I ' vj.,.uij uwca uub pay &e JBritish farmer tn ra va lt AViHanf v highpriced British land. 'The nVrt nroblem is tn Vnolr l;i,? . , c muu pronci ?Ke f? :f?? otr Way be decline 7.7ji"-? "7MT.T!or i "1? i; b per nerih. Ipsa tW ?H ???L ? 10dlCate3 M ? 2p0'000 aa of land nave .fajled of caltiva ion ber uu6o agriculture no longer pays. . ' We know whereof e. affirm: when " x AllOj , la&wU Promptly, at. the first symptoma of colda and fevers, arrest farther nrn. fe?s of .these and speedily tbe stomach, liyerj and now- fffc0a!'ana regular ac ' North arplina State Fair (col ored - ) Ka!eigbvN. 0., tickets ou sale Nov' 5 6 au7 final limit Nov. 11, 1895. are for round trip, iuclud- inSDe .mission to fair' grounda -' 5 yontinuous passage and no Mcettns at center The protracted meeting at Center, ln -N0 H township, being conducted 1 AA J-i iuuaurin, ine pass lor ?s ' f nil 4 of interest and much good work is being accomplished. Eev. W L r)Awcnn rf TfAnfmv Rev. W L Dawson of Troutman's, Iredell county, ia assistiner in the meeting. Two services are held each day, at 4 and at 7 p. m. The meetings will continue through the week; and a cordial invitation ia extended to all to attend. " For oyer Fifty Years Mr8. Winslow'a Sooth;ng Syrup haa been U8ed for over fifty yeara : by milliona of mothera for their children while teething, with perfect auccess. It (eoo,thes the child, softens the guma; allaya all pain, cures - wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor lit no buucxciiiuuicuiabciy. oum uy lrnggiats in every pare oi tne world; Twenty-five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for 'Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup' and take no otl kind. w v v mw&w a23'95 Has Not Congratalated Ilim. ' Congressman Linuey-was asked in Statesville last week if heVhad yet extended the right hand of .fellow ship to a .certain prominent citizen : . '. i ' f' :it "-.. ' ' ' "i - j' - ' '"' 'Jt 3 r or tnis estate wnoias recently, pmea n " . J I ;t 1 . tne iusioniB b, uuu wiiulu u is jiauwu that Mr. Ainn'ey lovea above his chief j oy; The Congreas man: from "the 8 th renlied ; that he had not and would not. Moreover, he eaid, that one acces8iori hurt the fusionista worse than if . they naareceiyeti iu,yuu barbarians. StateaviHe:Lanajiar Examinations and Consultations " Fourteen years experience m the : ' . . . - . treatment oi uancers, ir iibb . ana Chronic Sores Any case taken; A cure guaranteed rjno "payOffioe at Morris House; office hours from wm to io p. m, ..... ... j ' 3 ' V3 Old Db, O om. I . . - . SS :-DUK IGAREtm W. D u ke Sons & r IKEAMERICftN TOBACCO CO? DURHAM. H.C. U r a ' Made from Si "irade Tobaeoo ABSOLUTELY PURE THE. RUSH OF HCTilANTTY. People Who Travel, as Seen by Our Renorter. Capt. J M Odell spent yester- uay in Ureensboro, T CfPt. W: B Ryder passed up the ooutner.n road this morning. Mr. J S Daniels, of Atlanta, is in the city on professional business. Mre. W A Patterson is visiting Mr. .bid. M rattersor, her son, in Charlotte. r ' - ' r! : Key. J D Shealey left last night fo Delmar, Edgefield coundy, si O., to ni8 new charge. Mr. P R : Mo tie v. of Ponlar Tentit waa in town today. He res marxea tnat it was cold. Mr. and Mrs. W A White and children have returned to Mill Bridge, after spending' several day a in the 'city. Mr, Oney Allen, of Thomasville. passed: throught the city today en route to Mr. Martin' Boat's, to attend the wedding, c : : Mrs. Nannie Cochrane, . after spending a week in the city with Mrs. na. Jb' . Uorrell, her dau ghter. returLed to Harrisbuvgday. r Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suit ed for any season, but perhans more generally needed, when the languid exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the needs of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medi cine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious f evrs No medieine will act more surely in cpunteractiug and;freeing the ykk tern from the malarial poisoc. Head ache, ' Indigestion, Constipation, I(izzines3 yield to f Electric Bitters. 50c pnd Si: 00 per bottle at FeHzers' Drugstore. r v : ; Here's To Yon. Editor J P Caldwell, of the Char ott5 Observer. wa8 nominated in a Sali8bury. reetaurant : for . United States Senator. C F McKesson was the orator to second it This beata John Lowlow's nomination of Col. Boyd for goyernorhi8 was not even seconded..- v ? '" In China a man can ere t a divorce if his wife talks loo much. , If : that was the law in this country we think? the crop r of wives - would . be g reatly diminished in one day. r The town taxes for ihe vear 1895 are how : due and . placed in my hands "for collection. AH "persons Owinf?t the Rama ftVoi Jrcnnfiafod in call and settle at once, and ' save uyab. : mo mw .in regara to aaver tising, property has been changed so pay prpmpUy and avefbeiirg ad vertised. ? Office, opposite court uuuaom iuwh xiaii. 1 , Town Tax Collector. -1 II if a fl MM mm . . LOWE & SOIM OFFERING KOW. A BIG - . . HOUSE OF ' ' "- . . Pry Goods, S HQ E S A ff 1); CLOTHIWQ Until the lst of January, at prices that will J be yery much lo ver than we have ever sold before. . Mew Capes At $2.25 and S6.00. : Ladies Cloaks $2.50. All Dress Goods cut to cost. Not a single article shall we - keep. Everything must . - go. Cost not consider- ed in this closing out - sale. MENS' SUITS BOYS' SUITS Mens' Overcoats, Boys' Overcoats and PANTS all must go. gIf you want SHOES ,we g have them. r - -o G3P Everything going now cheaper than we could buy them Spend Your cash. whereTit will do you the most "good and to do it you want to go to see LOWE5&2SO p3 THF. . . WSman ; If the fashion plates are . to be believed, will wear s black, and there never was such a demand for BLACK DRESS GOODS to the exclusion of all col ored fabrics. Nothing, adds more to the beauty. -and dignity of a woman's appearance than a. fine black go wn, which is alike; economical and ultra fash ionable. We have just gotten in our black and ' navy blues bought when the prices were low can sell you 75 cent' Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 inches . wide Can sell you a $1 goods 50 inches wide for 75c. Our stock of Black Creapones are the latest production. We ask all Ladies to . see our dress goods betore buying else- where. Do you want to see the prettiest line of ' LADIE'S SHOES ' ever shown in Concord! Then come and see us and be convinced. Our No 49 narrow Okata Toe perfect beauty, Cur JXo. 71 Needle Snnnr Toe prettiest seoe on the mar ket. , ' Our No, 69 Pointed Hnznr Toe the most stylish yt. Our No, 70 Hound Toe a grand seller, all at low figures." UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Our city trade "Leader" N pure Linen Bossom extra t heavy muslin double front and bacfc, patent continu ous facings on back anc sleeyes, custom cut and at the low price of 50c. Gibson &. Morrison. HAVE YOU -THOUGHT OF BUY mG A FALL' DRESS? . 44 inches -wide 40 cents per yard 36 inch ' 27 cents per our line of ladies y . -I . - - - yard. See Crepons, Crovenetfs and Henriettas. They -' are the lattest. Don't miss . ;,. : ' ' ; ,". them if you want a black dress. Our are simply, elegant. Weill ill WpsI Had - M ' . . . . - . . r Goods t!"llr Jacquards I J - .' ....... V