The Daily Standard BY JAMES P. COOK. rjYFJCE IN CASTOR BUILDING Th a. Standard is published every c: f (Sunday excepted) and delivers v by carriers- HATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One year. . . . .84 00 Six months 200 'i'tiree months.. .. 100 One month....... 35 Singlo copy. 05 ADVERTISING BATES. Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. Address communications to THE STANDARD. Concord. N. C. CONCRD, OCT. 31, 1895. ?Q VIm 2 11RXX O PROS PJEH1TT. The following from the Raleigh Siaty, Oapt. S A Ashe's .new paper, is very strong presentation of tha position of the bimetallists. It chains to be Democratic doctrine rl Altl rpntlv lmn9t. nn; r J - - , , , T. . , j tne blue, iiif ouy reueiveu luiunea ilv regarded as such. It wbe!- , , - , . , . . , , jfrom which he afterwards died, An yersai lieved if this policy wa enacted into lf.w and carried out by the gov ernment it vould introduce the most ; . prrnraue era jhe countryN ever si The dUte says : "1 e' t .Late adyocsktes bimitallim. By ti&L wo mean the free and nnn United coinage of both silver and geld. Monometallism is a new thing? in ler the Ban. Ita edvocatea are !ko child pleased with anew ptaythhg. They do not stop to think how it if working and how it woji1. ork, if resisted in, in the yeaio.xift.- It esera to na that it H'hi ttia attended with cyils wltr.Yi roxr ts the yesrs pass, just as the pirns -'. IMj foretold. TTnhl recently no American states mistier ivocated monometallism. NowiMiaatewrae gmte the lad v; in certain circles, where it is treated philosophically as a natural evolu tion h ;ifoney;matter5, just as many sapiex. men in a philosophical way argue that by evolution man came from monkeys. It is - said that there is gold enoih. Twenty years ago when both silver and gold were in equal use as money there was moie than lIx billions of metallic money, an 3p far from there being enough then this great country of ours possessed fit that time none of either metal, and t trie were many other countries in Scdut the same situation. Now, after the vast development of the test tro decades in population, in wealth, in commerce and in the uses ane ne2f s for money, we are fcold that IcBa th?,n four billions is enough jprovidod it is all gold. And yet virtually we have no gold in this country. None, then, is j :i.:h rtal money for us ! Well, we on'fc think so. Our people are entitled to Lave real money equally -v?ith other people. There not being -venouh t'old for all nations to have K 1 oney resort must be had to silver just ga wa3 done for thousands of VchU . befcre 1873." " v Mga4ii ' Etch Odd Fellow in this State is 4 called on by the Grand Master to coniiibute $1.15 for the purpose of iaLic-4 10,000, with which" to eiect a brr.ld:;:.g.t the Odd - 'Fellows' or ph? r-;wvjat Qoldesboro. x Pennsylvania coal mines produced in 1894 85,'b06,389 tons ot which 45,506,179 . tons were anthracite and 89,800,210 tons : bituminous. There was a decrease of 5,295.072 tons on tht output of 1893. Dr. De Witt Talmage inaugurated his work as pastor m the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church, Washington, D. C, on Sunday last, with a sermon entitled "All Heaven LookiDg On." The Manufacturers' Record says that the finest State exhibit of wood at the Atlanta Expositian is that presented by North Carolina. Alabama's 6utput ot coal this yaar is estimated at 1,000,000 tons or nearly 3,000,000 more than last years. ;- V- ARRESTED THE CHIEF. One or Buffalo Bill's Bedshlus Ac ensed of Manslaughter m Baltimore. Mohawk, one of the Indian braves in Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, was arrested this morning" by Officer Huzzy of Baltimore, on a charge of manslaughter. ..- It sc-enss that while the show was in that city some one threw a rock at a small white boy striking hiio in j ni i j : officer was sent after the- offender, who was said to be one of Cody's In dians, and from the description of the man wanted, "placed Mohawk Vder arrest this ' mbi ning at the grounds. His trial is now on, with but little chance ot conviction. Some Figures. Greensboro Christian Advocate : Dr. Carroll has been investigating a census of the churches in the United States. The table of communicants is as follows;: Catholics 6257871 Methodists ..... ... . . ... ; 4,589,234 Baptists...... ............ 3,712,468 Lutherans - lt231S3 Presbyterians.. ..... . .-. . . . . 1,078,370 Disciples of Christ, or- "Christians" ............ 744.773 Episcopalians .... .......... 540,509 Congregationalists' 612.771 Reformed . .......... United Brethren .......... Mormons .. ................ 9,458 225281 van -to ) Jews 120.818 Friends All Others 107,203 812.582 Total 20,618,307 In studying these statistics you must remember that the Catholic ''communicants'' include all mem bers cf families thirteen years of age. If wo should number the Methodist or Baptist churches on the same basis, either of them would largely outnumber the Catholics. So there is no grounds for fear of tho Catholics at present, but per. haps there is no other organization that is more diligent in cultivating its field than these who claim to be in the succession of Peter, . They .train the children In this respect we might learn some valuable les sons from them. ; ; ;' Wonr smiles. Haye you smoked the cigar I gave you?" ' "'-h' ' I- ' No; the doctor says' f musn't take any violent exercise. Watts D9 you think a man can be a Christian on a dollar a day ? PottsI don't see how he can af ford to be anything else. Indian, apolia Journal. ': The Wife How did you come to propose to me, John ? v The Husband I wan ted to be different from other menf 1 suppose. "Never forget, brethren," said th clergyman in closing, A'there is no power oq high that is mightier than than the power of wealth. And now, eexton," he added, in a low voice, "you may take up the collection." Adam's Freeman. - When Baby WL3 sick, ve gave her jCastoria. she was a Child, slie cried for CastoriaJ When she became Kiss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castorkw Cases Compromised We learn that the suit brought by Y B Brown, administrator oF E W Durham vs. tne Southtrn Railway Company for killing bid Durham in the collision af Haw River, Vngu8t 6th, has bean compromised, the Southern Railway Company paying to the plaintiff 2,400. ; Ths suit of his , brother, -W" J)urbam; who received injuries at the same time, has also been compromised for four hundred dollars. The same source says the attorneys received pretty good fees in these two case3 one third of the two thousand, eight hundred dollars, ' 1 riOT A SICK DAY For Over Thirty Years! SESTJtT OT USIKG .AYER'SP ILLS' 'Ayci's Cathartic Pitts for over thirty, years have kept rae in good health, Sever having had a sick day la all that - time. Before I was twenty I suffered ' almost continuallr cs a resnlt of con stipation from dyspepsia, .headaches, neuralgia, or bolls and oter eruptive diseases. When I became' convinced mm, A. : 1 m I ..sjki'!:1 .... 'that ointiitbf of my tronblea were caused $7 cohUpat!on, X began the use : ef Ayers Hlb, with tlie most saiisfac-,. .tory recalls, never -sating a . single i attack that did not readily yield jo'this i temedy. lly wife, who4 had been' an i; i tivalid for years. r also: began -to 'Use- : Ayers Pills, and her health yras quickly. restored. . "With my children. XJaaiiio- ticed that nearly all their .ailments vrere preceded by constipation, and I soon had the nletxurs of knowiif that with f: ehlldrea a with DarenU. Arer'a Pills. , taken in season, avert all danger 61 r sldmess;,fB.tTSTl)yron Ulhest Honors at WorlcTs trCIa Ctrtsjlkeja lbs, xtequ TASTELE! n 3 JUGTA8 GOOD ffORADULTO. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts. SALATIAjlLS., NOT. 16,1833. Paris Medicine Co., Bt. LonlstMo. Gentlemen: We sold last lyear, 600 bottles of GKOVB'S TASTELESS CTHT Ji TONIC and have ton&ht three rtom already thfc year. In all or ex rerience of 14 years, in the drug business, have urer sold nn article that gavq snch universal satia taction u your Tonic loiirs truly, ' ASNSY, CABS & CO. For Bale by all urntgists. AMINISTEATOKS NOTICE. Having been duly appointed and qualified administrator of the estate of Margarou A Hueaan, deceased, all persons holding claims against the said deceased are hereby noti fied to present them, duly, authen- ticated,.to the under tgned for pay ment on or bsf ore thb 17fch day of October 1896 or this notice will be plead as a bar to taeir recovery. Also all persons owiiig said estate are notified that prompt payi payment is expected. J. A. J5ARSIIAKDT, This Oct. lTth 95. Aministrator, Will' m Fair. U3lru IMJ ism ',jj53 " L U U U t 11 k I l,.vr. 1 uKJ LI ir-H I THE PL) r ; .Large profits no longer c owe from merchandise s a 50 to 100 per cent, on a credit of from one year to J -at only four out of every hundred credit merchants ever y ceed. We prefer 20 per cent, cash to a struggle with chances against us. Last Saturday we placed a lot of ginghams on sale at o cents per yard and a lot of good towels that we snapne at 50 cents per dozen that sell regularly at 10 cent each wP maiSed them 5. fent each. The gingham went before sn down and the towels before we closed. When we count i out onr cash we had our money invested in these and o v centi prone reaay to invest again monaay. r This week we have on sale a lot of Seaside novels worth in cents ealh. We have put four in a bundle and sell tae i t for 5 cents, just li cent for 10 cent novels. Clpthbound novels at 15 cents! The Life of Jefferson Davis, .by rs Dayis. Sold by subscription at $8.00 per set of 2 vols onr price is $2.90. Rollins Ancient History in 4 vols for $2 2 Creaseys Fifteen Battles on which tte Civilization of the World Scanns This is one of the richest stories of history to be found, our price 15 cents. A few of E P Roe's noveh at 65 cents. Washington Irving' e works, -6 .vols for $2 45. The following two vols sets at 98 -cents per set: Prescotts Conquest of Mexico, Presscotts Conquest of Peru, complete works of Chorles Lamb, The 'Count of Monte Cristo, by Dumas, The Mysteries of Paris, by Eugene Sue The Wondering Jew, by Eugene Sue, - ? 1 Teachers Oxford Bibles, $1 75; Teachers Oxford Bibles with patented index, $2 00; Large family Bible, $1 98; Large family Bible, old and new translations' in parallel columns for $2 98. - . - , Lace cut shelf paper at one-half cent per 'sheet, bargains in tablets and students note books; mfeeilage'at 3 cents pet bottle, ink the same, envelopes from 2 cents to 10 inch ones at 5 cents, two good rubber tipped leo pencils for 1 cent slate pencils at 10 cents per pound,, steeL pejtisi including Eastbropks, at 4 cents per dozen. i 1 s AT FOUR Assorted carpet tacks at five cents per pound! The lar price is five cents for two dozen. FIVE CENT Three tin cups'; One coffee pot; One covered bucket; 0ne ;..-., . half gallon cups, LUNCH TEN TO TWENTY CENTS. Spdnges 3 cents; Remnants of Calico at 20 cents a lb. All wool -flannel, ; 15 cents per yard. Canton flannel at 7 1 cent3 per yard. EMBROIDERED v AT SEVENTYFOUR CENTS PER YARD. . One-half pint bottle'of Bay Hum for 10 cents. Bargains in undershirts, all wool at 371 cents. Ladies vest 5 cents up. T H E D.s'nJ'i. BOSTIAET, proprietor. 17 FRENCH: r- V CENTS r PEB BOX! regu 3 A OK S A . J A'nmTriTTio BASKETS,