Vol CONC01tl, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1; 1895. Whoiib NO. 1,334 jl. No. 152. WW--' J . . SILVERWARE!.;; Elecrant Bridal prtsents and ritlidav presents in Sterling and Plate ONYX TABLES AND f AMPS Five o'clock tea feet LA Lock Bracelets,, diamond Rins Watches and Jewelry. Call to see us and we ivill show you the most complete lines of these goods that ' have , cver been carried in Concord, and they are cheap I. J. & J. f. RUE U National M COKGORD, N. 0. J, M. Odell, f resident D,B. Ccltrane, Cashier. I D. Coltrane, Assistant Cashier Janlel Bosjt.Weddinsv ,One of the happiest. occasions of the season was .the marriage at 3 o clock p. m., October 13th, of Mr. Samuel, Garland I?aniel, a prominent young; lawyer : of Littleton, N.C., and, Miss Lizzie Boat, the lovely and accomplished daughter of Mr. Martin L Boat, at Bost's Mill, m this county, . . " The bride wore a handsome travels ing gown of dark green cloth, and carried a handsbnie ; bouquet" of bride'sj roses, Jatid .maiden ferns; Miss Annie Bdst, sister of the , bride, was maia or nonor ana Mr. lvery Allen, otThomasyille, N. C, acted as best man. -,- . . . After . the ceremony which was beautifully performed by Dr Junius K&sc Fox,the guests repaired to the dinning room where a beauti f ul luactieoh was Veryed arid enjoyed by. a number of invited friends. The bridal ; party arriyed at the residence of Mr. J W Cannon at 8 o'clock; and af ter spending a pleas- aiit evening, ( . accompanied to the station the bride and groom left on the Southbound train. Best wishes and congratulations follow the happy couple to their future home. . ; er juusunuu HUii railing upeninff Delayed. V "I am afraid you are not as strong Owing to the delay in the arrival as you used to be, John," said a fond of their gcods,the Baltimore Bargain wife to her ; husband. I think it House will ndt .be opened for bus! was time you were getting some in I ness for several days, probably surance oh your life," - ' Tuesday, tbe 3rd. "Insurance on my life ! What are you talking about?, I am s healthv a0p- as ever I was. Insurance. ; indeed P Mayor Morrison is having opened "Well, dear. I only mentioned it J an Tavenue between West , Corbin you know, out of respect to yourself streefc to the damray lying east 1 thought you were failine." of ihe Cabarrna mill. It is a much lfA.j -.t.i ii. -n needed convenience. It will not be .o.uu w ii ii li k w inn nnr, u. ; . ; - . . w n. j H J long until there will be extensions into your head that I am failing? , . etailinsT t Vv hv. 1 am an' arrnncr aal ; - - - uv-' j ; ; iii.1 ? n. i; barr us mills is being torn away. A nnrQO nnrl nor rnn nr fhroo flifrhra 1 ...... o V m UUU VMU IHU Vt p VUtVW MlgUbH of stairs without taking a breath." Capital, Surplus, $50,000 $16,000 BTo Race at ReidsYille. "Well that may be bo ; bnt J am 'The race between Jno. R Gentry xu. ,vu .c .1U6 jrvuxo. a3d joe patchen aid not come oE at -uecemng mywi: I Uoodnm gra- Roida,ulH on Thnrsda on aPonnt cions, woman, what, do tou meat ,?" of the weather. Jbere iWas a .'big ?Don't be so impatiedt. '.What crowd of disannointed neonle: amonff makes me think yoare; f ailitsg is them was a delegation from Concord. wu. Huj a nrjc wuimu c The race hag beeQ poatponed to you coum nom me on your finee,Ior Qexfc Tuesday three hours, now you cannot hold - . - : the baby in ybiir lap three minutes;" 1J;fr an Ens1,,e -Exchange. , . ' Charlotte News : A cBldredtf alb THia (didn't Happen in Cdncord, 1 hand, while coupling a bdi ;car ! to it it comes uncomfortably close to the switch engine, in the 'passenger yard of the Southern, this afternoon! ieu in 7 rone or tne engine ana was run over. He fell between the rails UKi HisIGARE a eew w.uukc sens otca.rv iafc w ii i w .Mil- , T-TESi oris &a.' I SMEAMERICJIN TOBACCO C0.x;.rr';j hif" DURHAM, N.C. U.S.A. MADE FROM Hisfi Grade Toei&sso 'AKD ABSOLUTELY PURS but it comes uncomfortably well, we must not uss names, DIRECTORS : ; . J. M. Odell, I). F. Cannon Elam King, J. W. Cannon, I K. Odell, W. H. Lilly,; 1). B COLTRANE. FIRE INSURANCE. Sir Thles' Marriage. 1 4 When in need of Fire Insurance. callund see us, or write. W e repre sent only hrst-class Home and x or- eign companies- Kespectiully, . Woodhouse & Harris. Charlotte Observer: The marriage of Miss Kettie MNinch. and t Mr. Oscar ThieSj.son of Capt. Thies, of the Haile gold-mine, will take place November 7th, the ceremony to take place at the residence of the bride's mother, on North Poplar street. The marriage is to be very private. There will be no' attendants Mrs. Fletcher, of Monroe, and Mrs. Fan-1, is a great deal better to,day and her Tbe Bick Improving: Miss Nanoie Cannon, after a long and 8evefespell of sickness, is able to sit up and walk about the house, This is glad news to her many friends. Mr . W Cr Mean s is greatly im. proved to-day, aUhough it'may be some time before he will1 be able to be out, Miss Mollie Swinkt who: has fever, nie Goodson, of Concord, will be here to attend the marriage. JXo morpnlne'br opium In Dr.Miles Pais ills Cube All Fa; One cent a dose." condition is riot so Manning, Mrs; S S Bowden, of Ne w York is in the city for several days. and lay flat. The engine passed pyer him, bat he was not killed. He was only smashed and squeezed and bruised, but Dr. Gibbon found n broken bones. The darkey is at the hospital. I v,Be.T.,T J Ogburn is put in a;car3 in the 7Iethodist fPjotestant,J not . tq use "D. P.'Vin .connection with hlal name, as he has declined the' degree of Doctor of Divinity ""out of re? spct for the title and for - those who wear it worthily." . Professional Cards. 1 . M, ARGHE Y, M. I). .'. Physician and Surgeon. Concord, N. C. OFFICE: ST, CLOUD ANNEX. JNO.R.ERWIK. C A 'MISENHEIMER Eil'WlN & MlSENHEIMEli Physicians and Surgeons Office No. 3. Harty buildiusr, op, posite . 2nd Presby terin church. Charlotte, U- - - ATTOENEY AT LAV, CONCORD, N. C. Office' in Mbrris building, opposite Oohrf House. WAIT' 1 WAIT gSQ.'We wish to CONCORD i to the public Wait i - AND VICINITY BALTIiOT rl D A W. A THAT TSIJB B 'I- HOUSE IS COM Ve have taken up quarters in!ttie i vacant store roonir opposite the National Bank building, of Concord, known as the iStreetr Coririer Main ancl Dep6t " where we will open on or about OVEMBEli 1st, 1895, with an extensive line Of . , , ; 'onanni very : fine and . -med t t-i-J -otVia mannfactured bv 'HAMBURGER, -STItAUS.'.SGHLOSS ?e publico! Concord and wnSunding cimmun.ty-at TWENTY-FiVK 'PERCENT, !,; tban-tbeanuf fewr bpeninIIeU jou an all wool "sott 'frbm .$4JiO to $15 that would oostoa- elsewhere from ' GENTS' ;FUR!N ISHINGS . HATS, AND SHOES m. BROS., and other sach' fine ' clothing makers. This clothing-we will offer acturers' prices reople,- wno yame .lueifwuucjf, i51 8.50 to:$25. Amongat our other lines we will handle the choicest line of . that was ever seen on the counters in' Concord. 5- WATT FOR. OUll OPENIISG, NOVEMBER 1, 1893. E-espectf iilly ; your si HAPPIRIO, CON COP D, N. C. P. S. we will alo handle a Jiiia of all kinds and Suns and rifles,-re peatmg and single. XT

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