COHCORl), N. C, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1895. Vol Whoiib NO. 1.335 XL-No. 153. Visited all the Townsnipg-TTalked Fly Miles to Pay ller Taxes. DURRANT FOUND GUILTY. I Sheriff J ohn A Sims WOUCd Up! Dramatic RcenQ Between Himself 1118 tax COliecUQSr tonra on WWlnpa- na noiner as lie Verdict O w m j V VMI- VW day, October 30, and. speaks as if highly pleased with the success he had. The sheriff Bflva as an p.virlpnna of general good feeling and pros every pouy; nas more money is An nounced. Sak Francisco, Noy. 1. Theo dore -Durrant murdered Blanche La mont. That was the yerdict of the j ury in the case this afternoon. The FOOLING OVER A MATTER. ppofessi6nal Cards. A. Toang SSan Gets In Jail for Forg ing a Check on a Bet. this year and are in better. condition lury,W88 ont 28; minntea. When than formerly and that the country" SILVERWARE ! Elegant Bridal presents and, fcrlthdav presents in Sterling and Hate. ONYX TABLES AND LAMPS "Five o'clock teaket tles Lock Bracelets, Diamond -Rin Watches and Jewelry. Call to see us and we will1 show yea the most complete lines of these goods that have crer heen carried in Concord, and they are cheap. word' came into the court-room that well as tollmen, are hap r6;""01' waa rf dy Dnrrnt niftr and' mora Wnfflnt iWhn in ucomu 1110 uueei uuaveraiug. whq No. 10 township last Wednesday' says the sheriff, "a very striking , in eident occurred; It was the prompt npsa nf a nnlnrp; urnmfln , cn - , , gaity ana a look of dread came, to 60 years of age, who walked u. his mother and several of her lady f riend8. As, soon as Mrs. Durrant learned thatthe jury was coming in, her demeanor changed' from one of . J. & J. F. Ifllt. Si National hi COKCORD) N. C, j,M. Odell,. President, D,B. Ccltranb, Cashier. i D. Coltrane, Assistant Cashier fite miles, to and: from the place I was, to pay ner taxes. An occurs rence of this kind in th;8 day and time is singular indeedj for it ia sel dom, if ever, anyone walks that far to pay a-debt; This aged- colored woman deserves worthy mention for her promptness and her custom, as she does the same thing every year. In another column he makes a call that all, in arrears, would do Well to: heedf He proposes to carry out the: law. 1 .MUEGHEYM.D. Physician and Surgeoy. Concord, N. C. Morgan ton Herald: A young: man giving his name as Char ly Reynolds, from Lincolnton, who came to Moi- ganton several weeks ago,: on last Thursday.stopped into the store of OFFICE : ST, CLODD ANNEX. T JK Mnll Xr. Cn noftf fit a Annt : w.p vw xw, , iMA.Tj. TjnnrtM n a uric nvtrT -sff-r.- and became engaged in a conversa I tion with :Mr Lee Mull. During ERW1N & MISENHEIMEB.. Physicians and Surgeons" MORRISON. H. OALDWEL Capital, Surplus, $50,000 $16,000 Woman Arrested for Peddling Tfith- , - ' . - - ont License. For; the past several: months the conversation he bet Mr. Mull a inn t , . Office-No. 3. Harty buildup, op on the Piedmont Bank in the name posite 2nd Presbyterian church. of U B Mull & Co., present it and j Uliarlotte, N C get the money on it, Mr, Mull took the bet and gave Reynolds a blank cneck. Reynolds drew tne cneck attorney, at law, for $18.50, went to the bank and got CONCORD; N. O. the money, on it. He carried the j Office in Morris building, opposite money oacE, onerea it to Jiir juuu i uourt House. and claimed his : dollar. Mr. Mull refused to accept the amount of :the check and notified the bank that the !check bad been foreed' The - St. Andrews : Lutheran eburcfc , officers of the bank had Reynolds jCannoyiller-Rev. H. A. McCu lou3h arrested on the charge of forgery, Wstor,; Sunday School at C 30 a. and after remaining in jail several Rv ery Sunday. Preaching every for the words he was to utter rose days be was tried last Tuesday be, BiU-UJ- and uttered a veil which echoed far fore Esquire RM Cobb and bound 4th Sundays at 3:30 p. m.v ' . pnd ttered a Wcnecnoea f ar H . . f ,, Baptist Church-Rev. J- O. Aidern puvm me comuora. mm. oi ier-; . .:r . . V man, pastor, services every Sabbath ; n the audience were, women. The Penor Court. Failing to give bond m;&nd im m. Sunday face of; the accused's mother was "0 Ja"' AW school every Sunday at 9:45 a. m. kverted'as she had her red herself or "?m lce eviaence n tne case tnay Lprayer meeting every Saturday tnere was no intention on me part - jght at 7:0o o'clock. Public corn ner race wnica was not renectea in that of her son. He atocially watched : the v jury men as they took their seats aa? if ito get from their features the import! of the verdict which their early return; portended. ; ' When Foreman Dutton pronounc ed the verdict of: guilty of; murder in the first degree the large audience which had. listened in perfect silence CHURCH DIRECTORY. DIRECTORS ; par. theordeal; but though possessed of w?" J T (n?gnt at 7:00 c ties livinsr around the factories in J mftrvfiloua nonrafrA a crv burst from . ' - r.; j pially invited. this city have been complaining of I her: lips, followed by an J. M. Odell, Elam King. J. W. Cannon ft R. Odell, W. H, Lilly, IV B Coltrane. FIRE INSURANCE. D. F. Caniton. being annoyed' by peddlers, and the buret of sobs. hvsterical B ' a unforfcunate; the j AjisaintsEpiscopaf church -Rev J. ? fellow iu gettinJnto sucH a muddle. . c. Dayis, rector. Morning service matter was laid before the authori- j Aa-: he listened ' intently to, the weatner Report for the Month or oc ties. Friday morning Sheriff Sims words which sealed his fate,, Dur- toher, 1893. f was notified that a strange woman rant partially; rose fiom. his seat. The Standard thanks Dr Lud was peddling jewelry and .other ar- The look on his face was one of de wig, of 'Mt. Pleasant for the fOllow tides over the city and upon inves pance and it was apparent, that-he ing report : ligation he found her at Forest had it in mind to address the jury. Highest temperature 81 on the Hill, and she having no license, ar I The : first cry from? his. mother 6th,and 7th. her. He had considerable I changedhis mind, if - he had such I Lowest temperature 29?, on the I cor(jjaiiy jnvft Epworth League trouble in making her understand intention. He sat down, turned to 21st. . meeting. at 7 p. m, - that she was required to have license ills mother and took her fondly in Warmest day, aytrage tempera- St. Jameis Lutheran church-tley, furnished her . by; the state and his arms. She rested her head on ture, 66?, the 7th. ' M, G. Gh Scherr,-pastor." r vices bounty before she could be allowed I his Bhoulder . and with his. left, arm Coldest day, average temperature every Lord's Day at 11 o'clock a. m . ' When in heed of Fire Insurance, call end see us. or write. Vve repre sent ODly first-class Home and For- rrested fign companies. Respectfully, "Woodhoxjse & Harris., Tax Noticed. t -fl;f toWr,hin in to peddle her stuff, but with the aid about: her Blender- form he ? held . her 44, the 31st. the couutj after due notice of time ot Mr. John Earnhardt, a young in.a tender, embrace, with his right Greatest range 41 on 2nd and'23. and place, tor the purpose of coK carpenter of the city, he succeeded bandstroking her hair. He seemed lectmg taxes as the Uw requires. I uaAf.. 4l 19 . , ... . - , . . . will be in my office hereafter, and I in bringing the woman and her oblivious to the. fact that a verdict respectfully urge the; tax payers to 33 down towrr. After reaching which meant death to him had.been wuio 1U1 V ill U HUH l'Jr IIUOU is the law comnela me- to) collei earlier than has heretofore been res to understand that she would have I cept the - weeping; woman, who Had .L??h!tffl to produceSlOfor license,, forfeit sat patiently bT his. side through the 11, 18, 21, 22 and 29. vember 15th begin to- lavy and hereoods orrgo: to jaiK The; woman long trial; cheering, him-with words Ice formed on 1, 10, 11,, 21 -imuw pruperi-y luriuutixux. Be n0 m0ney, and of nopet, ' Ji' nis, aispiay, was 01 ana zy. froods were the- nroDertv of 1 nerve, it wasi; marvelous, and; it of There were 19 clear, another and went to jail rather than callousness to any but filial sensa- cloudy days. . 'give" them up. She is a native tions, it was equally maryelous,. Rain, fell on 7 days, to wit: on 7j Syrian and gave her name as Mary Dnrranttakes the yerdict coolly 8, 11, 25, 27, 30 and 31sfc.. w siia Tiftila frnm nhftflotte: andlsavs he has not vet lost hope. Total rainfall for month 1,35 WUHlllt 9 . r " 1,1 7- I(4 and has often been.seen ih the, cityj His attorney will appeal to ; the Su- usually in company with a. man. jpreme Court. V Durrant; will be sentenced, next Frid ay;, and: the. time then fixed for service at 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prayers Wednea ldayat4p. m. : ; : , , .Forest ;HillI church, South Rev. M. A. Smith, pastor. . Prciching at: 11 a. xfl, and 7:3Q p.m.. Sun Jay school aJL5:45 a; in.; grayer. meetiD?: : every Saturday at 7;30 p. m; The p ublic Average temperature f or month 56. . I First frost, lighH on 1st. First'frost, killing, on 2nd.' Frost occurred on the 1, 2; 3, 10, Very Resoectfully. JOHN, A. SIMS, tewdl. Sheriff! HI --atrei inches of which 1.04 inches fell on 30th and 31st. f RAINFALL FOR THE YEAR. The Discovery ftaved His JLlfe; Mr. G Caillouette, druggist, th murder of Mmnie Williams. Berversville, IU-, saysi "xo jyrr i: r For over Fifty Year s. King's New Discovery I owe my I Mrs. Winslow's Sooth;ng Syrup, has life, Was taken with La Grippe been .used for over fifty years by Tanuary February March April May June and tried all the physicians, for millions of mothers for their children July miles about, but of no avail and was t teethmer, with perfect success. August given up and told I could not live. it soothes the childr softens the September iTfTT?r Tii. Tin? s New Uiscoverv - n . : 1 lCtooer 4-..t o " 1 gums, allays an- pain, t'urea wiuu in my store I sent for a bottle and coli(;t and! is the best remedyfor began its use ana irom uui nrBuuyB Diarrhoea It will relieve the poor hpcan to cet better, ana auer using - C3 - and 7:30 p m. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday at 7:50 p. in. Bay's Chapel, Methodist Church Rev. J;R. Moose, pastor. Sen ices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at90 a m, First, Presbyterian church Rev. W C Alexander,. Pastor, Preach ing every Sunday at 11 a m., and 7:30 p m. Sunday school at 4 o'clock p mf Prayermeeting every Wed- fair, and 8 nesday night at 7:45 Central Methodist Church Rev. R, H. Parker, pastor. Services at 11 a. in and 7:30 p m Sunday school a 9:30 o'clock, a m. Epworth League meeting at 650 p. m. Trinity Reformed church Rey. B Frank Davis, pastor. Sunday schooL at'. 10 a, m., and preachmg at 11 a. m., every first. and third Sun day. And Sunday school at 3 p. m., and preaching at 4 p. in., every second and fourth Sunday. Y. P. S. C. E. meeting every Sunday evening at 7:30 p m. All are ccrdialb nyited. V 6,74 2.25 5; 82 633 2.93; 5.00 4.12 4.97 1.79 1,35 MADE FROM three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its "weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial bot tle at Fetzer's Drug store. Cnre for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of little sufferer immediately. Sold by headache Electric Bitters has ASH 'Hi St, ft rnom rAvh tn Drsvp l crcupied by Sims & Alex i :-y.. tMJ9.9-7.pi with Pceso.iion gien l3t Apply to -J. Doyi. 1 Q r Hobo, The Universal Testomlny Charlotte never takes bold cf any thing but what they make a success & of it ThomesviUe News. The new court house-is not, in cite and the Auditorium made no big nioney for the stockholders. But Charlotte is the town of Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a "bottle Be sure and ask, for ''Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syr up," and take no other kind.5 ' mw?&w 82395 the -a j Examinations . and Consultations Iosltively Free, Fourteen "years experience in tba treatment ox Cancers, Piles and Chronic Bores. Any case taken. A euro guarjanteed or no pay. Offioa House; office hours from Old lip., Odc M. proved to be the very best. It af fects a permanent cure and tgo most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield Ito itsinfluence. We urge all who are affiibted to procure a"' bot tle, and give this reiredy n fair trial In cases of habitual constipation Electiic Bitters cures by giving tho needed tone to the bpweb, and few cases ?C2 resist tho use of tlus medicine. Ty it onca. Fifty cenis reaidencea - 1 Dynamo Signals. " Engineer Loman request ua to puolish the signal calls in order that no one will be alarmed when blows his whistle : r , Five blaata eignifies that the water tanks heed attention. Four blasts is for the electrician to look after the street ligl-'s v-jraci thing-wrong. T ' Three bhta cull a assisti no? at dyuauio, - ; Two blasts is the er; :ftr?s answer to the fire hell. : One lone. blast means for - 7? ro f- -fumifih'''.. Hv at Morris 8 a. 111. to 10 p and '21.00 at I' otzer s drug store. Mr. 7 F Jacobs, of Rich need. is in tha city. ligbts; thatibe.'wili shutdown.. All of the abore mey b 1 information to many.: ( vy ir j i

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