I he Bali v S landar d 'fvai 6f vicee at Aliala' Ga- in, a BY JAMES P. COOK. ?FIGJS IN CASTOR BUILDING I'bs Standard is published every d r (Sviaday excepted) and d slivers Vs by carriers. - BATES OF SUBSCEIPTION One year. . . . ; . . ....... .84 0(T Six months..... 2 00 Thrss months.. A. 1 00 One month....... ........ ... So Single copy... 05 ADVERTISING RATES. Teraaa for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all'communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. CONCORD, NOV. 1, 1895. BET1ER HOLD UP. Coat iy fairs doubtless are of great becefiu; to the couuties in which they ate iiei'I. .They stimulate the farm ers to improved methods in agricuN turej stock raising and fruit growing, arousir a healthy rivalry which vail -I ftlt in a few years in an itn proycuitiiS in tne numoer, quality and quantity of the county?s pro ducts. We would like to see a moye.- toenu on foot for a county fair for county. Monroe Journal. Cutarrna county has had lots fturs. Vhether thev did good Buffi- good ciover the josses of io divide uals a?ui the vrorry and trouble,is a mighty mixed question. Our fair Lc; b;cn abandoned because a few individuals haye grown tired of car- rjin its burdens. It has been bo with all fairs the post mortem has reyss.M th very time. We have discovered the kiss mi crobe and the microbe of old age; it only remains now to discover the bicycle rriorobe. stey foreyer. The negro babies born every duy could not be carried off in 1! the shrpg you could bring'to our rhore,,? faid a negro in 'the South ww wJ VVUHMVUVIUUKI VUUVltlUU. A reporter for the New York World disguised himeelf as a negro recently, and 'applied at all the lead ing hotels in the city for accomoda tions. All of them were full. It fecms that social equality is as far ao:n lei a fact North as South. The fact that microbes lurk in paper money is not the only reason that some men have so little of it. A man who sits around boasts of ancssters makes a mighty poor ancestor himE2lf. " A po iceman may be always on the beat while on duty and yet be perfectly honest. The old maid who goes to Heaven gets a man-shun in the sky, A good place for militia to drill would be it? a stone quarry. November 6 th has been set apart at the Atlanta Fair for a demonstrai Hon for Cuban independence. Gov. &&tthsw2, of Indiana, has been in vUsd to Bpeau on this subject and Fill doubtless be present. tabernacle, seating 7,000 people. which has just been built for them. The four mules that the Dake of Marlborough bought in Kentucky were white mules, which he will driye fourin-haLd, ' The quartet cost him $1,200. A Good Indication. Charlotte Observer : If the pat ronage of excursions and circuses and the attendance upon schools afford any test of the financial con dition of a people, surely ours ar -not as poor as some would have us believe. There were never as many excursions run in North Carolina in any preyious season as were last summer and nearly all were largely patronized. The circuses in the State this fall have 'drawn great crowds and the schools never opened with as many pupils on their rolls. People will give up money for pleasure which thej will not sur render for more, important things, and the school attendance is, we believe, accounted the best guage of the prosperity of a people. Judged i by this standard and leaving the others out. of consideration, North Carolina was never so prosperous before. JSB Bncklen's Arnicu nlve. The Best Salve in tka world for Cuts, Bruisf.6, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Seres, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requied. It U guaranteed to give satisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box, For sale at RB Fetzer's Drug 8 tore. agreement with President Hayes not to prosecute the dishonest Republi can State officials; white and black, on condition t r at South; Carolina citizens, imprisoned at Albany and elsewhere for viola .on of the Fed eral election lws, shoud be pardon ed. G. D. Tillman was a party to the agreement and ho stated that it was faithfully carried out by both FfiMIIIWIIM! li,,IW, ' ' ' NOT A SICK DAY fop Over Thirty Years! EESTJLT OF USHfG AYE R ' S P i L LIS "Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty years have kept' me in good health, lever having, had a sick day in all that time. Before I was twenty I suffered almost continually as a result of con stipation from dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, or boi:3 and otner eruptive diseases. "When I became convinced T H E ipl If Large profits no longer come frpm inerchaud 50 to 100 per cent, on a creau ot irom one year . n 1 -I 1 , KfJ JLJJ J - -- -rt.J J CiU- i "k only four out of every hundred credit merchants gva y ise sold at ceed. We prefer 20 per cent, cash to a strncr chances against us. ever iltp' mm An Organized Oitiicr of Tbieves. Ha leiqh, N. O., Nov. 1. A day or two ago a quantity of corn was stolen from a mill in Orange county and pursuit of the thieves was made. This has resulted in the startling discovery that Jaryis Williamson, a white man of that county, who posed a3 an earnest church member, was the head of an organized gang of thieves, the operation, of which he had conducted for fifteen years. All the other members of the gang are negroes, and Williamson and Beren of them are in jail at iiillsboio. iA btate Convention Kext April. WitfSiON, N. C , Nov: 1. One of the best informed men in the State whcTis out of politics, caid to the Associated Press correspendent to day that the silver men in North Carolina are now planning to hold township and county conventions alibverthe State, either the latter part of November or the first of December. Delegates will then bo appointed to a State convention which will not be held earlier than next April. Tho purpose of the siN mer men is to organize a new party with no plank in it but free silver at a ratio of 16 to 1. that nine-tenths of my troubles were caused by constipation, 1 began the use of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac tory results, never having a single attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife, who had been an Invalid for years, also began to use Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. With my children I had no ticed that nearly all their ailments were preceded by constipation, and I soon had the pleasure of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, if taken in season, avert all danger of sickness."-!!. Wkttstein, Byron, 111. If! Highest Hor.ors at World's Fair, fcxer'ft Sar3sp2ri!la Strengthens the Systea. The Baltimore Sun gives $500 to the newspaper fund to rebuild the rotcnla of the University of Vir mk vhich Mr. J II Lindsey, edi tor of the Charlottesville Pr ogres?, haj opened in his paper. ". Eviajelist Dwight L Moody will soon begin a noteworthy series of What to Read. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette ; Read history. It i3 the story of the progress of human life. It teaches by example and stimulates to en deavor. Read poetry. It enriches the mind with ideals that may become real. Read romance. The example of its heroes are an exaltation, and tend to the formation of a noble ch&raci ter. . ' . v : Read the Bible. It gives promise of the future and strengthens the soul. TASTELEil IP iy 1 I I T- rY y f'5 'v Like a Historical Society. Columbia, S. C., Koy, 1. The sesseioa of the the Constitional Con vention today was like a meeting ef an historical society, Nearly all the old records of negro government were threshed oyer. One interesting feature was brought oat in the dis cussing of politicsLfiffairs in 1876 when the Dsmocrata got possession of the State, It was that prominent State officials had entersd into an ISJUSTASCGOD FORADULT3. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts. , ' GALATIA.ItLS., NOV. lC, 1893. Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: Wo sold last year, 600 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have bought three gross already this year. In all our ex perience of 14 years, in the drug business, have never sold an article that gave such universal satis faction as your Tonic Yours truly, - ABNEY, CABB & OO- Por sale by all druggists, , TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Last Saturday we placed a lot of ginghams on Sae cents per yard and a lot of good towels that we snarm at 50 cents per dozen that sell regularly at 10 cent each TYiQfc-ttrl ih&m rftnt each. The crineham wi kp. 6 down and the towels -before we closed. When we COn t out our cash we had our money invested in these and 20 cent, profit ready to invest again Monday. Phis week we have on sale a lot of Seaside novels worth m cents ealh. We nave put four in a bundle and. sell 'tne l! for 5 cents, just li cent for 10 cent novels. ClothbonD0 novels at 15 cents! The Life of Jefferson Davis, hv u Dayis. Sold by subscription at $8.00 per set of 2 vols on price is $2,90. Kollins Ancient History m 4 vols for 2 J Creaseys Fifteen Battles on which tLe Civilization of the World Scanns. This is one of the" richest stories of history to be found, our price 15 cents. A lew of E P Ro.e's novelnt 65 cents. Washington Irvmg'e works, 6 vols for $2 45, The following two vols sets at 98 cents per set: Prescotts Conquest of Mexicd, Presscotts Conquest 4 PerUj complete works of Chorles Lamb, The Count of Monte Cristo, by Dumas, The Mysteries of Paris, by Eugene Sue, The Wondering Jew, by Eugene Sue, Teachers Oxford Bibles, $1 75; Teachers Oxford Bibles, J with patented index, 2 00; Large family Biqle, 81 98; Large family Bible, old and new translations in parallel columns for $2 98. Lace cut shelf paper at one -half cent per sheet, bargains in tablets and students note books, mucilage at 3 cents per bottle, ink the same, envelopes from 2 cents to 10 inch ones at 5 cents, two good rubber tipped leod xencils for 1 cent, slate pencils at 10' cents per pound, steel pens, including Eastbrooks, at 4 cents per dozen. . FRENCH AT FOUR CENTS PER BOX. Assorted carpet tacks at five cents per pound, The lar price is five cents for two dozen. regu FIVE CENT AETIGLES: Three tin cups; One coffee pot; One covered bucket; Onev half gallon cups, . LUNCH BASKETS, As administrator of ;D A Sides, deceased, and by virtue of a decree of th3 Superior Court, of Cabarrus county, in the case of A W Moose, administrator, against J A Rowland and others, I will sell at the court house door in Concord, to the high est bidder, on Monday, December 2nd, the house and lot in Mt. Pleass ant known as the MD A Sides prop erty" adjoining C G Heilig, Jesse Hathcock, Mrs. Alexander and others, containing about one an d a half acres. Thisfs one of the most desirable pieces of propertp of its kind in Mt Pleasant. Teems: One third cash, balance on twelve) interest from day of sale until paid, A. W. Moose, Administrator, By W M Smith, Attorney. Nov. 1st 1895. ' tds ' . TEN TO TWENTY CENTS. Sponges 3 cents; Remnants of Calico at 20 cents a lb. All wool flancel, . 15 cents per yard, .Canton flannel at 1h cents per yard. ' E M B R O I U E R"E I AT SBVENTYiFOUR CENTS PER YARD. One-half pint bottle of Bay Ram for 10 cents. Bargains in undershirts, all wool at 37 J ceats. Ladies vest 5 cents up. DS. BOSTIAN Pro prietor.