V. Arrival of Trains. from Richmond: arrives at 11:15 a. m. tio. ir Washirigtofl ." " 9:58 p. m. " Atlanta " " 7:22 p. m. .,, 11 Atlanta ' " 935 a.m. 37 " Atlanta ISlew hoik 0.51 a. in. 3 .1.1 ,inJ4 fvinrVit Uavoe of Trrt '9:00 p.m. 63 Southbound . . . ' 5;X5 P ...i.5 tt -jindia are the local trams between in- o.-,' d and Atlanta. Nos. 35 and36 are the -Nicnu;, . hetwpcn Atlanta anH WacViinrr- f .f i a 1 1 Liai"j " - , os.37and 38 are the Washington and ' thvvestern Vestibuled Limited trains and stop ?Concord en signal. ASK FOR ASSORTED ' CHOCOLATES IN SEALED PACKAGES at' Fetzer's Drug Store A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. I'ieKetl ITpjaud Pat in, Shape By Our H ustlins; Pencil Pusher. See Oorreire line of silverware. Mr. Pink Deal, of No. 5 township, i3 quite sick. - Good milch cow for sale. Apply to Mrs. C A Pitts. nl tf. Tdx weather report says : "Sunday hit; warmer Sunday evening. For rent drug store,. -room oyer Johnson's Apply to J B Sherrill. The Charlotte Observer's "Bo hemian" spent Friday in the city."-. You will find just lots of wedding and birthday presents at CorreU'e. The bleachery is no if running at night in order to catch up with work. Mr. James N Bell, who has been eick with fever for eeveral weeks, is slightly better today. Correll's have received a full and c mplete line of Bilverware. Mrs, W E Kindley,of Alt. Pleas ant, has returned from a visit to her - aghier, Mrs, L E Heilig of Salis bury. . , V Train 11, now due at 11:15, will, I commencinjr to-morrow, JNovemoer arriye at 10:27 a. m instead of i ' 1 J 'J . ' I - I The paper on yesterday was dated "Thursday, November 1," We got part right, Bat then this gives us a local. . Saliahnrv i t.n hv two more oir- iueea this fall. Main's hit? railroad shows and Spark's horse fhow are : a hr-.'Uli nor tViaf. rsaxr b MJ. . The opening winter Friday mght sociable was given Friday night to a number of young people at Capt. J H Alexander's. rr V . . .i J f Allison nas iusu gouen m I rHominv. Roll Pi Oats. Prunes, Maeamni-.-lrbr- fW.nW Olives, Pickles, etc., all fresh and nice, tf Merchants tosday enjoyed a splen did cash trade, although the inclem- nt weather was a draw back to the early morning trade. xv. , , . r.- RnU. :.u- .v,0f. iui ooara anmv to lure, xjk . ioor east of iail. Terms reasonable. - ---- ----- Cottnn io rrvon ft foar rn?rf.H f ndaV " .w.f J , "Uk :u,K.e" P"ce paiu, uciu . the receipts were also short today, there being only about fifty bales sold here ' . uaiy permanent uure i"i j. ... x-ii.---t.i--.- ri xi.. i in mi T- t -i i - n r ar v the faiftfni nSa of - v. r-w - - ail other treatment has failed to re eve the sufferer. ' Rail Heal Mills Snuff f6r sale, wholesale and retail by J p Allison. It would be wll for thoas who hve flowers and rare plants that they wish to preserve to take good care of them from now on. A freeze is predicted for tonight. D M Walker pays the highest market prices for all kind of country produce, cash or barter. Don t forget the place opposite D 0 Furr's at Forest Hill. tf. Every dwelling f any conse quence, as far as we know, is occu pied. If there be any, it ought to be made known. There are en quiries eyery day for houses. The earth's vibrations onThure day morning last were felt all over the country. Dr. D G Caldwell and other early risers felt the shock. It occurred about 6:30 o'clock in the morning. When a desirable location can be secured, Mr. Charles A Drv vnll build him a handsome residfinn. He cannot rent a house, as there are none in tne city but that are oc cupied. v Mr. John M Wineceff, son of Mrs. Hettie Winecoff, who lives on South Main street is on a visit to his mothei. He will spend several months here before returning to his home in Morganton. A cough which persists day after day, should not be neglected any longer. It means something more than a mere local irritation, and the sooner it is relieved the better. Take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It is prompt to act and sare to cure. A traveling man, well known to business men of the city, became ssmewhat boisterous at the depot to day and used some very unbecoming language in the presence of several ladies. The police would have at tended to him, but he was busily en gaged with another. There came near being a scene at the deflot to-day vr hen Chief of Po lice Boger nabbed H F Yow for non payment of taxes. Yow produced the money, but wanted to whip the policeman. " He was drinking and had early in the day been feeling himself very much at the Odell fac tones. The greftt to Ue 8nd pr0 ni.t. ami w n wn n n rrr . TT pel wj ay it tUXCOUlU.Xi.uux u a uuannj gems to be considered a matter of trifling importance by many people who carelessly leaye their teams in the streets. The wonder is that more damaSe ia nofc don9 fr0m the frequency, of such occurences, which . . are Pracuc8Q every ay. Frnm Three Cowl. nTt j jg Faggart, of Rimer's, this county, settled today with a Concord merchant for. butter furnished him for the past seven months, which Tifittftd the farmer iust $73. 84, This , . . - Us the proauct 01 enree cows, m sides the $73.84 derived from sales the butter used by Mr. Faggart's own iamiJy must oe aaaea io u, which woald make the amount of butter produced in sevgn. months exceed $80, valuing what he used at the price he received for what was marketed. He averaged $w per i . xx i. o ooi moninon DUer aiuuu, ux mobth per head. ; . . i to linn ana I i1.; 'fr h 1 1 ;1 K trnin to-daV, I JV1U VV ww J browns ommuua ww xuv w Utmost capacity with passengers and luggage. 'It left the hotel a little hhind time and was to make a call at the home of Mr. H I Woodhouse. , , , , w a?,0iv in OaCKinK uu w vuoo-v tongue popped m two. The passen gm.tad only a few minutes to mate mith thPir liicroracrn in making the trip m plenty time, Several ladies were m tue dus. .... . - . THE RUSH OF HDMANITY. People Who Travel, as" Seen by Our : Reporter.'. M r. R A B rown wen t to Bes semer City today, Mrs. Jam e8 Eadleman has re turned from Atlanta. Attorney M H Caldwell went up to Statesville Friday night; " Prof. 0 L T Fisher, of Mt. Pleasant, spent the day here. Dr. John F Heed arrived in the city this morning from New York, Drummer AI B Hartsell-is in the city. He, will spend Sunday here, ' Miss Fannie Duncan has gone to Charlotte to spend Sunday with relatives. Mr. George A Holdenness, of Tarboro, is registered at the St. Oloud. Engineer Robert, once of the Southern, arrived in the city today from Danville. Mr. Dan F Summery returned o Charlotte today, after spending a week in the citj. j Mr. and Mr3. Frank L Bobbins will arrive on the vestibule tonight from Jacksonville, Fla. ! Mr. C H Wilmouth, of Char otte, is in the city. He represents Ludden & Bates' Music House. Mrs. Dr. D D Johnson returned today from .Mt. Pleasant, where she ha3 been visiting for several days. Dr. A H Dreher passed through the city to-day from Mt. Pleasant; en route to the Atlanta Exposition. Miss Lila and Mary Stafford, of Harrisburg, spent yssterday and last night in the city with the - Misses Sims. Tira "Rlla Wnlfftr arrived homft this morning from Mount Amoena Seminary to spend Sunday with her parents. Mrs. K E Eidenhour and child returned today from Lexington and Greensboro, where theyhave been yisiting. Esquire J C H Burkhead and daughter, Mis3 Annie, left today for ayisitto Mr. Johri Graham's, in Rowan county. Miss Constance Cline, accom panied by her clasa-mate, Miss Ad die Jenny, came up yesterday after noon from Mount Araoena Seminary to spend Sunday at Miss Cline's home. Mrs, H M Barrow and children left today fer a few days visit to friends at King's Mountain. Mr Barrow will follow tHem later, when the family will go to the Exposition in Atlanta, $25 Reward For any case of Itch or Eozema that I can not cure. Come at once and get well. No cure no pay. Old Dr. Odam, Morris House, Concord, N. 0. P. S. Itch cured in five days. Green Weddington, the negro con t who waa transferred from the . - to tne coanty home about a f, flP-Q. . died this fSaturdav) ' - , . ax t.hfi 1ftt.tftr hlaaft. 1 l V-noca 0 c. a jm Scried for Castoria. when she became Miss, shechmg to castorfa. wfeeu she had CMi3ren,6he gave them castorfa. -mtm . . contractors and BalWers, Atienuoni - The G W Patterson fmannfactur- , ng oompany haTe a contract for the .. . .. i.... i-.i.i mim. iCU iJiuo and see plan8j etc G. W. Patterson, 3t Treasurer. m g Dye Finish 8 and Quality ! The most important is DYE AND FINISH. Meteor Serge, 35 inches wide, wool both ways, 25c per yard. French Serge, 45 inches wide, wool both ways, 40c per yard; Worth 50c. French Henrietta, 45 inches wide, wool both ways, 50c; worth 65c. Black Faille Frartcaise Silk, W wvj AiiuiicB wiue, ooc; worm $1.00. Another lot of BOUCLESI-- in black, 50 Inches wide, $1.00 per yard, worth 1.35. They are shaggy got the curl up to date. f : IMPOKTED PLAIDS, bilk and Wool, 38 inches wide, worth 75c our price 60c. See our patent 25 and 35 cents per pair. Fits like kid. Don't come too late. We are selling. CANNONS & FETZER THE COMING : WOMAN If the fashion plates are to be believed, will wear black, and there never was such a demand f or , BLACK DRESS GOODS to the exclusion of all col ored fabrics. Nothing adds more to the beauty and dignity of a woman's appearance than a fine black gown, which is alike economical and ultra fash ionable. We have - just gotten in our black and -navy blues bought when the prices were low can sell you 75 cent Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 inches wide Can sell you a $1 godds 50 inches wide for 75c, Our stock of Black Creapones are the latest production. We ask all Ladies to see our dress goods before buying else where. Do you want to prettiest line of see the LADIE'S SHOES ever shown in Concord Then come and see us and be convinced. Our No. 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty r ... ht. tvtii a, Ur L O. l neeuio uaio Toe prettiestlseoe on thenar ket. Our No, 69 Pointed Razor Toe the most stylish yet: Our JN o. 70 Jttouna Toe a grand seller, all at low figures. UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Our city trade "Leader" pure Linen Bossom extra heavy muslin double front and bacK, patent continu ous facings on back and sleeyes, custom cut and v 4- 4- V y-i In f iAn r-P Ftfr Finger Tipped . Ipr .'-How, U.V tllO 1UW J1XVC Ul JJJ, i Gibson '& Morrison.! LOWE & SOW. Down Goes The Price Stock must be moved, and the time is getting short, only ' v 60 DAYS left to clean out in and there and there is lots of stuff to be sold. We can't name price in the papers on all of our stock, but- here is what we will do on the balance of our 1 WE all. reduced to 75 cents. This will include eyery thing in the house in Kid Gloves. We have been selling them for 1.10, $1.25 arid $1.50. We have 75 that must be sold. New Styles and handsome goods. The prices are right. No one will touch us on prices," -BLANK Cheaper than you 1 x3&4i have ever seen them. We are offering the . low est price on SHOE S you everj heard of. good many thousand doL lars worth that must go Everything is cheaper liere thaji you. have ever seen it. LOWE & SON. STOCK GAPES. TS -. . t ; .JS . - "'i it L :! ! v.- ! 1 V

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